Thread: [Outsiders] We Do A Bit of Spooking
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Old April 28th, 2024, 07:32 PM
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Default Re: We Do A Bit of Spooking

Trigger Warning: This post contains the constant mentioning of gore, violence, and murderous characters that might cause discomfort to some readers

Nah, ‘course I didn’t murder a guy! Get your facts right, man- I killed three, not one!

Male // 6 1/2 Moons // Rouge // Pansexual // Psychopathy on Wheels

The term ‘revenge’ sounds a bit aggressive, don’t you think? That’s why I prefer, ‘Returning the Favor.’ Why frown when you can smile, Y’know?


~ Role ~
Unfortunately, I am not sure what to call this. Whether it be friend, ally, heck- even obnoxious sidekick- I hope I can explain it well enough to not have to give the perfect word. Kamiko would stumble upon the Spooks Horror-Home in his own… stylistic fashion, (I’ll go more into depth on that somewhere else in this post) and over time and interaction, make himself a common face in the said-to-be-haunted home where Spooks live. I do not expect Spooks to truly feel affectionate or attached to Kamiko, because it would take a miracle for that to ever happen, but Kamiko is too happy with his violent life to care. But during his time getting to know Spooks, he’ll show quite a face and make a truly unique appearance. As he gets to know Kamiko, Spooks would quickly realize that Kamiko is somebody who thrives on not just drama, but horror, violence, and pain, and all with a smile on his face. Chances are, even if he doesn’t feel very loving towards Kamiko, he could at least be interested in whatever the heck is going on in Kamiko’s dark and wild head.

~ Kamiko: Overall~
Kamiko comes flying into Spooks’s home completely uninvited, and despite his obviously terrible state, laughing and singing off about some random cat’s future death, a death that he claims will be brought by him. But this isn’t anything new. That’s just his messy and hysteric personality making itself known. Kamiko might seem all messed up and delusional to the people he meets- and that would be because that’s exactly what he is. He is about as deranged as one can get, tangled up in his own strangeness. He has no particular reason for his weird personality and dreams/goals, because it all comes down to simple entertainment. And when some cat comes along and tries to kill him, leaving him all scarred and bloody, he just sees it as the perfect chance to find someone to track, hunt down, and tear apart, smiling merrily all the way.


Kamiko is a black, white, and gray tabby cat. At the top of his body/his back it is midnight-black, slowly fading into a snowy-white as it reaches his upper legs. There it fades back into a gray, then to black again. The gray is cool, with a slight blue’ish-silver hue to it. His tabby markings are very, very dark, and a little darker than the midnight-black color that was mentioned earlier. This same fade-look is on his tail and nose. Excluding this area just above his nose, most of Kamiko’s face is pure white, and the edges fade into black. His eyes are round, naturally wide, and a deep/dark blue. He looks strikingly like a snowy mountain with large blue eyes staring into the depths of its viewers’ souls. His fur is prickly, frizzy, and long. His ears are also large. He has several scars scattered across his pelt, the most noticeable one running across his left eye and causing some problems to that side of his vision.

And because it makes his character design more interesting, there is a thin but heavy chain collar around his neck that a twoleg got stuck around there recently. It kind of dangles uncomfortably now, just large to be annoying but not able to be slipped off of his head- just stuck- but he’ll grow into it one day. Maybe he’ll figure out how to get rid of it once and for all.

Here is a reference. I am sorry that it makes him look so young- I like to just imagine an older version.

This image also makes him look far too innocent. Just at some blood and a manic expression, and there you go. Kamiko. It also misses his scars and past-injuries.

You could say that Kamiko is just very enthusiastic about the most morbid things. He rarely enjoys any conversation that doesn’t revolve around violence, misery, revenge, or similar topics, too bored with such casual things. When you aren’t talking about something that truly catches Kamiko’s attention, he has the attention-span of a stale potato and will barely catch on to a word you say. But once you bring up a topic he likes, he’s right back on his toes with wide and starry eyes, “Tell me more, my good friend, tell me more!” and he won’t get out of your face until he’s satisfied with what he’s heard and said. This can make him rather annoying, refusing to end a conversation/talk until he feels like it, as well as ending them early just because he doesn’t feel like it. He can be selfish.

Kamiko has an obsession with blood. He likes to talk about it, see it, taste it, everything. Nothing makes him happier than watching it spill, and he doesn’t know or care about why. He’ll go ending other cats’ lives with no guilt, killing just for the fun of it and personal pleasure. So he isn’t exactly a good person- but how does this affect his relationship with others? Well, when all you want to do is slice up and murder your loved ones, there isn’t much trust to go around. Spooks, of course, would sort of be an acceptation to this. That will be explained later. Kamiko doesn’t have many- any, really- friends, all because all he wants to do is kill and destroy them. He scares people off when he keeps bringing up how cute they’d look half-dead, and then acts all bored and lonely once they’ve abandoned him. He doesn’t really understand that his thoughts and dreams are out of the ordinary- he just thinks it’s natural for cats to want to see one another in the worst possible states.

