Thread: [Approved] Pebblesplash
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Old April 17th, 2024, 11:13 AM
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Default Re: Pebblesplash



~A beautiful scarred white mollie, pale gray and ginger torbie markings with blue eyes~

| @taillow | @Rose | @starry |

☘︎ Lichenflood's words cut through the air with a harshness that Pebblesplash could almost taste, like bitter herbs on her tongue. With his next few words, she felt a pang of insecurity. Was she truly as insignificant as he made her out to be? With her heart racing, she held her ground, refusing to let his cold demeanor let the flicker of determination within her die. "You question the impact of my presence among the stars, and within my clan,” she began, her voice trembling slightly, "Yet you fail to recognize the whispers of gratitude from those I've helped and the unspoken appreciation from those I've fought alongside. My influence may not be as apparent as the moon in the night sky, but it exists, planted into the ground of our Clan's history…”

☘︎ Her eyes met his, her gaze unwavering. "Branching off of that, You question whether my name is spoken alongside those who have shaped our Clan's history. Maybe not in every tale, but I've left my mark, however small it may seem to you." Pebblesplash took a deep breath, steadying herself against the onslaught of doubt. "You speak of danger and certain death, yet I've faced the darkness within and emerged stronger for it. As for moping around, well, maybe you're right. Maybe I haven't done enough to prove myself worthy of another chance. But I'm willing to try. I'm willing to fight for my clan, for my friends, for my family, for myself."

☘︎ She paused, her voice softening as she spoke from her heart... "I miss them... Every cat up here has cats they miss, yes, but that doesn't make the ache any less real. And while I may have taken that for granted in the past, I refuse to let that define me today. I refuse to let my mistakes, my regrets and the things I didn’t do overshadow the thing I did do… I won’t let it overshadow the warrior I know I can be."

☘︎ She glances towards the next cat with concerns towards her return, and offers a bit of a smile. After a moment of silence, Pebblesplash lifted her chin slightly, "You ask fair questions, Ma’am," she began, her voice firmer than before, though still tinged with the raw emotion stirred by the she-cats words. "It's true, I did give up on RiverClan once. The fear and the pressure overwhelmed me, and I fled from what I should have faced. For that, I carry heavy regret…" She paused, her gaze drifting past Daisypool towards the ethereal landscape of StarClan, before returning to meet the ancient cats eyes.

☘︎ “But if there’s one thing I've learned from my time here among the stars, it's that failure is not the end. It can be the soil from which new strength grows. You speak of my friends, of their faults and their failings. Yes, they are not perfect—nor am I. But they are my Clan, my family.“ Pebblesplash’s voice grew more impassioned, her spirit kindling with each word. "You ask what’s to say I will not give up again? It’s this: every moment here in StarClan, every reflection upon my past actions, has made me realize how much everything really meant. I have been tempered by my regrets, not weakened by them."

☘︎ Addressing Daisypool’s challenge about making StarClan work for her, Pebblesplash nodded thoughtfully. "And you are right again—I have feared the unknown, clung to the past because it was familiar and comforting. But if I return, I’m also entering unknown territory… You mistake my longing for home as a desire to escape from StarClan's challenges. Rather, it’s a call to bring back what I’ve learned to those who need it. What I’ve learned about patience, strength and the wisdom I carry will be useful to my clan." Pebblesplash was sure of it…

☘︎ With a respectful dip of her head, Pebblesplash concluded her response to the molly, "I do not presume to leave here with answers handed to me like prey to a kit, But I am determined to seek them with all my heart, to earn them. Whether here among the stars or back where I belong, RiverClan, I will not cease striving to be better, to be worthy of the path laid out for me, wherever it may take me..."

☘︎ Pebblesplash then listened to Snowleopard's words with a mixture of apprehension and determination. The ancient ThunderClan medicine cat's scrutiny felt like a weight upon her shoulders, yet Pebblesplash refused to falter under the weight of her questioning gaze. "As much as your words sting, I appreciate your honesty," Pebblesplash began, her voice steady despite the unease churning within her chest. "You're right—I may have come across as prideful, perhaps even arrogant, in my words. But please understand, it's not a desire for confidence that drives me, but rather a recognition of the lessons I've learned through my failures."

☘︎ Pebblesplash paused, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "You ask what sets me apart, what makes me worthy of a new chance. And you're right to question that. What I lacked in grand deeds, I made up for in my unwavering love for RiverClan. Every pawstep, every battle, every moment spent alongside my Clanmates was fueled by a fierce dedication to protect and serve. It may not have been flashy, but it was genuine." Pebblesplash met Snowleopard's gaze, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of her words. "As for being missed and looked up to, I cannot speak for RiverClan. I cannot erase the mistakes of my past, nor can I predict their reaction to my return. But what I can promise is this: if given the chance, I will work tirelessly to earn their trust and respect once more. I will strive to be the warrior they need, not the one I once was."

☘︎ Her voice softened as she addressed Snowleopard's concerns about her presence in StarClan. "You're right again—I haven't made the most of my time here, and for that, I am sorry. But I refuse to let my shortcomings define my future. If I am granted another chance, I will use it to its fullest. I will serve my Clan with the same, if not more dedication and determination that I once served long ago." Pebblesplash paused, her breath catching in her throat as she awaited Snowleopard's response. Though uncertain of what the ancient ThunderClanner would decide, she remained steadfast in her resolve to prove herself worthy of a second chance, both in StarClan and in the world beyond.

☘︎ “If I am given the chance to return, I plan on training the clans apprentices. Teach them everything I know and find new ways of doing things in the process. I will also a way to recruit new members to the clan, with the leader’s permission... RiverClan needs numbers, we need dedicated mollys and toms to serve the clan. I would love nothing more than to serve in that group until the day I die…” With a final glance towards the council, Pebblesplash squared her shoulders, meeting everyone’s gaze with determination. "So, if you'll allow me, I'll prove to you and to every cat here that I'm not just a faded memory or a lost cause. I'll prove that I deserve a second chance, to make amends, and to live the life I've been yearning for. I may not be perfect, but I'm not ready to give up, and I never will be."


(Note: if she does get resurrected, she will have a breathing disability. This is because she died in a fox trap.)

bump anytime! I don’t mind!
CHECK OUT: PebbleSplash, (RC,)
DaintyDoe (THC,)
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