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Old April 17th, 2024, 11:36 PM
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Estelle Estelle is offline
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Default Re: The Ground Floor Apartment [Invite]

Okay, so. Rowan said she was the fastest – technically – and a Snowdrop who had just finished her meal (or most of it, in any case)… Well, she couldn’t let that slide; so while Rowan took off in a wild run, even tripping their father, Snowdrop went about it more strategically. She started in a slow trot after her sister, ducking aside and just out of view when papa came around to scold Rowan for running – effectively missing the little Snowdrop that sneaked past his line of sight and, as soon as his back was facing hers, took of in a speedy run to the other side of the room. Hah! Tale that for being the fastest – look who reached the other side first. A proud grin covering her maw, she turned her father and sister’s way, that happy grin clear on her face to show off who really was the fastest around here. Hehe.

At the mention of a bath, the pale little kitten chirped.
“Can I go first? Uhm- Please.”
This time trotting back towards her papa and mama, blue and green eyes looking right up at them.
“I already finished eating, see?”
She added, effectively ignoring the scraps of food that remained within the bowl, though, she truly was satisfied already. And thus she eagerly sat at her parents paws, looking up at them as she awaited her bath for the day. After all, the sooner she got her bath and was all clean again, the sooner they could do other things – and any time spend with papa and mama was well spent!

[ @Rani @Morrigan @endlesshax ]

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