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The Cannibal June 2nd, 2019 10:08 PM

Skyclan Dog Patrols
Dogs are running wild through Skyclan territory so Grousestar has ordered for patrols to have at least 5-6 cats to attempt to deal with the problem.
If you need help finding others for a patrol, check this thread for open characters.

Here is where you should designate your patrols for the current part of Gnashing Teeth, Sinking Mountain, in Skyclan!

The Cannibal June 3rd, 2019 12:12 AM

Re: Skyclan Dog Patrols
@Troutleap124 and @Pluto

Grousestar flicked his tail lightly as he took head of the patrol, his head clearing slightly for the first time in moons as he began to get his senses about him again. It had been a while sense he went out, been a while since he stretched his muscles, been a while since he.. He felt like someone again. Albeit this was not the situation he hoped for his clan, especially considering he refused to pick a deputy because the pain of losing Auroraflame still stung deeply. His head would clear fully soon enough he was sure, after these canine menaces were dealt with, he would find a deputy.
Glancing briefly at the cats behind him, the brown tabby leader broke into a run, ready to attack this problem head on. It was only a few dogs right? Skyclan should be able to handle that easily enough, they were a strong bunch of cats who have certainly dealt with much worse in Grousestar's mind. He didn't bother starting conversation; he didn't have anything he wished to say at the moment.
Yarrowpounce trailed slightly behind, jaws clamped shut as always, hating the silence that filled the patrol as they headed out of the safety of the camp. It made him all too aware of his heart thundering in his chest. They would be facing dogs, probably large ones with huge, sharp teeth, made to tear into the tender flesh of cats. What if he wasn't fast enough? What if he was torn apart before the very eyes of his clanmates, of his clan leader? What if he died with the final thought of being an ultimate failure?
Gulping audibly and feeling his stomach churn uncomfortably, he desperately looked to the other three of the patrol, smiling wanly. "Have you guys ever fought a dog?" It was a stupid question, but he couldn't remember if some of these cats had been on the journey to where they now settled, had to go through the twoleg place in order to arrive. He himself was there on that journey, and while he hadn't fought a dog, he certainly encountered one. Besides, the point of the words was to start a conversation, to try and get his thought off of what they were currently running towards, and actively seeking out.

Leucos June 3rd, 2019 03:46 PM

Re: Skyclan Dog Patrols
@The Cannibal @Troutleap124
Onionshell perked her ears up at Yarrowpounces question , fought ? No . Seen and scented ? Yes. The white and brown splotched Molly only shook her head "I've smelled and seen them though, Nasty things....but I will admit ....their pups are adorable . "she answered with a swish of her tail . To her pups are harmless , they can either be savage like others before them or be loving ,it all depends on their surroundings . Was it right for a clan cat to think an age old enemy was adorable ? She rolled her eyes mentally it was her opinion ,the rest can be put in a hole. She eyed Hootnose who was trailing behind them just a bit with his head lowered only perked his ears up and gave a fearful look which was followed by a head shake "never in a million years! You won't catch me hanging around those beasts just for fun! " he meowed before looking around more and flicking his tail a few times "we. ...we won't run into any today will we?...." he asked loudly hoping the question would reach Grousestars ears. He wasn't wanting to die today , besides he still had a lot more conversations with shadowstalker , he wanted to be with the tom more and not just that one night. And no dog will get in his way of it. Onionshell rolled her eyes visibly this time "I'm sure we won't , and they're not all beasts . Don't you think Brindlenose?" she asked the other feline hoping for reassurance .

