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Old March 18th, 2017, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Training Plateu

Originally Posted by NoireRose View Post

The grey apprentice looked down solemnly. With his good paw, he stretched his claws and begin clawing at the dirt. His ears flickered towards Asterpaw as he took in what she was saying. He didn’t reply for a while, wondering the same thing. Alabasterpaw probably did have a reason to hate him. He hated her as well. But he didn’t hate her enough to brutally hurt her--to brutally kill her. He just wasn’t the type of cat. And, as he came to an understanding, he slowly unwrapped himself from Asterpaw and took a few steps away, his ears flattening. From the corners of his eye he glanced back at her, mustering the best smirk he loved. ‘’Eh, she can do her best. She’s not the first cat that wants to hurt me...send me to an early grave.’’

Azulpaw recounted how earlier Asterpaw constantly threatened to hurt him over her darling angelic sister. He remembered when Bluepaw attacked him, almost killing him from lost of breath...and now Alabasterpaw, who just attacked him for the attention. Was it all for Asterpaw’s attention? Or was there some pint up anger lying within her? Whatever it was, Azulpaw was surprised that Starclan stayed with him, helping endure that pain. Since he limping came back, he tried his best to hide it. Alabasterpaw’s attack was the catch of the day! He probably would have the limp for a few days now instead of one. ‘’I don’t know what’s so grand about aiming for me. I mean...first you, then Bluepaw, and now Alabasterpaw? Granted, you didn’t attack me, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. It’s an honour to be a target!’’ He said, his voice laced with sarcasm. Well, one thing was for certain. His old self was returning. And, he sent her charming smile. That pompous jerk the the blue she-cat seem to adore.

At her next words, he wished he could roll over laughing. Did she seriously just say that? As he turned to walk back towards her, putting pressure onto his hurting side. He sat down, panting a bit. ‘’I don’t ask for much attention; I’m not needy, you know.’’ He said, softly, then snickered. ‘’Oh, yes I would love to seek Alabasterpaw’s attention, but I might kill myself before I even give a second glance her way.’’ His voice held a tint of playfulness, but he truly couldn’t stand that she-devil of a cat. He didn’t see how Bluepaw was ever attractive to her. Jealousy seem to have brought out the feline’s true intentions, and indeed they were horrible.

Again, the grey tom suppressed a purr, as he leaned his head to give her a quick nuzzle. The words she said next, were quiet, but it reached his ears in a quiet ring. He did hoped that they could be friends. Good friends. Best friends. But, there was always some sort of obstacle in the way. Bluepaw...Alabasterpaw…

Bluepaw could not believe any words that came from Alabasterpaw’s mouth. He turned away slightly from her, thinking less of her. At her words, he growled, showing his own fangs. ‘’You’re wasting your time thinking I would EVER want to hear your voice again.’’ But at her next words, his ears perked. He stayed rooted to his spot, every color seem to drain from his fur. Had she really came this entire way to tell him Asterpaw had an accident?

‘’An accident?’’ Worried clouded over his eyes, ‘’What do you mean an accident? Why aren’t you checking on your dear sister!’’ He got up from his seat, glaring the white feline in the face. He was truly disgusted at her, and he wanted nothing to do with her. Trouble breathing? He wondered what happened, and he assumed Alabasterpaw had something to do with Asterpaw’s incident.

Bluepaw padded her way, slowly, crouching, and seeming ready to deliver a kill blow. ‘’If I find out you did ANYTHING...ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to hurt Asterpaw...I will chase you out of this clan.’’ He couldn’t possibly kill her. After all, he knew Asterpaw would still love her. She was that type of cat, but he was true to his word. Asterpaw became something special to him, and Alabasterpaw became something he loathed for his entire life to come.

His eyes clearly insulted the female before him, but he had nothing to say further to her. If he did, he might lose his temper and attack. He never wanted to attack a she-cat. It wasn’t his forte. Instead, he inhaled a deep breath and he ran to find Asterpaw to make sure she was alright. He kicked up dust, hoping it had ruined the white feline’s perfection.

Bluepaw followed a faint scent of pine needles and flowers. A scent he’s grown to love. His paws moved fast under him, and once he saw a grey tom and a blue she-cat near each other, envy made itself known. He stopped for a bit, analyzing their interactions. They were talking...that was okay.

But, about who?

About what?

When he saw his grey friend lean into the female, giving her a nuzzle. Bluepaw’s eyes slitted into mere nothingness. He ran towards Azulpaw, knocking him to his side.

Azulpaw let out a yowl, then growled. His vision was blurry, and it took him a few moments to know who it was...this time. ‘’Oh, for goodness gracious!’’ He exclaimed to the sky. ‘’Just put me out my misery, why don’t you!’’

Bluepaw leaned down to Azulpaw’s ears, whispering. ‘’What did we talk about?’’ He brought up his head and turned to look at Asterpaw. He gave her a quick smile. Azulpaw was tired...he was out of energy. Bluepaw’s weight was too much on him, and stayed quiet for a long while. The pain was there, but it felt numb.

‘’Are you going to answer me?’’ The blue-eyed tom seethed, pressing further.

Azulpaw coughed a bit, and he turned the side of his head to look at Bluepaw. ‘’Do you see what you have become?’’ He trailed off, and his gaze softened at Asterpaw. ‘’She doesn’t like that way Bluepaw. You need to let this go before I get hurt more than I already him.’’ He knew it was a lie. He reached his breaking point where the only thing he could do is remain calm and collected. He hoped that Bluepaw would get some sense knocked into him, and things could go back to normal.

