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Old June 14th, 2022, 06:08 PM
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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
Crunchy Leaves
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Default Character Bios


Current Name
Other Names, if any
Snowykit - Snowypaw - Skrunkly
Heightened Perception [Smell] - Rapid Recovery - The Collector - Not Skiddin' Around
Age (in moons)
[2 year old]
Sexual Orientation
Creation Date
Post Count

+Residential Information+

Current Affiliation/Clan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any
Milknose - Crookedpaw - Hushpaw

+Interpersonal Connections+

Mother (s)
Exiled from WindClan
Adopted Older Brother
Significant Other
Best Friend(s)

Former denmate who lost his memory to a monster and struggles with loneliness due to his inability to remember his friends and family. Snowybreeze worries about his condition and feels guilty that he is unable to help his clanmate in a time of such obvious need. He has noticed, however, an improvement in Scalescar's condition when out hunting on the moors. After a heartfelt talk, the two toms realized how much they had in common and how much they cared for each other, deciding to become brothers and have each other's back always.
Snowybreeze's former mentor, and the cat he has come to know as a mother. Extremely fond of the older molly, he awaited her return for moons at the entrance to their old camp, and was surprised that it was only when he had given up hope of ever seeing her again that she'd returned. After Berryfrost's death, she has been the only cat who's consistent presence has kept him from completely reverting back to his former, quiet, barely existing self.


Ashpaw's mentor. Was his patrol leader when they found Fireflame being torn to shreds by rogues. The tom's willingness to sacrifice himself to save the others humbling Snowybreeze, he looks up to the tom with utmost respect.
Senior warrior who was in charge of his warrior assessment. Between Snowypaw's elation at having done a good job and nerves at having led his first patrol, the apprentice misheard the warrior, being blissfully unaware that he has been approved to receive his warrior name.


WindClan's leader. Has deep respect for her empathy and kindness. Tends to trust her judgement on all things pertaining to the clan more than his own.
WindClan's former medicine cat. And the reason his former mate is now dead. Despite wanting to remain fair in understanding that the tom simply made a mistake when poisoning Berryfrost, hatred flows through him at the mere thought of the patched tom. He is not certain he wouldn't kill him on sight if he were to catch him on the border.
Opinionated, quick to anger she-cat with a tongue quick as her namesake. Despite her easily frustrated demeanor and haughty looks, Snowybreeze does not believe she actively tries to bully or annoy others, instead believing there is something bothering the young molly, and preferring to stay out of her way until she is ready to talk about it.
Leader of the "Fighting Cats" team in a clanwide race across.
Deadmoon's half-brother. Returned from death by StarClan himself, Snowybreeze had a long talk with the tom concerning cats he had not yet seen since his return, his sister among them. The large warrior is seen in a positive light by Snowybreeze, a fact that is only compounded on by the fact that he is related to his beloved former mentor.
Kind, older warrior who took over the kits under his care when he was sent to scout out a new home for WindClan following the Dusk Syndicate attack and the blaze that ravaged the moors.
A funny, fun loving warrior who has more energy than anyone else Snowybreeze has ever met. Is always excellent company when going out for a hunt.
A kindhearted WindClan warrior. Despite Snowybreeze's clumsiness getting in the way and serving a horrendous first impressions with the she-cat, she was quick to forgive him and joke with him, going as far as comforting him in her own way. She coaxed the first laugh out of him since the death of his mate, a fact that Snowybreeze will forever be grateful for.
Batglare's new apprentice. Shy, compassionate and big hearted, this young apprentice seems to have a penchant for blaming herself over everything and apologize for every little thing, reminding him of his earlier days with Berryfrost. Despite not knowing the apprentice too well, he hopes to keep an eye on her and help her in any way he can, especially after the poor molly was attacked by her own mother. A fact that unsettled Snowybreeze tremendously.
Twistedpaw's sister, and Fireflame's youngest daughter. Took her to see her sister after Twistedpaw was attacked by her biological mother.
Snowybreeze's long time apprentice. Despite trying to connect with the tom, he is afraid that he might not be the right mentor for him, consistently worrying that Crookedpaw might fall behind too much. While he knows it would be prudent to contact Twilightstar and ask for the tom to be placed in the paws of a more capable warrior, he is afraid that his concerns might be taken as a complaint and shatter the younger tom's confidence in himself, keeping him quiet thus far.
Snowybreeze's apprentice. Despite the tom's enthusiasm in getting the younger feline's instruction going, he's had a hard time locating the lad, ensuring that no training has been done since they have been assigned as mentor and apprentice pair. Worried as the Maine Coon mix is, however, he refuses to go to Twilightstar, afraid of intruding upon the gray feline's privacy, assuming he has his reasons for avoiding the large warrior.