Kamiko doesn’t just like seeing people suffer physically, but mentally. He likes to see and hear about cats who are slowly crippling inside, even approaching and purposely worsening it. He has never felt his way. One day he will, but that’s something else that I have no reason to worry about yet. For now, he’ll encourage as much mental struggles as he possibly can, being the anti-therapist to people as young as one moon. Speaking of kits, he doesn’t care about the fact that they’re young. He will upset them and traumatize them just as much as he would someone his age or older. The only real difference is that he, of course, is unable to see the, as a romantic option (same for warrior-aged cats) so that interest is impossible. Apprentice-aged cats, though? Let his obsessions go out of the roof, he’ll love it.

He loves to him and sing a little about his dreams and goals, about sadness and murder, whatever comes to mind. Part of what makes him himself is the way he treats those who he harms, whether that be physically or emotionally. He’s weirdly polite with it. You know how doctor’s talk to children when they’re about to poke them with a needle, all softly and kindly? Like that, just with much more than a little needle- more claws and teeth. So if he wasn’t so murderous and psychopathic, maybe Kamiko could be a nice and well-mannered guy. We’ll never really know.


Positive (strengths)-

Optimism: No matter what he’s doing, Kamiko will be happy and smiley. It is very hard to upset him. His anger usually just fades into extreme bouts of excitement over the enemy’s revenge and blood.

Intelligence: Even with his personality problems, he’s pretty smart with what he does. He’s strategic and clever and knows how to sneak his way into things.

Confidence: He believes that every step he takes is the right one and feels no shame or remorse. Though, this plays a big part in his selfishness. It’s all for personal benefit.

Negative (Weaknesses)-

Bloodthirst: This guy will never shut up about gore and violence. His dreams consist of anything dark and messy.

Lack of social understanding: He has absolutely no idea that it isn’t normal to be a practical vampire. He thinks that thoughts about wanting to watch others crumple and die are normal, healthy thoughts.

Obnoxious/Annoying: He’s loud and up in people’s faces a lot. Especially once he likes you, he won’t leave you alone, so you better expect he’ll be by your side as much as he can. That is, unless he’s already killed you, of course.


Left to right: The more dark stars, the more of the subject there is.

Kindness- ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (As kind as a psycho-killer can get)
Sociability- ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Generosity- ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Intelligence- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Courage- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Confidence- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ambition- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Loyalty- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (He’s honest and true to his word, at least.)

Physical Stats:

Speed- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Strength- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Swimming- ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Climbing- ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Balance- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Senses- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hunting- ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Flexibility- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

So there’s all of Kamiko’s personal information. Now for his relationship with Spooks and all of my other ideas.


Overall, Spooks would just be some sort of unamused mentor watching over Kamiko as he rambles non-stop about how beautiful people look dying and bloody. Kamiko would be quite a bother, but also have some insane amounts of respect for Spooks because of his horror’ish-environment and gloom, and he would constantly fantasize over being more similar to him. Kamiko would verbally acknowledge Spooks’s good looks every once and a while, making his personality and overall-feel as clear as day by including: ‘Yes, yes- you look all nice, must be easy to pick up duded! Now, imagine how much more lovely you’d look all beat and battered! Gorgeous, literally gorgeous.’ Spooks may or may not find a way to make him shut up about it, but that gets complicated.

I can see Kamiko ‘catching Spooks’s eye’ just by the way he behaves, all of his manic announcements and actions. Spooks might find him interesting because of Kamiko’s love for gore and pain, and Kamiko would take shelter in the haunting-house-home, just being a bloodthirsty bother/burden and begging Spooks nonstop to teach him the funnest ways to end a life.

They would make a strange duo- with Spooks’s gloom and lack of emotion combined with Kamiko’s noise and energy, along with their shared liking for the horrific, I think their roleplays together could be fun. Spooks would be sort of like found-family to Kamiko, doubling as an unofficial mentor, even if he doesn’t actually feel attached to Kamiko. Kamiko, even if his love is one sided, will adore Spooks and treat him like a god. Because he has such a strong image of Spooks, Kamiko will happily do anything and everything for him. This would make him an advantage to Spooks- not so much easily manipulated (the intelligence gets in the way of that) but more of a ‘I love you and I’d carry the weight of the sky and sea for you’ type scenario. In other words, this would make his constant presence benefit Spooks.

Lastly, because Kamiko is the weirdo he is, I would expect him to refuse to call Spooks by his actual name, only referring to him as “Spoops” and/or “Spooper(s).”


