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Old October 4th, 2023, 04:05 PM
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Default Re: Shadowclan Fury Healing


Originally Posted by poppy. View Post

The young tom was wobbly on his paws as he dragged Drippingpelt into the medicine den, swallowing bile that rose in his throat. He couldn't see. He couldn't see. Well, he could see, but he couldn't see as much. Blood ran down his face, soft gray and yellow mottled fur soaked with blood, his paws shaking as he laid Drippingpelt down, whimpering softly as he looked around for Elmshadow, crimson dripping down his marred face. "D... E-e-e..." Moaned sounds came from his mouth as he looked around, panic fluttering in his chest.

And that only became worse as Yellowpaw approached. Flinching away, the heavily wounded apprentice raised a paw shakily to shield himself from Yellowpaw, tears dribbling down his face from his single good eyes. "I-I-I d-d-don't k-know w-wh-where h-he is, mate." He mumbled, lurchingly looking around, Yellowpaw's aggression wasn't helping, and the tom just wanted Batty. And he wanted to know if his Flowergirl was alive. "U-um mister 'shadow?" He slurred slightly, hiccuping as he spoke, waving his stump of a tail to try and catch the medicine cat's attention. If Yellowpaw had really wanted to find Elmshadow for Dripping, he could've done it himself. But now wasn't the time to think about what could've been. A guilty weight hung heavy on his shoulders and the bleeding apprentice hobbled over to where the medicine cat was blindly. "'orry, mister b-but sh-she's n-not do-doing too swell a-and we r-really need help." He choked out, gesturing wildly at where Drippingpelt laid.

[ @pumpkinbubble. @SpookyShoomy @Pitou ]
Originally Posted by pumpkinbubble. View Post
*Drippingpelt hissed slightly, hearing this*

*She watched with tears as she started feeling her life slip*

(She is still alive. But my next post she will die)

@poppy. @Pitou @SpookyShoomy
Originally Posted by Pitou View Post
[Will get into more systematic healing in the next post. Let me know if I missed any emergency cases that need stabilizing]

[ @Spirit_life_yt (Thornclaw - Let me know sooner rather than later if you can't make a post. A quick post out in the territory is fine) ]
Elmshadow moved his way into his den behind a few of the injured as they'd made their way back from the battle. He quickly assessed the worst as he moved to the back for his herbs. He knew he was a bit low on some of the battle herbs but he wasn't sure on exactly what. Oak leaves may have been nice to have but they weren't worth collecting immediately. Though celandine and lady's mantle may be necessary and it wouldn't hurt to have extra marigold. He turned and called out for the first warrior he saw that wasn't currently indisposed, "Thornclaw! Out into the territory. I need lady's mantle, a shrub with broad green leaves and clusters of smaller, lighter green flowers at the top, and celandine, tiny yellow flowers, and cobwebs if you come across any. Quickly."

[ @Shadowed Flower ]
Elmshadow grabbed the cobwebs and the dried and crushed yarrow in the stores and moved first to Dreamingbloom, her, Drippingpelt, Shadowlight, and Cougarivy seemed to be the worst off in actively bleeding from what he could immediately see so he'd start with focusing on stemming that before turning to pain relief, infection management, and healing. He scooped some of the crushed yarrow and dropped it liberally over the worst of the warrior's wounds then tore off some of the cobwebs the lay over the yarrow-dusted wounds. It was difficult to get a full grasp of the damages before washing everything out but the scratch over the eye was concerning, and yet another wound he'd liked to have celandine for. "That should stifle the bleeding for now then I'll get it cleaned up."

[ @FeurSturm (Shadowlight, Lynxpaw) ]
His next stop was Shadowlight. He sniffed the warrior briefly, passing the apprentice. She wasn't dead which was good. As he poured some of the crushed yarrow over the bleeding on her face, he directed Lynxpaw, "Go with Thornclaw to get herbs. Lady's mantle, celandine, and cobwebs. He should be able to tell you what they look like." The more paws carrying the better, he'd likely need more than he had first thought.

[ @pumpkinbubble. (Drippingpelt) @SpookyShoomy (Yellowpaw) @poppy. (Chubpaw) ]
He left Dreamingbloom and Shadowlight to allow the yarrow some time to solidify the bleeding before cleaning it and applying herbs. He turned next to Drippingpelt but as soon as his eyes landed on the severely wounded she-cat his mate's voice tore his attention. Cougarivy stomped into the den, weaving purposefully through the other injured cats and stood beside the group of hysterical cats, "Don't waste your time on that traitorous coward. She was ready to help Thunderclan. If she wants peace so bad with the squirrels then I say she goes begging Drizz-what's-her-face for healing rather than wasting our stuff." Elmshadow glanced blandly from the enforcer to the bleeding she-cat surrounded by the two apprentices. He didn't have the time, energy, or desire to decipher what had happened on the battle field so he pulled a wad of cobwebs from the others and handed it over to Yellowpaw. "Use these and put pressure on wherever is still bleeding. I'll return when I can." He looked to Chubpaw, the apprentice was also fairly poor off, face bleeding and a stub where once he'd had a tail. Lady's mantle, he thought, a headache forming behind his eyes, Thornclaw better hurry it up. "Chubpaw, lie down. We don't need you working yourself up into bleeding more." He used his body to separate the apprentice from the collapsed warrior then attempted to address the face and tail wounds with yarrow to stop any bleeding. He slipped the apprentice a couple little black poppy seeds for the pain and the anxiety that was clearly working him up. Yellowpaw's nose would also have to be addressed but the bleeding seemed less severe than his panic over his mentor so his focus on keeping his paws working would have to do for now.

Elmshadow turned to his mate, giving her the same treatment as he had Dreamingbloom, pouring a pawful of crushed yarrow over the halfmoon wound encircling her neck. "You too, lie down and give the bleeding a chance to stop."

[ -4 yarrow dried -2 cobwebs ]

Yellowpaw glared at Chubpaw, clawing the ground. He was angry at this cat because he was afraid that he also would end up with a mentor who forgot to teach him how to fight, because this was the second time he had talked to a cat who had lost a fight to a weak cat.

He wanted to claw Chubpaw, but Yellowpaw knew he would get in trouble if he damaged one of his clanmates, no matter how bad they were. Instead, he'd just vent his anger through words, as he did usually. "Hey Chubpaw? Did Blackhawk forget to train you to fight? I'm the weakest cat in the clan, and I fought two cats in the battle without any rescuing, and I only left with a cut and a few blood stains! Now Drippingpelt is bleeding... a-a lot." He'd probably feel a lot worse about his nose if Elmshadow said it was going to be a scar.

Speaking of the medicine cat, be barely noticed them entering, but he still did what the cat said. Yellowpaw spun to Cougarivy. "So very disloyal. So disloyal that she saved this excuse for a Shadowclan apprentice." He said, flicking his tail toward Chubpaw. Then he turned to Drippingpelt who looked very dying. "Please don't die. That would be... upsetting." He said, breaking into a few small tears. Though he was crying, he was still mostly angry at Chubpaw. "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR UGLY FACE AGAIN." He said like a small child. He wanted to scratch the living daylights out of Chubpaw, but then the cat would die or something.

@Leafy | @spookywynds

"Tomatoes are in the same family as some of the world's deadliest poisons. That just goes to show how rebellious tomatoes are."
"What about how the apple can fall far from the tree?"
"No, sometimes the tomato falls from the plant."

Ɛ> Toyhouse <3

Last edited by Aolani; October 4th, 2023 at 04:24 PM.