Thread: Charather ideas
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Old September 24th, 2022, 04:22 AM
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RiverClan Re: Charather ideas

" [wip quote] "

Current name: Adderscale
Meaning: For his smooth fur
Past names: Adderkit, Adderpaw
Future names: -

Gender idenety: Male He/him
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Orientation: Bicurious

Body Type: Lean but decently well-muscled body with a long tail and limbs. He has an unusually long body over-all

Fur Type: Sleek and well groomed; perfect for a swimmer!

Fur Coloring: Tan and brown mackerel tabby with somewhat lighter colors on his belly and muzzle

Eye Details/Coloring: Sky blue

Other details: Long claws and fangs

Current affliction: Riverclan
Past afflictions: -
Rank: Warrior
Past ranks: Kit, apprentice

Connections and family
Birth Parents: Silverbloom and Thushpelt
Foster Parents: -
Birth Siblings: Lilycreek, Pearlshine, Blackfin
Foster Siblings: -
Other Relatives: Sproutkit (nephew)

Offspring: -
Mate(s): None,, but he kind of looking
Previous Mate(s): -


Adderscale has always been a smart cat, and his quick and logical way of thinking was something he was praised for from early age. He always did find enjoyment in challenging his mind and pushing himself mentally - be it learning and memorizing new things, sticking up a conversation a clan-mate, and seeing what interesting topic the talking can lead to, or simply sitting with his own thoughts, you can usually find this young tom working with his mind.

But that doesn't mean he dislikes physical activity at all. In fact, both running and sparring are big hobbies for his; running is for him a great way to relieve stress, get his mind going, or just release excess energy that has built up while also relaxing after a long day. And though it might be surprising, Adderscale finds that sparring is one of, if not the best way to practice. Being a mixture of split-second decisions, a great amount of skill, as well as requiring a strong and well-muscled body, it's a way to engage his senses and mind, sharpening and finessing his fighting technique, and keep his muscles hard, all while also making sure he is prepared for any battles that might be coming his home's way.

Adderscale has a loyalty rivaled by few. He was raised under the belief that loyalty and devotion to one's clan were necessities for any warrior, and if he ever has children of his own, he intends to teach them the same lessons as he once was taught. But though his loyalty to Riverclan is strong and definitely helps him become a better warrior, it also causes him to greatly look down upon cats who do not stay loyal to their birth-clan, no matter the reason for their betrayal of their home clan-shifting, he doesn't tend to take too kindly to it. There is a small exception to this when it comes to Shadowclan, since he does understand not wanting to remain under the rule of a cat like Dawnstar, but he still doesn't like them.

Adderscale is still young, but throughout his life, he will carry himself with a generally positive attitude. Of course, he knows when things are serious, ---

Fears: Bad things happening to his family or clan
Likes: Fighting, improving, running, talking, learning
Hobbies: Running, learning new things,
Quirks: Long fangs visible when he grins

Theme Song(s):
Voice Claim:

Fun facts
Creations date: September 14th, 2022

Relationships: wip






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Last edited by Spotty; November 20th, 2022 at 03:11 AM.
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