|:| Tundra |:| June 3rd, 2019 03:59 PM

Re: Skyclan Dog Patrols

@Pluto, @The Cannibal
Brindlenose's heart pumped rapidly with adrenaline as the group of cats padded through the trees. "I've fought dogs," she answered Yarrowpounce's question. "A few times, actually. They're huge and very strong, but a smart cat can usually outwit them with some clever battle moves." Usually happened to be the key word in her statement. She had encountered dogs on a few occasions in her life, but the most influential was a few seasons ago, when she had encountered one on a patrol. It wasn't the first time she had fought a canine, but this dog happened to be quite a bit smarter than most, and managed to catch her across the muzzle, as well as a few times on her flank and shoulder. She still had a scar from the scrape on her muzzle. She and her patrol had managed to send the dog running, though, and after that she wore the scar proudly, as a medal of honor, you could say. She kept this information to herself in this particular instance, however, afraid she would sound like an arrogant apprentice in front of her clan leader. It was a great honor being on a patrol with him, and she wanted to make a good example of herself.
Still, her stomach turned with the thought of the danger they were headed into. Brindlenose could very well die today, ripped to shreds by the gnashing teeth of a dog. She shuddered just thinking about it. Quit being a coward, Brindlenose! she scolded herself. You've dealt with worse. What are a few measly dogs compared to the great battles you've fought in? Fight honorably and to the best of your ability, that's all your clan and StarClan asks of you. She held her head higher, her eyes narrowed with determination, and continued down the forest route.

The Cannibal June 4th, 2019 01:47 AM

Re: Skyclan Dog Patrols
@Troutleap124 and @Pluto

There was a slight air of relief that washed over Yarrowpounce as the others of the patrol, aside from the clan leader, picked up on his conversation seed. His pale yellow eyes focusing first on Onionshell, head nodding as his paws carried him swiftly behind his leader and other patrol partners. "I don't think I've ever seen their young.. But I wouldn't want to get close enough to see one anyways. Their mother is bound to be around somewhere." A few moments later, the mostly white tom would turn his head to look back at Hootnose, finding himself agreeing wholeheartedly with the tom's fear for the hounds. Before the question was asked, he was able to hear Brindlenose's input and was slightly glad to know that at least someone was experienced in combat directly opposing a dog. It evened the odds in their favor, not to say he had any doubts about any of his partners prowess in battle.. He just couldn't help but worry. Then the question was asked by Hootnose and Yarrowpounce found his head swiveling back forward, nervously waiting for Grousestar's answer.

As the question reached the brown tabby's ears, the clan leader would glance backwards at his patrol, looking each of them once in the eye before turning his head back forward. He didn't say anything at first, the patrol running in silence as he led them on before he finally spoke.
"Our mission is to seek out the dogs and drive them from our territory. The very goal of this patrol is to find dogs, as is the goal of every large patrol I've put together. They pose a threat to the camp and we must deal with it promptly. I know that dogs are scary and they're not something we have to deal with often, but you all are Skyclan warriors. And Skyclan warriors will not let dogs best them. Right?" Turning his head back, he flashed his warriors a warm smile, hoping he could at least empower them and get their head in the game before they actually found one of the beasts.


@Dust @.:Virgo:. @Delta @Aquilex @Nebby

Barbedfall, the sturdy, long-furred she-cat let out a small yawn as she convened with the patrol she was assigned to. Thankfully her fractured leg had healed nicely and she could walk around without so much as a limp. She was eager to get back into the fray of things! That was the purpose of being a warrior after all, serving your clan, going out and doing things that were sometimes dangerous.
"You know, I think it's a great day for dog-chasing guys. There's something about hearing them barking that gets my blood pumping and my claws itching for a fight, am I right? Finally get to use some battle training on things other than stinky ole badgers and foxes." The she-cat began to ramble on about how she remembered when she was an apprentice and how she thought that battle would be more of a common thing than what happened in reality and yada yada. It seemed she just liked talking to hear her own voice and if no one else was going to interrupt her, she would probably just go on to talk about more off-topic things.
Regardless she never once stopped moving, her paws carrying her out into the first whether she was the patrol leader or not. There was an air of 'don't mess with me' around this she-cat, likely because of her looming size and bulky muscles beneath that long fur of hers. Perhaps even the tone of her voice. But it would be an interesting patrol with her in it.

