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Old January 2nd, 2017, 08:10 PM
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Slash-GNR Slash-GNR is offline
I got nothing...
Join Date: Dec 2016
Gender: Female
Posts: 4,101
My Mood: Worried


Ronan walked on the sidewalk. She had her earbuds in listening to Guns 'N Roses. She didn't pay much attention to anyway as many other walked by her. She wore her spiked trench coat over her black shirt and dark pants. She had a cap on that didn't match the rest of her outfit. She used to it cover her abnormal bright golden eyes. People who saw them would ask her many questions, which she did not want. No one knew about her powers. Not even her family, which caused her to stress out and go live on her own. Granted she was only 16. Therefore, she lived in a orphanage that thought she had no parents. She never got adopted because people claimed for her to be in the "troubled" stage of her life. This didn't bother her. She didn't even want to be adopted. She was a troubled teen anyways. She had to much on her mind.