Warrior Cats Online

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Brightlight November 2nd, 2021 09:28 PM

||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds
(Molly, a black, white, and orange calico kittypet, uses this place as a spot to hunt, play, and talk. Her twolegs mostly leave her to her own devices, so she has claimed this area as her own and spends time here. She loves visitors to talk to (no matter what she thinks), so stop by for a while!)

Molly's Grounds is a small, hidden, personal paradise. The area is covered by a huge, ancient tree in the center of the place that provides good shelter and keeps the Grounds dry and protected no matter the weather. A worn-down, upturned red wheelbarrow is situated in one corner, an expanse of tall grasses in another, an ideal place to find small prey. A hole in the ground leads to an array of dens underground where some large animal probably once lived. There's a leaky pipe right outside the Grounds, but the water comes from the gutters. The only way to enter the Grounds is by a narrow alleyway between two barely used Twoleg houses, where a broken down-fence guards the entrance.

*Side Note: Molly does not have a tail. Any mention of her having a tail before a certain point in time can be counted as early character development weirdness.

Scarecrow102 November 3rd, 2021 03:26 AM

Re: ||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds

Originally Posted by Brightlight (Post 1091343)
(Molly, a black, white, and orange calico cat, uses this place as a spot to hunt, play, and talk. Her twolegs mostly leave her to her own devices, so she has claimed this area as her own and spends time here. She loves visitors to talk to, so stop by for a while!)

Molly's Grounds is a small, hidden, personal paradise. The area is covered by a huge, ancient tree in the center of the place that provides good shelter and keeps the Grounds dry and protected no matter the weather. A worn-down, red wheelbarrow is situated in one corner, an expanse of tall grasses in another, an ideal place to find small prey. A hole in the ground leads to an array of dens where some large animal probably once lived. The only way to enter the Grounds is by a narrow alleyway between two barely used Twoleg houses, where a broken down fence guards the entrance.

Prowler looked around the hidden paradise. He wasnt used to being in twoleg territory, but he couldnt resist the lingering smell of prey that led him here. Prowler was hungry, cranky, and tired. after he ate, he was going to wash himself and sleep. after all, this was a pretty nice place to relax.
Prowler's ears twiched as he heard the tiniest sound, coming from the trunk of the tree.
'Time to eat.' Prowler thought, his stomach writhing with hunger. He crouched into a hunter's stance, quick to pounce on the first thing that moved.

Brightlight November 3rd, 2021 08:11 AM

Re: ||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds

Originally Posted by Scarecrow102 (Post 1091399)
Prowler looked around the hidden paradise. He wasnt used to being in twoleg territory, but he couldnt resist the lingering smell of prey that led him here. Prowler was hungry, cranky, and tired. after he ate, he was going to wash himself and sleep. after all, this was a pretty nice place to relax.
Prowler's ears twiched as he heard the tiniest sound, coming from the trunk of the tree.
'Time to eat.' Prowler thought, his stomach writhing with hunger. He crouched into a hunter's stance, quick to pounce on the first thing that moved.


Something didn't smell right. Molly sniffed the air. That didn't smell like anything she knew. Poking her head out from under the fallen Twoleg object, she noticed another cat, a rogue, crouched near the base of her tree, hunting on her grounds?!

"Hey!" Molly leaped out in one graceful movement that showed moons of practice. "What are you doing?" Normally she liked visitors, but not rogues, and certainly not rogues hunting on her grounds!

Scarecrow102 November 3rd, 2021 02:23 PM

Re: ||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds
Prowlers muscles tensed, preparing to leap on a peticularly fat mouse, then the sudden sound from behind made him flinch, causing him to hesitate. In a blink, the juicy mouse was gone and Prowler felt his stomach drop.

Prowler turned, preparing for a fight with a rouge, when he saw the kittypet. It was clear she was young and fit, but she was small in comparison to the rather large tom cat.
"i was about to eat." prowler said, his voice deep abd gravelly, "but it looks like StarClan is determined to starve me."
Prowler didnt move. If he was going to eat, he needed to stand his ground.

Brightlight November 3rd, 2021 06:47 PM

Re: ||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds

Originally Posted by Scarecrow102 (Post 1091605)
Prowlers muscles tensed, preparing to leap on a peticularly fat mouse, then the sudden sound from behind made him flinch, causing him to hesitate. In a blink, the juicy mouse was gone and Prowler felt his stomach drop.

