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poppy November 3rd, 2023 07:16 PM

BRALCON: A Kit Finder
Calling one, calling all! There is a specific couple on WCO that will be having kits soon... the lovely Brackenfire ( @poppy. ) and Falconfeather ( @els )!

Brackenfire is originally from ShadowClan, and her bio has more information BUT these kits will be born in RiverClan. How, you ask, is this possible? Because Brackenfire, the notorious ShadowClan warrior, is joining RiverClan to be with Falconfeather. These kiddos will have lots of kin in other Clans, inculding Springpaw, Summerpaw, Winterpaw and Autumnpaw in ThunderClan (Springpaw is the only active older sibling). In RiverClan, they'll have their aunt Larkstar and I'm unsure but I think Falconfeather has some other kin in rc but Lark is the only one I know :sob: In ShadowClan, they have Dawnstar, Cougarbite and his kits as their immediate family, although Brackenfire and Dawnstar's kinship is quite... unknown at the moment. These kids will all know of their half clan heritage, but ideally will be loyal RiverClan warriors.

I linked Falconfeather's art album and Brackenfire's bio so you know what the appearances are, so as long as the kits look relatively similar to their parents, we're good! Bracken and Falcon's parenting style will be very doting, and Bracken will both have very high standards and be strict, but she'll also feel like she's free enough in RiverClan to show affection, and since she loved these kits enough to throw away everything and abandon her ShadowClan loved ones, she will absolutely spoil them and defend them with her life because they're her only family that she'd be able to be affectionate towards. Falcon will be an active and loving father and (will edit after I ask els) but unless there's a good reason, both parents will love these kits, but they will be held to high standards!

There's only a few requirements, but these kits must remain active, preferably should remain in RC forever until at least mid apprenticehood. That's all uwu

These kits mean a lot to Brackenfire and Falconfeather, and both of our characters mean the world to me and Els, so please be active with these kits! Have fun with them, plan their lives out do funky plots, etc, etc. We'll be accepting about 3 kits, and also if you want your kit to be the oldest/youngest/middle child, make sure to specify it in your application! It's not totally concrete that you'll get it, but it's for organization's sake yk.

optional form

Plot Ideas?:
Dynamic w/ Bracken:
Dynamic w/ Falcon:
@els @poppy.

lem~ November 3rd, 2023 07:44 PM

Re: BRALCON: A Kit Finder
LilyKit > LilyPaw > LilyFire

Intersex, They/Them

A dark brown tabby cat with a white patch on their eye and green-yellow heterochromia

This kit will be rambunctious, bouncy and overall a delight to be around. They are sweet, kind and generous but a little oblivious.

Plot Ideas?:
None at the moment

Dynamic w/ Bracken:
I'd really like them to be really sweet and wholesome but I would like Bracken to be more strict on Lily

Dynamic w/ Falcon:
Lily will be a total daddy's girl and literally stick to him like absolute glue.


@els @poppy.

Kuwu November 3rd, 2023 08:02 PM

Re: BRALCON: A Kit Finder


Shallowkit > Shallowpaw > Shallowfrost

Female (later genderfluid :eyes: )


She is a kindhearted and well meaning cat who's very curious and always wanting to learn more about everything around her while being a quick learner. Tries her best to be "out of the way" of others who are doing things but might pop in to ask a few questions if she finds it interesting and they don't appear to be upset. If she doesnt have questions about things she tends to stay quiet and just watches everything around her. she would gladly listen to any stories from elders or anyone, even if the stories are exaggerated. Using even the stories as a way to learn more about everything there is in the world

Plot Ideas?:
One small idea could be Shallow starting to have gender dysphoria in late apprentice/early warrior days and going to Bracken for help to figure out whats going on and they work out together that shes genderfluid.

Maybe some clanmates could be rude or suspicious towards Shallow due to her halfclan nature and it could give her some anxiety/insecurities about it despite being 100% certain she wants to stay in riverclan

Dynamic w/ Bracken:
Shallow would be very respectful to Brackens strict parenting, making sure shes doing her best to be a good example while still being quietly cheerful and loving towards Bracken. If there isnt anything interesting happening she would probably be just sitting/laying near Bracken, just enjoying either sitting silently with her mother or even conversations if they came up!

