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Old January 14th, 2024, 03:08 PM
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Default The Caduceus Family adopts (Rhiannon & Rowan)

BEHOLD! The new adoption thread for Rhiannon and now adding Rowan!
As a note I am currently RPing and actively maintaining these characters and will continue to do so until I get a person who is passionate about them to take them! These two are important and have connections so I dont want them to be adopted out only to be abandoned, if this occurs I will reclaim them to adopt them out again.

Disclaimers out of the way lets get started! Deigns and art will go with the characters and so you can use them on a site if you get either of them!

Kittypet Queen | She/Her | 43 Moons

Most of the details are on her site but here is the tldr!
Rhiannon is a lifelong kittypet, a purebred show cat she actually won a couple of ribbons as a young cat until things went wrong. (Though she was never as successful on the showrun as her sister Nyx(redshiftreign) whom she shares a friendly but sassy relationship with)
You see she has a minor neurological issue, nothing that impacts her badly but something that knocks her off the show ring. Ive stated it as a small twitch to her back leg she cant control however it can be anything you'd like, just something that is quite frankly insignificant.

This did not matter to her owners however and they returned her to her breeder as she was no longer show worthy and, given her breeder would have no use for her either, she was sold as a pet cat to a couple.

This was the best case scenario. Her new owners are hippies living on the ground floor of an apartment complex a block away from a park who happily let her free roam and dont fix her as they thinks cats should live naturally. Rhiannon adores this and her owners, roaming everywhere as she pleases with minor issues due to being a good runner.

This is how she first encountered the clans. She is curious about them, eager to meet cats at the border to talk but unwilling to join and has only gotten 'bitten' for it once and has a small notch on her ear from a shadowclan cat.

She met Nathaniel, her mate, then Snakeheart this way. This was in the last moons of his time as medicine cat and he was horribly depressed and lost in life, debating ending it. Due to this he saw no issue spending time with a kittypet on the border and telling her everything as he idly looked for herbs. He viewed it as leaving at least one cat who understood him and his story before he died, she saw it as trying to save a lost soul.

Rhiannon knows the entirety of Snakehearts life, good and bad and reasoning it for it all in a way no other cat does. She did not condone the actions or even agree but she understood and cared for him regardless and soon talked him into not doing anything drastic and instead just leaving the clan with her.

So he did. The two left and returned to her housefolk who adopted and renamed Nathaniel and soon the two fell in love. She's been helping Nathaniel been better and healthier and they are very comfortable and happy in their relationship. Rhiannon roams a lot while Nathaniel stays at home, meeting outsiders and clan cats alike and has been known to run herb delivery errands when "Nate is being a coward about his past but is still too guilt ridden to stand by. Silly man he is."

The kittypet is not a wilting soft heart. Rhiannon is kind overall but has a spine or steel and a tongue that is as sharp as a knife and she often scolds and bosses around Nathaniel who happily obeys. They like to snark at eachother and while she is giving Rhiannon is whipcord sharp and does not take things laying down.

Recently she has just given birth to her four kittens Ginger, Rowan, Fog, Snowdrop and is basking in the new parent life with Nathaniel!

Current things:
  • She would not break up with Nathaniel for his past. She knows everything and while she'd not happy about parts she understands his reasoning and is working to help him be better.
  • She will not join the clans. At least not right now. Maybe if some of the kits later join a 'good' clan and she has the ability to sneak off and meet Nathaniel she might later in life but not at current.
  • She has no collar but Im considering an interesting plot of her getting an air tag harness and having her twolegs pop up at random so if you wanna go forward with that it may be fun!

Kittypet Kit | She/Her | Just born

Rowan is Nathaniel and Rhiannons kitten and was just born! This means that while Im dropping the personality tallulah created for her originally she is basically a blank slate for you to do whatever with! She was passed back as tal is a miiiiite busy with other characters so wants her to go to a more active home. Take a look!

