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Old June 19th, 2023, 06:46 AM
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Estelle Estelle is offline
Still staring nervously
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Default Re: WindClan Joining & Rejoining

[ Sounds good, healing request has been posted figured she could give the full story in her next post so this doesn't get too long ahah - @Moonraven ]

At least this one had enough common sense to respect her wishes, unlike that good-for-nothing ShadowClanner. She may have chased off her assailant, but Hailpaw was not about to believe it was actually genuine -- more like a way to try and kill her, as ShadowClan is reputed to do. Thank goodness that can be left in the past now, at least until she has to justify her absence under the judging eyes of her clan and, most importantly, Twilightstar. Dustbunny seemed to treat her like some outsider more than a missing clanmate, though Hailpaw couldn't say she minded anymore. It was beyond aggravating, to be sure, but the silver apprentice was used to it. She'd always been treated like an outsider since the moment she was born, coming back from the abyss after moons wasn't going to change that. And in the end, it only showed that Dustbunny was no better than the other warriors.

That being said, the feline did prefer the silence that fell over them. The only cat she truly has to justify herself to is Twilightstar, so the lack of questions was by all means appreciated. Or at least, appreciated as much as she could in the moment. It didn't excuse the fact that she felt irked by Dustbunny's consideration; it made her feel weak and dumb. She shouldn't need some warrior to tell her when the slopes went up and down, let alone walk at a slower pace (unless the tunneller is naturally this slow, which Hailpaw doubted; this is WindClan, after all). However, that didn't change the facts. It must come more from a point of necessity than consideration; because this slow pace was necessary for Hailpaw to keep up without too much pain, and the sound of Dustbunny's paws thumping against the ground to signal slopes up or down did help. Hailpaw just didn't like that it is necessary for her, still, she bit her tongue and kept her aw shut. She knew better than to complain, especially when she'd be suffering otherwise.

At least she needn't bother crouching like most warriors did in the tunnels. Her typical WindClan build and generally petite frame allowed her easy movement within the tunnels, even when she had to awkwardly hop with every step, nearly slipping on the unstable ground more than once. But she wouldn't utter a word, only following closely behind, eyes locked on the warrior guiding her. This was oddly reminiscent of the last time she was down in the tunnels with, ah, Willowwhisper her name was. The uncertain warrior was not a great guide but allowed Hailpaw to further familiarise herself with them; maybe once this whole ordeal was over she could finally continue learning about them.

Soon enough, and maybe too soon, light came at the end of the dark tunnels. A silent warning from Dustbunny, and Hailpaw only nodded in reply, far too disheartened to bother another snappy remark. This whole trek, she wouldn't admit it, but the molly would be lying if she said she wasn't at least a little nervous. She hadn't seen her clanmates it moons. She hadn't spoken to Twilightstar in even longer. Would they even allow her back? Her, a cat estranged from her clan, rejected by her peers? The light stung her eyes as she finally emerged into its warmth. Briefly, she flinched but played it off cool. As her eyes adjusted to her surroundings, she wasn't met with familiarity, as expected, but with a beautiful prairie. Perhaps if her conditions were less dire she could have found it within herself to appreciate the surroundings. Though for now the molly was just in a hurry to get to WindClan and Twilightstar, despite the worries buried deep down.

Her blue gaze was downcast as she hobbled behind the tunneller, her ears angled backwards with a slight frown. She couldn't help the expression, though would be confused as to why her features defaulted to this. There was something embarrassing about al this; more than assessment ready when she disappeared, yet beat up by someone a foxheart and her goon upon return. This wasn't like her one bit, and only showed how out of practice she truly was. Hailpaw hated that thoroughly.

Then a voice sounded, bustle in the background. Was this a trick of her mind again? A little too quickly, Hailpaw lifted her head, causing a spell of dizziness as the world briefly turned. She stepped away from behind Dustbunny, peeking like a child at something forbidden. She'd entirely ignored the tunneller now, as her eyes focused against the light on the figure standing there, just a few fox lengths away. Once again, a voice sounded, addressing her. Twilightstar. It had been seasons indeed; Hailpaw barely recognised the leader's injuries. They didn't look recent but some were noticeably new. What had happened to the WindClan leader in her absence? What had happened to WindClan as a whole?

Emerging fully from behind Dustbunny, broken leg half lifted off the ground as she hoped to stand beside the tunneller rather than behind her, Hailpaw couldn't help the slight snicker at the leader's comment.
"Why..." do you think that is.
The molly began, though cut herself off only a second after. She wiped the look of her face, suddenly embarrassed and guilty in face of the nasty comment. Albeit hardly directed at Twilightstar, it wasn't polite in the least. What is wrong with her today.
"I'm sorry."
She then mew, finally allowing herself to sit down to relief some of the pain from her legs.
"It's a long story. A lot has happened."
She averted her gaze, a drip of anger coming through her dry throat as she spoke, tail tip twitching when she recalled the hell she'd been through to get back here. She felt strangely dejected and uncomfortable when she thought back to it all. They weren't fun memories in the least; whether it be what led up to her disappearance or what happened during her being missing.
"The short is explanation is Twolegs.... And ShadowClan. But you'll want the whole story, will you not?"

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