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BEAR. October 3rd, 2016 11:45 PM

RiverClan Floodstone

BEAR. November 4th, 2016 08:52 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
@Zero to Hero

"All those old enough to swim, gather beneath the Streamstone for a clan meeting!" Bucknight's voice rang out through the open cavity of the camp. "Applepaw, Mistpaw, Swamppaw, Fadedpaw, and Swallowpaw, please come forward!"

"You have all completed your training, and therefore qualify for your warrior names. Applepaw, from this moment forth you will be known as Applethorn in honor of your intelligence and bravery. Mistpaw, you have completed your probation period and proven your loyalty to this clan. From this moment forth you will be known as Mistfall in honor of your skill as a fighter and your determination. Swamppaw, from this moment forth you will be known as Swampstone in honor of your calmness and bravery. Fadedpaw, from this moment forth you will be known as Fadedstream in honor of your forethought and intelligence. Swallowpaw, from this moment forth you will be known as Swallowstorm in honor of your quick thinking and perseverance. We welcome you all as full warriors of RiverClan."

"Snakekit and Spicekit, please come forward! You both have reached the age of six moons, and because y'all haven't been troublesome, you qualify for mentors. Snakekit, until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Snakepaw. Stoneflight will be your mentor. Spicekit, until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Spicepaw. Thistlesplashwill be your mentor."

Even with time, ceremonies remained dreadfully dull, and with the ceremonies concluded Bucknight slipped down from his perch and made his way back into his den. He had little interest in hanging around when there were more important matters at paw.

Hexict November 6th, 2016 07:47 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Upon hearing Bucknight calling a meeting, the silver and grey molly slowly made he way to the Streamstone, not too much in the mood for any activity. Though believing it to be rude to ignore it or just seeming bored, the apprentice tried her best to seem interested as their leader listed some of the names involved in the ceremony. Mistpaw was surprised - though excited - to hear her own name among the others. As he focused on Applepaw, she was practically bouncing on her paws as she waited, her former indifference for the current even seemed to be washed away now. Her ears perked when he got to her, and the words seemed to relieve her, knowing that she had finally proven herself to the clan... or at least enough to become a warrior now. Mistfall, she liked it. The name was simple, it wasn't like Miststorm or anything strong like that, but it just seemed to fit her more than those other names could've. Plus, her prefix was quite tedious anyway. But it wasn't just the name that was satifying her, but the fact that she no longer had to train with Boulderglare. The newly made warrior and her father never seemed to get along, and they have somewhat become unspoken nemesis to each other - but since she no longer had to be his apprentice, she didn't have to bother with him much anymore. Mistfall wished that Mirefern had become her mentor again, resuming where they had left off all those moons ago, but she knew Mirefern had recently lost both her mate and even more recent, their daughter. Not to mention that Boulderglare was a lot more ruthless and would've definitely gotten her to prove herself faster than Mirefern would've - her original mentor was kind and patient, so it would've taken them some time where Boulderglare made sure to rush it. He's probably please to, not having to spend any extra time with me - or even no time at all for that matter. It was a happy thought.

Zero November 8th, 2016 05:56 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Swamppaw waited for the ceremony eagarly, his blue eyes wide and alert for Applepaw among the rest of the cats. His heart ached for a moment when he realized that this would be the first ceremony he'd have since his whole family passed away; Marshsnow, Cloudwatcher, and his siblings hadn't lived long enough to watch their son or brother become a warrior. However, these thoughts were forgotten as Bucknight called him to the front along with the other cats awaiting their ceremony. He puffed out his chest and looked Bucknight in the eyes, his gaze steady and unwavering. When it was done, the newly named Swampstone stepped back and instantly set out to look for Applepaw - no, Applethorn.

BEAR. November 29th, 2016 02:07 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Like many of the other times he'd done ceremonies, Bucknight wasn't in the mood. In a rare change of events, it had nothing to do with the bland, repetitive ritual.

The scent of smoke and burnt wood still clung heavily in the air, a reminder of the fire and the pain it wrought, and Buck dragged himself onto the Streamstone. Rain may have extinguished the flames, but it did nothing to sate the hollow ache in his chest when he looked in the direction of ThunderClan.

"All those old enough to swim, gather beneath the Streamstone for a clan meeting!"

His voice rang out across the clearing, and the young leader straightened his stance. "Today, I have some important news to follow the promotion of an apprentice. So, without further ado - Hickorypaw, please come forward!"

"You have completed your training, and qualify for your warrior name. Hickorypaw, from this moment forth you will be known as Hickoryshine in honor of your passion and loyalty. We welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan."

Taking a break to allow congratulations to be declared, he continued.

"In other news, it is time for change. I know many of you have been anxious with my leadership, but I can assure you your fears will be assuaged. I am not your enemy. I shun StarClan for their inaction - they demand we follow their lifestyle, but what have they done for us? We've dutifully followed them for generations without reward, and they collect our spirits like sheep in a pen. We're enslaved, and those that rise up against them are punished for sharing a different frame of mind."

"Which is why I am here. Otterstar's death was a tragic accident, but it has given us the opportunity to rise against the spirits that control us. From this moment forth, RiverClan will be walking under the guidance of the Dark Forest. Those who wish to oppose this decree will serve their days manually working for the clan - you will be fed once a day, with the remainder of the time going towards hunting and maintaining the camp. It's the least you deserve for condoning the enslavement of your fellow species. For condoning ignorance and the murder of our kits. Our apprentices, our brothers and sisters. StarClan takes, and takes, and like you they do not give back to the clans. Following them is a selfish action for those with no ambition. For my fellow comrades in arms, you will be the guards. The drivers. You maintain control over the star-lovers, and if they step out of line - if they become insubordinate, I am giving you the freedom to decide their fate. Whether it be torture, maiming, killing .. it's up to your imagination."

Power could be wielded in ways beyond outright executions, and unlike his associates he didn't see a need to waste lives when they could be forced onto the fields.

Hexict November 29th, 2016 07:55 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
The young warrior's gaze followed Bucknight as he called another meeting. She had assumed it was just another ceremony for an apprentice or kit - which is why she wasn't surprised that he called out Hickorypaw. Mistfall flicked her tail as she headed over and took a seat, comfortably placing her tail over her paws and watched the apprentice become a warrior. The molly called out his name as tradition for ceremonies - "Hickoryshine! Hickoryshine! Hickoryshine!" The multi shaded grey molly believed it to be the end of the meeting since Bucknight had only called upon one cat, meaning no more apprentices was earning their warrior name.

