Thread: Kit Corner
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Old March 14th, 2024, 08:28 PM
_*LAutnhaesntaar*_ _*LAutnhaesntaar*_ is offline
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Default Re: Kit Corner

Originally Posted by vei View Post

long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps[all perm. active; sts for battle training]

Great StarClan above when did any adult learn to keep their cool? The whole charade with Stormysong started to give the medic nothing but an infuriatingly pounding headache. As if there wasn’t already enough drama to fuel the flame. A low, nearly silent exhale drew past her lips, her ears angling towards Wolfpaw as he called her name, her brows furrowing forward as she nodded her head. She wasn’t going to allow Firekit to continue to endure his injuries after what Stormysong decided to do to the poor kid. He didn’t deserve it whatsoever. With a firm nod, she leaned down to snatch her bundle of herbs before focusing briefly back toward Wolfpaw. “On… it.” Springpaw began to carefully trudge her way through the swarm of kits, her eyes settling down on the small bundle of fur in front of her as a frown screwed itself onto her face behind the herbs she held daintily. The poor kid looked completely battered and covered from head to paw with random scratches and gashes ranging from shallow to the most moderate. Stars, what was that self-indulged molly even thinking about hurting the poor tom-kit? He looked innocent and didn’t deserve all that Stormysong had handed to him, especially with the current injuries that he was currently bearing. “Here… Firekit… I am… going to… help you… out… and… make sure… those… injuries of… yours no longer… hurts as… they do… anymore… alright?” Springpaw wasn’t the type of cat to do something without someone’s consent, so she preferred to at least abbreviate before doing anything of the sort.

Without much thought toward the matter, she planted herself down onto her haunches and plaintively dropped the bundle of herbs alongside herself, working her way through it as she dropped a small poppyseed in front of the tom-kit, gesturing to him to take it while she worked on getting everything else ready for the whole procedure of her patching up his injuries. Upon closer inspection, the medic was quick to note the relatively deeper gashes along one of his legs and the back of his head and some minor bruising. She quietly noted the shallow cuts along his tail and ears, seeing as those wouldn’t be relatively hard to deal with. With a quiet hum surpassing her lips, her tail whisked from side to side as she rummaged through her bundle, pulling out her trusty-musty moist bundle of moss to prepare to cleanse off any excess blood, dirt, or grime off the young kit. Gingerly, she pressed the moss against the first gash that she laid her eyes upon, making her work as gentle as possible as she didn’t want to risk further inflicting any sort of damage on the inflamed flaps of skin. Her movements were slow and careful, being sure to get as much blood and grime off the kit as she could before she moved on grabbing some marigold to defy away any potential infection within the gashes, whether or not they were shallow or not. Any injury could become an infection if not treated properly. It wasn’t long before she had finished cleansing out the wounds, the moss now covered in scarlet red as she placed it aside, being sure to memorize where it’d be so that she could dispose of it later.

Using a foreclaw, she plucked out a golden bloom of marigold and settled it down in front of herself, carefully stripping away parts of the golden bloom and setting it aside so that she could use it to chew up into a proper poultice and slather it onto the wounds. Then, afterward, she could use some cobweb over the gashes after she was finished. She eyed the young tom-kit carefully as she prepared to pop the stripped parts of the golden bloom in her mouth, preparing to speak before chewing up the herb. “Small… warning… this may… sting… a little… but it… will help you… from gaining… any potential… infection… later on… and we… wouldn’t want… that now… would we?” It was better than not giving any warning whatsoever and then that resulted in a crying kit on her paws. As she spoke, she even gave the kit a short, crooked grin behind the stripped golden bloom that she held daintily in her jaws. It most likely looked a little awkward given that she was holding some bloom in her jaws while she smiled at the kit to try to cheer him up. Whichever the case was, she didn’t want to stick her mind to it for too long, so she quickly popped the small amount of bloom into her mouth and quickly began to chew. Unfortunately, given that there wasn’t any sort of water source right beside her, she couldn’t dip the bits of marigold into the stream so it could become a little bit more of a pulp. Springpaw didn’t seem phased either way by the lack of water, as she had done this plentiful amount of times before to have gone through a situation as similar as that. As she chewed, she snagged the wad of cobweb that she had almost blissfully forgotten about, but thankfully remembered as she noted the silver webs.

She began to use her claws to carefully strip away a small portion of webs that she would use for bandaging the gashes. A small part of her couldn’t help but worry if the moderate gashes along Firekit’s head and leg would potentially turn into permanent scarring. There was a small glimmer of hope within her chest that it wouldn’t be plausible, but it was still a considerate possibility. Her chewing on the golden bloom slowly began to finish, lifting one of her snow-furred paws to press the poultice onto her paw pad so that she could begin to rub the poultice into Firekit’s gashes. Her movements were careful and slow, the calico being sure to take longer rubbings towards where the deeper gashes along his head and leg, being careful not to rub too harshly onto them. Her ministrations slowly came to a close as she finished rubbing the poultice onto the more shallow cuts, being sure to get as much as she could onto them before pulling her paw away to examine her work. It may seem a little cliche for her to examine it so shortly after she had finished rubbing the healing ointment on her patient’s wounds, but it felt needed just so she could know that it was put on properly. Satisfied, the calico smiled to herself as her work was considerably good to go, she snagged the bandaging to herself so she could begin pressing the cobwebs into the poultice-covered wounds. Her work was just as careful as it was when she put the poultice onto Firekit’s wounds. Her work hadn’t taken too long since she didn’t acquire a lot of cobwebs, and her patient’s wounds weren’t as chronic as other patients that she had. “Well… now that… you are… finished… I want… you to… try to… rest… while your… wounds… heal… alright?”

[ -0.25 marigold | -1 poppyseed | -0.25 cobwebs | -1 moss ]

@BEAR. @*_Athena_*

Firekit nodded, and rested, knowing he was away from Stormysong and safe. (Sorry for short post- I'm still learning how to long post.)
We used to be close but ppl can go from ppl u know to ppl u don't. And what hurts the most is ppl can go from ppl u know to ppl u don't. -Selena Gomez
Snowyfeathr scribbles "Snowy Waz Here" || CrimsonOaks held up Echopaw and Wisppaw and says "Simba" || Spartan-117 writes "help me" on this sig || leopard.'s cats moonfoot and pricklestep are stalking you from the corners || Wispy was here || Blaze sets her name on fire for dramatic effect || Kitty spray paints her fursona on the wall of this sig
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