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Old January 10th, 2024, 08:49 AM
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Spartan-117 Spartan-117 is offline
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Default Re: Curlypaw Family Adopts (all roles open!)

"No one knows that I lost my soul long ago...

Cat you want:

Do you agree to adopt them back to me if you lose interest:
Yes, of course!

How do you plan on developing them?
Plots. Lots and lots of plots.

Are you introducing any new parts to their personality?
I was thinking that maybe Windy would be the one cat in the family who is... Different. Not happy, but instead depressed. I was thinking she could be mute and can't communicate with those she cars about. But she would be fiercely protective and loyal to her Clan. She'd be the cat in the family who always feels so alone.

Gender identity of the cat you're picking:
Cisgender female!

Plot ideas (optional):
Lead By Mistakes - Given one of the most disloyal warriors in the whole Clan as a mentor, Windypaw does not know what to do or say about her mentor. But she deals with it until one day, unexpectedly, this cat harms her during a training session. Then she tells Dashpaw.
Lets Go To War - An internal war, that is. She starts worrying that everything she does is wrong. But when she starts to hear voices in her head, and she knows that something is really wrong. She starts to ask Cowtuft but he does not really know, then she starts to ask her siblings - Dashpaw, mostly. It eventually comes out that Windypaw has DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder. Her 'alter' is a violent, angry cat who can talk - but only does so to harm those around her. She starts to push those she cares away because she fears her alter will harm them.
Cut Me Down -

So, right now, this is a heavy wip. I know I've been on a break. Life is hard and so is everything else right now. But I'm trying - I really am. I want to get back into the life of a RPer.

( @Cherry~ )

Story Writing(tips and others) |

Lynxfang - Beefed Up Tier One
Shatterpaw - Skip The Steps
Burnetkit - Silver Tongue and Mind Reader

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