She got up and turned from her leader, but stopped in her tracks as he began to speak up again. Her ears swerved back to listen to his words as she slowly returned her gaze to him, and placing herself back down. Mistfall narrowed her pale orbs at him as he addressed how the clan was feeling towards his rule, claiming that he knew they were anxious about him. Of course we are! Otterstar lost all nine lives at once and without any reason to believe it besides you words she named you her successor. Why wouldn't we be weary about you? She shifted paws as she listened to him, wondering where he was going with this. Of course, he brought it to blame Starclan for any misfortunes the clans have experiences and spitting on their name.

Is anyone gonna believe this? How could he stand before us and hate on what we've known all our lives? Her lips drew back as he continued to tell them that Starclan had enslaved them and punished anyone that doesn't follow them. Starclan only punishes those who have broken the rules - the clan rules, the warrior code! Not those who doesn't directly follow Starclan themselves! Mistfall was prepared to leap to her paws and yowl this out, tell Bucknight that he was wrong. The thought of falling back in with the Dark Forest scared her, making Mistfall's heart nearly skip a beat. She;d tried hard trying to leave that life behind, see the light and drag herself out of the darkness and know Bucknight wanted to force her back into it. Yet, she held herself back and decided to listen to the rest of his betraying speech. He explained that anyone to chose to remain on the path of Starclan will be enslaved and could be punished how the clan sees fit. Mistfall realized that she couldn't speak out against him, that she had to keep her maw shut. She wished to speak out and point out how wrong he was - wrong not only in his words, but for the position as leader. But she held her tongue in fear, knowing that they had lost their freedom of speech.

She hoped that his reign of tyranny would soon end.

goddess of ducks November 29th, 2016 08:35 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Webclaw and Foxfire sat together in each others embrace. Webclaw nodded his head in agreement, but knew that he only believed parts of it. He felt the nudge of Foxfire beside him and turned to face her. "What?" He whispered leaning closer. "You know it's not right!" she whispered back fearfully. "I know, sweet, keep your opinions to your self though, we have the little ones to care for." Webclaw replied softly, flicking his tail to indicate her swollen belly. Foxclaw nodded and fell silent.

The three apprentice sat side by side together. Fadedpaw, Doepaw, and Sealpaw together as always. They gazed at Bucknight, but although they shared a close bond with each other, they shared different opinions this time. Doepaw watch, a cool anger swirling through her mind. Who was he to come in and remove the beliefs that everyone had since ancient times. Sealpaw sat there quietly, he would rather succumb to the leader than stand and oppose him. Fadedpaw nodded her head in agreement. At first she had not followed him, deeming him untrustworthy, but now, now she understood. Starclan played favorites, not normally talking to warriors and apprentices. Now she understood.

Waterstreak tried his hardest not to lose his cool. He found it rather hard to do though. He tried to listen and find some good in the cat, but was disappointed. He had gotten used to the usual Starclan shunning thing, no matter how much he disagreed with it. But now he was saying to trust the Darkforest? Waterstreak's maw turned down into a frown remembering the cat that had been his friend, he remembered how his sister's body had been layered with Acornprick's scent as the blood spilled from her neck. Waterstreak returned his icy blue gaze to Bucknight, his angry, defiant look giving him away that no, he did not trust the dark forest, or Bucknight's leadership.

Mango November 29th, 2016 04:32 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Tigerpaw nodded glancing at his litter sister," Bucknight is the greatest leader alive!"

Walnutpaw snarled her voice loud and clear," JOIN YOU AND SUPPORT THR DARK FOREST! JOIN YOU IN SUPPORT OF THE DARKFOREST? she snalred in rage," You fool nothing you do is worse than making me support them! I've kept my thoughts to myself all this time, but now I can't!" She unsheathed her glissenling claws and yowled," Riverclan, all those who dare not stand up in fear of punishment, if we join forces as one we can drive out Bucknight and Thornfrost and let the clan vote on our next leader!" She snarled in rage on the brink of attacking Bucknight

Cherrywillow heard Walnutpaw cursing and glanced at Bucknight," I'm so sorry my apprentice has an attitude, I assure you, by the end of the afternoon shell have learned to keep her tounge in her mouth and support you and the Darkforest fully." she gushed as she covered Walnutpaw's mouth with her tail.

Tigerpaw scowled at Walnutpaw," Starclan lover...," he muttered

Duskpaw ducked his head occwardly towards his littermates, he shut his jaw, keeping his voice quiet," Keep your opinions to yourselves."

Talon December 2nd, 2016 09:14 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Boulderglare sneered with pleasure when Bucknight announced that they no longer followed their weak little Starclan and was actually going to start to follow the Dark Forest. It's about time, he though darkly and claws at the ground with his long sharp claws. He had been with the Dark Forest since he was able to fight, always training with them to become a great and strong warrior. Boulderglared looked around his fellow clanmates with his yellow eyes and observed to see who was a threat to their leader's rule or not. He growled when come of them spoke out against him and could tell who was weak by the ones who disagreed but didn't even have the courage to speak out. Boulderglare knew they were smart for staying silent but that didn't change the fact that they were weak and in the end would be useless. But his sneer widened when he saw his daughter's reaction to the news. Mistfall looked horrified by this and Boulderglare loved that. He and Mistfall had always hated each other since she was a young kit, even if he never cared for any of his kits, she was his least favorite. Boulderglare knew that Mistfall was just a weakling desperate to become powerful but she had turned on the Dark Forest and therefore will never be strong or great! He would enjoy watching her suffer under his beloved leader's law.

Brunch December 5th, 2016 09:32 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
About to chant the new warrior's name, Cloudyfoot was suddenly caught off gaurd by Bucknight's new proposition. The thought of the Dark Forest banishing StarClan appalled the older warrior as he gazed at the leader, his amber eyes angry and convulsing. For any cat close enough to the tom knew that Cloudyfoot was about to lash out at the tom. Cloudyfoot's anger-stricken face turned into a deep scowl, all of the anger that had ever burned inside of him couldn't compare to what was brewing the warrior. Sparks were practically jolting from his amber eyes. Cloudyfoot tried to keep civil, though the thought of Bucknight murdering cats for no reason, sickened Cloudyfoot to the stomach. Cloudyfoot's tail whipped around crossly, his calmness starting to melt against the fire of rage that set Cloudyfoot ablaze. Suddenly, the tom found himself snarling, and his teeth pulled back in an angry grin.

