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Old June 3rd, 2022, 01:06 AM
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Willowfern Willowfern is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2020
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Default Re: Dark Forest Territory


Blackshiver didn’t know what to do anymore.
Ever since her death, she’d been isolating herself from the rest of the Dark Forest, refusing to partake in any of the painful ‘training’ that many of the newer arrivals seemed to enjoy leading, as she still considered herself to be a decent cat, deep down inside.
I just don’t understand some of these cats, She thought bitterly as she lay curled up in her rotted-leaf nest, her paws eternally soaked with blood, They seem to like, almost even enjoy this eternal suffering we have to endure. I don’t understand why we’re given the ability to dreamwalk…
She stared out into the deep of the forest, for once in her forty-five moons of solitude in Hell wishing for a companion to share her pains and woes with.
No matter how hard I try, I always seem to chase my brother away from me. Now I can never try again, as he’s in StarClan, and I’m forbidden from walking there… Sadness flooded through her, I’m such a horrible cat. I wish I would just disappear.
She then gathered her rotten nest around her and tried to sleep, the pain in her throat pulsing and keeping her awake, as per usual.
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Probably permanent roleplay hiatus, though I’ll be around nonetheless. Might make some throwaways every now and then for people’s plots + Non-Clan cats and Nonwarriors roleplay characters.
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