Warrior Cats Online

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TheNyanCatMinecart June 8th, 2020 02:51 PM

Short Stories Written by Nyan!

Willowfern June 8th, 2020 03:01 PM

Re: Short Stories Written by Nyan!
Characters Involved: Jayberry and Sparrowleaf

Territory/Clan: Jayberry Thunderclan, Sparrowleaf Shadowclan.

Appearances of Said Cats: Jay is a dull grey Tom with brown eyes and Sparrow is a light yellow with blue eyes.

Ranks of Said Cats: Both are Warriors.

What's happening?: FORBIDDEN LOAF GONE WRONG! (Add any extra characters you think it needs, these are not my WCO OCs)

Other: Nope!

Mention: @TheNyanCatMinecart

TheNyanCatMinecart June 8th, 2020 03:07 PM

Re: Short Stories Written by Nyan!

Originally Posted by Willowfern (Post 721764)
Characters Involved: Jayberry and Sparrowleaf

Territory/Clan: Jayberry Thunderclan, Sparrowleaf Shadowclan.

Appearances of Said Cats: Jay is a dull grey Tom with brown eyes and Sparrow is a light yellow with blue eyes.

Ranks of Said Cats: Both are Warriors.

What's happening?: FORBIDDEN LOAF GONE WRONG! (Add any extra characters you think it needs, these are not my WCO OCs)

Other: Nope!

Mention: @TheNyanCatMinecart

Okay! Your story will come shortly :> (I'm working on something rn but it'll be done in a moment)