"You can never cast away StarClan! The Dark Forest only permits death a-and destruction." the tom's anger was suddenly turning into confusion. How will the clans survive? the question tumbled around his mind, his scowl turning into a deep frown, though his ears still bent against his head. "You will-will never win," Cloudyfoot ended his colloquy with another small snarl, just to try to prove his point. The tabby pelt of the senior warrior was prickled; hatred and fear flowing from him. Cloudyfoot hated fighting, and knew that he could never end it in the way that most cats would have anticipated by how many rude snarls he had thrown at Bucknight. The blood that gushed from a dead vody, and even the stench of it make him wretch, if not the sight of the corpse fist. The picture of the clearing which he called hi.e littered with dead bodies make a small shiver trickle down his spine. The bodies, he imagined, would be just like NightPelt's the day thstbhe had witnessed her death; bloody and gory, scratched in many places before the finishing blow was delivered to their necks; a long scar with blood oozing out from it.

Feeling slightly woozy on his paws, Cloudyfoot stumbled the thought of anything as such happening making him faulty on his paws. Though he did not quite collapse, Cloudyfoot fell to the floor with eaze, as though it was deliberate. His head rotated in a small circle; the tom was seemingly unconscince, but he leapt to his paws the second he got all of his barings. Again, Cloudyfoot whipped his head towards Bucknight, ready to howl more, but he contained himself, realizing that there was nothing that he could do except possibly get himself killed.

Mango December 14th, 2016 09:43 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Cherrywillow nervously walked over to where her clanmates stood she stood directly below Streamstone. She yowled,"We must appoint a leader! she hoped someone might step up to the plate and become leader.

Fel December 25th, 2016 02:53 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Those were the nine lives he had been given by the cats of Starclan, as he had received a message from his ancestors, one which regarded his own destiny and future- not as a warrior, as he'd always expected. It was his job to become a leader, to be able to help his clan recover from the dark era which had ravaged the forest, and to bring about peaceful tides for Riverclan. Russetswirl- no, Russetstar, had always held a piece of hope in his heart through everything bad which happened to him, and he found himself being given nine lives of the missing pieces, the ones which had helped him form to become a leader others could be proud of. Mentorship, to understand that he had to teach his entire clan now- that he had to guide them well, and to help everybody in Riverclan grow and prosper. Love, to understand that no matter how much heartbreak he went through personally, he was loved by all those he would lead, and that he had to love them all, like they were his very own kin. Risk-taking, to make the biggest choices in the smallest amounts of time, and to do things with efficiency, not caring about the dangers of a choice if it was to save his own clan. Friendship, to foster the bonds he already had with his clanmates, and to realize the inner worth of those around him in order to lead them with kindness, and a fierce heart. Generosity, oh, that was a life to fester an inner feeling inside of him, which told his own heart that he needed to give love to everyone he met, to extend kindness and give them happiness as long as they stayed as kind as he. Forgiveness, to be able to forgive those cats who betrayed Starclan during these times of despair, to understand the feelings going on in their hearts and expand on them with all of the help he had. Wateredge's life of clear-mindedness gave him knowledge on a trait he desperately needed, after living almost his entire life having his optimism exploited by his sister, and only being able to see the monster she really was after a battle, and a heated exchange of words- it was the life he needed most. The life of confidence wasn't much for him, and he still had pride in his soul- and [tba] was [tba].

Now, he needed to put those lives to use, to make something out of them as he padded up towards his clan's meetingplace- the Streamstone. He'd only recently entered camp as he left from the Starcave along with Geckoleaf, having been proclaimed a leader by Starclan and left to clean up the mess which was brought onto the clans by Bucknight, their previous leader who'd been killed in the clan's liberation. Letting his paws drum across the stone quickly as he entered the area, the chausie began to climb onto the rock, letting his paws sink into the chilly snow of leaf-bare as he looked out over the clan, taking in a deep breath as faint whispers of nervousness hit the tom, before finally letting out a deep, rumbling yowl- Russetstar made his announcement. "Let all cats old enough to swim gather under the streamstone, for an announcement!" He announced, looking out into the crowd of cats scrambling around the clearing in their daily lives- hoping this would go just as he hoped.

He needed to save this clan.
[ @Clover ] [ all cats apprentice age and older who reside in riverclan are encouraged to reply to this post, no matter the rper! ]

judas December 25th, 2016 02:58 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Moonpaw walked over, looking up at Russetswirl. What was this cat doing up their? She looked up at the tom, only the leader is..wait Her eyes lit up as she looked at Russetswirl. Was he the new leader? She waited for Russetswirl to speak, hoping that He was the leader. Better then Bucknight...The She thought. Moonpaw flicked her tail, looking around. Who will be the deputy?Moonpaw thought. The apprentice tapped her tail impatiently. I wish Foxpelt was here..

Captain December 25th, 2016 03:24 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Ripplewhisker’s ears twitched to the sound of a cat calling out a meeting from the Streamstone. He gave his mate a gentle nudge and stood up, walking over to join the others. A small black kitten tried to scamper after him, but the warrior abruptly stopped in his tracks and glared down at his new son. “Sproutkit - stay with Swallowstorm. You’re too young to be involved in this.” He told him sternly and the small tom-kit flattened his tiny ears, going back to his other parent and curling up in his paws. The dark-furred warrior gave a light sigh and sat down among the other gathering Riverclan members, looking up at the tom-cat that now stood up on the Streamstone. “What in Starclan's name could be going on now?” The warrior hissed under his breath, irritated by this clan’s recent events and just wanting to be with his mate and child. Ripplewhisker’s orange-tipped tail flicked back and forth, content and quiet.

mapledash December 25th, 2016 03:38 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Wildpaw turned his head, looking up at the leader. -Oh! A meeting! Is russetswirl the new leader?- he wondered, turning around and sitting near moonpaw, looking up at the leader. "What do you think's going on?" he asked his friend. He tail wrapping around his paws, he tilted his head to the side. -OH! I'm stupid! They need a deputy! Obviously.- he told himself, almost feeling stupid. He smiled and looked to moonpaw. "The clan's comming back to life now, isn't it?" he asked her, knowing she liked to talk politics sometimes, and at odd moments as well.

