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Old May 7th, 2022, 04:52 PM
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Bonsai Bonsai is offline
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Default Re: Sprigy’s Kitties!

Name: Pinecrash

Previous Names: Pinekit, Pinepaw

Gender: Male

Age: 21 moons

Rank: New Warrior

Font: Comic Sans

Creation Date: 5/3/2022

Appearance: Brown Maine Coon with yellow eyes.

Personality Outline: An upbeat and happy-go-lucky tom. He’s extroverted and full of energy. Despite his age and everything his clan has been through he’s naive and friendly. He is easily distracted, and that often messes with his ability to hunt and patrol. He works best with another cat by his side to keep him focused. He has is hard working and has a deep passion for his clan.



Pinekit was born to Midnightbloom and Woolytail. The two weren’t quite ready for the responsibility and weren’t overly affectionate of their kits. Both continued their warrior duties and left most of the day to day to the other cats in the nursery. However, they did still love their litter and checked in on them often. Despite this Pinekit was mostly left to his own devices. He got himself into every kind of trouble imaginable, and was a known prankster around camp. He would put nettles in nests, move rocks in front of entrances, and sneak up on cats. All with the goal of getting the attention of his parents. However, because of the harmless nature of his pranks he never succeeded. His parents mostly just thought of him as a cute kit doing cute kit things.

One night when he was five moons old he decided to take his “harmless” pranks up a notch. He did something he knew would have to get his parents attention. He snuck out of camp. He thought he would only go a few paces outside of camp, but a butterfly distracted him and he quickly got lost. He wandered around aimlessly until he came to a river. The stones beside it were slippery, and he fell in! Just before he could drown, Woolytail found him and pulled him to safety. He got scolded heavily the whole way back to camp. As punishment for his recklessness he had to wait an extra moon to become an apprentice. He still has lingering Aquaphobia from this experience. His pranks came to a full stop.


Pinepaw became an apprentice at seven moons. His mentor was Pricklehive, a driven molly who wanted nothing to do with Pinepaw and his reputation for being silly. She was serious and cold. She wanted to get him to warrior status as soon as possible. She rushed him through training, drilling him long and hard. She didn’t give him a moment’s peace. Her low opinion of him didn’t change throughout their time together. Loyalty and work were the most important things to her and she instilled this belief into Pinepaw. That was about the only thing she taught him. Her insistence on moving fast and pushing Pinepaw onto other things before he was ready left him with only a baseline knowledge of how things are done. He never got to develop any kind of skill in any particular task, and remains mediocre to this day.

Between the old trauma from his kithood and new trauma from a mentor who pushed him too hard Pinepaw caved in on himself. He felt like a failure because he couldn’t keep up with his den mates. He refused to make friends and pushed away any friends he had from the nursery. He focused all his attention on his training. Somehow he managed to stumble through six long moons of training, and make it out fine.

Skills: He’s average at everything when he’s paying attention.


-Willowbriar (Polaris)

-Midnightbloom (Mother)
-Woolytail (Father)

Reputation: WIP

Theme: Stay Focused.

The Distraction Arc
1. Turn That Light Out!:

Last edited by Bonsai; June 16th, 2022 at 04:35 PM.