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Old October 29th, 2023, 11:41 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Elders' Den

Originally Posted by gs29513 View Post
Was this kid really questioning her? HER? The eldest of the elders(not really, Goatscrunch was older than time probably), whom Silverkit had annoyed into giving her a story? Such blatant disrespect! Tansyjaw was certain she had been MUCH more polite as a kit, it was just this current crop that had no concept of proper etiquette. Adding an even more authoritative(some might say haughty) element to her voice, Tansyjaw began to explain to the dense little kit why she hadn't heard of Sorrelbite. Well you see, this story happened a long, long time ago. Back when I was just a kit. Not quite, but close enough.

Sorrelbite's story isn't told as much because no one wants to remember mistakes. So of course you haven't heard of her. Cats would rather tell stories of embellished glories than the hard reality, even though there is much to learn from the wrongs of others, so we do not repeat them. She had certainly learned a lot from 'Sorrelbite's mistakes. It clearly hadn't stuck in her stupid kit's or grandkids minds, given what Lioncrest was getting up to, but there was hope for Silverkit still. As for the other question, Frogswirl, that rat, was from Shadowclan. Truth there too.

Deciding that it was best to move on with the story, Tansyjaw began to tell it again. But then, Sorrelbite became pregnant. Her parents found out, and they were enraged. She left the clan, and had her kits in secret, in the twolegplace. She lived alone there, for moons, hoping that her lover would come and join her, for she'd told him where to meet her. But he never came. That had been the worst of it. Going every day to that stupid little knoll, looking into the forest, hoping that he would come to love her. To live with her. To be her everything. And every day, finding nothing. Not so much as a scent on the breeze, and she'd have to go back to the kits again and try and find food.

Eventually, she was too lonely to stand it. She left the kits with a twoleg, and returned, in shame and disgrace. She took a decent mate and had kits with him too, but she was never held in the same regard. She threw away a lot of what she might have had in life for a stupid Shadowclanner who never spoke to her again. Frogswirl hadn't been worth it. She'd loved him so much, but he hadn't been worth it. Thistle had been safer. There had been little passion in their union, but they were strong together. Produced good kits. Were respected, as the memory of her failings faded. She'd been lucky to get him, with such a blemish on her record. She should have stayed within their borders. @Amber2010

Silverkit decided to trust Tansyjaw about the sorrelbite, she continued to listen with great interest, how can Frogswirl abandon his love!?! At that time silverkit vowed to herself that she will never abandon her close ones, no matter what!! Thanks Tansyjaw! she meowed, I'm sorry for not beweeving you before; I trust you! she grinned.
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