doghouse December 25th, 2016 03:39 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Brindlepaw padded out of the Apprentices' den, her fur tingling with excitement as she heard somebody calling a meeting. That means we have a new leader! she thought, wishing she knew who it was, but edge didn't really recognize the voice much, though she knew that she'd heard it around camp a few times, and knew it to be tom and a warrior. She felt impatient to know who it was. If we've got a new leader, they must be choosing a deputy. She thought, unsurprised by this realization, she flicked her ears, solid green sightless hues glittering with the reflections of sunlight that she could only feel, and edge felt how little warmth the sun now offered as cold snow crunched under her paws as she settled down outside her den, staring without seeing towards the RiverClan leader's voice.

judas December 25th, 2016 03:43 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by mapledash (Post 96122)
Wildpaw turned his head, looking up at the leader. -Oh! A meeting! Is russetswirl the new leader?- he wondered, turning around and sitting near moonpaw, looking up at the leader. "What do you think's going on?" he asked his friend. He tail wrapping around his paws, he tilted his head to the side. -OH! I'm stupid! They need a deputy! Obviously.- he told himself, almost feeling stupid. He smiled and looked to moonpaw. "The clan's comming back to life now, isn't it?" he asked her, knowing she liked to talk politics sometimes, and at odd moments as well.

"Yeah..." Moonpaw mumbled. "If only Foxpelt could be here..." She sighed. Moonpaw looked up at Russetswi-star, "Who do thinkis gonna be leader?" She asked, looking at Wildpaw. She waved her tail, then rapped it around her paws. The young apprentice let out a small sigh as cats began to gather around. She looked around, Foxpelt won't come to this meeting...I'll kill Nightfang!She thought. Her gaze darkened as she thought of the warrior.

Empress Of Evil December 25th, 2016 03:47 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Cloudrain had been bounding around camp, desperately searching for something exciting to do. The happy she cat wasn't normally bored, but every cat appeared to be too exhausted to talk to her or they had some other excuse. Cloudrain sat alone, her head slightly drooping when suddenly she heard a call coming from Streamstone. She looked up, an expression of surprise immediately washing onto her face. Russetswirl?!, Cloudrain thought, her jaw dropping slightly. The sight of her best friend standing on the Streamstone wasn't something she had really expected to see. Is Russetswirl our new leader?, she thought, a wide grin growing on her face at the thought. Cloudrain hopped onto her paws and bounded over to the Streamstone in an excited fashion. She sat down in a spot quite close to the front, lookig up at he best friend with a big smile. Go Russetswirl!, the tabby thought encouragingly.

Brunch December 25th, 2016 04:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Though he did not gather any closer than where he was, right outside the nursery, Arctickit was quite curious as to why Russetswirl was standing atop the streamstone. Perhaps he's the new leader! he thought quietly with a prickle of excitement; being so young, he had not witnessed a new leader come to power, and it perplexed him on the process of how they got their nine lives. Arctickit knew that it had something to relate with the Starcave and their warrior ancestors of StarClan. He still did not fully understand the concept, and intended to ask either Russetstar or Geckoleaf about the method StarClan used. The kit knew the medicine cat visited the Starcave along with the to-be leader once it was time for them to receive their nine lives.. Arctickit gazed up at the leader-- or as he thought, warrior. Arctickit kept quiet as his bright blue eyes stayed affixed to Russetswirl. He had no idea what was going to happen but he felt a ripple of excitement fill the crowd.

Cloudyfoot crowded in the back of the congregation; though he barely knew Russetstar his amber eyes gave him am approving glance. He had suspected, by the way Russetstar stood on the stream stone with power and the tone of respect, he knew that StarClan made him RiverClan's leader. Patiently, Cloudyfoot watched the leader, waiting for the announcement everyone was anticipating.

Clover December 25th, 2016 04:11 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 96088)

Those were the nine lives he had been given by the cats of Starclan, as he had received a message from his ancestors, one which regarded his own destiny and future- not as a warrior, as he'd always expected. It was his job to become a leader, to be able to help his clan recover from the dark era which had ravaged the forest, and to bring about peaceful tides for Riverclan. Russetswirl- no, Russetstar, had always held a piece of hope in his heart through everything bad which happened to him, and he found himself being given nine lives of the missing pieces, the ones which had helped him form to become a leader others could be proud of. Mentorship, to understand that he had to teach his entire clan now- that he had to guide them well, and to help everybody in Riverclan grow and prosper. Love, to understand that no matter how much heartbreak he went through personally, he was loved by all those he would lead, and that he had to love them all, like they were his very own kin. Risk-taking, to make the biggest choices in the smallest amounts of time, and to do things with efficiency, not caring about the dangers of a choice if it was to save his own clan. Friendship, to foster the bonds he already had with his clanmates, and to realize the inner worth of those around him in order to lead them with kindness, and a fierce heart. Generosity, oh, that was a life to fester an inner feeling inside of him, which told his own heart that he needed to give love to everyone he met, to extend kindness and give them happiness as long as they stayed as kind as he. Forgiveness, to be able to forgive those cats who betrayed Starclan during these times of despair, to understand the feelings going on in their hearts and expand on them with all of the help he had. Wateredge's life of clear-mindedness gave him knowledge on a trait he desperately needed, after living almost his entire life having his optimism exploited by his sister, and only being able to see the monster she really was after a battle, and a heated exchange of words- it was the life he needed most. The life of confidence wasn't much for him, and he still had pride in his soul- and [tba] was [tba].

Now, he needed to put those lives to use, to make something out of them as he padded up towards his clan's meetingplace- the Streamstone. He'd only recently entered camp as he left from the Starcave along with Geckoleaf, having been proclaimed a leader by Starclan and left to clean up the mess which was brought onto the clans by Bucknight, their previous leader who'd been killed in the clan's liberation. Letting his paws drum across the stone quickly as he entered the area, the chausie began to climb onto the rock, letting his paws sink into the chilly snow of leaf-bare as he looked out over the clan, taking in a deep breath as faint whispers of nervousness hit the tom, before finally letting out a deep, rumbling yowl- Russetstar made his announcement. "Let all cats old enough to swim gather under the streamstone, for an announcement!" He announced, looking out into the crowd of cats scrambling around the clearing in their daily lives- hoping this would go just as he hoped.