sootsplashed June 8th, 2020 03:33 PM

Re: Short Stories Written by Nyan!
Characters Involved: Ryefall and Scarlight

Territory/Clan: scar- WindClan/ rye- ShadowClan

Appearances of Said Cats: Ryefall- Light brown she-cat, Scarlight- Black tom

Ranks of Said Cats: Warriors

What's happening?: Rye joins windclan bc she likes scar, their story goes wrong

Other: n/a

TheNyanCatMinecart June 8th, 2020 03:45 PM

Re: Short Stories Written by Nyan!
Jayberry slid through ThunderClan’s territory, the night air chilling his fur. Fluffing out his medium-length pelt, he continued onward, his breath clouding in the frosty air. He desperately longed to go back to the ThunderClan camp, curl up in his nest of bracken lined with moss, and go to sleep. However, he knew that he had to continue onward. I must see Sparrowleaf, he reminded himself silently, his brown eyes narrowing with determination.
Eventually, he reached an area where SkyClan scent wafted over, bathing his nose. Narrowing his eyes, he remembered that this used to be a bit of ShadowClan’s territory before SkyClan had moved there. The forgotten Clan had, indeed, moved farther on, closer to the mountains. This small strip of land to the shore still happened to be theirs.
Before Jayberry crossed the boundary, he looked around and saw a bracken bush. Getting an idea, he dropped and rolled around in it, the scent of the plant wreathing around him. The bracken felt like icy claws raking all over his dull pelt, though, so he did stop and stand up, shivering. It had worked, though. I smell like and am covered with bracken bits, although I’m not sure what physical cover they’ll help me with, he thought with a grunt.
Creeping over the small strip of land, he entered ShadowClan’s territory. It felt so... odd, being in territory darker than his, even in the nighttime. The strong scent of pine was enough to almost make him sneeze and the trees towered above him with little branches and cover. Gritting his teeth, he reminded himself of the cat that he wanted to see. Sparrowleaf. Sparrowleaf. Sparrowleaf...
Where was she, anyway?
As if his thoughts had summoned her, he saw a beautiful, light-colored she-cat sliding over to him. Her blue eyes seemed to glow against her pelt, unusually light for one of ShadowClan, and her scent filled his nose. It was odd: normally, Jayberry would cringe away from ShadowClan scent, but this one seemed sweet and just... pleasant.
The she-cat of his dreams, Sparrowleaf, sat down. Visibly, she was panting, yet Jayberry couldn’t understand why. Walking over to her, he sat down next to her and twined his tail with her’s. Purring, Sparrowleaf complied and leaned against him. For a moment, they sat there, their breaths clouding in the cold; then his mate pulled away.
“Sparrowleaf?” Jayberry asked as she pulled her tail away from his. When the ShadowClan she-cat didn’t answer, he added, “Sparrowleaf? Is something... wrong?”
The she-cat dropped her gaze for a moment before looking back up at him. “Maybe,” she admitted, pulling even farther back so that their pelts didn’t even brush.
Jayberry tensed. She’s acting odd, he thought. “So, what’s... what’s wrong?” he asked.
Sparrowleaf hesitated, took a deep breath, and then meowed, “Jayberry, I’m... I’m expecting your kits.” She sat back and he could see her yellow belly bulging.
For a moment, Jayberry was still as if she had smacked him in the face. He tried to say something, but his mouth wouldn’t form the words. Then he forced out, “K-kits?” How had she come to expect his kits like this so suddenly? Well, he knew how - all of their late-night meetings and such - but it seemed to be so hard to believe.
Sparrowleaf nodded and got up, her yellow pelt flashing by as she paced. Jayberry watched her anxiously, just now noticing how she seemed out of breath and how her belly swung. Even she knows that we can’t enjoy this moment, he thought. Kits are a gift, but... this is too far!
“Kits are a gift, but this is too far!” Sparrowleaf exclaimed, almost exactly echoing his thoughts. “What if ShadowClan finds out? They’re bound to ask who the father is! Who will I say? No ShadowClan tom has died recently, and even if one did, there wouldn’t have been any special interaction between us!”
Her voice was loud, reverberating off of the nearly bare pine trees. Jayberry flinched, his ears flattening against his head. If somebody hadn’t heard them, then he would be extremely surprised. Walking over to her, he slapped his gray tail over her mouth.
“Shh! They’re going to hear us!” he hissed. “And I know that it’s a problem! It’s just that, well, what if we-”
“And just what do you think you are doing?”
With a sense of dread, Jayberry slowly brought his tail back to him and glanced to his right. A ShadowClan warrior was approaching, his amber eyes glinting in the darkness and his claws glinting white in the moonlight, long, sharp, and unsheathed.
Sparrowleaf’s eyes widened until they were the size of blue moons. “Bearclaw, it’s not what you think-!” she began, but the tom interrupted her.
“Are you kidnapping a warrior?” Bearclaw snarled, stalking over to Jayberry. The ThunderClan tom was frozen to the spot with horror. This was the ShadowClan deputy that he was talking to, the fiercest cat in the Clans! Not just some average warrior.
I have to tread carefully here...
Taking a deep breath, Jayberry replied, “No, I am not.”
“Then what are you doing, eh, ThunderClan crow-food?” he asked. In the light of the nearly full moon, Jayberry could see his large, muscular body and broad shoulders. This was a cat that he didn’t want to fight.
Sparrowleaf raced forward, shoving Jayberry aside and standing in front of her mate. “It’s just a ThunderClan warrior,” the light yellow she-cat meowed, her tail-tip twitching nervously and betraying her true feelings - as if the fear-scent that rolled off of her wasn’t enough. “I’m sure that there was some sort of accident-”
“‘Accident’?” Bearclaw repeated. “‘Accident,’ indeed, that a ThunderClan warrior would wander onto my territory, past SkyClan’s at that, just to get here?” And with one massive paw, he shoved Sparrowleaf to the side.
His fur rising along his spine, Jayberry unsheathed his claws. He wanted to say something else, but the deputy tom had already lunged at him. Trying to remember the right moves, the young warrior dodged to the side. Bearclaw landed on the ground in a flash of darkish brown fur but got up instantly and leaped at Jayberry again.
Disoriented, Jayberry tried to duck again; however, Bearclaw seemed to know what he was doing. In a moment, the tom felt himself pinned to the ground directly on his right side. Scrabbling in the earth with his claws, he realized how utterly trapped he was.
A moment later, teeth were pricking his neck. Flashing out with his claws, he tried his best to throw the tom off; however, it was too late. The last thing he saw was a pair of amber eyes, glinting like twin suns, right in his face before there was an awful crunch, a screech of terror from his mate, and something warm running down his neck. A moment later, when the teeth let go, the darkness had already swallowed him whole.


