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Old March 6th, 2017, 11:29 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Territory

Originally Posted by Wolfybro View Post
Maplespiders ears perked at the motion of the robin Lioncry was motioning to,but her mouth watered at the scent of a squirrel. She nodded off to Lioncry,figuring she could get it on her own. The rodent was in the trees with her,a few branches away as she crepted silently closer,creeping from branch to branch with ease. But,a branch had shifted under her weight seeing at it was thinner,so the prey bolted by jumping to another tree,but Maple herself was practically a squirrel as well in which she followed,using her hind legs to push off and her front claws extended to catch herself on the other tree. She hoped her noise wasn't disrupting Lioncrys hunt,but she was a little bit away so she hoped not. It felt nice to have the breeze through her fur again,chasing after a piece of prey through the trees as she jumped nimbly from one to another.

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Lioncry shifted slightly, turning to search more thoroughly for the robin that she could still strongly scent. Ears pricked forwards, she studied her surroundings, at last her orbs catching sight of a dark bird with a russet breast in a nearby patch of thick vines and brambles, but not so thick that she wouldn't be able to slip through. Yes, she would have minor difficulties, but it would be relatively easy. Stalking silently forwards as if each step was like thin ice and could shatter at the slightest of slipups, causing her to be lost to the world, she slowly made her way closing, hardly daring to breathe as she got within pouncing distance. She crouched, her hind legs far forwards and muscles tensed, ready to spring forth at a moment's notice. She watched as the bird turned away entirely, then leaped, claws outstretched. The robin let out a raucous cry of alarm and took upwards, but Lioncry had leaped to suddenly, her her claws hurried themselves into the birds back. There was the satisfying cruch of bone as the bird was driven to the ground, and Lioncry picked up the limp creature in her jaws, then turned to see Maplespider leap out of the tree, causing Lioncry to nearly drop her catch.
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