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Aquarius September 21st, 2017 10:14 AM

FallenClan Warriors


Current Name: Eclipsestar
Element: Darkness
Other Names, if any: Broken Night
Age (in moons): 29 Moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Creation Date: 9 - 21 - 17

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: FallenClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: The Ancients, StarClan
Rank: Leader
Mentor(s): Dusk Wing (the Ancients)
Apprentice(s): Little Flame (the Ancients)

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Swift Wave (chose no power)
Mother (s): Dark Fawn (chose no power)
Sibling(s): Running Breeze (stayed in StarClan)
Offspring: N/A

Best Friend(s): tbd
Friend(s): tbd
Neutral: tbd
Acquaintance(s): tbd
Enemies: tbd

Crush: N/A
Significant Other: N/A


Overview: Eclipsestar is a very stoic but opinionated cat. She would die for what she believes in, and she's had the same personality since she was an ancient, was in StarClan, and was cast out in StarClan. The process and the turn her life took left her colder and less emotional than she had been before. She is attentive to each and every one of her ClanMates, and would literally give her life for them - she doesn't have much regard for her own life, seeing as she was in StarClan and has already experienced death. Despite having a dark power she is generally a good cat and tries to help her Clanmates and smile to the best of her ability, though it looks rather ominous with her black eyes! She has strong opinions and generally wins arguments, but she tries to stay out of them so that she can prevent rifts in the Clan. She cares deeply for FallenClan and has a strict hate for StarClan, because although they gave them what they wanted, they didn't warn them about it or how hard it would be to survive with powers being a curse in more ways than not. Now, Eclipsestar would give anything to be normal, but she would never plead to StarClan for help. She is a proud leader and values her pride, but that can sometimes come off as narcissistic, but others also see it as a sign of leaderly strength.

Traits: Confident, quiet, opinionated, stoic, hides emotions, strong, bold

Mental Age: 29 Moons
Psychiatric Complications: She tends to hide her emotions and can easily be percieved as emotionless, because of all she's been through - three lives.
Phobias: She is afraid of others being afraid of her, and low-key afraid of herself and her powers

Sociability: 7/10
Positive Outlook: 6/10
Responsibility: 10/10
Cleanliness: 9/10
Generosity: 7/10
Manners: 9/10 (very formal)
Bravery: 10/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical, definitely

Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Food(s): Thrush and Fish
Favorite Word: "sable"
Favorite Sound: The sound of an owl in the night, which might seem ominous to others.

Greatest Hope: That her Clan will flourish without the help of StarClan.
Greatest Strength: She is quite a fighter and can powerfully defend and attack.
Greatest Weakness: Herself, and the words of others - she generally feels utterly crushed when someone judges her for her dark power.
Worst Nightmare: At night, she dreams of being cast out by StarClan and her Clanmates screaming around her. It's horrific, and she cannot stop reliving it.
Deepest Darkest Secret: As an Ancient, she was pregnant with a loner's kits, but she never told anyone and ran off. When the kits were born, she gave them away to a nursing kittypet and ran back to her Clan, never able to forgive herself. She never has a day where she doesn't think about them, but she didn't think they'd be safe with the Ancients.
Most Treasured Memory: Being with the father of her kits, a mortal (but she was a mortal at the time) who she will never name.

Quirk(s): She has a bobbed tail.
Theme Song(s): Imaginary - Evanescence


Place of Birth: With the Ancients, in the nursery
Date of Birth: 234 moons ago, she died 192 moons ago, and was reincarnated (cast out) 19 moons ago.
Former rank(s): Warrior
Beliefs: She believes in StarClan, and in the Place of No Stars, but she wants to reside in neither.

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Turkish Angora
Fur Color(s): White/gray with black smoke masking most of her fur
Fur Texture: Soft, like willows
Fur Length: Medium/Long
Markings: Black smoky cover
Eye Color: Black

Body Type/Structure:
Height: Undersized
Weight: Average
Voice: Feminine, but low and mysterious
Gait: Confident, head held high
Scent: Like oak bark mixed with ashes and cinder

Scars / Deformities: Fluffy but stubbed tail
Diseases / Conditions: Slightly emotionless, because she was hardened over time.

Coordination: 7/10
Reflexes: 8/10
Strength: 10/10

(ignore the eyes)

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