Please rate this, it was an attempt XD

TheNyanCatMinecart June 8th, 2020 03:46 PM

Re: Short Stories Written by Nyan!

Originally Posted by Sootsplash (Post 721793)
Characters Involved: Ryefall and Scarlight

Territory/Clan: scar- WindClan/ rye- ShadowClan

Appearances of Said Cats: Ryefall- Light brown she-cat, Scarlight- Black tom

Ranks of Said Cats: Warriors

What's happening?: Rye joins windclan bc she likes scar, their story goes wrong

Other: n/a

Okie dokie, coming up soon!

TheNyanCatMinecart June 8th, 2020 04:22 PM

Re: Short Stories Written by Nyan!
Ryefall panted, finally crawling out of the woodland that now belonged to WindClan and stopping by the border stream. A couple of days ago, she had asked her leader to allow her to leave ShadowClan. The Clan had been surprised but had ended up letting her go, anyway. Last night, she had sought refuge in ThunderClan’s camp before leaving their territory. Finally, she was home.
Almost home, she reminded herself. To truly be home, I must see him... Scarlight!
Scarlight was the WindClan tom who she had first met at a Gathering. He had been formal yet nice, winning over her heart - intentionally or unintentionally, she didn’t know. Internally, she hoped that it had been intentional; after all, she loved him with all of her heart. She would do anything for him, even if it meant giving up her own Clan.
Ryefall leaped over the stream with a single bound and was met by WindClan’s rolling moors, which seemed to stretch on endlessly. It swept neatly through her light brown fur, stirring up the long grass, which tickled her legs. Hardly any time had passed before the endless, open area began to get unnerving; however, she knew that it was for the better. She loved Scarlight, didn’t she?
It didn’t take long for her to see a patrol of three cats in the distance. They seemed to have stopped, sniffing the air, before looking in her general direction. They see me! Ryefall realized, rushing toward them. They made their way over to her as well, and when they were close enough, she skidded to a halt.
Almost instantly, she saw him. The handsome black tom standing to the left of the cat leading the patrol. She didn’t care that his claws were unsheathed and his pelt was bristling. He loves me, but can’t show it yet in front of his Clanmates, she thought.
The head of the patrol, a gray tabby tom who she did not know, stepped forward. His grass-green eyes were narrowed with suspicion and his nostrils were flaring, as if they were taking in her unfamiliar ShadowClan scent. Ryefall waited, standing there, for him to speak. I’m going to join WindClan! she thought excitedly.
“Now, what in the name of StarClan are you doing here?” the tom snarled. “And how did a ShadowClan cat get all the way over here? Our territories don’t even touch!”
Ryefall was still looking at Scarlight. “I want to join WindClan!” she blurted out.
Scarlight blinked at her. “‘Join WindClan’?” he echoed. “But you’re from ShadowClan.”
She nodded desperately. “I know,” she gasped. “But I didn’t like it there. I want to join WindClan.”
The gray tabby exchanged a look with Scarlight while the third cat on the patrol, most likely an apprentice, watched. A moment later, the tom nodded. “Alright,” he grunted. “I’d better speak with Grassystar about this. Come on.”
Ryefall nodded. “Thank you so much!” she exclaimed. She could see the apprentice shifting her paws nervously from the corner of her eye, but she was only fixed on Scarlight. As she was led to WindClan’s camp, she silently begged him to notice her. However, the only time that he even glanced in her direction was once, and that time, he looked confused. You’ll understand, darling, she promised silently.
Once inside of the camp, Ryefall could tell that she was getting plenty of weird looks from the other members of WindClan. Their eyes were wary and their fur bristling, unsheathed claws glinting in the sunlight. None of that unnerved her, though. Scarlight was here, the one that she loved. After she had settled into WindClan, they could become mates and she could have kits, raising a family...
