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Old March 27th, 2017, 06:14 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by starfall View Post

(Yes it is but ember doesn't work that way, you'll see in a moment.)
The orange molly flicked her tail and crouched, her honey hues danced with amusement "Crouch down and make sure you're upwind so it doesn't smell you." she stated softly, her voice barely above a whisper. The she cat pressed her body against the ground, the grass tickling her stomach as she did so. She twitched her nose and looked over at Dovepaw "Now, we normally hunt them by chasing them, we are considered the fastest cats of all clans. But I am going to teach you a different way than normal." she stated "Slowly begin to crawl forward and once you get close enough, without scaring it away, you leap and aim for its neck, try and give it a quick and painless death. Understood? Now go." she stated, not waiting for the Tom to answer before she gently nudged him forward.
Doing as she said, Dovepaw crouched down as low as his limbs would allow. Feeling the wind blowing on to the side of him, he circled around until he could scent the rabbit but it ccouldn't scent him. He put one paw in front of the other, slowly making progress. When he was within 2 tail lengths of the rabbit, he pounced. When he went up in the air, everything went in slow motion. He saw the rabbit noticing him, and the ground where he would land. He saw his mentor looking on, and most of all... Ooof! Dovepaw slammed into the ground. He glimpsed the rabbit running away, and with his remaining strength he chased after the rabbit. After about 3 seconds the rabbit was dead and in his jaws.
I-I caught it! I caught it! He was overjoyed at the prospect of catching his prey. My first price of prey! I can't wait to drop it on the fresh-kill pile! Paws jumping with excitement, he bolted back to his mentor. "How'd I do?" His mind was only half thinking about talking to Emberdust, but the other part was thinking about future hunting trips. I'm going to be the best warrior in the clans!
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