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BEAR. August 27th, 2017 10:37 AM

ShadowClan Patrols
You can apply for the ShadowClan patrol for the mini-plot Road Work here!

The ShadowClan patrol is sent by Halestar to check out the flood level. While investigating the damages, they discover ThunderClan scent and evidence prey had been killed. Infuriated, they return to RiverClan camp to report their findings to Halestar.

If you are chosen, please make sure you set up a roleplay with @Jingle prior to roleplaying the reports.

There are three slots open for this patrol.

To apply, use this form:

Additional Information:

Mango August 28th, 2017 08:23 PM

Re: ShadowClan Patrols
Age:34 moons
Personality:He's a rude, massive flirt.
Additional information: He won't goof off.

SuspiciousMindz August 28th, 2017 08:38 PM

Re: ShadowClan Patrols
Name: Jaguarclaw
Age: 43 moons
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Jaguarclaw is an all around friendly, caring feline that loves to defy clan stereotypes.
This handsome tom-cat is definitely a gentleman. He defies everything any cat thinks of Shadowclan warriors. He's very clean, polite, and just a fair warrior all around. He's always looking to help others. This warrior doesn't understand the point of violence and instead takes a look into the logical side of things. He wants compromise. Jaguarclaw is fiercely loyal to his clan, don't doubt that, he just doesn't think fighting tooth and claw has to prove that. Under his fiercely loyal personality is just a kind-hearted cat. He loves to flirt and get attention from she-cats. He tends to make them feel special, although not to the point they're heart broken. He simply like the attention. In general, this tom-cat is polite to everyone, no matter the others temperament, he has great patience and never seems to break. When he does, it's not in front of just any cat. Although overall, Jaguarclaw is overly protective of those he really cares about, risking his life for them and sometimes he'll even lose his temper to defend them. Whether they're right or wrong, he'll stay by their side through thick and thin. If you don't believe this, then I suggest you give it a shot.
Jaguarclaw does want to have his own family one day, but the right she-cat has to come along before he even thinks about settling down. Just like the gentleman he is, when she comes up, she'll be put above all else. This tom-cat plans to make the rest of her life a dream, not even looking in the direction of other she-cats. He won't do her any harm or make her do something she doesn't like.
Additional Information: Nada

The Cannibal August 28th, 2017 08:41 PM

Re: ShadowClan Patrols
Name: Badgersong
Age: 53
Rank: Senior Warrior
Personality: Badgersong is likely one of the hardest-working and most dedicated warrior of Shadowclan who is heavily devoted to Starclan. You will not find a time that Badgersong isn't doing something for the betterment of his clan, nor a time you will find him eating without saying his thanks to Starclan first.
Due to him being such a dedicated warrior though, he tends to be extremely serious and doesn't take jokes or any silliness very well, in fact, it's a good way to agitate him and further his dislike for you. And to go along with this seriousness and general dislike for anything that doesn't have to do with bettering the clan, he tends to be rather unsocial, not particularly enjoying having to converse with others, or anything having to deal with his clanmates other than going on border or hunting patrols.
But nonetheless, Badgersong is an incredibly loyal tom and if you happen to somehow befriend this incredibly busy, incredibly serious tom, you will never have a time that he won't have your back, he will always be there for you ready to help, just like he is for Shadowclan as a whole.
Additional Information: He has a scar along his left shoulder that gives him a slight limp and may slow the patrol down.

Name: Ibisprowl
Age: 18 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Ibisprowl is a very solemn and quiet young tom, much preferring the quietness of the early morning and late evening rather than the hustle of midday. When he is in the camp at midday, you will likely find him practically hiding, trying his best to avoid any sort of interaction with other cats because he quite simply doesn't like to speak to others, leading to him being rather awkward during conversation, often avoiding eye contact and speaking too softly for others to hear. When the conversation seems to drag on without the other cat taking a hint that he doesn't like talking to others, he appears to grow very agitated and starts speaking harsher before, if the other cat still doesn't get the hint, practically exploding on the other and storming off out into the territory to go for a walk and get a chance to be alone.
There have been very very few cats that have managed to make any sort of connection to this young tom, but even those cats that have gotten close enough to be considered a friend he appears to be distant from them, only occasionally striking up conversation, just more so enjoying sitting in silence to be alone with his thoughts, enjoying the company of 'friendship'.
As is common with many shy cats, Ibisprowl is a particularly intelligent cat, thus why he much prefers to be left alone, with his thoughts, compared to socializing and goofing of with others, though part of this is also due to his father and his stern, no-nonsense ways.
Additional Information: --

Starfall August 28th, 2017 09:12 PM

Re: ShadowClan Patrols
Name: Blazingsky
Age: 19 moons
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Blazingsky is a sensible young tom who is pretty precocious for his age. He can become very dependent on others, often to the point where if they leave him alone he will grow both worried and hesitant, often times resulting in him shutting himself away until either another he knows or a family member comes to drag him out. He longs to be like a leader, courageous, strong, and devoted, but he has a short temper and often times snaps when something doesnt go his way or when he feels as though something isnt right, and often times feels guilty afterwards. Although it doesn't happen often he will let out a cheeky comment, most of the time after he's argued with another or when he's too scared to say it aloud. Blazingsky gets attached to others easily and instantly believes that they are his best friend. When left alone he gets depressed and often times shuts others out, and he usually takes on much more than he can handle, believing that he's proving himself to someone. Although he's still young he has an acute sense of right and wrong, this is based off the other's he's observed in and out of camp. He has a strong moral and never wavers in his belief's once he's positive and determined about something there's no stopping him.

