Warrior Cats Online

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BEAR. April 19th, 2020 02:54 AM

Cattail Pond
A large pond surrounded by cattails, Cattail Pond
serves as a useful spot for swimming practice without the risk
of being swept away by rapids, and can be used for hunting.

Water fowl and some species of fish (including perches and chubs)
can commonly be around and in the water.

Wings April 19th, 2020 11:25 AM

Re: Cattail Pond
As Owlflight trotted through the territory, he wondered silently why Stonepaw's mentor wasn't here but, shaking his head, he stuffed that thought to the back of his head. He hadn't really been looking back much to see if Stonepaw was still there. And he half wondered where Willowpaw was. Slowing to a walk, he padded into the clearing with Cattail Pond in sight. "Alright, we're here."
@The Shadow Flower @Alexcentri @Quailsong @hal

The Shadow Flower April 19th, 2020 12:48 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
StonePaw would bound up beside him. Wow! It’s so pretty here! Look at the water! @Wings @Alexcentri @Quailsong @hal

Alexcentri April 19th, 2020 01:10 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
Branch padded around within the bunch of cattails, looking in wonder at all of them. "Look at how tall all these - er - things are! There are so many!" The fluffy kitten closed his jaws around the stem of one, wanting to see if it tasted ok. It...did not taste great. "Yuck... I'm hungry and there are all of these things but none of these things are for food..." He licked his chest for a moment, trying to get the taste off his tongue when he heard voices, causing him to fluff up and get closer to Blossom and Chestnut.
@Wings @The Shadow Flower @Quailsong @hal

The Shadow Flower April 19th, 2020 01:25 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
StonePaw would perk up her ears. Do you hear something?
She’d walk towards the meowing curiously.

hal April 19th, 2020 05:14 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
Chestnut giggled as Branch recoiled at the flavor of the reed, but the sounds they made weren't the only near the pond. Softly, voices drifted through the air. She pricked her ears as they grew louder, orange eyes widening.

When Branch fluffed up and got closer to her and Blossom, Chestnut's fear seemed to shrink; the cinnamon kit puffed out her chest and rooted her paws. Whatever's out there, I'm ready!

[ @The Shadow Flower ] [ @Alexcentri ] [ @Quailsong ] [ @Wings ]

Wings April 20th, 2020 06:18 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
The tabby tom padded forward, crouching when he stuck his head into the reeds. He smiled when he saw one tom-kit fluffed up and close to another kit and the kit that he was fluffed up againist looked as if she was about to protect him from some kit-killer. He chuckled softly,"hello little ones."
@The Shadow Flower @hal @Alexcentri

The Shadow Flower April 20th, 2020 06:20 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by hal (Post 668332)
Chestnut giggled as Branch recoiled at the flavor of the reed, but the sounds they made weren't the only near the pond. Softly, voices drifted through the air. She pricked her ears as they grew louder, orange eyes widening.

When Branch fluffed up and got closer to her and Blossom, Chestnut's fear seemed to shrink; the cinnamon kit puffed out her chest and rooted her paws. Whatever's out there, I'm ready!

StonePaw would smile at the little balls of fluff.
aaw! Hi little kits! What are you doing here all alone?

Alexcentri April 20th, 2020 06:57 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
Branch didn't really know what to do in this situation. There were two, much older looking cats he didn't know, but he was also hungry and they seemed nice. He also wanted to make sure that Chestnut would be okay too. "Uh, we're just - uh - lookin' around. I'm lost though, and I think Chestnut is too unless she knows where shes goin' and I'm hungry. But uh - just don't hurt us! I got some sharp claws!" He flexed his little teeny tiny claws at them.

@The Shadow Flower @hal @Wings

Hexict April 21st, 2020 10:42 AM

Re: Cattail Pond
[ @Zesty Mango ]

Mistfall lead Eveningpaw towards the quiet pond. This was a great place to teach someone to hunt and swim. The water was still, unlike the river, so it made it easier to catch the fish. They were easier to see and moving slower since there no current to swim with. The warrior took a deep breath to calm her nerves, praying to Starclan that she wouldn't mess up too much while teaching her new apprentice to hunt. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing that her apprentice was older. They would most likely be less clumsy and more alert than a younger cat, but they also were use to a completely different kind of hunting and would have to learn to fish instead of hunting land-prey. They were very different.

