Thread: The Starcave
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Old February 1st, 2017, 02:41 PM
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Default Re: The Starcave

Originally Posted by Cloudy View Post
Shaking his head gently at Geckoleaf, Arcticpaw sighed slightly, "I'll meet her one day," he meowed quietly, his ears flicking towards his grandmother. Though he tried not to show it on his face, Arcticpaw was tempted to go and meet her, the she-cat who had been the best mother to his mother and uncle. Arcticpaw knew that he had to restrain himself, though as the dream started to fade from Arcticpaw, the many StarClan warriors slowly started to dissipate into nothingness, and the cave which he had fallen asleep in only moments ago had reformed before him. Happy that he got to meet his ancestors, Arcticpaw turned towards the form of Geckoleaf, which he couldn't make out against the musty darkness of the cave.
Geckoleaf let out a slight sigh as the dream slipped away, the heavenly vision of their StarClan warriors gently fading to black. It was always disappointing to leave their world, of peace and rest. But she had also seen an air of sadness in the cats. Even though they had plentiful prey, warm shelter, company, and happiness, it still wasn't living. They'd never again be physical, feel the solidity of real dirt and the slip of water over fur. But at the very least, they'd still be able to watch family and friends live and grow and thrive. Awaking in the cave again, she slowly opened her eyes, the darkness filtering in. Standing, she looked towards her apprentice, and a small smile crossed her muzzle, as she was glad to be back in her own body. "I hope you enjoyed that. Get used to it, at the very least- you'll be taking quite a few more trips," she mewed, her voice even now low and quiet, in respect for their ancestors that were most certainly watching. Ready to leave, she limped her way to the entrance, and left.

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