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Old May 21st, 2021, 04:40 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Joining & Rejoining

Originally Posted by _Riverblossom_ View Post
Dune was walking in the forest trying not to cut herself or her kit swole belly.She was very tired an hungry.She lay down by a tree and slept but she was wondering what would happen with her kits. @spade
Today was a rather... quiet day, though it did nothing to calm the storm of anxiety that churned in Kestrelstar's stomach. He didn't trust quietness. He didn's trust peace. It was too fragile, too rare, and frankly he didn't get to enjoy too much of it. A fickle thing, not something to whole heartedly place faith in. Something always happened to have it come crashing down, shattering into a million little pieces around him.

But so far... nothing like that had happened, and the fragile state of serenity remained. The RiverClan leader had just finished marking the borders - second to the patrols that had already gone out, when an unfamiliar scent caught his attention. Following it around a winding path in the territory, he saw a rather heavily pregnant molly resting against a tree. Who was that? Why did they think they could just lounge in another cats territory? "You better have a good reason for taking a nap inside our territory," he began, voice not as rough but still laced with suspicion. He could tell she was pregnant, but to him that wasn't an excuse.

Originally Posted by Peril View Post
The formerly ShadowClan tom had been wandering ShadowClan territory for a while now. He wasn't attempting to find camp, no, he was attempting to find a RiverClanner with a High Rank. He sighed and sat down on a boulder near him. I'll never find anycat. he mumbled with a drooping tail and a frown, ears pinned to his head.

[ @spade]
With tensions as high as they were between RiverClan and ThunderClan, Kestrelstar felt as though he never patrolled the ShadowClan border anymore. After the Gathering, he hadn’t thought Dawnstar to pull any fast tricks, but still one could never be sure with that wild card. Preparations always had to be in place, his paws and reflexes always ready, in case of a spontaneous strike of the tyrant leader's talons.

So today his paws led him in that direction, ears alert and jaws parted to draw the scents into him. Nothing but pine needles, reeds, and ShadowClan stench. Yuck. Drawing closer to the border, Kestrelstar noticed a lone figure seated atop a boulder. His muscles stiffened a bit, now on high alert as he analyzed the scene before him. The cat appeared to be alone. And if he wasn't, well... the leader had lives to spare if he was tasked with dealing with an entire ShadowClan patrol single pawed.

"Who were you hoping to find?" Kestrelstar snapped as he slid out of the undergrowth, eyeing Stormshadow with distrust in his gaze as he stalked forward. Stopping short of the border, the gray tabby studied him. He didn't appear to be on the offense, with intent to attack and injure. What was he doing here then?"

Originally Posted by -Skyfall- View Post
Ace padded into RiverClan territory, his fur still wet from his swim (or wade, but swim sounded much cooler, so whatever) across the river (or creek, but again, river sounded cooler, more... daring) His ginger tabby fur was fluffed up in an attempt to dry it. He could smell cats. A lot. He turned to face his sister, and he was met with terrified golden eyes.

Ace... I-I´m scared! She whimpered. What if they eat us?! June looked around, and then... then she saw a large, gray tabby tom. She let out a squeak of terror, almost backpedaling into the river. Ace grabbed her scruff and pulled her beside him. That cat... what if he eats us?! He's so big!

Not from eating kits, June! You crazy mouse-brain! He touched her should lightly with his tail tip, to show he was kidding. Ace blinked, trying to get a good look at the cat. Ooh, but he looked a little scary, a large gray tabby. Powerful muscles. Golden eyes like June. Um... hello? He called, not sure how to address this tom.
Taking a moment to restock the fresh-kill pile, Kestrelstar had decided to slip out of camp. Briefly, he'd been tempted to ask Frozenberry to come hunt with him - the two of them hadn't spent nearly as much time as the leader would've liked, and Frozenberry was the only cat in the Clan that Kestrestar felt he could relax around, and drop the entire leader guise. He missed being Kestrelhoney; free of responsibilities and expectations. Just the two of them, the sky above and sand piles at their paws.

Reality often reflected little of what Kestrelstar desired nowadays, often replaced with tedious duties that were half ones that he brought upon himself. The irritation from that was enough to cloud his judgement as he stepped through the undergrowth, nearly trampling over a pair of kits that squeaked in surprise.

They didn't smell of RiverClan, nor of any other Clan. Outsiders... but why were they alone? The scent didn't appear to indicate another, older cat anywhere nearby, so Kestrelstar fixed them with a curious gaze. "What are you tiny hairballs doing out here by yourself?" he snapped, golden orbs flickering between the two of them.

Eat... them? These furballs thought he was going to eat them? It garnered a snort from the tom, and a flick of his ear in annoyance. "I much prefer fish, or a vole," he retorted with a shake of his head.

Originally Posted by Moonlightwolfpup View Post

Birtchclaw's ears laied down abit hearing she couldnt see her own family was bad enaogh, it hurt her abit to hear "aww fine, but ill miss them alot, could i at least send letters or gifts?" she said hopefully, if she couldn't see them, she at least wanted to send something to let them know she was at lest alive and safe, she knew her family worries about her alot she didnt want them to worry more but not seeing them forever
The RiverClan leader winkled his nose at the sentiment. And what... were letters? Whatever it was, the gray tabby didn't like it, and made his disgust known with a scoff. "No. You are either a RiverClan warrior who's paws remain inside the warrior code, or you leave now and never come back. I cannot afford to have cats whose loyalties are divided." Was it harsh? Sure. But Kestrelstar would not allow any forms of weakness in RiverClan, and definitely not of this variety.
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