"Okay," the warrior stopped a few paw steps from the edge and turned to Eveningpaw. "There are a few things to keep in mind, it's not as easy as it seems," this was from personal experience. She waved her tail for the other molly to come closer. "You need to get close to the water and you have to wait. This can take patience and sometimes you're muscles can get stiff," she got into position to show Eveningpaw. "But you don't want to lean over the water, fishes can see your shadow and will be scared away." Mistfall was close to the river, crouching next to it, but was not leaning over the water. This made it slightly more difficult to see the fish when they were close, but at least they weren't scaring any away. Her pale blue gaze watching her apprentice to see if she explained and demonstrated well enough.

Mango April 21st, 2020 02:32 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 670009)
[ @Zesty Mango ]

Mistfall lead Eveningpaw towards the quiet pond. This was a great place to teach someone to hunt and swim. The water was still, unlike the river, so it made it easier to catch the fish. They were easier to see and moving slower since there no current to swim with. The warrior took a deep breath to calm her nerves, praying to Starclan that she wouldn't mess up too much while teaching her new apprentice to hunt. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing that her apprentice was older. They would most likely be less clumsy and more alert than a younger cat, but they also were use to a completely different kind of hunting and would have to learn to fish instead of hunting land-prey. They were very different.

"Okay," the warrior stopped a few paw steps from the edge and turned to Eveningpaw. "There are a few things to keep in mind, it's not as easy as it seems," this was from personal experience. She waved her tail for the other molly to come closer. "You need to get close to the water and you have to wait. This can take patience and sometimes you're muscles can get stiff," she got into position to show Eveningpaw. "But you don't want to lean over the water, fishes can see your shadow and will be scared away." Mistfall was close to the river, crouching next to it, but was not leaning over the water. This made it slightly more difficult to see the fish when they were close, but at least they weren't scaring any away. Her pale blue gaze watching her apprentice to see if she explained and demonstrated well enough.

Eveningpaw gave a small nod, she was speaking softly because due to her experience of hunting land prey, she knew that if she spoke to loud she’d alert the prey,” Alright.” she nodded before sitting down next to the pond and angling herself so that her shadow wouldn’t be visible, it took her a couple attempts the angle it correctly, but once she had it.She awaited Mistfall’s approval. She glanced at the water watching the fish swim Why can’t I just do a hunter’s crouch in the water and pounce? It’s shallow enough here...oh right deeper rivers, you can’t swim after fish can you? she thought

Wings April 21st, 2020 05:59 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
He chuckled once more at the young kit. "Don't worry young one, we aren't going to harm you." Hearing that the kit was hungry and looked young enough to maybe still be on milk. "Would you like to come back to our home? We have food and shelter." He crouched down cuffing the young kit on the ear with his large paw.
@The Shadow Flower @hal @Alexcentri

lio April 22nd, 2020 05:31 AM

Re: Cattail Pond
[ @Dipper ]

He was early.

Swanfeather's steps were light as he traveled to the Cattail Pond, his eyes bright and shining in the moonlight. In his mouth, he carried a crown of flowers, all the same, but of different shades of blue. He approached the pond and gently laid the flower crown down, ensuring it was safe before he walked closer to the pond. Tail twitching back and forth calmly, Swanfeather dipped his paw into the water, watching it ripple with the sudden displacement. He tilted his head to the side curiously. The ways of water always intrigued him, though he didn't take the time to examine it clearly. Simply watching the stars glitter atop tiny waves was enough for him.

Crickets could be heard around him, chirping away, living their lives in the dead of night. A slight breeze passed through his fur and he allowed himself to relax even more, feeling almost weightless as he basked in the moonlight. Oh, daytime was quite beautiful, but nighttime... he loved it. Perfect for relaxing, clearing your head, going for a peaceful walk, or a romantic outing. Not that the planned meeting was to be a romantic outing-- oh, no, the thought hadn't even crossed his mind!

Swanfeather closed his eyes, head raised to the sky. It smiled down upon him, whispering a sweet melody within his ears. Though as he allowed himself to become lost in the peace, the tom almost forgot the reason he was there. He had to prepare for Fawnsqueak's arrival! He gave his fur a few quick licks and made sure the flower crown was held together nicely, then spun around and gently plucked a cattail from its stem. Laying it on the ground, he dragged his claw down it, unable to stifle the giggle that escaped as fluff exploded out.

