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Old March 6th, 2017, 01:53 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Training Cave

Originally Posted by NoireRose View Post
Tornadopaw nodded. He knew she was right. She was a warrior! She wouldn't be able to be hurt by an apprentice. Especially by him! Once again, he slowly entered into a crouch, keeping his claws retracted. And he used his hind legs to powerful push to impact the female with a harder hit. Just not too hard as he still feared that he would hurt her, but hard enough to push her down onto her back, and his paws keeping her shoulders down. He desperately looked into her eyes for a response. He was scared, he was shivering. Why was he scared so much? He had to muster up his pride and his strength. She was training him to become a warrior. He had no time to be scared!
Lilyshade's eyes widened in shock as Tornadopaw knocked her over and pinned her down. She stared at him and then started to laugh. Loudly. "Well, that was better," she said as she gently shoved Tornadopaw off of her and stood up. She shook her pelt out and smoothed out her fur. "Good job," she praised. "But don't be so hesitant and slow in battle. If you acted like that, other cats could pin you down in a heartbeat," she crouched down and fixed her eyes on him. "Now, try again."