Thread: Sky Glade
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Old October 5th, 2021, 10:19 AM
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Default Re: Sky Glade

Originally Posted by Angelique View Post
The large black tom was out late at night, lurking around in the new area of Shadowclan. He used to always come out at night even when he was a rogue. It was always so lovely. Not that he was here, because it's lovely. It was more peaceful and he didn't have much to worry about. He hadn't been this far out, but he would use his good sense of direction.

Crowtail had heard from a Shadowclan cat that this had been originally Windclan territory. It was quite interesting, but a great place. No wonder why Shadowclan was trying to keep it. He would try his best to help keep this place. That was part of the self oath he had made.

An oath where he would help Shadowclan and die(again) if needed. Crowtail would continue to make sure he did everything to help his clan. His past mistakes would be behind him. He wanted to erase those mistakes. The tom continued to move through.

// open \\

X ( I’m using her -w-)

A white fluffy cat that seems to have grey blue markings was near the same area, she seemed to be watching some squirrels and other animals run around, she had no intention of pouncing and hunting the creatures as it was night now. She has no reason as she had already ate her fill that day.

The feline didn’t notice the other for quite some time, not at all really just enjoying watching the prey play, she started thinking about her family well old family considering her mate was from another clan and took the kits once they were old enough to leave her. She found it rude and hurtful that he would do that then again she didn’t say anything as she didn’t want to leave her home. She only wished he left one for her to look after and raise as her own.

Enough with the sad thinking, she shook her head and looked over seeing the other” I didn’t expect anyone else to up and about this late” she spoke softly towards the male nit wanting him to think she was a trespasser when she wasn’t
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