He nudged it around, fixing it up as though he were making a nest. From his time in the town, Swanfeather remembered some housecats speaking of 'blankets', a fluffy material to lay on or under. So, he made his own! In order to not disturb it, the tom didn't sit on the cat-made blanket just yet. Of course, he had to allow Fawnsqueak to sit first, it was common courtesy!

Finally, the moon creeped higher in the sky until it was about time for Fawnsqueak to arrive. As time ticked by, Swanfeather found himself becoming anxious and twitchy. Would the other tom show up? What if he really didn't want to learn? Swanfeather had so much to teach him! What if he didn't like the flower crown, or was allergic to that type of flower? Swanfeather tried to settle his nervousness, not wanting to be flustered before Fawnsqueak even arrived.

After a while, he heard a creak in the woods, head turning to look in its direction. Shuffling his paws, Swanfeather decided to softly call out:

"Fawn-Fawn? Are ya there?"

Alexcentri April 22nd, 2020 02:00 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
Branch had a worried look to his eyes, but he knew that it was the best place to go and that he and his friends would be safe. The tom could hear it in the cat's voice that there wasn't going to be any harm to them. He flicked his eyes up to the much taller cats and nodded. "Ok, I'll go." His fur had slowly been going down into its much less poofy, yet still disheveled, fluffy state. Branch got closer to the odd-smelling cats and was ready to go with them back to wherever they came from.

@The Shadow Flower @hal @Wings
(Idk if hal is going to post or not but here's mine just for whenever you're ready to take the kit(s) back)

Mango April 22nd, 2020 03:20 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
Salmonsong glanced at Duckpaw,” After what happened last time I took you out for training, I think I should teach you to swim.” she purred,” Don’t worry, this pond is a bit shallow and their aren’t any currents here and it’s enclosed so you won’t drown here.” she meowed. Despite knowing it wasn’t the most shallow as Salmonsong could swim there, and could touch the bottom with ease. She gave a reassuring smile.

Bread April 22nd, 2020 08:08 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Zesty Mango (Post 671338)
Salmonsong glanced at Duckpaw,” After what happened last time I took you out for training, I think I should teach you to swim.” she purred,” Don’t worry, this pond is a bit shallow and their aren’t any currents here and it’s enclosed so you won’t drown here.” she meowed. Despite knowing it wasn’t the most shallow as Salmonsong could swim there, and could touch the bottom with ease. She gave a reassuring smile.

Even though Duckpaw was a bit scarred from the river, she trusted Salmonsong. She had always wanted to learn how to swim. She looked down into the pond at her reflection, then looked up at her mentor and gave her a huge grin.

Mango April 22nd, 2020 08:11 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by .Bread. (Post 671693)
Even though Duckpaw was a bit scarred from the river, she trusted Salmonsong. She had always wanted to learn how to swim. She looked down into the pond at her reflection, then looked up at her mentor and gave her a huge grin.

Salmonsong, to make her trust her, got in the water, treading lightly,” You keep your legs moving, like your walking in the water.

Bread April 22nd, 2020 08:30 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Zesty Mango (Post 671696)
Salmonsong, to make her trust her, got in the water, treading lightly,” You keep your legs moving, like your walking in the water.

Duckpaw slowly walked into the water after Salmonsong. As she walked further into the water, she made odd motions with her legs DEFINITELY not like Salmonsongs. ”Like this?” the young apprentice asked as she shifted her actions.

Fawn April 23rd, 2020 01:18 AM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by hxneysuckle (Post 670911)
[ @Dipper ]

He was early.

Swanfeather's steps were light as he traveled to the Cattail Pond, his eyes bright and shining in the moonlight. In his mouth, he carried a crown of flowers, all the same, but of different shades of blue. He approached the pond and gently laid the flower crown down, ensuring it was safe before he walked closer to the pond. Tail twitching back and forth calmly, Swanfeather dipped his paw into the water, watching it ripple with the sudden displacement. He tilted his head to the side curiously. The ways of water always intrigued him, though he didn't take the time to examine it clearly. Simply watching the stars glitter atop tiny waves was enough for him.

