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Old April 12th, 2023, 07:11 AM
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Estelle Estelle is offline
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Default Re: Burning Embers & Tearful Goodbyes [WindClan Fire Event]

The world was calm for little Coldkit. Just mastering the art of walking, few things happened around the silent kitten. She had no mother, not anymore, and they realised that quite early on. All they had was a father. A Grinch. Someone who was always there but never present, always galivanting about. Coldkit knew him well. Everyone knew him well. All the queens in the nursery were well aware of who her father was, for the rosettes that decorated her side matched his. This meant that they, too, knew who the feline is responsible for her presence in this world. They just rarely saw him, as stated before. Still, Coldkit felt a certain attachment to this feline. The knowledge that he's out there, existing, living -- they wanted to get closer to their father, and that's what they intended to do morning come. That being said, things rarely went to plan.

The sky is supposed to be dark, but it was bright. The air was supposed to be cold, like their name, but it felt warm, burning. It was supposed to be fresh too, but each breath she took in resulted in a terrible coughing fit that hurt her throat. What a peculiar thing. Coldkit stared at their paws for a few moments, pondering this strange situation. Lifting their eyes, dark clouds covered the sky. Curious, Coldkit padded out of the nursery. They turned their head left - nothing - right - fire. Or at least, to those who knew the word. To them, this was a burning sun engulfing the territory. On the other side, emerged Twilightstar, their mouth open presumably to say something Coldkit could not hear. Their only hint that they had to leave was the thundering they felt in the ground as clanmate after clanmate came rushing out, pushing her in the process.

Coldkit stumbled, unaware of who was coming from behind or what they were saying. They were enthralled by the burning sun on their moor. Everyone looked panicked and frightened; the sight of it frightened them. But instead of fleeing it brought their eyes to look for someone else - the only feline present but not active in their lives. Coldmilk.
"A! A!"
Coldbabyjr held their mouth open the way they saw many others do and unconsciously screamed the moment the familiar pelt of their father came in sight, running with stubby kitten legs after him, cheeks wiggling with kitten fat. The thick, burning air attacked their throat like knives, causing the kitten to stumble into another coughing fit. Normally air didn't sting as much as this.

[ @teddy. ]