Aquilex June 4th, 2019 05:36 AM

Re: Skyclan Dog Patrols
@The Cannibal

Wolfspark padded alongside his patrol, flinching at Barbedfall's talk about the excitement of dog fighting. He twitched his stub of a tail and tried not to thing about his missing eye. "Barbedfall," he mewed gently. "Maybe we should be a little quieter. We don't want to alert any nearby dogs." He paused for a moment to sniff the air, searching for the disgusting scent of the canines.

Aroogi June 4th, 2019 08:05 AM

Re: Skyclan Dog Patrols

Originally Posted by The Cannibal (Post 596541)
@Troutleap124 and @Pluto

There was a slight air of relief that washed over Yarrowpounce as the others of the patrol, aside from the clan leader, picked up on his conversation seed. His pale yellow eyes focusing first on Onionshell, head nodding as his paws carried him swiftly behind his leader and other patrol partners. "I don't think I've ever seen their young.. But I wouldn't want to get close enough to see one anyways. Their mother is bound to be around somewhere." A few moments later, the mostly white tom would turn his head to look back at Hootnose, finding himself agreeing wholeheartedly with the tom's fear for the hounds. Before the question was asked, he was able to hear Brindlenose's input and was slightly glad to know that at least someone was experienced in combat directly opposing a dog. It evened the odds in their favor, not to say he had any doubts about any of his partners prowess in battle.. He just couldn't help but worry. Then the question was asked by Hootnose and Yarrowpounce found his head swiveling back forward, nervously waiting for Grousestar's answer.

As the question reached the brown tabby's ears, the clan leader would glance backwards at his patrol, looking each of them once in the eye before turning his head back forward. He didn't say anything at first, the patrol running in silence as he led them on before he finally spoke.
"Our mission is to seek out the dogs and drive them from our territory. The very goal of this patrol is to find dogs, as is the goal of every large patrol I've put together. They pose a threat to the camp and we must deal with it promptly. I know that dogs are scary and they're not something we have to deal with often, but you all are Skyclan warriors. And Skyclan warriors will not let dogs best them. Right?" Turning his head back, he flashed his warriors a warm smile, hoping he could at least empower them and get their head in the game before they actually found one of the beasts.


@Dust @.:Virgo:. @Delta @Aquilex @Nebby

Barbedfall, the sturdy, long-furred she-cat let out a small yawn as she convened with the patrol she was assigned to. Thankfully her fractured leg had healed nicely and she could walk around without so much as a limp. She was eager to get back into the fray of things! That was the purpose of being a warrior after all, serving your clan, going out and doing things that were sometimes dangerous.
"You know, I think it's a great day for dog-chasing guys. There's something about hearing them barking that gets my blood pumping and my claws itching for a fight, am I right? Finally get to use some battle training on things other than stinky ole badgers and foxes." The she-cat began to ramble on about how she remembered when she was an apprentice and how she thought that battle would be more of a common thing than what happened in reality and yada yada. It seemed she just liked talking to hear her own voice and if no one else was going to interrupt her, she would probably just go on to talk about more off-topic things.
Regardless she never once stopped moving, her paws carrying her out into the first whether she was the patrol leader or not. There was an air of 'don't mess with me' around this she-cat, likely because of her looming size and bulky muscles beneath that long fur of hers. Perhaps even the tone of her voice. But it would be an interesting patrol with her in it.

@.:Virgo:. @Delta @Aquilex @Dust @The Cannibal
Regalstorm twitched his whiskers, following his patrol with quick pawsteps. Hearing Wolfspark's comment, he flicked an ear. "I think Wolfspark has a point." He mewed."The dogs will hear us if we speak too loudly." He stepped forward, sniffing the grass. He was known for resourcefulness and that had helped him through several battles. His head shot up, ears perked. Then he ducked his head down and sniffed again, his nose wrinkling. He padded up to Barbedfall.
"The scent of dog is fresh, heading that way." He gestured with his cream tabby head through the trees of SkyClan territory.

"We should be careful. I don't need anybody going to Shinefang today."