Crickets could be heard around him, chirping away, living their lives in the dead of night. A slight breeze passed through his fur and he allowed himself to relax even more, feeling almost weightless as he basked in the moonlight. Oh, daytime was quite beautiful, but nighttime... he loved it. Perfect for relaxing, clearing your head, going for a peaceful walk, or a romantic outing. Not that the planned meeting was to be a romantic outing-- oh, no, the thought hadn't even crossed his mind!

Swanfeather closed his eyes, head raised to the sky. It smiled down upon him, whispering a sweet melody within his ears. Though as he allowed himself to become lost in the peace, the tom almost forgot the reason he was there. He had to prepare for Fawnsqueak's arrival! He gave his fur a few quick licks and made sure the flower crown was held together nicely, then spun around and gently plucked a cattail from its stem. Laying it on the ground, he dragged his claw down it, unable to stifle the giggle that escaped as fluff exploded out.

He nudged it around, fixing it up as though he were making a nest. From his time in the town, Swanfeather remembered some housecats speaking of 'blankets', a fluffy material to lay on or under. So, he made his own! In order to not disturb it, the tom didn't sit on the cat-made blanket just yet. Of course, he had to allow Fawnsqueak to sit first, it was common courtesy!

Finally, the moon creeped higher in the sky until it was about time for Fawnsqueak to arrive. As time ticked by, Swanfeather found himself becoming anxious and twitchy. Would the other tom show up? What if he really didn't want to learn? Swanfeather had so much to teach him! What if he didn't like the flower crown, or was allergic to that type of flower? Swanfeather tried to settle his nervousness, not wanting to be flustered before Fawnsqueak even arrived.

After a while, he heard a creak in the woods, head turning to look in its direction. Shuffling his paws, Swanfeather decided to softly call out:

"Fawn-Fawn? Are ya there?"

Fawnsqueak had waited, the details of the meeting weighing on his mind, until it was time. His exit from the den had been ridiculous at best as he'd crept along the outer edges of the camp and avoided rustling the reeds, then remembered he was a warrior and warriors didn't do that. Warriors didn't need to sneak out of camp. So he was awkward in his new strategy: just leave. Which didn't feel like something he should be able to do, but here he was in the territory approaching Cattail Pond.

His ears flicked forward at the call of his name. That definitely sounded like Swanfeather, though the irrational side of him briefly considered the possibility of someone doing an elaborate Swanfeather impersonation or.. or this being a prank of some sort. That didn't seem like something he'd do. Shaking away the stupid fear, he wriggled through the reeds and brightened upon seeing Swanfeather, puff tail raising joyfully. "Hey," he said, a little breathless, maybe nervous. Trying to remember tips from their last conversation, he carried on, "This... is nice. The pond, the.. uh-- whatever you have going there." The burst of fluff on the ground, he didn't know quite what to call it. "And you, you... are always nice too."

lio April 23rd, 2020 02:11 AM

Re: Cattail Pond
[ @Dipper ]

As Fawnsqueak approached, he felt a wide, giddy grin pull at his lips. The other tom looked gorgeous in the moonlight, he almost couldn't believe it. Swanfeather swallowed down a slight tingle of nervousness and opened his mouth to speak. "Howdy, glad ya made it," he greeted, his heart pounding, "Thank ya. I thought ya'd like somethin' to lay on while yer here. It's pretty soft, I hope ya like it. Heard 'bout it from some housecats in the town, 'parrently it's called a 'blanket'." Fawnsqueak's last compliment made his eyes brighten, pelt heating up slightly. A quiet "yer nice too" came from the tom before he remembered the flower crown, tail twitching.

Swanfeather gently picked it up, walking closer to Fawnsqueak and placing it atop his head. Ensuring it was in place, he stepped back and sat down, admiring his work. "Made that fer ya. Hope I picked the right kinda flowers, ya look beautiful wit' it." Even in the dim light of the moon, he could see how stunning the blue looked against Fawnsqueak's fur. Just looking at the tom made him flustered, goodness!

Not wanting to have an awkward silence, he continued. "I can teach ya how to make one, if ya want. We cam make em while I teach ya lesson one of How Not To Be Awkward." Swanfeather giggled at his own joke, tail twitching with laughter. "We'd hafta gather some flowers before we start, if ya wanna do that. If not, we can get ourselves situated 'n' start right 'way. It's all up to ya, Fawn-Fawn." His head tilted to the side, a curious smile on his lips as he awaited Fawnsqueak's answer.

