Thread: The Starcave
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Old January 20th, 2023, 02:56 PM
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Default Re: The Starcave


Ivysnake glanced at the other medicine cats, not quite sure what they were up to. Cowpaw had been looking at Fawnlight's ears, and now he was staring at her, his expression unusually intense. She didn't pay it much mind. Whatever foolishness the bumbling, oversized tom was up to wasn't any of her concern. It probably has to do with the silliness and immaturity the other Clans seem to enforce. ShadowClan was usually good at keeping a formal, proper air, and Ivysnake was no exception. Even now she stood rigid, her face a mask of indifference despite the intensity that wreathed her and the gleam in her amber eyes, her short fur remaining slicked back even though she was cold to the bone. At least Cowpaw agreed with her words, nodding and signing with his paws. Centipedepaw might have vanished - the frog-brain, he'd had potential, but of course he had to waste it by going missing - but she was getting better at understanding paw signs, difference or no difference in the various languages. Ivysnake interpreted something about the others speaking... announcements? And WindClan. Not finding plants... herbs. An apology? Why in the Dark Forest was he apologizing? Weak soft-heart. And something about starting. Okay, she'd gleaned enough to have a basic understanding.

The tall dark brown tabby's attention was drawn away by Fawnlight's greeting. The younger she-cat did not look scared, not this time. Her head was confidently lifted into the air and, although she didn't look defiant, she carried a mien of confidence as her vibrant blue eyes met Ivysnake's piercing amber ones. She was smiling, too, another show of the other Clans' softness. Ivysnake only allowed a twitch of one of her pointed ears. She was mildly surprised at this change in attitude, but the feeling didn't show. It was contained, suppressed, and quickly winked out before it even touched her eyes. You'll still weak, going about and smiling at everyone like they're your friends. Fawnlight could be as friendly and foolish as she wanted to be. Ivysnake care much for the other Clans unless she had to, and she came to these meetings for two reasons: one, obligation, and two, the knowledge she could gain from the other Clans. Redshrike was right. The other Clans can be useful, but we mustn't bow to them. We mustn't let them think we're weak. Her claws slid out and sank into the wet, freezing earth. They glinted in the half-moon's light. She would never let that happen, not as long as she had breath in her body.

Fawnlight's words brought her back to the unnaturally wet leaf-bare, the familiar shadows of the night, and the mingled scents of the other Clans. The RiverClan medicine cat had made quick work of speaking after her question to Cinderpaw. She was referencing the fact that Elmshadow had not yet arrived, a quip that was only backed up by context since her tone was neutral and factual; someone stating things as they were. She really had changed. For the better, though that didn't stop her from being a soft-heart like Cowpaw and the others who were too weak to see why ShadowClan had the best ideals. Oh, and look at that, Elmshadow arrived. Like Ivysnake, his dark pelt blended into the shadows while his eyes glimmered brightly against them, though this did not hinder their stealth. She gave her mentor a cool nod and meowed to Fawnlight, "You seem to have learned something between now and our last half-moon meeting, but patience doesn't seem to be it." Her voice, similar to Fawnlight's, was flat, yet it remained imposing with the hinted - contextually, not tonally - quip.

As Fawnlight asked Elmshadow about ShadowClan, Ivysnake let her attention go to Cinderpaw once more. The dark gray tabby she-cat's hackles had risen, and her fur was bristling. There was also the huge scar across her face - hadn't Ivysnake given that to her? She'd given one to that tom, Bumblepaw - now Bumblebreak, she remembered. Perhaps I gave it to them both. As her first battle, and the one proceeding her warrior name, Ivysnake felt like she should remember it better, especially considering the sharp mind she had. But the battle had still been a battle, and the medicine cat apprentice found no need to dwell on it. She instead listened to the massive ThunderClan cat's response, which was simply that she didn't give her name to ShadowClan cats. Ivysnake snorted. Really? She was about to make another one of those comments when she wondered whether she should cause something to break out tonight. The others weren't violent, but she knew the drive Cinderpaw had, the fire that had burned in her green eyes all those moons ago even as Ivysnake - then Ivypaw - had cut deep into her stomach. Oh, how she longed for the scent of blood in her nostrils and the taste of it in her mouth. Things had been too peaceful for too long. But what would Dawnstar think? Did she want a conflict at the moment? I'll humor the squirrel for the time being. "Fine, if it bothers you that much," Ivysnake replied, sounding as uninterested as ever. "I'll keep calling you Cinderpaw, then." She'd wanted to ask if Cinderpaw was ashamed of her name, but oh well.

Turning her attention back to the other medicine cats, Ivysnake found that Cowpaw was once again asking for announcements. Fawnlight replied first, her dappled light brown pelt washed out by the moonlight as she began talking about an herb. Ivysnake's dark brown ears pricked with interest. This was what she was here for. And communicating with the Dark Forest. Maybe StarClan if the overfed, light-loving soft-hearts wanted to chat. She listened closely as the fish described the herb, not caring much about the bluebell descriptor as she did not know what the flower looked like. But she could envision it well enough. Yellow bells. That was what Fawnlight had decided to call them. No, Ivysnake had not seen the herb before, or at least hadn't learned it. Sundust didn't seem to know what it was, either. So, I suppose we're not getting an official name for it unless the other medicine cats recognize it. Considering the herb knowledge they'd shared at the last meeting, Ivysnake doubted they did.

"I haven't heard of it," the medicine cat apprentice replied. Despite the way her dark brown fur blended into the night-shadows, the moonlight accentuated her distinctive, ivy-like black stripes, and the mingled light and shadow made it look as if they were moving as they entwined themselves around her. "I'll check to see if any grows in our territory." She wouldn't say it out loud, but Sundust was right: an herb such as that would be very useful. Fawnlight's description was committed to mental memory. Ivysnake's sharp amber eyes slid around the rest of the gathered cats, wondering if they had any input - and she especially wondered if Elmshadow had been taught about this herb in one of his secret night-visits. I doubt it. He'd have told me long before now, considering how useful this herb sounds. Yet he should've been telling her everything. Ivysnake did not let any of her emotions show beyond an intensity in her eyes and a silent question she was sure only her mentor could decipher as her eyes lingered on him only a heartbeat longer than they did on the other medicine cats, then continued on.

Oh, Cinderpaw was missing. Where had the overaged apprentice - if she still was one, which seemed likely unless she was humiliating herself out of spite - gone? Ivysnake knew not to only use her sense of sight and tasted the air. Amid the mingling scents of all four Clans, she detected the ThunderClan odor weaving its way into the Starcave. Her eyes narrowed. I see the squirrel decided to go down before us. Not that she was meant to be here. It seemed as if everyone enjoyed bringing uninvited guests, although Fawnlight's from last time had at least been justified. Did it have to do with the fact that Cinderpaw had died? I don't care if the frog-brain insults StarClan or the other medicine cats, Ivysnake thought, rolling her eyes before turning back to the medicine cats and continuing to listen to their conversation. Other than the little twinge of spite she felt toward Cinderpaw, she didn't care for the squirrel, not one bit.

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