Thread: sunpaw bio
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Old May 10th, 2022, 08:06 PM
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Default sunpaw bio

☀ Sunpaw ☀


Current Name: Sunpaw
Other Names, if any: Sunkit
Age (in moons): 6 1/2 moons
Gender: Male [FtM]
Sexual Orientation: Gynosexual [attracted to someone who identifies as female or who expresses feminine characteristics]
Creation Date: 5/10/22

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Riverclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor(s): Featherstripe [ @Serenitystar ]
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Goldennose | @AllSeer
Mother (s):

Best Friend(s):

Significant Other:


Overview: This fluffy golden apprentice's name definitely reflects his personality. He thinks he is the center of the universe, no matter how many times other cats tell him otherwise. Being loved and having attention is what he lives for. Despite his diva-esque outer personality, he is quite selfless to cats who get to know him and spend time with him. He cares a lot about his friends and family, and when they are upset he will do anything to make them happy again (as long as he doesn't get his pelt messy!)
Traits: Energetic, Benevolent, Charming, Perfectionist, Glamorous, Conceited at times

Mental Age: 6 moons
Psychiatric Complications: N/A
Phobias: Claustrophobia, Acrophobia

Sociability: 7/10
Outlook: Mostly Optimistic
Responsibility: 3/10
Cleanliness: 8/10
Generosity: 6/10
Manners: 6/10
Bravery: 5/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: Greenleaf
Favorite Food(s): Trout & voles
Favorite Word: Slippery
Favorite Sound: Rushing water & wind

Greatest Hope: To be loved by all people.
Greatest Strength: Being confident.
Greatest Weakness: Often not being able to see the struggles of others.
Worst Nightmare: Being put in a cage by twolegs
Deepest Darkest Secret: TBD
Most Treasured Memory: TBD

Quirk(s): Blinks a lot when he feels a strong emotion, shakes when he has too much energy, plays with his own tail
Theme Song(s):
Golden | Harry Styles
Hug Me | Pharrell Williams, Trey Parker
LP | Red Velvet


Place of Birth: Riverclan Nursery
Date of Birth: November 13th, 2021 (estimate)
Former rank(s): Kit
Beliefs: Starclan, not super skeptical otherwise

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): Yellows (#FFC000) (#bd8606)
Fur Texture: Fluffy & silky
Fur Length: Medium
Markings: Tabby, some spots in areas
Eye Color: Emerald green

Body Type/Structure: Semi-cobby, Triangular shaped face
Height: 30 cms at shoulder (once fully grown)
Weight: 4.9 kilograms (once fully grown)
Voice: Smooth and Charming voice
Gait: Trot
Scent: Earthy scent, most similar to grass

Scars / Deformities: N/A
Diseases / Conditions: N/A

Image(s): N/A

Last edited by thesunking; May 10th, 2022 at 09:15 PM.