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The Kitty. August 7th, 2020 09:46 PM

The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]
Multiple PoVs

Well, here she was, at last, thought Leopardjaw as she scanned the begrimed area from her much-cherished spot upon the boulder, or, as she would like to call it, the Bloodmountain. Slashed yellow eyes constricted alongside the blemished lips that cracked themselves into an awfully familiar devilish smirk. Then, a bloodied tongue evaded the safety of her maw to draw itself about her blemished muzzle, eyes glittering with what seemed almost like... happiness? Well, now that was a new one, something Leopardjaw hadn't necessarily found herself being able to evoke in a decent while. Hmph.

Now, she would just have to wait for her first recruits. It was funny, almost, the amount of dumbass Cult apprentices that managed to pop themselves into this sludgy forest of stank.


A pair of yellowish-green eyes fluttered themselves open as Hazelpaw lay sprawled out in a groove of muck, forepaws splayed out before her as she stared vacantly off into the at-first blurred groves of firs. With a grunt she clambered to her full height - which, in all honesty, wasn't necessarily all that initimdating. Blinking to adjust to the soft red glow of light that managed its way through the dipping canopy, the teeny abysinnian mix surveyed her surroundings a few good times before that achingly familiar pang of horror stabbed at her gut, like a horrific claw making its way into her core. She had returned to the Dark Forest, or the Place of No Stars, as she had heard some cats call it.

Panicking, she searched the clearing for any sign of Whitepaw, although it was seemingly to no avail: her friend was nowhere to be seen, which meant certain death, because before Hazelpaw knew it some behemoth of a cat would come lunging at her from the bushes, perhaps the shadows, teeth bared and prepared to sink themselves into the very heart of her throat...

Stuffing down the thoughts as always, Hazelpaw adjusted her posture, perhaps an attempt to give off that "fierce first impression." "Uhm, hello? I-is anyone there?"

It was just as she had expected: a gargantuan she-cat came leaping down from a massive stone, a sparkle of sheer menace to her all-too-identifiable yellow eyes as she padded toward Hazelpaw, and if she hadn't took note of her long-furred coat she would have most certainly mistaken her for a tiny leopard. Recognizing the huge she-cat as Leopardjaw, Hazelpaw couldn't help but cringe immediately back at the sight of the cat who had been just a whisker's-length away from absolutely demolishing her. "W-what do you want?" she breathed, and swallowed down a thickening lump in her throat. "What do you want?"

Leopardjaw cocked her head to a side, eyes now brimming with a sense of renewed jubilation. It was as she had predicted - the dumbass had just appeared from the depths of nowhere. Well, now this could get interesting.

"Runt!" she greeted, a touch of seemingly delirious joy to her voice. "I'm so glad to see you again. This is my group, The Cataclysmic Brigade." She flicked her long plume of a tail in the direction of the Bloodmountain. "And that stone over there? That's the Bloodmountain."

Now, at first Hazelpaw didn't think it possible to cringe even further than she was already, but yet she did, forehalf jerking back as her eyes stretched wide with horror. "You didn't answer my question," she huffed, eyes forcefully creasing. "I asked what about me it is that you want."
[ feel free to have any living/trained and or dead cats walk up! ]

Ikoria the Wolf Pup August 7th, 2020 11:26 PM

Re: The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]
(I can’t tell what Leopardjaw wants, so I can’t take it any further until you tell me.)
Riverwood jumped down from a tree a little ways away and bounded over to the cats. @Corruptx

Inconsistency August 8th, 2020 09:28 AM

Re: The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]

Originally Posted by Corruptx (Post 777319)
Multiple PoVs

Well, here she was, at last, thought Leopardjaw as she scanned the begrimed area from her much-cherished spot upon the boulder, or, as she would like to call it, the Bloodmountain. Slashed yellow eyes constricted alongside the blemished lips that cracked themselves into an awfully familiar devilish smirk. Then, a bloodied tongue evaded the safety of her maw to draw itself about her blemished muzzle, eyes glittering with what seemed almost like... happiness? Well, now that was a new one, something Leopardjaw hadn't necessarily found herself being able to evoke in a decent while. Hmph.

