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Galaxy Of Wisdom February 8th, 2018 01:39 PM

Stories of madness
( I will just be making some stories here if you want a story from a oc just say the name of the peep and their story will be next!
Anyway enjoy Narutos tale!)

... My name is Naruto foxheart. I lead the magic and knowledge order of madness... and my bloodline is Phoenix/kitsune ..my powers are mostly relating to flames and the sun. Yet .. I don’t feel proud of who I am. Or what I am..
I was saved years ago when I was child by the age of 6, Sasuke and winter saved me, they brought me to madness. They said everything was going to be alright that I was going to be in a good home and be with a loving family. Oh how wrong they were..
I was seen as a adoptive successor, chosen to heal and provide for the family like Sasuke and winter however I felt out of place which was to be expected since Sasuke was the next heir and winter the protecter. I was just a healer than by killer eyes a worthy mage of madness... I hated it.
Those eyes on me in every turn at every moment... eyes of pride, desire and happiness as if I was his child all along. I didn’t like it.. nor did his own children who often stayed by my side whenever he was around, or when he wanted to talk to me alone. Sasuke often had his shadows watch over me and winter had some of his ice around somewhere just in case killer tried anything funny, sometimes he will get chances along with me and often just speak to me nothing bad or anything just simply chat. He would often just talk about a girl, a woman who I know now is Sasukes mother and Killers first true love, he told me about regrets and all sorts of stuff but his eyes.. they are honestly scary. They looked at me seeking something from me but I just looked away. Eventually it came, the day I was to become a leader with Sasuke and winter. We were honestly happy about it, proud even however Sasuke just looked scared even more so than usual. For you see Sasuke back than was a quiet kid, protective over others especially me but he didn’t care much about himself. One day he cut himself pretty bad and was bleeding heavily yet he just ignored it saying that he was fine and that he was used to it. I of course had to trick him into letting me heal him which worked and he did get healed but he looked away when I was doing so.. I tried many times to speak to him to get to know him even asked winter on how I can do so but he just said that’s how Sasuke is.
Anyway the tests came and we were in it along with others that were seen as successful like us but even though most of us were excited for it.. our excitement soon turned in pure fear, we all went though hell most didn’t make and others just couldn’t take it.. we stayed together, Sasuke and winter stayed with me and for the first time I hated my flames. They burned many people down and turned many to ashes and for a while I just hated them. My flames that were meant to heal and brighten up days was just used to burn .. I hated it. So much I just hated myself Soon it was over and me Sasuke and winter wee the only ones who survived while Sasuke stayed the same me and winter.. we couldn’t smile anymore.
Years past and I was made leader of the fox order, I was supposed to be proud of such a thing but I didn’t feel proud at all just.. scared. I was ordered to do so many bad things with my powers, I was supposed to be proud and honored but I wanted.. to die more than anything eventually Sasuke suddenly began to open up a bit smiling so happily I almost immediately fell in love immediately, I spoke to him so many times after that than he started to.. talk about some girl. Who by his words the love of his life, her name was Rachel a warrior he couldn’t help but love and care for. I met her so many times and she was everything to him. I never saw him speak about something so happily so lovingly that.. I grew jealous. I started to hate her, I grew cold around her why? Because I knew Sasuke first, I fell in love with him first and this was the thanks I get. Some girl to come in and take what’s mine.
I .. gave in to jealousy and told killer about her faking that she was such a happy girl and proud that she was worthy of madness but I knew he wouldn’t accept her no matter how hard Sasuke tried. Killer will have his way and he did.
He told her lies. He made Rachel turn away and just break Sasukes heart for something he didn’t do .. however she wasn’t the last. Peter came next a rabbit, he was at first very protective of him than once again I told Killer who ... I never forgave myself for this but.... Killer took control of Sasuke making him kill the rabbit and eat him like the wolf he was.. I never hated myself more when I saw Sasuke just broken in tears he even went as far as trying to end his own life but thankfully me and winter stopped him.
After that I tried to move away from Sasuke, I tried to forget him and just find a other but it was hard since he as there everyday working with me. Than I found Sage who was in a bad relationship with some guy which I killed as a job for Madness little did I know that he was going to become more than just some guy. I fell in love with him and I truly did care about him than I found grace once again I saved her. At first they hated each other trying to gain my attention more than anything, very soon they fell for each other too along with me who took care of them. I loved them dearly however... Sasuke still stayed in my mind now more than ever since Tord came into the picture I honestly tried to put aside lost feelings to be friends with the new comer but I couldn’t... Sasuke was just too amazing for a star. But thankfully... I wasn’t the one who pushed killer to do it this time. This time killer went against him on his own but Sasuke stopped him so many times, he stayed close to Tord at all times and even went as far as getting married with him despite our fathers hate towards the star.
Eventually... this peace came to a end when Killer became.. a god. He began to hunt us down one by one, I was the first one to fall but I tried to do something right! Anything.. so I told Sasuke and winter to hid Our loves to push them away and save them! Because I knew.... I couldn’t do anything! I knew I wasn’t going to make it... and I was right now I lay in the depths of hell..
Constantly I am shown images of my sins of my Envy, lust and jealously... I only wish I could tell grace and sage one mad time that I loved them.. that I’ll always love them...
Even if I am a sinner and this fox scar on my back made by the man who tried to get me to prove myself that I loved grace and sage.. I for the first time feel proud they’re alive because of me.. and hell is much more warmer and beautiful than the hell my life was..
I am Naruto foxheart.
Leader of the fox order.
And sinner of envy and lust...
I’m the fox with burning wings..
I am Naruto.. now I am dead..
And I won’t be coming back to save you
Lucifer, Diablo.. I’m sorry.
But I know you can do great things... I know it.