As she gets older she would stay close with Bracken, often sharing tongues and prey, telling Bracken what shes been up to and just in general staying really close

Dynamic w/ Falcon:
She would probably try to spend alot of time with Falcon to try and learn more about herbs and medical care, even if she doesnt become a medicine cat she would just find it interesting to learn about and it could be handy if there was ever an emergency! Would probably watch Falcon from the nursery or even trying to go over to the medicine den to get a better view at things he would do (if she was allowed to of course! and she would never bother him if it was something serious or a sickness she could catch)

As she gets older she would probably stray a little farther from Falcon, giving him time and space to do his job but would offer to go on herb patrols for him if he needs anything. Every few days offering to share a meal with him if he has the time

Dynamic w/ Siblings:
With her littermates she would try to stop them from getting into any trouble, trying to keep them up to their parents standards. Shallow would refuse any attempts to sneak out of camp or anything of the such and would probably make sure Bracken was told about any schemes. Other then that she would behave similarly with them as she does with Bracken, hanging out around them, watching them play, sometimes joining in if the game wasnt super high energy

As she gets older she would probably only keep one other littermate close while the other(s) grew more distant

With her otherclan siblings she would probably want to have a slight relationship with them but still keep them at an arms length, maybe sharing tongues at gatherings and getting to know eachother but nothing more, keeping her loyalty firmly in riverclan.

Speech style: (trying to show it with the typing ehe)
she um,, would start off being really uh quiet and just,,, unsure? of herself, probably stuttering- no tripping over her words. Wanting to sound more mat-mature? but would always question herself as if she um, wasnt sure if she was saying things right? no uh- correctly, that- thats what i mean

Once she is older she will give herself more leeway with her words, allowing herself to be more simple in word choice so that she isnt worried about taking to much time to work out what she wishes to say. She still tries to keep up the mature speech style but is more confident and has realized its not always important to always use "correct" words

I would do everything i could to keep this kit active and have them stay in riverclan until she dies. I have no plans to kill her off for at least a long while, i love the design i made and her personality. I want her to stick around for a while and have some/alot of story with her.
Im up for total communication between with both or either parent(s) for anything if thats wanted, via VM, PM or discord

If she is accepted she will become my main riverclan cat, she will have highest priority when it comes to any riverclan cats i may or may not make in the future

Small warning is that i do have severe dysgraphia so while i try to make detailed and at least medium sized replies it may sometimes be a little wrong on spelling and grammar but i am trying my best to always be getting better!

@els @poppy.

RavensCall November 3rd, 2023 08:06 PM

Re: BRALCON: A Kit Finder
Name: Dawnkit
Gender: genderfluid(prefers masc pronouns, afab)
Appearance: brown tabby with 3 white paws, has green and yellow heterochromia
Personality: ISFJ: The Protector-
despite their origins as a half clan scum, she has a very agreeable personality, and is very genuine about his opinions, however they can be very awkward and often overcritical of herself. if he is offered kindness, he is quick to form strong bonds with others, is well-mannered, and will not, absolutely shalt not break the code(except with their existence L). she tends to be emotional, but is usually never angry.
Plot Ideas?: idk lol
Dynamic w/ Bracken: constantly bugs her
Dynamic w/ Falcon: wants to spend time w/ him all the time
Other: @els @poppy.

Neptune. November 3rd, 2023 08:07 PM

Re: BRALCON: A Kit Finder
im keeping my eye on you two /silly

Starfall November 3rd, 2023 10:51 PM

Re: BRALCON: A Kit Finder

"The biggest problem I have, is that we didn't meet sooner."

Palekit , Palepaw , Palesun/flame/bright/light

Pronouns: He/Him
Future: Menace.
Role: Runt. The tinie, the wittlest, wittle brother

"I'm planning on making some bad choices tonight and I need them on my side."

Short description: A short grey tabby with a ginger fade and icy blue eyes.
Description: A small tom with an alabaster base coat with the belly being a faded pale ginger. Soft grey tabby markings littered on the body, with his tail fading from alabaster to soft grey. He has medium, soft and borderline curly fur and bright blue eyes. Akin to that of the sky during sunrise.
Base Coat: The color of the moon
Patterns: Moon craters grey
Eye Color: Cloudy sky blue
Pelt: medium, texture of a whispy cloud.
Aesthetics: Crepuscular rays, Sun Pillars, Yellow Roses, Purple Moonflowers, Glittering Gold , Yellow Apples, campfire in a log cabin during the winter, a dense forest during the day, fairy circles, handknit gifts, cuddle piles, love filled chirps.
Love: From a younger brother, scratchy and ragged, but filled with everything and all of him. Scraped knees and band aids, snotty noses and abrasive attitudes. Dressing up like you because you're his hero, silent hugs, he seeks you out because your hugs hide him from the world, he seeks you out because your hugs feel like the best hug because you are his world.
Mood Board: Here.