Mango April 23rd, 2020 09:39 AM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by .Bread. (Post 671715)

Duckpaw slowly walked into the water after Salmonsong. As she walked further into the water, she made odd motions with her legs DEFINITELY not like Salmonsongs. ”Like this?” the young apprentice asked as she shifted her actions.

Salmonsong suppressed a mrow of amusement,” No, like your running in place, but keep your frontlegs higher up than normal.” she meowed demonstrating as she kept her forelegs on the surface.

Bread April 23rd, 2020 01:49 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Zesty Mango (Post 672088)
Salmonsong suppressed a mrow of amusement,” No, like your running in place, but keep your frontlegs higher up than normal.” she meowed demonstrating as she kept her forelegs on the surface.

Duckpaw moved a little deeper into the water. She started running in place- She was doing it! The young apprentice couldn't hold it for very long. "I did it! I did it!" Duckpaw squealed. "It's very tiring though." She yawned. The young apprentice tapped the water with her paw, and it made a very appealing sound to her ears.

hal April 24th, 2020 11:12 AM

Re: Cattail Pond
[ ooc: sorry for the delay ! ]

Chestnut's eyes blazed challenge, but they softened when Branch agreed to join them. She licked her chest fur and mewed, "I'll come, too, of course." Food and shelter did sound good, and the cinnamon kit couldn't help noticing the cats' powerful muscles and battle-ready bodies. Her whiskers twitched with excitement, I want to be that strong!

[ @Wings ] [ @The Shadow Flower ] [ @Alexcentri ]

Wings April 24th, 2020 11:18 AM

Re: Cattail Pond
Staying up, he looked back at Stonepaw. "Alright, Stonepaw you grab the she-kit and I'll carry the tom." Going back to the tom-kit, he gently grabbed the kit by the scruff and began carrying him back to camp. @The Shadow Flower @Alexcentri @hal
(Please pick up the pace on this RP we were supposed to have this done five days ago. Once everyone else does their rps ill post in the clearing.)

The Shadow Flower April 24th, 2020 11:20 AM

Re: Cattail Pond
StonePaw would gently grab Chestnut and carry her back.

Alexcentri April 24th, 2020 01:52 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
Branch allowed himself to get picked up, he hoped he wasn't too much fluff to carry. The tom looked around, he was a bit higher up than he was used to and could see much better the surroundings. There was actually some water there, that he hadn't quite been able to see before, he hoped he could come back someday. He wasn't entirely sure how far he would be taken.

@hal @The Shadow Flower @Wings

Mango April 25th, 2020 12:48 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by .Bread. (Post 672589)
Duckpaw moved a little deeper into the water. She started running in place- She was doing it! The young apprentice couldn't hold it for very long. "I did it! I did it!" Duckpaw squealed. "It's very tiring though." She yawned. The young apprentice tapped the water with her paw, and it made a very appealing sound to her ears.

(Sorry missed this post)
Salmonsong nodded, proud,” Don’t worry, as you get older you’ll get stronger and have the energy to swim better.” she assured her.

Bread April 25th, 2020 02:18 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Zesty Mango (Post 675175)
(Sorry missed this post)
Salmonsong nodded, proud,” Don’t worry, as you get older you’ll get stronger and have the energy to swim better.” she assured her.

Duckpaw looked up from the water. "Okay." she said, but she was not so confident that it would come true. I'm already an apprentice, she thought, and I still keep tripping over rocks. Duckpaw sighed, but she really did hope she could improve herself.

(it's fine, btw)

Mango April 25th, 2020 02:26 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by .Bread. (Post 675279)
Duckpaw looked up from the water. "Okay." she said, but she was not so confident that it would come true. I'm already an apprentice, she thought, and I still keep tripping over rocks. Duckpaw sighed, but she really did hope she could improve herself.