Wolvesregion February 8th, 2018 02:07 PM

Re: Stories of madness

Tell me about Sano

( @Broken Madness )

Galaxy Of Wisdom February 8th, 2018 02:32 PM

Re: Stories of madness

Originally Posted by RisingStorm (Post 466691)

Tell me about Sano

Alright! :3)
For years love has been a thing in this world. It bright up days and keeps us sane however I have seen a dark side to it as well.. I saw it break hades, to the point where he held a gun against his head.. then I saw it consume Diablo causing her to only care about a girl who doesn’t even believe in love and Lucifer... I am not sure about him.
But I grew to fear it, to stay away from it and try in vain to not think about it but with each passing day. I found myself feeling it again and again, with random people that soon left me simply my so called love was too much.. did I really love them? Did I really care about them because as far as I know I never felt pain when they left me, I didn’t react when they cheated or even grow angry when they tried to start something well I just didn’t care.. they were just tools to me. Simple tools I can use for my needs, I didn’t care. I just wanna to feel something eventually I was known around town and was even hunted down for breaking the heart of some big guys daughter, I just accepted it.
As I lay there in a ally beaten to a point that I couldn’t even get up with falling a bit.. I sigh softly almost annoyed. I didn’t even know the name of the girl I hurt yet they came after me pity. I thought yet a other day in paradise huh?
Than after that night... that night when one of us finally stepped up and did something like our past kin did ... we killed. I never felt so sick yet so fascinated in the same time. Soon hades disappeared and we were looking for him everywhere than I met him.
Onyx a handsome man with a gentle smile I was almost captivated by him, so much so I even tried to pass off a kiss as some kind of need for my powers ( which was worth it in my eyes)
I brought to hades and soon he joined us in our cause but I couldn’t get him out of my mind. Constantly he was always in my sight, I wanted to look away honestly I did but.. I found myself staring at him even longer. For the first time in forever I blushed, I laughed, I smiled and even tried to flirt so horribly. I did it only around him so much so even Lucifer noticed. He teased me even pushing me to him any chance he got and hades just was casually talking about onyx about crushes and love while diablo just told him flat out to take care of me. I never felt so embarrassed!!
Eventually we grew closer and truly I thought I was ready to finally tell him, that I loved him that I cared about him and only him however... I wasn’t right.
Meanwhile when all this happened I was sinning, I was giving in to desire and .. bloodlust. I killed for the first time by myself and .. I enjoyed it so I continued.
Over and over again I killed for the sake of it, simply because I can do it. I did it over and over again I honestly don’t know how the others didn’t see me than.. hades found me. He tried to reason with me, telling me that he can help me but.. I didn’t listen I just laughed and now.. he has a new scar next to his heart. Hades grew afraid of me and soon diablo than Lucifer found out... they feared me after that.
I hated myself I tried to get them to look at me with kind eyes again and to love me not this... I hated myself more by the day and .. they didn’t even try to understand me..
Soon ... so very soon onyx found me. I had just taken down a whole gang of people and their bodies layed all around me and my glass wings opened wide and covered in blood which was beautiful to me but..... it wasn’t to him. He looked at me in fear and I honestly looked away thinking that he was going to fight me but instead he just walked up and held me close telling me..
That I can stop hurting.. that I don’t have to hurt anymore.
I never cried so hard.
Even now as I lay down by him looking at him now with soft eyes... I can’t help but feel lost. I don’t deserve him.. even if he tells me he loves me. That he cares about me that I’m worth everything to him... I can’t help but feel worthless. I’m a monster..... I’ve killed so many people yet he still looks at me with warm eyes..
Yet I can’t protect him... even now I feel it. Killers call of madness... I feel myself losing it. I’m sorry as much as I love you Onyx
A king needs his dragon.
I love you but ... I hope you can kill me.
It hurts too much... please end me.
Before I end up killing everything I love..
I’m so sorry but I can’t control myself anymore.