'I'm here for a good time, not a long time.'

+Creative , good natured , extrovert , bubbily , friendly
=Realistic , pushy , stubborn , loud , excitable , mischevious, instinctual
-abbrasive , loud, egotistical , ignorant , impulsive , aggressive (chihuahua) , feral (raccoon)

Other ways to describe him: "He had good intentions, but god was he spiteful." :: "I'll stab you."
"Stop being grumpy. I won't talk to you if you're grumpy." :: "One day I will use you."
"I prefer to think of myself as a Mild Inconvenience" :: "Die."
He would fight god and brag about getting his butt kicked.
If he had thumbs, he would use them to steal.
Can, and will complain about anything if prompted on the spot.
He has no filter. Whatever he's thinking is said out loud for better or worse.
Secretly loves the attention he gets from his family, revels in it. If ignored he will feel forgotten.

xavier. November 3rd, 2023 11:02 PM

Re: BRALCON: A Kit Finder

• amab | he/him [ present ] - she/they/he/it [ future] | male [ present ] - genderfluid [ future ] •







LostInTheOrchids November 3rd, 2023 11:06 PM

Re: BRALCON: A Kit Finder

Saki November 3rd, 2023 11:31 PM

Re: BRALCON: A Kit Finder
Name: Meadowkit
Gender: tom
Appearance: A calico, tall and buff tom
Personality: A sweet and gentle tom-kit with a short temper who loves bugs
Plot Ideas?: N/A
Dynamic w/ Bracken: Shows her all the bugs he finds
Dynamic w/ Falcon: nags him
Other: N/A @els @poppy.

Neptune. November 5th, 2023 10:22 PM

Re: BRALCON: A Kit Finder

Hollowkit || Hollowpaw || Hollowviper
Hollow - for his raspy voice
Viper - for his ferocity and willingness to strike back

AMAB || he/they/it/snake || homosexual
|| X ||

Let’s go in the garden
You’ll find something waiting
Right there where you left it,
Lying upside down

Hollow is cold in nature, often keeping others at an arm's length and unwilling to let them in. It’s unclear how snake came to be this way, considering both snake’s parents love him very much, but maybe it’s just a combination of his natural state and the high expectations on his shoulders causing him to view all failure as weakness and undesirable, and any vulnerable emotion as something that isn’t beneficial.

Yet, bits of his softer side seep through the cracks in this facade of his, and it’s not uncommon to find it cuddled up with either of its parents or siblings. Hollow can be… a little sensitive. They don’t always show it, often, they prefer to keep this undesirable aspect of them hidden away where no one will know it exists, but criticism really gets to snake and will stick with snake for a long time. Everything stays with him, from the smallest thing to the biggest thing, all bottled up until the day he just explodes and is left… hollow.

When you finally find it,
You’ll see how it’s faded.
The underside is lighter
When you turn it around.

While snake’s parents hold snake to pretty high standards, Hollow will hold himself to even higher standards. If he’s not perfect the first time, then there’s no use trying. Because of this, I think it’ll have a very hard apprenticeship, the inevitable failures piling one on top of the other until they explode at anyone who’s around him. When that happens, it’ll need someone to bring it back down to earth and shed some perspective. This can be either Bracken or Falcon, I think it’ll depend on who Hollow is closer to. Perhaps it’s realized that… maybe high expectations aren’t always the healthiest things to force onto a cat so young and there should’ve been room and conversations allotted for failure, there should have been some leniency.

Hollow will not accept the words said to them right away - feeling like it’s too little too late and the damage had already been done, but he’ll come around to the idea of failure, of not being perfect all the time. It will take a lot of work to get there, but Hollowviper will be a warrior who can accept failures with little more than a grumble and a vow to try again.

Everything stays right where you left it,
Everything stays, but it still changes.
Ever so slightly,
Daily and nightly,
In little ways,
When everything stays.


@poppy. @els


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