“Now, what do we have here?” A meow startled her out of her thoughts and she turned to see the ticked tabby Grassystar looking at her. Her grass-green eyes, the same as the gray ticked tabby’s, were fixed on her.
The gray tabby stepped forward and dipped his head respectfully. “This she-cat wants to join WindClan, Mother,” he informed her.
Ryefall nodded vigorously. “Yes, please!” she exclaimed. “I’ll do everything, even if I have to go through training again! I’ll learn how to catch rabbits and run and-”
“Silence!” Grassystar announced and Ryefall instantly stopped talking, looking up at the WindClan leader. The she-cat took a deep breath before meowing, “Fine. You may stay here in WindClan, although tomorrow, I’d like an explanation.”
Ryefall’s eyes gleamed. “Oh, thank you!” she gasped, dipping her head in the deepest respect. Her thoughts were racing. I’m in the Clan now!
Scarlight took a step forward. “I would like to show her around the territory, if that’s okay with you,” he told his leader.
Grassystar hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Of course,” she murmured. Then, with a flick of her long tail, she slid away.
Ryefall couldn’t believe her luck. She had been offered a tour of the territory by her future mate! It was so intense that she couldn’t push it away and she stared at Scarlight, who blinked at her uncertainly.
“Um... ready to go?” he asked.
She took a deep breath, composing herself. I can’t mess this up. “Of course!” she purred, moving a bit closer to him.
Scarlight blinked and began to head out of the camp with Ryefall by his side. She didn’t seem to notice how he looked uneasy, and how that apprentice was watching him go. That didn’t matter, however. She was here with him, and as they ventured along the territory, she stopped him.
“Scarlight,” she purred. “Oh, Scarlight, there’s something that I want to say.”
Scarlight blinked at her, turning around. His black pelt was like a shadow against the bright moor. “Yeah…?” he asked.
Ryefall began talking in a rush. “Ever since I met you at that Gathering, I’ve been in love! I left my own Clan behind just to be with you, here in WindClan! I’ll learn everything, I promise you. Then I can bear your kits and we could raise a family! Wouldn’t that be great?”
Ryefall took a deep breath and waited for his reply. All she could see was Scarlight staring at her, looking bewildered. Say something! she told him silently and desperately. After a moment, the tom shook his head slowly.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed. “I... I just can’t be with you.” He obviously looked uncomfortable. “I’m already in love with another cat: Gingerfoot. It... won’t work out like that between us.”
It felt like her world had shattered. Eyes widening, Ryefall stuttered, “B-but, who-” Then she suddenly remembered the ginger “apprentice,” one with darker paws who had seemed to be watching over Scarlight like she cared about him. And that was when she realized how bad this was.
“You can’t just abandon me like this!” she exclaimed. “Please, Scarlight! I love you! She’s not important!”
Scarlight huffed, the look in his eyes growing defensive. “Gingerfoot may be small, but she’s the best she-cat that I know,” he explained, then looked away. “Come on, our tour is done. We’re heading back to camp.”
As he stalked away, Ryefall watched him. It felt as though she had been shattered from both the inside and the outside. She had left her family, kin, and Clan behind to join WindClan just because of a tom that she had fallen in love with. He loved somebody else and it wasn’t like she could go back. Grassystar had let her into WindClan and ShadowClan would never think the same of her again. Her life was ruined forever.