Now, she would just have to wait for her first recruits. It was funny, almost, the amount of dumbass Cult apprentices that managed to pop themselves into this sludgy forest of stank.


A pair of yellowish-green eyes fluttered themselves open as Hazelpaw lay sprawled out in a groove of muck, forepaws splayed out before her as she stared vacantly off into the at-first blurred groves of firs. With a grunt she clambered to her full height - which, in all honesty, wasn't necessarily all that initimdating. Blinking to adjust to the soft red glow of light that managed its way through the dipping canopy, the teeny abysinnian mix surveyed her surroundings a few good times before that achingly familiar pang of horror stabbed at her gut, like a horrific claw making its way into her core. She had returned to the Dark Forest, or the Place of No Stars, as she had heard some cats call it.

Panicking, she searched the clearing for any sign of Whitepaw, although it was seemingly to no avail: her friend was nowhere to be seen, which meant certain death, because before Hazelpaw knew it some behemoth of a cat would come lunging at her from the bushes, perhaps the shadows, teeth bared and prepared to sink themselves into the very heart of her throat...

Stuffing down the thoughts as always, Hazelpaw adjusted her posture, perhaps an attempt to give off that "fierce first impression." "Uhm, hello? I-is anyone there?"

It was just as she had expected: a gargantuan she-cat came leaping down from a massive stone, a sparkle of sheer menace to her all-too-identifiable yellow eyes as she padded toward Hazelpaw, and if she hadn't took note of her long-furred coat she would have most certainly mistaken her for a tiny leopard. Recognizing the huge she-cat as Leopardjaw, Hazelpaw couldn't help but cringe immediately back at the sight of the cat who had been just a whisker's-length away from absolutely demolishing her. "W-what do you want?" she breathed, and swallowed down a thickening lump in her throat. "What do you want?"

Leopardjaw cocked her head to a side, eyes now brimming with a sense of renewed jubilation. It was as she had predicted - the dumbass had just appeared from the depths of nowhere. Well, now this could get interesting.

"Runt!" she greeted, a touch of seemingly delirious joy to her voice. "I'm so glad to see you again. This is my group, The Cataclysmic Brigade." She flicked her long plume of a tail in the direction of the Bloodmountain. "And that stone over there? That's the Bloodmountain."

Now, at first Hazelpaw didn't think it possible to cringe even further than she was already, but yet she did, forehalf jerking back as her eyes stretched wide with horror. "You didn't answer my question," she huffed, eyes forcefully creasing. "I asked what about me it is that you want."
[ feel free to have any living/trained and or dead cats walk up! ]

(Can Whitepaw try? She originally wanted to.)

The Kitty. August 8th, 2020 10:02 AM

Re: The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]

Originally Posted by TheShadowAnimal (Post 777588)
(Can Whitepaw try? She originally wanted to.)

[ mhm! :heartbounce: ]

Inconsistency August 8th, 2020 02:34 PM

Re: The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]
Whitepaw awoke in the murky forest her heart stopped, is Hazelpaw here? She thought Am I here alone? Suddenly she saw the pelt of Hazelpaw close to... OH NO, Leopardjaw! I said I'd be there... Well I'm here now! She reminded herself. Hazelpaw seemed afraid she could tell, but Hazelpaw probably didn't want to show that. Her instincts pulled her toward her friend but she stopped herself don't just use your heart! Use your brain Whitepaw! She told herself pointedly she looked around the clearing, I have the power of surprise maybe I can knock Leopardjaw of her paws for just one moment I can fight... She crept slowly in the shadows light on her paws she had sneaked around as a kit, because that's how she watched the other kits, which sounded weird in her head but no kit really noticed her and when she finally made a friend Sorrelki- stay focused! she creeped around she was at the side of them now and she started to watch them, don't attack yet... If their completely not expecting it then its better, plus their not hurting Hazelpaw yet. She thought. ( Leopardjaw doesn't notice yet by the way but lets say Hazelpaw does. @Corruptx. )

The Kitty. August 8th, 2020 03:00 PM

Re: The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]
Multiple PoVs

At this point, Hazelpaw had almost fell back over her forepaws when considered how far back she was cringing. Leopardjaw wrinkled her nose in distaste, although a teeny bit of something else seemed to follow her aversion - amusement, another one of those uncommon feelings she could hardly ever find herself able to evoke.

