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BEAR. October 3rd, 2016 11:48 PM

StarClan Territory

Gusty October 10th, 2016 11:28 AM

Re: StarClan Territory
(First! @Suspiciousmindz : there's no StC dreams forum topic, so Ima post here.)
Heatherbird's jaw lowered to the ground as she heard Cobraspirit's echoing words. The fragments of his sentences still replayed in her mind: "...news that you may not wish to hear." The tom's tone was gentle, but had a note of honesty in them. A cruel kind of honesty that would break the queen's heart into pieces.
What news was there to learn? One of Frogspirit, her past mate? One of her destiny? One of her kit's destinies? The news must be ugly enough to trouble Cobraspirit and whisk her into a dream.
But of course she would want to hear the news. No matter how cruel it could be, fate was going to happen, and she might as well hear it sooner than later. Opening her mouth to answer, though, was another story. A brief hesitation played on the molly's lips, and she half-stuttered out the response. "I-I'm ready to hear it."

SuspiciousMindz October 10th, 2016 05:57 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
The starry ebony tom-cat dipped his head towards Heatherbird, giving her a long look before he decided to continue. If he were to give the news before she was bound to wake up, it would have to be now. With a deep breath Cobraspirit braced himself for her reaction. "I don't wish to trouble you or upset you in anyway. It is Starclan's will that we must soon have Patchkit join our ranks," The tom-cat paused allowing her to take that information in. He understood what it meant to lose a brother, but for a queen to lose a kit... that was something he'd never understand. "Patchkit may not have a chance to be a warrior, but I promise I'll take good care of him here in the stars," Cobraspirit finished. His voice never cracked or hesitated. It may be heartbreaking to say, but the ebony feline would rather Heatherbird know and be prepared than allow her to lose a kit overnight... whenever that may be.

Gusty October 10th, 2016 08:40 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
Heatherbird listened to Cobraspirit's words, and felt her throats draw tight with each statement. She could hardly breath; it was like she was suffocating. "W-w-what?" The queen asked. It was more of a statement than a question, and she didn't allow the StarClan warrior to answer. "Why him...?" Her words were quiet and serious. She already convinced herself-a mere five minutes ago- that Patchkit would survive. It must have been fate that the exact opposite would happen.
Fate, cruel fate. The queen could almost feel her heart break into a million pieces. "Patchkit is so young." She sobbed, trying her hardest to have control over her emotions. "He shouldn't pass away so early. This is so cruel." Her eyes blinked back the formation of tears.
Her mind relished a memory of Patchkit suckling her; the way his little heart pounded; the way he squirmed every so often. She never believed that these things would be so important to her. Soon enough, all of it would be gone. Whisked away like the wind.

SuspiciousMindz October 11th, 2016 01:30 AM

Re: StarClan Territory
"Oh Heatherbird," The ebony tom-cat began to speak. He wasn't sure how to comfort her, although within the moments she took to react, he had moved closer to her, resting his tail upon her shoulders gently and letting her grieve. Although Patchkit was still laying in the nest when she would wake up. He didn't mention it, not wanting her to snap on him, although he'd understand if she did. Cobraspirit was quite surprised that the she-cat hadn't asked a whirl or questions or denied it. That was normally the case.

The starry warrior gave Heatherbird a soft lick on her ear before drawing away. A sort of mist formed around his paws and he knew it was time for Heatherbird to leave. She was waking up and he couldn't stop her. "Please try to understand Heatherbird. I mean not to hurt you," the tom-cat paused, aware that his figure was beginning to fade into the territory. "Frogspirit will help you through this," Cobraspirit promised with sadness clouding his yellow hues. "Spend time with Patchkit now, he loves your attention more than you know,"

Cobraspirit's outline faded away. The last to disappear were his yellow hues and the white star on his chest. The starry warrior was gone.

[To The Nursery Now?]

Gusty October 11th, 2016 05:12 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
{Ok. I'll post in the nursery.}

sNazzy October 12th, 2016 08:41 AM

Re: StarClan Territory
(Yeah, lets just post here for dreams.) "Hello, mom." he said with a weird sort of calmness. This place gave him such a feeling of wiseness and tranquility. "Do not worry, Olivestone. Treesight has taught me much. I am okay. Take care of the others, for you only have so much time with them.'

Ag75 -- GONE October 12th, 2016 02:46 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by man132435 (Post 8633)
(Yeah, lets just post here for dreams.) "Hello, mom." he said with a weird sort of calmness. This place gave him such a feeling of wiseness and tranquility. "Do not worry, Olivestone. Treesight has taught me much. I am okay. Take care of the others, for you only have so much time with them.'

Tree sight stood back and watched as the young kit spoke to his mother. She nodded approvingly at him.

Hexict October 27th, 2016 08:26 PM

Re: StarClan Territory
@Zero to Hero

Perking her ears as she heard the tom greet her and her orbs opened again. Mistpaw turned to look at Royalwatcher, the first thing she took in was his sleepy appearance. She gave him a small amused smile at the sight. "I'm sorry for bothering you," she mewed. The apprentice hesitated for a moment and knew that she should continue and probably talk about her reasons for coming to Starclan and wishing to speak with Royalwatcher. "D-did you see the fight?" She didn't bother to specify - there had only been one fight that she was a part of since she last saw her starry mentor. Despite not wanting to talk about it, Mistpaw knew that it was probably best if she did. And Royalwatcher was probably the best person to talk to about it.

Zero October 30th, 2016 02:31 PM

Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 10453)
@Zero to Hero

Perking her ears as she heard the tom greet her and her orbs opened again. Mistpaw turned to look at Royalwatcher, the first thing she took in was his sleepy appearance. She gave him a small amused smile at the sight. "I'm sorry for bothering you," she mewed. The apprentice hesitated for a moment and knew that she should continue and probably talk about her reasons for coming to Starclan and wishing to speak with Royalwatcher. "D-did you see the fight?" She didn't bother to specify - there had only been one fight that she was a part of since she last saw her starry mentor. Despite not wanting to talk about it, Mistpaw knew that it was probably best if she did. And Royalwatcher was probably the best person to talk to about it.

Royalwatcher shook his head at her first few words. "It's fine, totally fine," He meowed, sitting and beginning to groom his pelt. The warrior paused, though, when the she-cat almost immediately brought up the fight she had had with her brother. He hadn't expected her to bring it up so soon. "Yeah, I saw," He responded cautiously, not knowing what she really expected him to say. "I saw everything, the arguing, the physical portion, everything." The tom sat up straight, leaning back on his haunches a bit. "Just so you know, I'm not particularly mad at you or anything. I'm proud that you resisted your previous training." He brought his gaze up to meet hers, his eyes curious. "But, talk to me. Tell me your feelings on the matter."

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