please give me feedback lol

Willowfern June 8th, 2020 05:30 PM

Re: Short Stories Written by Nyan!

Originally Posted by TheNyanCatMinecart (Post 721803)
Jayberry slid through ThunderClan’s territory, the night air chilling his fur. Fluffing out his medium-length pelt, he continued onward, his breath clouding in the frosty air. He desperately longed to go back to the ThunderClan camp, curl up in his nest of bracken lined with moss, and go to sleep. However, he knew that he had to continue onward. I must see Sparrowleaf, he reminded himself silently, his brown eyes narrowing with determination.
Eventually, he reached an area where SkyClan scent wafted over, bathing his nose. Narrowing his eyes, he remembered that this used to be a bit of ShadowClan’s territory before SkyClan had moved there. The forgotten Clan had, indeed, moved farther on, closer to the mountains. This small strip of land to the shore still happened to be theirs.
Before Jayberry crossed the boundary, he looked around and saw a bracken bush. Getting an idea, he dropped and rolled around in it, the scent of the plant wreathing around him. The bracken felt like icy claws raking all over his dull pelt, though, so he did stop and stand up, shivering. It had worked, though. I smell like and am covered with bracken bits, although I’m not sure what physical cover they’ll help me with, he thought with a grunt.
Creeping over the small strip of land, he entered ShadowClan’s territory. It felt so... odd, being in territory darker than his, even in the nighttime. The strong scent of pine was enough to almost make him sneeze and the trees towered above him with little branches and cover. Gritting his teeth, he reminded himself of the cat that he wanted to see. Sparrowleaf. Sparrowleaf. Sparrowleaf...
Where was she, anyway?
As if his thoughts had summoned her, he saw a beautiful, light-colored she-cat sliding over to him. Her blue eyes seemed to glow against her pelt, unusually light for one of ShadowClan, and her scent filled his nose. It was odd: normally, Jayberry would cringe away from ShadowClan scent, but this one seemed sweet and just... pleasant.
The she-cat of his dreams, Sparrowleaf, sat down. Visibly, she was panting, yet Jayberry couldn’t understand why. Walking over to her, he sat down next to her and twined his tail with her’s. Purring, Sparrowleaf complied and leaned against him. For a moment, they sat there, their breaths clouding in the cold; then his mate pulled away.
“Sparrowleaf?” Jayberry asked as she pulled her tail away from his. When the ShadowClan she-cat didn’t answer, he added, “Sparrowleaf? Is something... wrong?”
The she-cat dropped her gaze for a moment before looking back up at him. “Maybe,” she admitted, pulling even farther back so that their pelts didn’t even brush.
Jayberry tensed. She’s acting odd, he thought. “So, what’s... what’s wrong?” he asked.
Sparrowleaf hesitated, took a deep breath, and then meowed, “Jayberry, I’m... I’m expecting your kits.” She sat back and he could see her yellow belly bulging.
For a moment, Jayberry was still as if she had smacked him in the face. He tried to say something, but his mouth wouldn’t form the words. Then he forced out, “K-kits?” How had she come to expect his kits like this so suddenly? Well, he knew how - all of their late-night meetings and such - but it seemed to be so hard to believe.
Sparrowleaf nodded and got up, her yellow pelt flashing by as she paced. Jayberry watched her anxiously, just now noticing how she seemed out of breath and how her belly swung. Even she knows that we can’t enjoy this moment, he thought. Kits are a gift, but... this is too far!
“Kits are a gift, but this is too far!” Sparrowleaf exclaimed, almost exactly echoing his thoughts. “What if ShadowClan finds out? They’re bound to ask who the father is! Who will I say? No ShadowClan tom has died recently, and even if one did, there wouldn’t have been any special interaction between us!”
Her voice was loud, reverberating off of the nearly bare pine trees. Jayberry flinched, his ears flattening against his head. If somebody hadn’t heard them, then he would be extremely surprised. Walking over to her, he slapped his gray tail over her mouth.
“Shh! They’re going to hear us!” he hissed. “And I know that it’s a problem! It’s just that, well, what if we-”
“And just what do you think you are doing?”
With a sense of dread, Jayberry slowly brought his tail back to him and glanced to his right. A ShadowClan warrior was approaching, his amber eyes glinting in the darkness and his claws glinting white in the moonlight, long, sharp, and unsheathed.
Sparrowleaf’s eyes widened until they were the size of blue moons. “Bearclaw, it’s not what you think-!” she began, but the tom interrupted her.
“Are you kidnapping a warrior?” Bearclaw snarled, stalking over to Jayberry. The ThunderClan tom was frozen to the spot with horror. This was the ShadowClan deputy that he was talking to, the fiercest cat in the Clans! Not just some average warrior.
I have to tread carefully here...
Taking a deep breath, Jayberry replied, “No, I am not.”
“Then what are you doing, eh, ThunderClan crow-food?” he asked. In the light of the nearly full moon, Jayberry could see his large, muscular body and broad shoulders. This was a cat that he didn’t want to fight.
Sparrowleaf raced forward, shoving Jayberry aside and standing in front of her mate. “It’s just a ThunderClan warrior,” the light yellow she-cat meowed, her tail-tip twitching nervously and betraying her true feelings - as if the fear-scent that rolled off of her wasn’t enough. “I’m sure that there was some sort of accident-”
“‘Accident’?” Bearclaw repeated. “‘Accident,’ indeed, that a ThunderClan warrior would wander onto my territory, past SkyClan’s at that, just to get here?” And with one massive paw, he shoved Sparrowleaf to the side.
His fur rising along his spine, Jayberry unsheathed his claws. He wanted to say something else, but the deputy tom had already lunged at him. Trying to remember the right moves, the young warrior dodged to the side. Bearclaw landed on the ground in a flash of darkish brown fur but got up instantly and leaped at Jayberry again.
Disoriented, Jayberry tried to duck again; however, Bearclaw seemed to know what he was doing. In a moment, the tom felt himself pinned to the ground directly on his right side. Scrabbling in the earth with his claws, he realized how utterly trapped he was.
A moment later, teeth were pricking his neck. Flashing out with his claws, he tried his best to throw the tom off; however, it was too late. The last thing he saw was a pair of amber eyes, glinting like twin suns, right in his face before there was an awful crunch, a screech of terror from his mate, and something warm running down his neck. A moment later, when the teeth let go, the darkness had already swallowed him whole.