Name unknown. A horrendous, lying cat that leads a ragtag band of strangers against WindClan, attempting to seize their land. His indifference towards his so claimed family quickly souring Snowypaw's feelings towards this tom, it wasn't until the overly sweet outsider threw out an elder over a disagreement that Snowypaw felt a twinge of hatred for another for the first time in his life.


Due to his surprisingly laid back upbringing as a kit despite his more nervous nature, Snowybreeze is calm and not easily angered as far as other cats go. While he is not particularly kind to himself in his thoughts, he rarely if ever finds himself with these same thoughts towards his clanmates, preferring to believe that there is always a reason for why they might be acting out if they are being rude, or amused if they are being more energetic than usual. He's rarely seen with a frown on his face meant towards another cat, and is always happier to simply indulge the other cat with whatever they might need, be it someone to listen to or someone to help them with clan chores.

Once an anxious ball of fur, Snowybreeze's constant fret and worry has toned down as he has grown older. His self esteem raising some during Deadmoon's caring tutelage, it quickly took a hit back down the moment his beloved mentor disappeared from the clan. His emotions doing a downward spiral as his anxiety skyrocketed and his feelings of self worth took a dangerously low dive, it was the care and friendship offered by his clanmates that helped pick the large tom back up. Despite being chattier now and feeling as though he can provide at least a decent shoulder for his clanmates to lean on when they need someone to talk to, Snowybreeze is still very quiet around those he is not too familiar with. This is especially true around senior warriors, as he constantly fears being rude or thoughtless, or being too chatty and simply irking the older cats out. His voice is still soft spoken as well, even around those he is comfortable with, almost as though if he hates the sound of it or is afraid of being called out for speaking.

Due to the generosity shown to him throughout his entire apprenticeship, and having it so willingly given without expecting even words of gratitude in return, Snowybreeze is always willing to give a lending paw, or offer food to others before he feeds himself. Happiest making others happy, this has the downside of him not necessarily caring for himself as well as he should unless he believes the way he is currently acting towards himself would be a detriment to others. It is very rare for him to say no to a call for a favor - within reason, as he would never betray his clan or hurt another cat willingly outside of the heat of battle - even if it would be harmful to himself, if anything preferring to put himself in harm's way over exposing a fellow clanmate to the same possibility of getting hurt.

Convinced he is not worth half as much as other WindClan warriors and that the rest of the clan mostly agrees and merely tolerates his existence, Snowybreeze strives to work hard and be a good role model for the youngest in the clan. This latter part is especially important for the massive warrior as he considers his role as an educator very necessary, believing that teaching kits from a young age not only ensures they aren't bored and getting into trouble but also gives them a measurable head start in life once their apprenticeship starts. This trait, combined with his generosity tend to ensure Snowybreeze runs himself exhausted more often than not, barely leaving any time off for himself to just relax and spend time with his loved ones and friends.

Overall, Snowybreeze tends to just love everybody. Not one to judge or distrust others for the fact that they belong to a different clan, Snowybreeze believes that all cats are cats. He sees that all clans go to StarClan as the ultimate proof of this, believing that working together is always a better solution than warring and killing each other, breaking the peace over what could already be a dire situation. The massive warrior is especially fond of his friends and adopted family, being quick to nuzzle, snuggle, and cuddle with them, always seeking to show his affection to those he loves most of all.

Fear of Abandonment
Having no memory of his parents and having never been taken up by another queen as a foster kit, Snowypaw spent his entire kithood alone, clinging to dark corners of the nursery where he could stay away from scrutinizing, judgmental glares and anger thrown in his direction. It wasn't until his apprenticeship with Deadmoon that the gentle giant finally began to feel at home, easily fitting in with the molly and unwittingly seeing her a surrogate mother. Her sudden disappearance eroding away the one foundation of family the tom had found, Snowypaw found himself blaming himself, believing it was his fault she had vanished, as he should have been there with her as opposed to out with another warrior training. Because of this, Snowypaw quickly becomes distressed whenever someone he has bonded with vanishes, quickly blaming himself for the disappearance, as it was obviously his fault for not paying enough attention to the cat in question. He also has a hard time approaching those he considers friends, as he fears clinging to them too much will also make them - understandably - tire of him and abandon him in turn.


+Physical Traits+

Fur Color(s)
White and Brown
Fur Texture
Soft and Feathery
Fur Length
Fully white coat with a single patch of brown that runs through the right side of his face and ear.
Eye Color

Body Type/Structure
Full bodied and heavily muscled, his feathery fur doing little to hide the muscles underneath.
Giant due to his mother's pure Maine Coon line.
Quite heavy thanks to his immense size.
Soft spoken with a rather average, low rage tone to it.
Breezy and almost imperceptible, much like the winds in the moor.

Scars / Deformities
Diseases / Conditions

Very High

Last edited by Alchemist Kitsune; May 30th, 2024 at 10:04 PM. Reason: Adding to Snowy's bio.
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