He seemed as if he was concerned, and he was, but VERY slightly. He wasn't known for showing emotions, and, even when he did, they didn't last long. Regalstorm was smart, quick, resourceful and brave, but emotion wasn't part of that quota. He was determined and wanted to drive these dogs away from hurting his clan.

Aquilex June 4th, 2019 10:21 AM

Re: Skyclan Dog Patrols

Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 596560)
@.:Virgo:. @Delta @Aquilex @Dust @The Cannibal
Regalstorm twitched his whiskers, following his patrol with quick pawsteps. Hearing Wolfspark's comment, he flicked an ear. "I think Wolfspark has a point." He mewed."The dogs will hear us if we speak too loudly." He stepped forward, sniffing the grass. He was known for resourcefulness and that had helped him through several battles. His head shot up, ears perked. Then he ducked his head down and sniffed again, his nose wrinkling. He padded up to Barbedfall.
"The scent of dog is fresh, heading that way." He gestured with his cream tabby head through the trees of SkyClan territory.

"We should be careful. I don't need anybody going to Shinefang today."

He seemed as if he was concerned, and he was, but VERY slightly. He wasn't known for showing emotions, and, even when he did, they didn't last long. Regalstorm was smart, quick, resourceful and brave, but emotion wasn't part of that quota. He was determined and wanted to drive these dogs away from hurting his clan.

Wolfspark felt a shiver travel up his spine at Regalstorm's report. Sure enough, after a quick sniff of the grass, he concurred that the tom was unfortunately correct. The deformed warrior fixed his patrol with a long glance from his remaining eye, gazing over each of them. I won't let any of you die, he thought. I won't lose one of you like I lost my sister.

Taking on an air of protective confidence, he slid to the front of the patrol alongside Barbedfall. His claws slid from there sheathes in cautious preparation, in the event that they did come across the dogs. He then turned to the rest of the patrol. "Grousestar wants us to drive them out, right? I think our best bet is staying in the trees until we figure out where these dogs are. I could stay on the ground and take cover in the undergrowth, follow the scent and figure out their location. When I find them, I'll come get you all and we'll attack them from the rear, or downwind - whichever works best." He slowly swept his gentle yet assertive gaze over his other Clanmates. "Any other ideas, or are we all willing to go with this plan?"

Aroogi June 4th, 2019 10:44 AM

Re: Skyclan Dog Patrols

Originally Posted by Aquilex (Post 596577)
Wolfspark felt a shiver travel up his spine at Regalstorm's report. Sure enough, after a quick sniff of the grass, he concurred that the tom was unfortunately correct. The deformed warrior fixed his patrol with a long glance from his remaining eye, gazing over each of them. I won't let any of you die, he thought. I won't lose one of you like I lost my sister.

Taking on an air of protective confidence, he slid to the front of the patrol alongside Barbedfall. His claws slid from there sheathes in cautious preparation, in the event that they did come across the dogs. He then turned to the rest of the patrol. "Grousestar wants us to drive them out, right? I think our best bet is staying in the trees until we figure out where these dogs are. I could stay on the ground and take cover in the undergrowth, follow the scent and figure out their location. When I find them, I'll come get you all and we'll attack them from the rear, or downwind - whichever works best." He slowly swept his gentle yet assertive gaze over his other Clanmates. "Any other ideas, or are we all willing to go with this plan?"

Regalstorm stepped forward.

"We could attack from the trees." He suggested, blinking. "They won't suspect an ambush and we could leave bait to draw them here, then attack."

Aquilex June 4th, 2019 10:52 AM

Re: Skyclan Dog Patrols

Originally Posted by Nebby (Post 596584)
Regalstorm stepped forward.

"We could attack from the trees." He suggested, blinking. "They won't suspect an ambush and we could leave bait to draw them here, then attack."

"How could we bait them?" Wolfspark asked. He glanced over his right shoulder nervously, frightened that the dogs may show up during their planning. "We could go with the other half of my plan and I could draw them here."

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