He needed to save this clan.
[ @Clover ] [ all cats apprentice age and older who reside in riverclan are encouraged to reply to this post, no matter the rper! ]

Geckoleaf had followed the new leader back to camp, with a sort of somber air about her. It was good to have another leader, someone to help guide RiverClan through the mess that Bucknight had to left to them to clean, scrubbing away the ashes of his empire. And she knew that Russetstar would do it, with grace and dignity. He would not leave his clan wallowing in ruins, but he would rebuild it, stronger than before. Yet, she still could not help but feel melancholy at the passing of power, again. It had happened too many times, even within her young life. RiverClan was now lead but the young, and inexperienced. Though the leadership was full of intelligent juvenile felines, but they lacked so much. She and Russetstar had none of the wisdom and experiences of their mentors. They didn't know how to choose carefully, for fear the ramifications of what they did backfire and hurt their clan. She knew they'd learn, of course they learn, but their wasn't anyone to guide them. StarClan was a support strut, but they had always been distant, and hard to understand. There were leaders in other clans, but they were hardly ones to count on.
Following the young leader onto the Streamstone, she verged off to one side, and paused a distance away. Sitting down a distance away from Russetstar, she turned her gaze to the gathering swarm of cats. Pelts and eyes melded and blended together, creating a sea of sleek-coated warriors, all poised to listen to the strange cat who had leaped onto the rock reserved only for high ranks. She understood the confusion they must feel; why was Russetswirl, as they knew him, calling a meeting? And why was their medicine cat, quite literally, backing him up? It didn't matter though; soon, they would know the reason.

Starfall December 25th, 2016 04:32 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Skystream perked his ears at the call of Russetstar, he turned his blue orbs upon the marbled warrior and twiched his wiskers "About time we appointed a leader, took long enough." he grumbled as he picked himself up, his dappled fur fluffed up, littered with clumps off moss and had clumps of dirt. He sat down near the front and looked up at the russet warrior, curiosity gleamed in his eyes. The silver and grey dappled warrior neatly wrapped his tail around his white paws and began to clean himself up, getting rid of the clumps of moss sticking to his pelt. 'We defeniatly know who the leader's going to be....now who's the deputy?' he asked himself, looking around at the other warriors, trying to pick out the next deputy.

Elmkit bounded out of the nursery and looked up at russetstar, his ocean blue eyes shone with excitement and curiosity "What's he doing up ther-oh! He must be the new leader! Oh good." he purred, ease washed over the young tom, his mind drowned in peace 'He seems like the right choice, but then again i'm just a kit....who listens to me? he thought to himself as he quickly snuck his way up to the front of the horde of cats, admiration gleemed in his eyes as he looked up at the new leader "I could be like that one day, wise and noble....." he whispered to himself as he waited for Russetstar to announce his leadership and the new deputy "Maybe i'm becoming an apprentice today too! he exclaimed, excitement bubbled in his stomach, his chocolatey brown fur fluffed up as he awaited, hoping today was the day.

The Cannibal December 25th, 2016 04:49 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Hickoryshine was taking a light nap after a long day of scouring through the territory looking for something interesting to do when he heard some cat yowling from the Streamstone, one of his ears perking up with interest and his yellow eyes slowly peeking open to see just who it was calling for a meeting, not quite able to recognize the voice. Taking a moment for his eyesight to clear, his brows arched as he saw a fellow warrior up there, Russetswirl.
After Bucknight had been killed in battle, the ginger and white tabby wasn't sure who would take the lead, especially since Thornfrost had been run off too. Was this.. Riverclan's new leader? Was Russetswirl now Russetstar?
Rolling over onto his belly and slowly pushing himself up to stand, the young warrior gave himself a quick shake, sending a few fronds of grass from his fur as well as a tiny stick or two, he quickly trotted over to join the gathering crowd, peering up at Russestar with curiosity but holding his tongue.
Since the liberation, Hickoryshine hadn't exactly been very full of himself, having had his fill of excitement and well, he was just over all exhausted, both mentally and physically, though given time the young tom would be back to his boisterous self that's for sure.

"Heey, what's the big idea here eh?" Inquired Stoatfang, strutting into the group and sitting front row to the Streamstone, a comedic sly grin placed upon his lips as he looked around, searching for the attention he desired, also making sure to tense and relax his arm muscles, practically begging for some cat to notice and give him a compliment.
Must be the new leader.
Flicking his ears, the brown and white tom huffed out, deciding to give it up, with that cat up on the Streamstone, he had no hope of really getting any cat's attention.
You couldn't really brag to anyone if they were all paying attention to the new leader, so he simply settled down and waited for the tom to announce it, he knew that this would be just an announcement that proclaimed him as leader. Stoatfang might be a strange tom indeed, but he wasn't a complete idiot and could put two and two together. Though he had to wonder, since this was the new leader, who would he pick as deputy?

Ludicrous Lunacy December 25th, 2016 04:55 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Flashstrike slunk out of the shadows, eyes glittering with curiousity and a hint of malice. Her grey eyes searched for her former mentor, and she noted with a snort he had yet to appear.
Silverpaw walked up taking a seat and studying his paws nervously.

mapledash December 25th, 2016 05:46 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by Moonfur (Post 96128)
"Yeah..." Moonpaw mumbled. "If only Foxpelt could be here..." She sighed. Moonpaw looked up at Russetswi-star, "Who do thinkis gonna be leader?" She asked, looking at Wildpaw. She waved her tail, then rapped it around her paws. The young apprentice let out a small sigh as cats began to gather around. She looked around, Foxpelt won't come to this meeting...I'll kill Nightfang!She thought. Her gaze darkened as she thought of the warrior.

Wildpaw pawed at moonpaw's flank. "Well obviously it's russetswirl now, I guess. Gecko seems to have chosen him." he meowed cheerfully, putting back his paw down and flicking an ear. Now who could the deputy be? He looked around for spiriteddark, hoping his mentor would show up in case he would be chosen.