Kamiko’s whole thing here: he just got back from almost getting slaughtered by an NPC brother. He comes running in the direction of Spook’s home bloody and dizzy, stopping by the entrance and pausing, all light-headed and slowly falling out of reality and into sleep. He casually enters the home for some shelter, humming and singing softly about how he’ll come back and shred this brother of his whenever he finds him, smiling and singing himself to a pulp, until finally, he just collapses on the ground. There, he just knocks out and bleeds for a while. Spooks probably would’ve noticed him come it, maybe prepare to shoo/scare him off- just before he noticed that Kamiko didn’t even notice him and was literally singing about how much he wanted to rip somebody apart and leave them in bits and pieces. An interesting sight, right?

Once Kamiko woke up, that’s when he’d properly meet Spooks, with wide eyes and a smile that doesn’t match the nasty scar sliced across his left eye and cuts across his face at all. His first words to Spooks would be something along the lines of, “Goodness, you’re a killable fellow! A great potential victim- though, it would be nicer if I could actually move my limbs! Funny!

Spooks would realize that Kamiko is… different, to say the least, and react in his own Spooky-Style. By the end of this interaction, he probably would have decided to let Kamiko stay in the home to recover. After getting to know him during recovery, he would decide to let Kamiko stay, with the hope that he wouldn’t be bothered too often. Kamiko would be out and about wandering, searching for cats to slice up, instead of bugging Spooks a lot of the time, so Spooks’s life during the day time wouldn’t change too much. Once evening arrived, Kamiko would come home and be the psychotic burden he is, maybe sleep for a second or two, then go back outside to find some cat his age to crush on and stalk. They’d have a pleasant life with one another.


Spooks needs a point in time where he’d really-truly notice that Kamiko is as violent and freaky as they get, and this could be it.

Kamiko would be out and about in the wilderness, following around a cat his age that he- well, appreciates romantically- when he actually catches them. Because he’s such a polite guy, he’ll kill them nice and quickly, wishing them a good life in the afterlife. See, he sometimes forgets to confess to them before murdering them- silly boy. But just to show some personality to Spooks, Kamiko will decide to drag on the corpse to the Haunting-Home as a little surprise.

He’ll get inside, call out to Spooks, and Spooks’ll come down to check out what’s going on. Then right there, he’ll find, Kamiko standing with his nose pressed to the nose of a stranger’s fresh and stained corpse.

He would react as he pleases. Chances are, he’d have expected something like this to happen due to some dark conversations they’d had together during previous encounters.


Eventually Kamiko could realize that Spooks doesn’t love him with anywhere near the amount of love Kamiko loves him. He will become desperate to make the family-type-love he feels towards Spooks mutual and constantly do everything in his power to connect with him. But sadly for Kamiko, Spooks wouldn’t budge, and no matter how hard Kamiko tried to get the love to be too sided, Spooks just wouldn’t love him back.

This would mark the point in time that Kamiko begins to doubt his entire existence! He’ll wonder why he feels so desperate to be loved by Spooks, which leads him to suddenly begin wondering why he never knew his parents, and why his brother wanted so badly for him to be dead. He starts to understand the concept of death, blood, and sadness, and he matures a little. He doesn’t stop loving hurting others, but he sees more depth to it than he did before. He begins to find more and more times in his life where he was left utterly alone and unloved: all of his crushes, his other littermates giving him dirty looks, the kitty pets who’d watched the twoleg casually watched chain up his neck, all sorts of other cats who he tried so hard to connect with, and finally Spooks, who no matter how much Kamiko loved him would never feel the same way in return.

Kamiko still loves violence and misery, but he doesn’t feel so great about his relationships. Then he takes another look at Spooks’s lifestyle, and decides that he has no reason to care. He just chooses to not care about empathy at all, leaving enthusiasm and insanity to be his only true emotions. And, of course, the Happy-Manic-Anger that he sometimes shows when he sings.

It would be a little funny if Spooks did actually develop some love towards Kamiko during this whole thing, and tell him one day that the feeling is a little mutual, mostly because honesty is something Kamiko values like crazy. Kamiko would probably cry. But that’s just for you to decide, how you feel about it. It’s less likely that Spooks would feel this way towards Kamiko.

My silence is not my weakness, but the beginning of my Revenge.

If Kamiko gets accepted and I come up with any other plot ideas, I’ll toss them at you. There’s all of the necessary information about him for you to use when considering him as one of Spooks’s friends/allies/apprentices/annoying burdens.

- Other -

Kamiko was created for this, and he was not a pre-existing character, so feel no pressure when accepting and/or declining anything. If he as a whole gets rejected, he’ll just be tossed aside and won’t exist, so I’ll never be too heartbroken.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy roleplaying Spooks! Have a nice day!

~ @Dust [Spooks] ~

How’s it going?

Feel free to stop by, request a roleplay, or just chat! I’m all open!

WIP Character Biographies //

Have a nice day! ~ Fritz ~

Last edited by Weekend-Wondering; May 5th, 2024 at 04:47 PM.
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