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Old May 21st, 2021, 05:05 PM
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_Riverblossom_ _Riverblossom_ is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Joining & Rejoining

Originally Posted by spade View Post
Today was a rather... quiet day, though it did nothing to calm the storm of anxiety that churned in Kestrelstar's stomach. He didn't trust quietness. He didn's trust peace. It was too fragile, too rare, and frankly he didn't get to enjoy too much of it. A fickle thing, not something to whole heartedly place faith in. Something always happened to have it come crashing down, shattering into a million little pieces around him.

But so far... nothing like that had happened, and the fragile state of serenity remained. The RiverClan leader had just finished marking the borders - second to the patrols that had already gone out, when an unfamiliar scent caught his attention. Following it around a winding path in the territory, he saw a rather heavily pregnant molly resting against a tree. Who was that? Why did they think they could just lounge in another cats territory? "You better have a good reason for taking a nap inside our territory," he began, voice not as rough but still laced with suspicion. He could tell she was pregnant, but to him that wasn't an excuse.
"Sorry.I haven't slept in days.I didn't mean to intrude on your territory." she tried to stand up but her legs gave away and she fell and broke her paw "OOOWWW!" she yowled in pain and collapsed to the ground. @gs29513

Last edited by _Riverblossom_; May 23rd, 2021 at 04:34 AM.
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