Thread: Mourning Ruins
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Old March 23rd, 2024, 07:21 PM
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Default Re: Mourning Ruins

Originally Posted by Dolomedes View Post

They/them | ShC warrior | Moons: 20 | Purrks: none

Moonmeadow opened their mouth to speak but the sound of soft skittering was caught by their ears at the same time, causing them to snap their jaws closed and giving a small signal to her patrol mates to remain quiet. After a few still moments, Moonmeadow realized that it was likely a mouse, given the scent and gently smiled to the apprentice. Lesson time! The feline crouched down, distrubing their weight across all four of their giant paws and sending a glance to the apprentice before whispering in a low tone, "Alright, Shadowpaw, seems like you got your wish. Just over there," Moonmeadow pointed to the bushes off to their right, "is a mouse. Now then, crouch down just like I am. Try to balance across all of your paws, keep your tail low, make sure not to brush it against the floor."

Next the feline lifted their muzzle slightly, feeling for which way the wind was going for sure before confiding the information to the apprentice, "Be sure to stay downwind with your prey, like we are now, lift your nose up and feel the way the breeze blows against your nose and fur. Now, when you start to stalk forward, do it slow, watch where you set your paws. When you feel like you can pounce on it, shift your weight from all of your paws to your hind legs as quickly as possible and leap. The mouse will feel the vibrations so make sure you follow through, you won't have a second shot at the same mouse." Moonmeadow really hoped that it was too much information at once, but they didn't really have time to take their time given the mouse was sure to sense them and run off in just moments. The warrior signaled for the apprentice to try, waving a paw towards the mouse with a reasurring smile, "No worries, if we don't get this one, there are always more."

Moonmeadow kept an eye on the apprentice as she listened before turning away and focusing on catching some prey themself. The feline was careful on their paws, not wanting to scare away Shadowpaw's catch but was swift in anotehr direction not to far away. They lifted their muzzle to the sky, hoping to catch any scent but the only thing on the air was that mouse-oh wait! Taking another breath of air in through their nose, Moonmeadow noticed the smell of some sort of rodent, different from the mouse filled their nose. The cat was quick on their paws and made their way carefully to the prey, pushing through the shrubs that surrounded the burnt twolegplace, before finally their hazy eyes caught on a vole. It was poking its head out and into the ground quickly, tugging at a dandelion that remained stubbornly tied to its roots but it was going to come free soon and with it, the mole's escape.

[+ 1 Vole]
[1/5 carrying]

Moonmeadow crouched down and one pawsteps after another, the giant cat made their way into pouncing range and shot forward the next time the vole poked its head out. Claws hooked the small rodent as a squeal left its tiny little body for a split second before they were able to bite and break its neck. Moonmeadow, with the vole in their mouth made their way back to where they had directed Shadowpaw to go after the mouse. Ears pricked for any more signs of prey while also trying to hear if the apprentice had caught the mouse yet.

Moonmeadow gif made by ramen!

[ @RoboPrism - Cornpuff | @Fish - Shadowpaw ]

Shadowpaw watched the other cat carefully. She was glad that she was being taught without any rudeness to why she was just learn, it was just pure learning. So she was completely entrapped into what Moonmeadow was saying to her. Luckily there was already a mouse that had scurried its way into their way. She would get this mouse for sure!

Heading Moonmeadows words carefully she began to stalk the mouse. Soft steps. Steady steps. Her tail wanted to twitch so badly from how strongly she was focusing on this task, but she was the master of her own body so she demanded the tail to stay still. Slowly the apprentice got closer and closer to the mouse till she thought she was close enough to the little beastie.

She sprang like a spring waiting so desperately to release and landed down on the mouse's tail with one of her paws. The mouse was able to free its tail, so Shadowpaw scrambled to slam her other paw down on the mouse. This captured the mouse this time. Now was to actually kill the mouse. She wasn't sure how to go about it so she just bit it. It wasn't a painless kill but she ended up getting it.

"I dith it!" Shadowpaw said her voice muffled from holding the mouse. Purrs where visiting her right now.

Before much celebration could be had Shadowpaw dropped the mouse and covered it with dead leaves. She needed to find more so she happily sprang away a few leaps before getting serious. A scent was on the air, something that smelt very nice and familiar. It was a frog! She loved frogs so much because they were slimy and gross and she could get her paws all messy. They also tasted good so that was a perk I guess.

Frogs reminded the time she played with one of her friends in the mud. That was a good time.

Slowly the apprentice approached the water while trying to remember what Moonmeadow had said to her. With a quick leap she was able to get the frog. It tasted so nice right now she wanted to eat it right now. Maybe she could hide the frog under some other prey so no one else would take it. Before she continued to hunt she jumped around happily in the mud and got her lower side caked with mud.

The apprentice tried to find more prey but nothing caught her nose. Maybe she just didn't know what the other preys scents were like, the freshkill pile did make everything smell the same. So lacking any luck or knowledge she walked by her mouse and picked it up.

"I hope this is enough, I wasn't smelling much..."

+1 mouse +1 frog
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