[Ugh, writer's block. I prob will stick to my christmas party for the evening, later~ :heartbounce: ]

Fel December 25th, 2016 07:41 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
As the tom stood atop the streamstone, his eyes surveyed the cats who began to crowd around him, attempting to avert his own feelings of nervousness as he saw how many cats here would be dependent on his leadership now. He was not only in charge of this clan, but he was it's servant, who would be devoting his life to making sure Riverclan turned out alright, that we didn't have a repeat of what happened just a few days ago, the dark era which spanned multiple moons and ended up taking the lives of many dedicated and skilled warriors- some even which gave him his own nine lives. Taking in a deep breath as he watched everybody, Russetstar began to talk again, this time with a generally serious manner, which was unlike the tom- usually, he was quite the light-hearted cat, but this matter wasn't one to joke about. "I'm sure all of your know that our previous leader, Bucknight, was killed during the battle for our freedom from the dark forest." He blurted out, beginning to talk about how the clan didn't have any leadership, and how, well... that it needed some. "Thornfrost was exiled, and Skyclan has freed us at the cost of any leadership we had, leaving us with only a medicine cat- until now. Geckoleaf has received a sign from Starclan, saying that I was destined to become the newest leader- and so we traveled to the Starcave. I now have nine lives, and a new name- Russetstar."

"I'm honored to serve Riverclan, and hope that you will accept my leadership in kind."

judas December 25th, 2016 07:56 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Moonpaw looked up at Russetstar, "Russetstar! Russetstar!" She yelled. The silver she cat waved her tail. Moonpaw flicked her ears, "Russetstar Russetstar!" Moonpaw's gaze looked over at Wildpaw. "So, about earlier, I-uh..." She looked back over at the clans new leader. "Russetswirl huh?" She asked. "Who do you think will be deputy?" She asked, getting up. Moonpaw shook her pelt before sitting down. She swiped a paw over her ear, looking at the river.

Gusty December 25th, 2016 08:14 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Blizzardfoot was standing around the clearing for some time previously, and had gathered around the Streamstone once the loud shouts had been heard. Someone was yowling with pride. Not just any cat, though- this was someone who decided to step up and become a leader. Russetswirl. The molly had seen this tom around the clearing and territory throughout the various moons, but never had a chance to chat and see who exactly this fellow was. He must be of the 'good' sort, or else he wouldn't become a ruler so soon.

Brave. The white-pelted molly thought with a smile, flicking her tail upwards when the incoming leader made his grand speech, referencing the downfall of malevolence and the beginning of something new. No wonder StarClan chose you as the next leader.

"Russetstar! Russetstar!" Blizzard yowled softly, making her voice heard along with the rest of her clanmates, like Moonpaw and Wildpaw. Her neck cranked upwards with pride in her clan. Can't wait until the other clans realize we have a new leader...

mapledash December 25th, 2016 08:46 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 96556)
As the tom stood atop the streamstone, his eyes surveyed the cats who began to crowd around him, attempting to avert his own feelings of nervousness as he saw how many cats here would be dependent on his leadership now. He was not only in charge of this clan, but he was it's servant, who would be devoting his life to making sure Riverclan turned out alright, that we didn't have a repeat of what happened just a few days ago, the dark era which spanned multiple moons and ended up taking the lives of many dedicated and skilled warriors- some even which gave him his own nine lives. Taking in a deep breath as he watched everybody, Russetstar began to talk again, this time with a generally serious manner, which was unlike the tom- usually, he was quite the light-hearted cat, but this matter wasn't one to joke about. "I'm sure all of your know that our previous leader, Bucknight, was killed during the battle for our freedom from the dark forest." He blurted out, beginning to talk about how the clan didn't have any leadership, and how, well... that it needed some. "Thornfrost was exiled, and Skyclan has freed us at the cost of any leadership we had, leaving us with only a medicine cat- until now. Geckoleaf has received a sign from Starclan, saying that I was destined to become the newest leader- and so we traveled to the Starcave. I now have nine lives, and a new name- Russetstar."

"I'm honored to serve Riverclan, and hope that you will accept my leadership in kind."

Wildpaw had guessed right, russetswirl was the new leader of riverclan. This filled his heart with joy, since he heard good things of the tom before, he was a great friend, and a good pal in patrols. That's was what his mentor told him at least. He couldn't hold a shuffle of paws of excitement.


Originally Posted by Moonfur (Post 96577)
Moonpaw looked up at Russetstar, "Russetstar! Russetstar!" She yelled. The silver she cat waved her tail. Moonpaw flicked her ears, "Russetstar Russetstar!" [...]

He then heard his friend shout the leader's name, and quickly tried to mimic the gesture. "Russetstar! Russetstar!" he chanted in his honnor. To be honest, he didn't know the tom himself, nor much of the other warriors, but he only heard good of him, and he was chosen by starclan, the ones who the clans fought for recently, surely it was a great leader for riverclan. A smile crossed his maw, and he turned to moonpaw. She, too, had a warrior spirit, and the sense of honnor as well. She was younger than him, yet she was so far ahead of him in matter of training. He'd have to double the pace if he was to stay at her level.


Originally Posted by Moonfur (Post 96577)
[...] Moonpaw's gaze looked over at Wildpaw. "So, about earlier, I-uh..." She looked back over at the clans new leader. "Russetswirl huh?" She asked. "Who do you think will be deputy?" She asked, getting up. Moonpaw shook her pelt before sitting down. She swiped a paw over her ear, looking at the river.

She was now talking to him again. She seemed to mean something, but then changed her mind. He looked at her expression, trying to find what she meant to say. He had gotten worried for her lately, she seemed to have something crossing her mind every time, daydreaming or murmuring, and very often she started conversations about strange subjects that she shouldn't worry so much about. But again, she's always been like this, so this sudden change of mood seemed normal, again. "Earlier?" He echoed. She didn't seem to want to go on with that, so he let it slip for this time. "No idea. But I know they'll pick someone good." he meowed to the she, secretly praying that it would be his mentor, spiriteddark. How neat would that be if his mentor became the deputy?