Bluepaw hopped off his friend, looking away. He knew somewhat of it was true, but hearing it made it clearer and louder. He didn’t want to hear it. If he didn’t hear it, then there was nothing to believe in the first place!

Azulpaw had no energy to get up, so he laid there for a while. The pain was there, but he didn’t feel most of it, which made him happy. He didn’t know why when so many times he’s been hurt. Why didn’t he seek vengeance? Revenge on both Bluepaw and Alabasterpaw? Why did he forgive both of them, and decided to move on with his life?

Azulpaw glanced once more at Asterpaw. Perhaps she was the reason why.

Asterpaw forced a smile, although she felt sick in the pit of her stomach. Sure, maybe there had been a few cats-- herself included, earlier that day-- who would have liked to hurt him, but Alabasterpaw would actually carry out her threats. She wasn't being sarcastic. This was the first time she had seen her sister actually try to torture another cat, and now she was wondering why. What had Azulpaw done to deserve that? Granted, he might be a jerk-- and as she had said earlier, maybe she liked pompous jerks-- but she wasn't quite sure yet. She would still have to figure these things out. "Huh. She can try-- I won't let her, though." Asterpaw's voice had a slight teasing note in it, but she was serious-- she wouldn't let him get hurt again. It was just part of who she was. Her sister had hurt someone and now she was fixing it...but not because she felt like she needed to, because she wanted to.
"You're just too irresistible. I could see you and Alli ending up together-- both jerks, both totally irresistible... what do you think?" Asterpaw asked, laying down and rolling over onto her side. At this moment, she felt better then she had in a long time. Alabasterpaw was nowhere around. Bluepaw wasn't here, trying to convince her that things could work out between them-- and perhaps someday they could, but Asterpaw knew that they were too young to truly understand the delicate balance of love. Just since this morning, it seemed alliances had changed-- Alabasterpaw was alone, she... was still trying to figure out who she was fighting for, but whoever it was, it seemed Bluepaw was on her side. And Azulpaw? She was still trying to figure that out as well.
"Good to know. Alright, I guess I can handle you." She looked him over as though getting ready to attack, getting to her paws with a smirk on her maw. But she was in no position to do that-- and she knew all too well that he wasn't in a position to be attacked. It would be too easy for him to get hurt, and the one thing Asterpaw didn't want to do? Hurt him. Hurt either of them, but she wasn't sure how she was going to be able to continue on like this. "Well yeah-- if she didn't kill you, you'd probably kill yourself. That's how they all end up-- dead." Asterpaw shrugged as though this were normal, rolling back over onto her side with a careless expression. It had taken a lot of effort to keep a straight face, but she guessed the look on his would be priceless. If he bought it, that was.
"You do know Asterpaw's just doing this to be nice. She doesn't like you, and she never will. She prefers your little friend...rude as he is." She snorted, unable to believe that the she cat would actually waste her time with Azulpaw. She wasn't going to get anywhere with him. And because she had failed at making friends with the tom, she imagined that it would be a waste of time for anyone else to try and do so. Beside that, she was beginning to grow bored-- if she could only get Bluepaw to trust her again, things would get much more interesting much more quickly. But it seemed he had a soft spot for Asterpaw, and Asterpaw alone. If she were to die her fur blue, make it extraordinarily short, and develop an attitude and a protective, kind nature-- then maybe Bluepaw would trust her again, but until then, she was wasting her own time here.
"Relax, I did. She's perfectly fine. Said for you not to worry-- she didn't want to 'hurt you' or something like that. Babbling utter nonsense, really. Though that's nothing new." Alabasterpaw shrugged again, stretching outwards, flexing her claws and yawning, exhausted from just being around the tom. It was taking all her energy not to just lash out at him and force him to be around her. Her charming nature would take over him again-- it was just a matter of time. The she cat's eyes widened in mock innocence. "Me? Darling, I live for my sister. Why would I do anything to hurt her?" She mewed, lying through her teeth. She knew Asterpaw wouldn't tell on her. She never would. Asterpaw took blame for everything-- ever since they were kits, though why, she had never known. And she probably never would. She watched him go, her blue hues slitted as she did so. Her darling sister would make sure that he knew she didn't feel the same way-- not wanting to 'hurt' him.
The blue she cat's eyes widened as Azulpaw was tackled and pinned once more. Seriously? She thought, annoyed. But panic set in before she could do anything. Bluepaw was crushing him. He was going to die. He was going to die, and she was going to have to watch because she couldn't move. And once she could, he was already off. She had barely heard the conversation, except for the injured tom's voice, calm and collected. "He's right, Bluepaw. I care about you a lot, but not in that way. And maybe someday things will change. But for right now, you can't keep hurting your friend like this." Asterpaw's voice was soft, and sounded almost as though she either had been or was about to cry. "Please." That one word was so quiet it was hard to hear, but she was thankful she had been able to manage it.
Slowly she approached Azulpaw, sitting down beside him and looking at him in the softest way she had yet. "What did I tell you? Irresistible." She mewed in a low voice, the teasing note obvious, although her expression contridicted her sarcasm. The tip of her tail flicked and she was dimly aware of Bluepaw still there. She didn't know what to do. Confliction seemed to be taking over her life, her mind... she honestly was confused about whether to stay here, and watch the blue tom to protect him from her sister who would most likely come back, ready to hurt him again, or go with Bluepaw and explain. She would have to make a decision-- and she guessed it wasn't just about this time. This was choosing who she wanted to stay with--
For good.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.