Hazelpaw's yellowish-green eyes stretched wide - for only a brief second - as suddenly an oddly familiar silhouette began to materialize before her. Whitepaw! Oh, thank the stars. After a few seconds of silence her white-furred friend began creeping - somewhat distractedly - toward Leopardjaw, and again the small abysinninan mix's visionaries expanded. What... What was Whitepaw doing? She was ought to get herself murdered, for StarClan's sake! Straightening just ever-so-slightly upward, Hazelpaw lipped a few silent words in Whitepaw's direction: Attack her from behind!

Inconsistency August 8th, 2020 03:08 PM

Re: The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]
Whitepaw nodded she had changed her directions now to the trees to she could attack her from the shadows, she hadn't trained much could she even battle a warrior? for StarClan's SAKE! IF YOU DON'T PAY ATTENTION YOUR FRIEND MIGHT DIE YOU WOULDN'T KNOW YOU CAUGHT A FISH IF IT HIT YOU IN THE FACE! Her eyes narrowed she had to pay attention, now she was paying complete attention now as she crept along her eyes darted to each possible way to attack she saw a perfect bush for sneaking up on them probably, she hoped she could do this she sneaked to the bush and got ready to spring. (Sorry I didn't see the part where I'd didn't mention her behind leopardjaw but that's ok! @Corruptx. )

Ikoria the Wolf Pup August 8th, 2020 03:13 PM

Re: The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]
Before Whitepaw could do anything, Riverwood jumped on Leopardjaw from behind after seeing Hazelpaw mouth the words and raked Leopardjaw’s back before jumping off, her head down. She was in a battle-ready pose, her many scars appearing intimidating when she looked up, not quickly and glared at Leopardjaw with powerful, deep purple eyes. @Corruptx @TheShadowAnimal

The Kitty. August 8th, 2020 03:16 PM

Re: The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]

Originally Posted by TheShadowAnimal (Post 777911)
Whitepaw nodded she had changed her directions now to the trees to she could attack her from the shadows, she hadn't trained much could she even battle a warrior? for StarClan's SAKE! IF YOU DON'T PAY ATTENTION YOUR FRIEND MIGHT DIE YOU WOULDN'T KNOW YOU CAUGHT A FISH IF IT HIT YOU IN THE FACE! Her eyes narrowed she had to pay attention, now she was paying complete attention now as she crept along her eyes darted to each possible way to attack she saw a perfect bush for sneaking up on them probably, she hoped she could do this she sneaked to the bush and got ready to spring. { @Corruptx. }

Multiple PoVs

Relief washed like a river over Hazelpaw as the long-furred apprentice slithered into the depths of a bush. Okay, well, that was over with now, she supposed - now it was her turn to teach this massive warrior a lessson she would - hopefully - never forget. Gritting her fangs in what was perhaps a sign of preparation for what she was about to let go down, the small apprentice steadied her uncontrollably shuddering forelegs before lurching forward with a start, forepaw whooshing out into the air with the hopes of hooking Leopardjaw by the flesh.

Leopardjaw sputtered with laughter as this... this weakling of a kitten lashed out with a forepaw in the direction of her matted throat. Pftt. What was she expecting to get done? Leopardjaw had already gotten the very heart of her esophagus torn out by Twilightstar. Nevertheless, though, she may as well defend herself against this puny trainee, solely for the sake of amusement. Without hardly moving a muscle, she snapped her head downward and grabbed Hazelpaw's forelimb in her powerful jaws, eyes fluttering shut in a languid blink as she gritted her protruding fangs.

"Do anything more, I dare you, and I'll crush every little bone in this paw of yours."

Inconsistency August 8th, 2020 03:19 PM

Re: The Cataclysmic Brigade [OPEN]
Whitepaw dropped her mouth she wanted to shout at how stupid that would be but she wasn't going to give away her hiding spot, and technically she was going to try to fight them! Then her mind swirled what the heck just happened? She came out of nowhere! { @AlderDawn. } Then she saw what Hazelpaw just did, Wait! Why would she do that? Oh, change of plans fighting. NOW. She leaped and at Leopardjaw and landed on her she dug her claws into Leopardjaws back. { @Corruptx. }

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