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Old March 10th, 2017, 08:51 PM
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the skeleton girl
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Default Re: 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘

Originally Posted by Rubinaito View Post
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This roleplay is the first one in a series of different roleplay's, each in the same world, but a different time. This roleplay covers the beginning of a long and gruesome battle, which will change the world as we know it.

As soon as this RP dies, I will create the second one.

A cool breeze sweeps over the fields of wheat, sending a chill down the spines of Farmers, despite the unbearable heat of Summer. An icy chill spreads through the world, as a young child is born into the world.

Earth, a place of technology and innovation, is not used to the concept of Magic. Even though our Myths and Legends cover the topic, we only see them as stories. We don't take them seriously enough...

However, Magic is beginning to enter our world in ways that we humans cannot comprehend. All because of the birth of a young child, that is destined to become a God of destruction and hate.

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-Yes, this takes place in the 21st Century. Specifically, the year 2024.
-Magic is a basic thing at the moment. It includes weak telekinesis, the ability to shapeshift into a single animal, communicating with animals, etc.; all of these are weak abilities, because the Magic in the world has not become strong enough.
-Your characters may develop powers over time, or wake up to find that all of a sudden, the cat can speak to you! It doesn't really matter, my only request is that these powers are new and unknown.
-Over-Powered characters are not allowed in this stage of development. Not even my character (the God of Destruction and Hate) will not be able to do much more than give a person a paper-cut (mainly due to young age, and the fact that, like stated before, the magic in this world is not strong enough.)

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Power: (Remember, it cannot be an overpowered power. Keep it simple.)

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|| Name ||
Amelia Marie Lis
|| Age ||
|| Gender ||
|| Looks ||
Amelia has long, slightly curly blonde hair that reaches about mid-back. Her eyes are a deep shade of green, and a few freckles dot her face. She often wears modest clothing, rarely wearing anything that isn't within a normal school dress code.
|| Personality ||
Amelia is shy and timid. She loves animals, and is a little clumsy. She tries to be brave, but her resolve just crumbles to pieces. Amelia would like to go into Medical School, since despite her timid nature, the sight of blood does not bother her as much as you think it would. She enjoys walking in the forest, and interacting with the wild animals.
|| Power ||
Amelia can speak to animals.
|| Other ||

|| Name ||
Belle Marie Lis
|| Age ||
|| Gender ||
|| Looks ||
Belle has long curly brown hair, and beautiful brown eyes that seem to just be full of nothing but kindness. She has a small amount of freckles, and her skin is rather pale. She often wears modest clothing, like her sister. While Belle, Amelia, and Adriana are fraternal triplets, they look enough alike that you can tell that they are related. She often wears a green sweater over a white collared shirt, during the Winter, and during the Summer she wears a modest pale green dress with darker bands of green across the skirt.
|| Personality ||
Belle is a quiet girl, keeping to herself. She is a little shy, and she and Amelia share a close bond. She enjoys reading books out in the sunshine, and finds pleasure in the sounds of rain. She isn't very social, so putting her in a situation with another person besides her siblings puts her in a very awkward position. Belle enjoys gardening and cooking, and has no aspirations as of yet.
|| Power ||
Belle has the ability to encourage plants to grow a little faster, and produce sweeter/tarter fruit (depending on the fruit).
|| Other ||

|| Name ||
Adriana Marie Lis
|| Age ||
|| Gender ||
|| Looks ||
Adriana has long, curly red hair which she keeps tied back in a messy ponytail. Her eyes are the same shade of green as Amelia's, and she has much more freckles. She spends a lot of time out in the sunshine, despite her pale appearance. She is stronger than Amelia and Belle, and is perfectly okay with wearing sleeveless shirts, bikinis, etc.
|| Personality ||
Adriana is a tom-boy sort of girl. She enjoys sports, and won't hesitate to knock someone flat if they mess with her sisters. She has a very fiery temper, often resulting in her gaining detention since she smart-mouths the teaches. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life yet.
|| Power ||
Adriana can gain small bursts of strength and speed if she pushes herself, but the effort wears her out.
|| Other ||

|| Name ||
Sage Barrows
|| Age ||
|| Gender ||
|| Looks ||
This little kid is adorable. He has windswept, light brown hair that curls in little whispy chunks, giving him a sorta messy look. He has retained some of his baby-fat, and his skin is very pale. His eyes are a rusty brown.
|| Personality ||
Sage is... How do you describe him? He is a bit temperamental, but can be sweet if he wants something from you. He often has a bit of a frown on his face, looking like he's very thoughtful. He wishes he knew his birth-parents, because he has been in this orphanage for as long as he can remember. He can talk, read, write, etc;. However, he acts like he's still a little kid, because he doesn't want to seem different from the others.
|| Power ||
To be revealed... This kid is gonna become the God of Destruction and Hate.
|| Other ||
name: sarah may

age: 15

gender: female


personality: tbrp'd

power: can make small sparks to cause fires

other: nope
ya got nothing good to say, then don't say it!!!

profile pic is not owned by me.

Last edited by cute skeleton; March 10th, 2017 at 08:53 PM.