RedHead August 28th, 2017 09:26 PM

Re: ShadowClan Patrols

Name: Morningfrost
Age: 25 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Personality: ​Morning is one of the most tom-boyish cats you could ever meet. Yes, she identifies fully as a female, and was born a female, she just acts like how the traditional male cat would act. Like with how hard-working and athletic she is. Morning is constantly moving around, working hard in all aspects of her life. She wants to excel, and she hones her skills everyday to make them perfect. Morning is always looking out for new challenges and difficult things that come her way, just so she can show she'll excel at then. She pushes herself to her limits, breaking them and recreating new limits each time she trains. Her body is very apt to moving quickly and boldly, and she has a strong mind that helps her through her vigorous lifestyle. Morning is also very bold, not afraid to speak up in front of others. She defends herself and other cats, even if her life could be at risk sometimes. She just wants to show other cats that she will not back down. That she's ready to fight at all times.
Being so large and excellent in many things she does, Morning can be a bit prideful. She likes to announce her a accomplishments, and that's not bad, she just runs it in other cat's faces. She's not the nicest of cats, it's hard for her to get along with most because of her constantly moving and violent nature. Others also don't appreciate it when she brags about her amazing accomplishments. Morning also has a very uncontrolled temper, one that can be dangerous if she gets too angry. She can snap at any word another cat says, so most cats are "creeping" around her, trying to avoid any conversations so that they don't accidentally make her angry. Because angry Morning is a scary sight to see. She's also very sarcastic, to the point that it becomes unbearably annoying. You can never really tell if she's joking or not, so most of her sarcastic comments can be taken in the wrong way. Morning can be very pushy, trying to get other cats to do what she does, because she feels like more cats in this world need to step up and so some more work, and push themselves like she does. Morning is a very had cat to get to know, and she's more of a loner in her own clan.
Additional Information: Nope!

ShiningFern August 28th, 2017 09:47 PM

Re: ShadowClan Patrols
Name: Sweetblaze
Age: 28 moons
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Caring, Loyal, Honest, Fierce, Quick-thinking
She cares for every cat in her clan, most of all her family. She is very loyal and honest, a strong follower of the warrior code. She is quite fierce at times, making her a little more hotheaded. She is also a great fighter if it comes to that. She thinks quickly, trying to solve any problem that comes her way. The molly is overall a great warrior who loves her clan and would do anything for it.
Additional Information: Nope

spade August 28th, 2017 10:06 PM

Re: ShadowClan Patrols
36 Moons
Aspenfall was a very outgoing and loud kit growing up. He would always be asking questions and stuck very close by to his mother. he was always happy and care-free, running around from sun up to sundown. No cat ever saw the young tom without a smile on his face and a question or funny remark leaving his mouth. He wasn't - and still sort of isn't - aware of other cat's feelings, so he would always just say what came to his mind. Growing up in the traditional family he did, with the beliefs that were bestowed upon him, he wasn't much of a hit with some members of ShadowClan. As Aspenfall grew older, the tom is still talkative and curious about everything happening around him, but knows when he doesn't belong somewhere. He's always friendly and kind to those he meets, but feels torn when coming across someone with different beliefs than him, since the only thing he cares for most in the world is his family. He never understood why most cats would become upset with him and leave halfway through the conversation. He loves making new friends and learning about other cats' lives. To this day, he is also very stubborn and once he sets his mind to something, he sticks to it.
Additional Information:
Nope! c:

7 Moons
​Fierce and quite stubborn, Redpaw is probably one of the proudest she-cats you will come across. She will never back down from a challenge, and most times charges into situations head-on without stopping first to evaluate. Her hard headedness and sharp tongue make it hard for others to get to know her, and she is only warm and sensitive with a select few. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and often challenges authority against her friends’ and parents’ wishes. Her temper can easily reach a fever pitch when something rubs her fur the wrong way, or another cat crosses her or someone she is close to. Most likely, Redpaw will go straight for fighting tooth and claw before ever even considering talking things out. She hold her honor and pride as a ShadowClan cat to the highest possible degree, and has a great disdain towards cats from the other Clans.
Additional Information:
Nope! c:


Empress Of Evil August 29th, 2017 12:41 AM

Re: ShadowClan Patrols
Name: Pyritecrest
Age: 36 moons
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Pyritecrest is a very bold cat. He is not at all afraid to speak his mind, especially when it comes to his beliefs. He strongly believes that LGBT's are disgusting, which means he isn't very popular amongst his clan mates. He is confident and willingly speaks out whatever is on his mind and is very arrogant. He never backs down from a challenge and doesn't give up easily. He is also very proud. When it comes to showing off, Pyrite is always there and ready to be the best. To him, it's like a competition to see who is better at everything. He believes that he and his siblings are the best and is always pushing himself to do better than everyone else. Pyritecrest doesn't deal with embarrassment very well and hates it when he or his family fails to impress everyone.
Although he is quite arrogant and bold, there is a caring side to Pyritecrest. However, this only comes out when he's alone with his family or a family member, his mate especially. He is very protective of his kin, to the point where one might say he's overprotective. He does love his family, but things can change very quickly if you press the wrong buttons.
Pyritecrest has little patience and is angered easily. His anger can result in him not doing very nice things, especially if you disagree with him. He is a headstrong cat, the kind that says 'do not question me' and believes that everyone should agree with him. If you disagree with him or do something that's against his beliefs, he will not treat you nicely. Whether you're a family member or just a friend, stay on his good side or he could turn against you in less than a second.
Additional Information: Nada

AbsurdJinx August 30th, 2017 05:24 PM

Re: ShadowClan Patrols
Name: Sorreltuft
Age: 24 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Charismatic | Intelligent | Loyal
Proud | Sarcastic | Stubborn
Abrasive | Fiery | Willful
Additional Information: Nupe c=

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