Captain December 25th, 2016 08:53 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
“Him? The new leader, eh? This’ll be quite interesting..” Ripplewhisker muttered, “Well, if Starclan says he’s right for Riverclan, than it must be so.” The dark-furred warrior looked around at the cats surrounding him as they chanted the new leader’s name. He gave a slight intake of breath and joined them. “Russetstar! Russetstar!” Ripplewhisker chanted, sitting tall and proudly as he gazed up at his new leader with respect. As long as his mate and son was kept safe, that’s all he cared about - he chose to trust Russetstar to protect them and all of his clan included.

judas December 25th, 2016 09:54 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by mapledash (Post 96663)
Wildpaw had guessed right, russetswirl was the new leader of riverclan. This filled his heart with joy, since he heard good things of the tom before, he was a great friend, and a good pal in patrols. That's was what his mentor told him at least. He couldn't hold a shuffle of paws of excitement.

He then heard his friend shout the leader's name, and quickly tried to mimic the gesture. "Russetstar! Russetstar!" he chanted in his honnor. To be honest, he didn't know the tom himself, nor much of the other warriors, but he only heard good of him, and he was chosen by starclan, the ones who the clans fought for recently, surely it was a great leader for riverclan. A smile crossed his maw, and he turned to moonpaw. She, too, had a warrior spirit, and the sense of honnor as well. She was younger than him, yet she was so far ahead of him in matter of training. He'd have to double the pace if he was to stay at her level.

She was now talking to him again. She seemed to mean something, but then changed her mind. He looked at her expression, trying to find what she meant to say. He had gotten worried for her lately, she seemed to have something crossing her mind every time, daydreaming or murmuring, and very often she started conversations about strange subjects that she shouldn't worry so much about. But again, she's always been like this, so this sudden change of mood seemed normal, again. "Earlier?" He echoed. She didn't seem to want to go on with that, so he let it slip for this time. "No idea. But I know they'll pick someone good." he meowed to the she, secretly praying that it would be his mentor, spiriteddark. How neat would that be if his mentor became the deputy?

"About earlier, I rather not tell you in front of everyone." Moonpaw mewed. She pressed her nose into Wildpaw's fur, "Anyway, Spiriteddark would be cool." Moonpaw mewed. She clawed the ground beneath her. She began to get annoyed with everything. It felt like ants crawling around her pelt. She got up, looking around at all the cats. Well, you are starting to get annoyed with your clan huh little Moon?
Yeah, just get me out of here...
The voice led her away from the other cats, to a small part of the territory.

mapledash December 25th, 2016 10:06 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by Moonfur (Post 96761)
"About earlier, I rather not tell you in front of everyone." Moonpaw mewed. She pressed her nose into Wildpaw's fur, "Anyway, Spiriteddark would be cool." Moonpaw mewed. She clawed the ground beneath her. She began to get annoyed with everything. It felt like ants crawling around her pelt. She got up, looking around at all the cats. Well, you are starting to get annoyed with your clan huh little Moon?
Yeah, just get me out of here...
The voice led her away from the other cats, to a small part of the territory.

Wildpaw blinked when she said that. It was one of those mood swings she had. She seemed ... uncomfortable? He shook the weird feeling he had with a shake of the head. She was now leaving, pretty eagerly. "Alright. I understand." He turned and started following her, wondering what she had to tell him. It seemed pretty serious, more than usual. He went after her in the territory, giving a look at the new leader. He looked around, finding the nearest warrior. "I'm going to catch up on my morning duty with moonpaw, we'll be out for a few, if anyone's looking for us. Anyone being spiriteddark more than anyone." he told them before running after moonpaw to the territory.

Starfall December 25th, 2016 10:50 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Flamingstride dipped his head in honor before yowling out his new leaders name "Russetstar, Russetstar, Russetstar!!" he called, determination and pride dripped from his words 'And so begins a new era....a better era....I hope.' he thought, his dark orange pelt rose slightly as images of dead warriors flashed in his mind. The dark orange tom shook his head and smiled at the new leader 'Riverclan is under a new, better, and wiser form of leadership now, we will prosper, we will push through.' he thought, happiness radiated from the warrior as he smiled up at the marbled leader, loyalty gleamed in the toms amber eyes.

Elmkit smiled triumphantly as his guess came out correctly, his chocolaty brown fur fluffed up with excitement as he heard his clanmates call the leaders name, hearing this sort of thing for the first time. This feeling he felt at the moment, it made his stomach to flips, it made his heart beat even quicker than when he's running, it made his brain go haywire. This feeling, it made him happy, more than happy, it made him feel warm and inspired, and he loved the way it felt. The young tom stood up on his hind legs, lifted his muzzle and closed his eyes "Russetstar! Russetstar! Russetstar!" he called, each one louder than before, each one filled with more and more hope, loyalty, honor, and determination than the previous. The brown tom opened his ocean blue eyes and looked at the new leader, hope blossomed in the toms heart as he layed his eyes upon the russet colored tom, his eyes began to shine with joy 'Is this....what it's supposed to feel like? Is this what it's like to be apart of a clan?' he thought to himself as he gently sat himself back down and wrapped his tail around his paws, awaiting for the leader to finish his speech.

wren December 25th, 2016 11:02 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Lashing his tail, a broad shoulder tom sat. Curling his tail gently around his paws. Fixating his gaze on the Tom that loomed over top of them. Loomed over the whole of riverclan. Perhaps Russetstar was not like bucknight. Even the name scared the living day lights out of him. Surely not because I couldn't beat him tooth and claw, it's just the ex-communication from the clan. I may have lived through it but that would be the most suffering I have ever done in my life. No. Don't think that way. he blinked back regret. Though he new he should have done something to save the clan whilst he had the chance to form an alliance in the clan to rebel. You are putting emotions before the clan. He reminded himself gingerly. Shaking his head and allowing the wind to ruffle his coat relaxed him a bit. Even though It soiled his pride when the skyclan cats they had no previous knowledge on came waltzing into riverclan to remove the dreadful Tom and thornfrost. Even though he was thankful, a pang of pity and regret still ebbed away at his pride. Though for my own sanity it was good enough, I would have walked right out of here if another moon of that Dark forest rubbish was still looming around. he sighed deeply. Returning his glance to Russetstar his gleaming green optics watched the Tom as he spoke. Though were drawn away when yowls from the crowd broke his train of thought.