Please rate this, it was an attempt XD


sootsplashed June 8th, 2020 05:58 PM

Re: Short Stories Written by Nyan!

Originally Posted by TheNyanCatMinecart (Post 721828)
Ryefall panted, finally crawling out of the woodland that now belonged to WindClan and stopping by the border stream. A couple of days ago, she had asked her leader to allow her to leave ShadowClan. The Clan had been surprised but had ended up letting her go, anyway. Last night, she had sought refuge in ThunderClan’s camp before leaving their territory. Finally, she was home.
Almost home, she reminded herself. To truly be home, I must see him... Scarlight!
Scarlight was the WindClan tom who she had first met at a Gathering. He had been formal yet nice, winning over her heart - intentionally or unintentionally, she didn’t know. Internally, she hoped that it had been intentional; after all, she loved him with all of her heart. She would do anything for him, even if it meant giving up her own Clan.
Ryefall leaped over the stream with a single bound and was met by WindClan’s rolling moors, which seemed to stretch on endlessly. It swept neatly through her light brown fur, stirring up the long grass, which tickled her legs. Hardly any time had passed before the endless, open area began to get unnerving; however, she knew that it was for the better. She loved Scarlight, didn’t she?
It didn’t take long for her to see a patrol of three cats in the distance. They seemed to have stopped, sniffing the air, before looking in her general direction. They see me! Ryefall realized, rushing toward them. They made their way over to her as well, and when they were close enough, she skidded to a halt.
Almost instantly, she saw him. The handsome black tom standing to the left of the cat leading the patrol. She didn’t care that his claws were unsheathed and his pelt was bristling. He loves me, but can’t show it yet in front of his Clanmates, she thought.
The head of the patrol, a gray tabby tom who she did not know, stepped forward. His grass-green eyes were narrowed with suspicion and his nostrils were flaring, as if they were taking in her unfamiliar ShadowClan scent. Ryefall waited, standing there, for him to speak. I’m going to join WindClan! she thought excitedly.
“Now, what in the name of StarClan are you doing here?” the tom snarled. “And how did a ShadowClan cat get all the way over here? Our territories don’t even touch!”
Ryefall was still looking at Scarlight. “I want to join WindClan!” she blurted out.
Scarlight blinked at her. “‘Join WindClan’?” he echoed. “But you’re from ShadowClan.”
She nodded desperately. “I know,” she gasped. “But I didn’t like it there. I want to join WindClan.”
The gray tabby exchanged a look with Scarlight while the third cat on the patrol, most likely an apprentice, watched. A moment later, the tom nodded. “Alright,” he grunted. “I’d better speak with Grassystar about this. Come on.”
Ryefall nodded. “Thank you so much!” she exclaimed. She could see the apprentice shifting her paws nervously from the corner of her eye, but she was only fixed on Scarlight. As she was led to WindClan’s camp, she silently begged him to notice her. However, the only time that he even glanced in her direction was once, and that time, he looked confused. You’ll understand, darling, she promised silently.
Once inside of the camp, Ryefall could tell that she was getting plenty of weird looks from the other members of WindClan. Their eyes were wary and their fur bristling, unsheathed claws glinting in the sunlight. None of that unnerved her, though. Scarlight was here, the one that she loved. After she had settled into WindClan, they could become mates and she could have kits, raising a family...
“Now, what do we have here?” A meow startled her out of her thoughts and she turned to see the ticked tabby Grassystar looking at her. Her grass-green eyes, the same as the gray ticked tabby’s, were fixed on her.