Galaxy Of Wisdom February 8th, 2018 11:41 PM

Re: Stories of madness
Bumps any more stories peeps want to see?

Galaxy Of Wisdom February 15th, 2018 11:07 PM

Re: Stories of madness
Bumps :3

wolfie February 16th, 2018 03:25 PM

Re: Stories of madness
how bout Lucifer?

Galaxy Of Wisdom February 16th, 2018 08:38 PM

Re: Stories of madness

Originally Posted by Spiral Whirl (Post 471148)
how bout Lucifer?

Here’s Lucifer!)

Y’all think hades is the evil one, the one who started this hell and made us insane.. but in reality the truth behind the lies that you’ve been told or seen. It all started with me and how much of a actor I am. I was the one who killed the girl, I did it. I choked her to death in anger of what she did to my brother and after I didn’t feel a thing after.
I used magic to make her seem alive and honestly it was good since hades ‘killed’ her again in a blind rage. I forced my body to seem like it’s shaking but honestly I didn’t feel a thing about it. For you see I have a bit of a illness that makes me .. not care about anything or anyone. I just live, play and do whatever the hell I want why because I didn’t care. I played with hearts and acted like I was some big kind guy always worrying for family which in reality I didn’t care. I just needed them. They made me feel things that I never felt before yet they do it. So I stayed pretending that I was kind and loving that I cared about them in reality I didn’t feel anything. Than I met her, Marie a complete book worm nerd with so much sass it could kil... yet my stubborn heart skipped a beat for her. So i stayed once again acting like usual but it became more... how to say real by the day. I smiled for real, I laughed for real and I blushed for real as well. I didn’t know at first what was going on or If I was going mad or something but eventually I heard about Sano and his little love Onyx, than hades with his brat Cayden and than diablo with her so called Love Nancy. So I tried it. I fell in love with her and I truly did fall for her. I smiled only around her but I knew.. deep down I know this thing inside of me will break free. I was already broken from the start now... I’m just Lucifer.
I don’t know when it’s going to come or when I’m going to change but I do know it’s going to happen and when it does I will forever try to love her like she did for me... such a fool I am. To speak about something I don’t even know of... well I kept the gun waiting for too long. If you find this than know I didn’t care... until now.

wolfie February 16th, 2018 09:17 PM

Re: Stories of madness

Originally Posted by Broken Madness (Post 471391)
Here’s Lucifer!)

Y’all think hades is the evil one, the one who started this hell and made us insane.. but in reality the truth behind the lies that you’ve been told or seen. It all started with me and how much of a actor I am. I was the one who killed the girl, I did it. I choked her to death in anger of what she did to my brother and after I didn’t feel a thing after.
I used magic to make her seem alive and honestly it was good since hades ‘killed’ her again in a blind rage. I forced my body to seem like it’s shaking but honestly I didn’t feel a thing about it. For you see I have a bit of a illness that makes me .. not care about anything or anyone. I just live, play and do whatever the hell I want why because I didn’t care. I played with hearts and acted like I was some big kind guy always worrying for family which in reality I didn’t care. I just needed them. They made me feel things that I never felt before yet they do it. So I stayed pretending that I was kind and loving that I cared about them in reality I didn’t feel anything. Than I met her, Marie a complete book worm nerd with so much sass it could kil... yet my stubborn heart skipped a beat for her. So i stayed once again acting like usual but it became more... how to say real by the day. I smiled for real, I laughed for real and I blushed for real as well. I didn’t know at first what was going on or If I was going mad or something but eventually I heard about Sano and his little love Onyx, than hades with his brat Cayden and than diablo with her so called Love Nancy. So I tried it. I fell in love with her and I truly did fall for her. I smiled only around her but I knew.. deep down I know this thing inside of me will break free. I was already broken from the start now... I’m just Lucifer.
I don’t know when it’s going to come or when I’m going to change but I do know it’s going to happen and when it does I will forever try to love her like she did for me... such a fool I am. To speak about something I don’t even know of... well I kept the gun waiting for too long. If you find this than know I didn’t care... until now.


Spiral: Awww, Luc feelll inn looovee. love isn't real, true love anyway

Galaxy Of Wisdom February 16th, 2018 09:20 PM

Re: Stories of madness

Originally Posted by Spiral Whirl (Post 471423)

Spiral: Awww, Luc feelll inn looovee. love isn't real, true love anyway

XD hmm wanna rp with him? He may be a bit sassy XD

wolfie February 16th, 2018 09:21 PM

Re: Stories of madness

Originally Posted by Broken Madness (Post 471425)
XD hmm wanna rp with him? He may be a bit sassy XD

Sure, why not? XD Spiral can handle sassy.

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