Empress Of Evil December 26th, 2016 03:52 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Seeing her prediction was correct, her grin seemed to widen even more. Not because she was correct, but because of her friends words. Russetstar was the new leader, and she would be there to support him every step of the way, with every decision he made and every action he displayed. Russetstar! Russetstar!, Cloudrain yowled at the top of her lungs. It was like she was hoping that StarClan would be able to hear her. The silver tabby felt so proud for her best friend, he really deserved it. She knew that Russetstar would make RiverClan the best it could ever be and help everyone recover from the memories that haunted them, the memories that Bucknight starred in. Those memories would be wiped away. Over time, everyone would do there best to forget about the horrid times and live in the present. When Bucknight was leader, the thought left Cloudrain horrified and disgusted, knowing that such an awful cat was leading. Bucknight was one of the very few things that got on Cloudrain's nerves. Now that he was gone, the tabby was brighter then before, especially with Russetstar as leader.

seasalt December 26th, 2016 09:20 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
A fluffy, pale silver she kit was sitting in the crowd, watching the leader call the clan, with certainty, it seemed. Her ice-blue optics scanned the new leader carefully. Russetswirl. The kit realized, fur fluffing up to make her look sorta like a duck. Russetstar. She conceded to herself, eyes sparkling as she blew out one word from her lips."Russetstar! Russetstar! Russetstar!" Willowkit yowled ontop of her lungs, it was more of a squeak, but oh well, that didn't matter. Perhaps, this leader, could be a good one. Willowkit thought on, her ears twitching with thought. Her eyes twinkled with admiration for the new leader, it seemed, the suffix -star meant a good leader, that was, good, I suppose. Yes, that's good, so very good.

Pineneedle, sitting somewhere near the front row of the clan, orbs shining with pride, her apprentice, had gotten this far, from the apprentice that she first met that day of her apprentice ceremony. Oh, how long ago that was. The old warrior thought, eyes twinkling in amusement. Her old apprentice, was still missing, Aspenpaw. Her dark green optics darkened, twinkled with sadness. What if..they were dead? The thought broke the warrior's heart, they couldn't be, Aspenpaw was strong, and was surely capable of surviving on they're own, but are they really? She shook her head, giving back the proud look in her eyes as she passionately, and proudly called out her old apprentices new name. "Russetstar! Russetstar!"
Both open for a chat~

The Cannibal December 26th, 2016 09:46 AM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Oh hey, he sure is the new leader, that's awesome! Hickoryshine thought to himself as he listened to Russetstar proclaim that he was Riverclan's new leader, a thick rumbling purr bursting out of the young warrior as he hopped to his paws to eagerly begin shouting out the new leaders name.
"Russetstar! Russetstar! Russetstar! You got this buddy, I know it, show this clan what being a leader is all about!"
With a bright grin placed on his muzzle, he looked up at the russet tom with awe, wondering, or rather hoping that this tom would be better than the past leaders, though that likely wouldn't be very hard considering their last leadership were dark forest worshiping cats. Nonetheless Hickoryshine would be at Russestar's side till the day he died, he may not know the new leader very well, but every stranger is just a friend in disguise!

Stoatfang flicks an ear as he heard the tom announce that he was the new leader, his head nodding a bit with a quiet huff. The brown and white tom never really paid much attention to leadership, they were usually too busy to pay him much mind anyways.
"Russetstar. Russetstar. Russetstar. Wooo." Meowed the tom halfheartedly before huffing out a sigh and glancing around.
Is this meeting going to be over soon? Because I'm missing my plans to brag to cats, come on, hurry up, yes, you're leader, come onnn! His mind practically whined, begging for the announcement to be over, meaning no disrespect to Russestar of course, he just didn't really care.

Mango December 26th, 2016 01:34 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Duskpaw nervously called out," Russetstar!"
Duskpaw gulped," You'd be dead if he didn't die!"

Fel December 29th, 2016 11:09 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
@Pink Orca! @Goose @starfall @Skybird™ [please post here to ensure your ceremonies are done!]

It was just a touch before moonhigh, and the white light streamed onto Riverclan's camp as some slept, and others were left with patrols and their own personal buisiness to attend to. These were times when cats were busy, but Russetstar couldn't wait until morning for his own announcement, and the ceremonies that were already overdue with Bucknight's murder pushing them far too back. Striding out from his new den into the clearing, he surely seemed like there was a lot of pressure on the new leader to help his clan recover- but really, he knew that he had to do this, for everyone who depended on him. His clanmates, Starclan, his whole family- they needed him, and he was ready to serve the worthy cause. Stepping onto the streamstone carefully, His fur bristled nervously as he let out a loud yowl, to anybody who could hear him. "All cats old enough to swim, gather around the streamstone for a clan meeting!" He would make them proud- oh, that's what he would do.

Trashy Sky December 29th, 2016 11:17 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by fenic! (Post 103709)
@Pink Orca! @Goose @starfall @Skybird™ [please post here to ensure your ceremonies are done!]

It was just a touch before moonhigh, and the white light streamed onto Riverclan's camp as some slept, and others were left with patrols and their own personal buisiness to attend to. These were times when cats were busy, but Russetstar couldn't wait until morning for his own announcement, and the ceremonies that were already overdue with Bucknight's murder pushing them far too back. Striding out from his new den into the clearing, he surely seemed like there was a lot of pressure on the new leader to help his clan recover- but really, he knew that he had to do this, for everyone who depended on him. His clanmates, Starclan, his whole family- they needed him, and he was ready to serve the worthy cause. Stepping onto the streamstone carefully, His fur bristled nervously as he let out a loud yowl, to anybody who could hear him. "All cats old enough to swim, gather around the streamstone for a clan meeting!" He would make them proud- oh, that's what he would do.

Blackgaze carefully padded out from the warrior's den at hearing the call of RiverClan's new leader, her blank green gaze stared off straight ahead of her as she padded into the clearing and close to the streamstome. The black she-cat sat down to the side, her tail curling neatly around her paws as her unseeing eyes were fixed not exactly at Russetstar. Though, her ears her pricked up high and straight, swiveled towards the direction Blackgaze has heard the RiverClan leader's voice come from. Her full attention was on the tom, ready to hear his announcement. Even if the black cat couldn't see her leader, she could hear him just fine and that's all she really needed. It wasn't like Russetstar was going to act out and dance the announcements; no matter how hilarious that sounded.

Ludicrous Lunacy December 29th, 2016 11:19 PM

Re: RiverClan Streamstone
Neko (or silverpaw idk anymore) walked to stand under the stone, head tilted, and sat with his tail over his paws.an

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