The gray tabby stepped forward and dipped his head respectfully. “This she-cat wants to join WindClan, Mother,” he informed her.
Ryefall nodded vigorously. “Yes, please!” she exclaimed. “I’ll do everything, even if I have to go through training again! I’ll learn how to catch rabbits and run and-”
“Silence!” Grassystar announced and Ryefall instantly stopped talking, looking up at the WindClan leader. The she-cat took a deep breath before meowing, “Fine. You may stay here in WindClan, although tomorrow, I’d like an explanation.”
Ryefall’s eyes gleamed. “Oh, thank you!” she gasped, dipping her head in the deepest respect. Her thoughts were racing. I’m in the Clan now!
Scarlight took a step forward. “I would like to show her around the territory, if that’s okay with you,” he told his leader.
Grassystar hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Of course,” she murmured. Then, with a flick of her long tail, she slid away.
Ryefall couldn’t believe her luck. She had been offered a tour of the territory by her future mate! It was so intense that she couldn’t push it away and she stared at Scarlight, who blinked at her uncertainly.
“Um... ready to go?” he asked.
She took a deep breath, composing herself. I can’t mess this up. “Of course!” she purred, moving a bit closer to him.
Scarlight blinked and began to head out of the camp with Ryefall by his side. She didn’t seem to notice how he looked uneasy, and how that apprentice was watching him go. That didn’t matter, however. She was here with him, and as they ventured along the territory, she stopped him.
“Scarlight,” she purred. “Oh, Scarlight, there’s something that I want to say.”
Scarlight blinked at her, turning around. His black pelt was like a shadow against the bright moor. “Yeah…?” he asked.
Ryefall began talking in a rush. “Ever since I met you at that Gathering, I’ve been in love! I left my own Clan behind just to be with you, here in WindClan! I’ll learn everything, I promise you. Then I can bear your kits and we could raise a family! Wouldn’t that be great?”
Ryefall took a deep breath and waited for his reply. All she could see was Scarlight staring at her, looking bewildered. Say something! she told him silently and desperately. After a moment, the tom shook his head slowly.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed. “I... I just can’t be with you.” He obviously looked uncomfortable. “I’m already in love with another cat: Gingerfoot. It... won’t work out like that between us.”
It felt like her world had shattered. Eyes widening, Ryefall stuttered, “B-but, who-” Then she suddenly remembered the ginger “apprentice,” one with darker paws who had seemed to be watching over Scarlight like she cared about him. And that was when she realized how bad this was.
“You can’t just abandon me like this!” she exclaimed. “Please, Scarlight! I love you! She’s not important!”
Scarlight huffed, the look in his eyes growing defensive. “Gingerfoot may be small, but she’s the best she-cat that I know,” he explained, then looked away. “Come on, our tour is done. We’re heading back to camp.”
As he stalked away, Ryefall watched him. It felt as though she had been shattered from both the inside and the outside. She had left her family, kin, and Clan behind to join WindClan just because of a tom that she had fallen in love with. He loved somebody else and it wasn’t like she could go back. Grassystar had let her into WindClan and ShadowClan would never think the same of her again. Her life was ruined forever.


please give me feedback lol

Literally the best story you could've done!!! :D

TheNyanCatMinecart June 8th, 2020 06:34 PM

Re: Short Stories Written by Nyan!
@Willowfern @Sootsplash

Thank you guys so much! The whole reason why I put this here was to improve my author skills. I'm glad that you guys liked it! :3

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