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Old January 15th, 2017, 01:38 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Liquoris View Post
Lichenkit rolled her eyes and glared at Sparrowkit playfully. "Sparrowkit, you insult me," she said in a sarcastically hurt tone. "I'm plenty big enough to pass as an apprentice by now, so surely I can attempt to manipulate some of the younger warriors. Especially the ones with bad memories," she informed, keeping watch on the other cats. "What did you have in mind that I do with this... Ability, that I have?" She asked, stealing a glance at her partner. "Sparrowkit, you're not suggesting to start a revolution are you?" She asked, a fake face of horrow strapped to her face. She then smirked at the older tom. "This is going to be fun..."
"Good. I would go with the ones who have friends in high places, or friends in other clans. Get them to trust you. Get them to believe in you, to tell you their secrets...that way you can have a spy from the inside. The ones with bad memories might not be the best ones, they're awful cats to work with." The tom mewed, with a wink in Lichenkit's direction. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, my young partner. Especially not now...we must be thankful that our dear leader Ashstar came back to us. Isn't that right?" Sparrowkit asked in an innocent sounding voice. "But...the way I see it...once I'm older, if we can do this right...nothing will be able to stand in our way. Am I correct, Lichenkit?" Sparrowkit asked. He was a smart young tom. He was good at figuring things out. And he was especially good at figuring things out when they involved trickery. He loved to trick other cats. Young, didn't bother him. Sparrowkit waited for Lichenkit's reply, the tip of his tail twitching back and forth as he did so. He wanted to make sure that all details were perfect before he began to carry out his little plan.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.