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Old June 8th, 2023, 12:22 PM
FallAndAutumn FallAndAutumn is offline
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 54
Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery


A concerned look crossed Stormwind's face for a moment, they may not have talked for a while but this soft tone was a far cry from the outgoing cat he remembered from his apprentice days. Stormwind's tail twitched but he held back from brushing it against her, not knowing how she'd take the comforting gesture. He could tell Mapleface was sad, but he'd always been better at fighting problems than talking about them. Maybe asking about the kits would cheer her up?

"I'm glad to hear that, everything's been so stressful I can only imagine how the kits are doing." He looked around the busy nursery for a moment, clocking a few fluff balls curled up in a nest and several more playing with a ball of moss by the stream outside. "Remind me which ones are yours?"

[@Rose - Mapleface]
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