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Old November 15th, 2023, 03:57 PM
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redshiftreign redshiftreign is online now
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Default trivia and skill tree

every 15 posts in roleplay, you earn one(1) skill point which can be used to buy skills! You may have any number of skills per character.
the number in parentheses is the cost of the skill! you can salvage one(1) point per skill/tier, regardless of skill cost, from a dead character. Additionally, skills that are knowledge/skill based can be taught to other characters free of charge!
more to come soon!

(1)Thick Fur - your slugcat has evolved thick, warm fur and is no longer bothered by cold areas like Above the Clouds, The Beneath and more!

(1) Spear Hoarder - your slugcat can carry one additional spear on their back.
t2 [(2) your slugcat can carry four spears!]
t3 [(5) your slugcat has mastered carrying weaponry and can now hold up to 5 spears at a time. what a force to be reckoned with!]
total: 8pts
(2) advanced maneuvers- your slugcat can perform a double jump!
t2 [(2) - your slugcat can additionally backflip, slide and wall jump.]
t3 [(2) - your slugcat can throw spears while backflipping, sliding and wall jumping! how amazing!]
total: 6pts
(2)prodigy fledgeling - skip one of the required lessons for your fledgeling.
t2 [(3) skip an additional lesson for your fledgeling.]
t3 [(5) skip all the steps to becoming a fully fledged clan slugcat, no lessons needed!]
total: 10pts
(2)secret shelter - you are immune to 1 activity sweep for all characters and will not perish when the rain comes.
t2 [(2) immune to two activity sweeps]
t3 [(3) immune to three activity sweeps]
total: 6pts
(3)scavenger’s friend - your slugcat and scavengers are buddy-buddy! you can now trade pearls and other items for spears, bombs, and assorted items from a scavenger.

(3) dragontamer - smaller lizards like pinks and blues are indifferent to or afraid of your slugcat and will not attack unless provoked!
t2 [(3) all lizards except
(15)fatal blow - you are allowed one fatal power play without discussing it with the other player. (can only be purchased ONCE.)

(15)cyclical savior - you’ve seen this happen before- it killed you last time but not this time! your slug cat can escape absolute death and survive a fatal blow or high rank power play, albeit barely. (can only be purchased ONCE)

Eveningthaw | Grousepaw | Cunningshrike | Cloversnap


Last edited by redshiftreign; November 16th, 2023 at 04:10 PM.