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Old March 1st, 2017, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
Singe was minding his own business, and making sure Forest was with him still. He felt a slight bit sorry for her, knowing that it was most likely hard keeping up. But he was impressed, she had said nothing in complaint the entire trek. It was a long journey, he knew. And the last time she had been in that journey was when he had carried her and her sibling to their new life that lay far from these moors. With a quick glance back, he noticed her sides heaving. Her black pelt, more similar to her mother than his, had to be making her hotter in the sun. Even though it was still leafbare, didn't mean that heat still came through the cold. He suddenly spotted movement on the moors ahead, and he halted in alarm. He erected his half sized tail, signaling for his daughter to stop as well. Silently he flicked his large black eats in the direction of the scent. He acknowledge d the slight nod the small black she cat had given him, and they crouched. Getting caught could not be an option. As much as he didn't want to, it was either kill the cat if they saw him and a Forest, or escape unnoticed. He didn't exactly want Windlcna going on a cat hunt for him because there had been his scent all over the body. He didn't need that in the least. Sighing, he tried to think up a new plan. He scanned the territory, which he still knew like the back of his paw, and located a nearby gorse bush. "Forest, get to that bush over there and wait for me. I'll distract the cat." He hissed quietly. Forest though responded negatively. "No, you're more wanted here than I am. And plus,mshe would really recognize me? You go, I'll get the cat. Remember? I have Broken training me." She said lifting a paw to indicate the raw skin that was still healing after her first training session. Reluctantly, Singe obliged and dashed for the bush while Forest headed the opposite direction.

She was careful where she placed her paws, and only made sound when she wanted too. She circled around, heading away from the bush that concealed her father. She knew this was a great way at proving her worthiness. She had to impress him. Maybe she could take a swipe at the cat? No, that would only make him see her as foolish and unnecessary. And that definitely was not what she was aiming for. She she padded on, she checked the wind, something Broken had also taught her. She smelled now the scent of the cat, but only faintly. She circled and had gotten almost half way around from the gorse bush, when she got too close to a rabbits den. The rabbit, in panic, dashed away from its burrow and almost straight for the dark figure they were avoiding. She hissed in frustration, knowing that she had just screwed things up royally.
Panicking as she smelled something she'd never dealt with before, Brindlepaw looked through her surroundings carefully, ears perked up in caution. Her eyes were widened as she tried to pick up the slightest scent in the moors, checking to see if anybody there was dangerous- but there was no scent of blood in the area, just this stranger she didn't know. "...Whoever's there, come out and f-fight me!" Brindlepaw stammered, obviously nervous. This would mark her first confrontation with a non-Windclan cat, and she was never properly trained on handling it. However, after clearing out the area with her own eyesight, everything seemed hopeless- until a rabbit came crashing towards her, almost running into the apprentice before dashing away from her as well. Following the animal's path feverishly, Brindlepaw grasped a smaller figure in her eyesight, somebody who looked just about her age, though she couldn't completely make out their pelt with the mere image she'd been given. "Hey, y-you! Get back here!" She yelped, bounding towards the strange cat with her eyes narrowed- focus on them like they're a piece of prey, don't let them scare you... be brave, Brindlepaw.