Prowler turned, preparing for a fight with a rouge, when he saw the kittypet. It was clear she was young and fit, but she was small in comparison to the rather large tom cat.
"i was about to eat." prowler said, his voice deep abd gravelly, "but it looks like StarClan is determined to starve me."
Prowler didnt move. If he was going to eat, he needed to stand his ground.


Preparing to hiss and spit and do whatever possible to get this smelly rogue off her territory, Molly wasn’t prepared to be confused by his words. “Starclan?” She asked, before she could stop herself. ”What’s Starclan?”

Whoops, Molly’s curiosity has gotten the best of her. She had been meaning to drive the rogue off her grounds, but now she didn’t feel like it. Besides, Molly was quite small, and this tom loomed over her. Molly could never win a fight against some cat of his size!

Scarecrow102 November 3rd, 2021 08:41 PM

Re: ||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds

Originally Posted by Brightlight (Post 1091728)

Preparing to hiss and spit and do whatever possible to get this smelly rogue off her territory, Molly wasn’t prepared to be confused by his words. “Starclan?” She asked, before she could stop herself. ”What’s Starclan?”

Whoops, Molly’s curiosity has gotten the best of her. She had been meaning to drive the rogue off her grounds, but now she didn’t feel like it. Besides, Molly was quite small, and this tom loomed over her. Molly could never win a fight against some cat of his size!

Prowler smiled, revealing an underbitten maw of jagged teeth.
"Let me eat, and I'll tell you all you want to know, kittypet."

Prowler stood motionless. He wasnt sure what to make of the cat, but he knew two things.
That he was hungry and that this kittypet's curiousity was refreshing.

Brightlight November 3rd, 2021 09:20 PM

Re: ||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds

Originally Posted by Scarecrow102 (Post 1091787)
Prowler smiled, revealing an underbitten maw of jagged teeth.
"Let me eat, and I'll tell you all you want to know, kittypet."

Prowler stood motionless. He wasnt sure what to make of the cat, but he knew two things.
That he was hungry and that this kittypet's curiousity was refreshing.


Kittypet? How dare he call her a kittypet! Molly didn't know what it meant, but she didn't like the sound of it. Turning sharply, she ducked underneath the Twoleg object to retrieve the vole she was saving for later. Picking it up, she walked over to the rogue and deposited it at his paws. "There. Happy now, rogue?" She felt the urge to offhandedly insult him, like he did her. It was only fair, after all.

Scarecrow102 November 3rd, 2021 09:52 PM

Re: ||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds
Prowler laughed a laugh that radiated from deep within him.
"Rouge, she says." Prowler laughed,"for a kittypet, you got some balls.
The laughing turned into a loud cough that racked his body. He felt his paw give out from under him as he fell to his side. The past couple of moons had been rough on him and now it was starting to show.

Brightlight November 4th, 2021 10:13 AM

Re: ||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds

Originally Posted by Scarecrow102 (Post 1091823)
Prowler laughed a laugh that radiated from deep within him.
"Rouge, she says." Prowler laughed,"for a kittypet, you got some balls.
The laughing turned into a loud cough that racked his body. He felt his paw give out from under him as he fell to his side. The past couple of moons had been rough on him and now it was starting to show.


Molly leaped back in horror. Was the stinky rogue sick? She wouldn’t be surprised, she often saw rogues digging around in garbage. ‘What are you doing!” She yowled. “Are you contagious?” Then, quietly, she stepped forwards. “Are you alright?”

Scarecrow102 November 4th, 2021 03:21 PM

Re: ||OPEN|| Molly's Grounds

Originally Posted by Brightlight (Post 1091996)

Molly leaped back in horror. Was the stinky rogue sick? She wouldn’t be surprised, she often saw rogues digging around in garbage. ‘What are you doing!” She yowled. “Are you contagious?” Then, quietly, she stepped forwards. “Are you alright?”

Dazzed, Prowler quickly did his best to get back on his feet.
"i'm fine...i'm fine..., Prowler coughed, his eyes clouded with pain.
suddenly, as the pain left him his focus returned, "Just a cough.".
Prowler wasnt sure what to say as he tried to put on an intimidating display. The coughing fits were coming more often and more violently with each days passing. 'how long will it be till it over takes me, i wonder.' Prowler thought, frustration ebbing away at his thoughts.

"i'm not sick, nor am i contagious." Prowler growled, "I'm old. This is just my reward for being clever and strong enough to make it this far."
Prowler looked down at the vole.
so juicy.
so tender.
before Prowler could stop himself, he began to devour the vole.

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