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dionysus June 5th, 2020 04:17 PM

꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂
link to signup
The tribe of flickering leaves

A dim rainforest, high in the trees. A figure flickers. A cat flashes through the leaves and leaps from tree to tree expertly. He has never seen the ground. None of them have ever seen the ground.

The Tribe of Flickering Leaves is a tribe of cats who live in the treetops of a rainforest. To them, the ground is a myth and the monster it’s creatures that live there as well.


emperor; TBD
council members (3); Talon of Screaming Owl, Vine That Weaves Through the Trees, Song That Flies Through Wind
healer; Leaf That Catches the Rain
soldiers (6); Rustle in the Trees, Spark of Burning Flame,
gatherers (5); Brook Where Small Fish Swim, Splash of Shadowed Ripples,
mothers; Memories of the Forgotten Rain,
kits; Seed That Slowly Falls,
general tribe members;


[[Daily Climate]]
55 degrees Fahrenheit
Cloudy; chance of rain


[[ongoing plots]]
Empress Fire That Brings Light has succumbed to her wounds after saving a kit, Spirit of the Sky, from a hawk attack.
Her vigil will be held tonight
The council must discuss and appoint a new emperor or empress before the vigil and the voyage.


[[posting format]]
(since we don’t have separate threads, this is a way to organize! Also, use the icons below as a quick clue to where something is being posted!)


This is the post part!

[healer’s den]
[ @Beau]

Leaf padded into the healer’s den, shaking his head as he went, and looked over at his struggling patient....

The places for posting are:
- Meeting tree (purple circle)
- Meeting platform (pretty much the clearing) (blue circle)
- Emperor/Empress’ den (purple yellow circle)
- Healer’s den (grey circle)
- Council’s meeting area (blue yellow circle)
- Soldier’s den (yellow circle)
- Gatherer’s den (blue grey circle)
- Mother’s den (purple grey circle)
- Regular den (Blue purple circle)
- Territory (four color circle)
- Moon hollow (caution triangle)
- Temple of Hummingbird Who Sees All (thumbs up)
- Temple of Rain That Pounds the Treetops (blue face)
- Temple of He Who Shines (green arrow)
- Temple of Smoke Above Water (red thumbs down)
- Temple of She of the Green Leaves (Green smiley)

dionysus June 5th, 2020 04:58 PM

Re: ꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂
[ @Wings, @Echobreeze18, @Slushie, @Puddle~, @space ace., @~Splash~, @Sootsplash, @Fallen One ]

Council members are added to the hierarchy. We are going to start with a meeting but everyone is free to post as soon as you want! Those not in the council or affiliated (like the healer is affiliated) won’t be part of the council discussion but can go about daily lives!
Make sure to check the thread starter daily as I will update the running plot and the climate!

MEAT ANGELS June 5th, 2020 05:13 PM

Re: ꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂

[Song That Flies Through Wind - Territory]

A cat was moving along a large branch. They were quiet, paws barely making a sound. Is seemed as if nothing else mattered but what their eyes were set upon, which was... the distant thing that was the ground below. Nobody had ever been there, and the cat was curious. Were there really monsters there?

This cat was Song That Flies Through Wind. Aka, Song. She was a small molly, council member of the Tribe called “Flickering Leaves.” The council was made up of three cats, each with slight power over the other cats. Of course, the emperor was the highest. But Song hadn’t met them yet. Was there even an emperor? She didn’t know. Yet a mystery still hung around, or, rather, dropped down from the trees that Song had spent her entire life in. It was somewhat sad, at least, to the things below. Every day, Song had come here, to this specific branch, and stared down, until she was called away by the rest of the Council. This was her way. She didn’t have the slightest idea about how Talon or Vine felt about this weird behavior, but it had become routine, absolutely necessary. And what was this life without a separate, assigned, routine for each cat living it? Nothing, that’s what.

It was a bunch of thoughts, this code, strung together by what Song had had throughout her life. She had never taken a mate, nor strayed from her firm beliefs. The ground couldn’t be a myth, and Song had prayed to the figures of the world she knew, every moment she could.

This was her way.

vellichor June 5th, 2020 08:23 PM

Re: ꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂

[meeting platform]

Breeze that Wanders in the Night

Breezey, I’m contrast to his usually goofy grin, wore a somber expression. He knew when the time to joke around was, and this was not it. The normally upbeat cat was down in the dumps. How could any cat be happy right now, he fathomed to himself, when their leader had died? Perhaps Breezey hadn’t known her personally, but it was an important moment for the entire tribe. Sighing, the calico sat. Perhaps someone would approach him. Perhaps not. Who knew?

Grief wasn’t a good look on him.