+ inquisitive +
Always the ever-curious mind, Fox will display a thirst for knowledge from a very young age. She will be curious about all sorts of things and ask lots of questions - everything from how the stars glow at night to how certain plants work to (when she becomes older) why certain cats do certain things (ties into a plot). It will often conflict with her being polite as her need to know everything she can has the ability to have her poking her nose into places it doesn't belong. Fox will have no filter when it comes to these questions either - though as she grows she will learn that this isn't the best way to go about things.
+ empathetic +
Emotions will be something that's almost overwhelming for Fox in the first couple moons when she starts to discover what they are. They will knock her off her paws, especially when she discovers she can practically feel the pain of others. Because of this she feels very connected very fast to those she meets - happy when they're happy, sad when they're sad. She'll always want to do whatever she can to right wrongs and make others happy - sometimes at the expense of herself.
= particular =
Fox has a way of doing things and a way she likes things that is often viewed as organized and specific. From how she likes the way her nest is to favorite prey to specific kinds of rainfall (not overbearing but also not just a measly drizzle). She will develop habits that become part of her everyday life - sweeping around her father's den to keep it clean, making sure everything is in it's place, counting how many paw steps the distance between certain things is. If any of these get disrupted Fox will tend to get irritated and is quick to snap.
= competitive =
Driven to succeed and compete with her siblings, Fox will not hesitate to pull them into a race or a game of moss-ball - and will most certainly do what she can to win. At the core of this is the desire to make her parents proud, but Fox truly thrives off of having others to challenge and being challenged herself. She will grow to adore the feeling of adrenaline and will likely hunt down the next instance of it all of her life.
- stubborn -
Likely learned from her father she will not be afraid to dig her paws in on certain things and will become an immovable object. Fox will cling to things or places or cats or ideals with her claws fastened within them and refuse to let go or change her mind. If she is forced to let go of them or be removed get ready for the kit-fit of your life - politeness be damned. This will be core trait of who she is and will follow her throughout her life.
- abrasive -
Because of her tendency to be stubborn and stick her nose into places it doesn't belong, Fox will come off as rather rude and arrogant at times, though she'll try her best to keep it under control. This will lessen as she grows up and learns how her actions and words affect others, but will land her in hot water as she is growing up.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

A plot idea I had is that because of her inquisitive mind and thirst for knowledge, she'll want to know all about the Clans and her dad's past in them. She will essentially become super-glued to her father and always strive to make him proud of her. Because of this, she would be the cat that Nathanial has his sights set on to take over his healing business one day. Fox finds this boring and wants to do more with her life, but keeps quiet and does what her dad asks of her because she doesn't want to upset him.

When she's old enough to go exploring on her own she runs into a cat from RiverClan. They swap stories for a bit and Fox learns additional information about the Clans from them on top of what Nathanial has already taught her. She goes back amazed and with one dream in mind; to be a warrior. Unbeknownst to her dad and the rest of the family, Fox continues meeting with this Clan cat and grows close to them, and they eventually start to teach her more advanced training than what her dad has taught her.

One day upon leaving to go meet with this Clan cat Fox will discover that they are on a border patrol battle fending off a couple of rogues. In a split decision Fox will leap in to help - only to get badly injured and almost put her friend's life in danger. The friend tries to convince Fox to come back to camp with them, that they can heal her, but she insists that her dad can take care of it. In her mind she'll have frozen though, because while joining a Clan has been something of a dream of hers, she'll feel torn between them and her family.

Returning home, she'll run into her dad who will have been out looking for her. He'll take her back and get her healed up, and eventually after poking and prodding Fox will reveal the details of the fight - and how she's been secretly meeting a Clan cat for the past couple moons (can be edited depending on how things play out!). She'll then confess to her dad that she dreams of being a warrior and doesn't want to take over his den in what will likely be a dramatic moment in their dynamic!

No form for either of these girls! Just just tell me why you want whatever gal you like, why youd be a good fit and any ideas you have for her in the future!
Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
Rani's Characters for adoption.
Headers and their art credits here~
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