Cobra June 5th, 2020 11:35 PM

Re: ꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂
Lightning raced over the treetops. He loved the forest, hunting, ahhh...

dionysus June 6th, 2020 08:31 AM

Re: ꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂
[ private ]
[ council meeting area ]
[ @Slushie @Fallen One @Puddle~ ]

Leaf That Catches the Rain cast his eyes over his stores once before slipping from his den and padding along the bridge toward the council’s meeting area. It wasn’t often that he showed respect or solemnity, but this was the time for it. As healer, Leaf had worked closely with Fire That Brings Light and he missed her greatly. They weren’t just coworkers, though. Leaf missed his friend. Fire had been possibly his best friend in the whole tribe and now she was gone. She was gone and he had to sit in a meeting an discuss her replacement. It made him sick.

Scowling, the bengal sat in the center of the meeting spot. Of course the others weren’t there. At this point he should just be in control of everything. Who needed an emperor or a council when Leaf was around to do everything. The tom’s bitter thoughts mainly stemmed from his dark mood, but that wouldn’t make him any less testy. Flicking his tail impatiently, the tom sheathed and unsheathed his claws and looked around the den with apathetic eyes.

His friend’s body lay a few dens over and he wasn’t allowed to see her. Of course, he could sneak in there and no one was likely to stop him. The council could scold him, the new emperor or empress could reiterate their scold in front of the tribe. Whatever. They couldn’t touch him in any way that was meaningful. Yet he was stuck here. The meeting had to get started soon- once Smoke Above Water rose they would have to hold Fire’s vigil and begin her voyage and then it would be up to him to anoint the new emperor or empress before the tribe. Then they’d have to travel to the Moon hollow. Ugh. Was it too much to ask to just wallow?

Puddle~ June 6th, 2020 02:38 PM

Re: ꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂
[council meeting area]
[ @Beau @Slushie @Fallen One ]

Vine That Weaves Through the Trees hurried from his den, briskly making his way across the bridging tree branches that connected to the council's meeting area. This was quite an important meeting. The entire future of the tribe was held withing the paws of himself and his fellow council members, and he couldn't fathom being late to such an important meeting. Now, the sudden and unexpected death of Fire That Brings Light had deeply saddened Vine, as it had likely done with all other members of the tribe. Yet, despite the melancholy atmosphere that loomed over the treetops he called home, the tabby knew that this meeting was no time for misery. That was what the vigil was for. They could all grieve her later. But right now, he needed a clear head in order to help make the right decision, and lingering on the past empress was no way to get there. In retrospect, the tom knew it sounded quite... insensitive. But he also believed it was the right course of action.

Arriving among the thick and concealing branches of the council's meeting place, Vine could see Leaf was already in place, and anguished and quite annoyed look on his face, likely due to the fact that the other tom was unable to see their former empress. He knew of the close relationship between the two, and understood why Leaf would likely be significantly more upset by their leader's sudden downfall.

With a dip of his head in greeting to Leaf, Vine wordlessly entered the area, getting himself situated within the shallow dip where two large branches attached themselves to the tree. It seemed that he was the first of the three council members to arrive, which came as quite a surprise. On his way over, he'd assumed he was running a little late, but it seemed as though Talon and Song were running even later. Clearing all unrelated thoughts from his mind, the tabby focused directly on the events of the meeting which would be taking place in just a few moments.

This was it. It was almost time.

sootsplashed June 8th, 2020 08:16 AM

Re: ꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂
Splash of shadowed ripples slowy moved through the trees, careful not to miss any herbs. There didn't seem to be in the tree she was in, so she moved onto the next.
"Woah!" She said, slipping from a branch, almost falling.
That was CLOSE. she thought, discarding the thought she almost fell to the afterworld.
She looked up at the cloudy sky, thanking which ever deity that had saved her. She climbed up the branch, her blue-gray and black pelt covered in leaves.
Ahh! There's some herbs! She said, reaching for some herbs, but accidentally hitting another cat.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Ripples said, scrambling back, and almost falling again.

dionysus June 14th, 2020 09:11 AM

Re: ꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂
[ bump @Slushie @Fallen One ]

dino. June 14th, 2020 10:56 AM

Re: ꧁ Flickering Leaves ꧂

[ @Beau @Puddle~ @Fallen One ]

[Private - Council Meeting Area ]

Talon slipped into the meeting area on light paws. The frown that was constantly plastered over their face was deepened this time round, every line etched with grief. They gave Leaf a sorrowful glance and gently drew their tail over the other cat's shoulders before taking their place next to Vine.
Their shoulders were hunched much more prominently than usual as they gazed at the cats in the den. Leaf and Vine... the only one missing was Song. They dug their claws into the den's floor and closed their eyes, releasing a deep sigh. Talon was determined not to let grief cloud their mind during this meeting. It was an important meeting, one that they couldn't afford to screw up.
Then again, maybe they would let themself become overwhelmed. Then they wouldn't have to deal with this, or Leaf, who would probably keep up his current attitude well into the meeting. If they let themself become overwhelmed, then they could just sleep.

Sleep sounded wonderful right now.

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