(it's fine, btw)

Salmonsong gave a little nod,” Don’t worry, you’ll improve and one day, you’ll be good enough to swim in a big river, but the river you fell in is one that most warriors don’t swim in, the currents are rough there....” she added a twinkle of amusement was in her eyes, she was glad should could laugh about it now.

vellichor April 25th, 2020 09:34 PM

Re: Cattail Pond


The young siamese sighed. He didn’t know what to feel right now. He was infuriated that his stupid humans had taken him to that awful place and ripped his claws out. He was confused — why? He had been a good kitty, only clawed on the carpet a few times! He couldn’t help it when his claws itched to be sharpened! But most of all, Bean was hungry. He hadn’t eaten since he’d escaped from his house several sunrises ago. He was starting to wish he hadn’t escaped. He should’ve just accepted his punishment and stayed.

As Bean’s stomach growled for the millionth time, he stood up. He walked a little ways to the pond before him, pearly blue eyes reflecting the water. No, wait — there was something in the water! What was that? He dipped a dirty paw in the water, causing the thing to dart away. It looked... alive. But what could live in water like this? Though hungry and dirty, the kitten couldn’t help but follow the shadow. He kept his eyes focused on it, stare never wavering as he worked his way around the shore.

dionysus April 25th, 2020 09:50 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
Grizzlybug watched the kit from the undergrowth, having followed the suspicious scent of kitty pet to cattail pond from where he’d been walking. The young tom looked dirty and tired and hungry- Grizzlybug could practically hear his stomach growling from the bushes- and the fluffy tom decided to take pity on him. He didn’t look like he posed much of a threat, even if Grizz hadn’t been large for a warrior. So, the big brown tabby stepped out from his hiding spot and sat neatly just behind the Siamese, clearing his throat, “You’ll never catch one that way. Your shadow is directly on the water- the second those fish feel the temperature change they’re gone.” Grizzlybug licked a paw, running it over his ears. “Now, I think I can guess, but I have to ask you what you’re doing on Riverclan territory, little guy.” Grizzlybug was a sucker for kits. He just wanted to sweep this little cat up into a hug and take him to camp and see him well fed and safe. Of course, he couldn’t do that- but he secretly hoped the youngin asked to be taken to Lionstar. He looked like he needed a clan to protect him.

vellichor April 25th, 2020 10:20 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Bean jumped and nearly landed in the water. This cat was huge! His eyes grew wide and frantic. His paws gripped the ground frantically, searching for some kind of hold. His back claws were out, and his front ones would have been, if not for... well...

He relaxed just a tiny bit when he determined the large feline wasn’t going to snap his in half. “Uh... I uh..." his voice quivered with fear, but he still asked, "W-what’s a fish? And — um, what’s a RiverClam?" This 'RiverClam' seemed scary, whoever they were. Bean attempted to take a step back from the much older cat and ended up stepping into the water. There was no backing out.

Bread April 25th, 2020 10:25 PM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by Zesty Mango (Post 675295)
Salmonsong gave a little nod,” Don’t worry, you’ll improve and one day, you’ll be good enough to swim in a big river, but the river you fell in is one that most warriors don’t swim in, the currents are rough there....” she added a twinkle of amusement was in her eyes, she was glad should could laugh about it now.

Duckpaw looked up at Salmonsong. ”Okay!” she squeaked, and just like that, she was back to her normal self.

Mango April 26th, 2020 06:56 AM

Re: Cattail Pond

Originally Posted by .Bread. (Post 675892)
Duckpaw looked up at Salmonsong. ”Okay!” she squeaked, and just like that, she was back to her normal self.

Salmonsong smiled,” Are you tired or do you want to learn to catch fish?” she asked gently, knowing the kit was young.

dionysus April 26th, 2020 10:09 AM

Re: Cattail Pond
Holy stars this kit was adorable. Grizzlybug dissolved into laughs at the word ‘Riverclam’ and had to take a quick moment to compose himself. Still chuckling a bit, Grizz answered, “fish are the little creatures you see flashing about in there. They are scaly, swimming animals that can be found in ponds or rivers- even the sea, though it isn’t worth the risk. They’re pretty tasty and not too hard to catch once you learn the tips and tricks.” Come to think of it, Grizzlybug could use one. The other tom looked like he could use one too. But, unfortunately, the warrior code abided and Grizzlybug couldn’t offer the poor wanderer a fish. Maybe if he had to escort him off of Riverclan territory he could catch him something for the road.
The fluffy tabby went on to explain, “Riverclan is my home. A clan is a large community of cats all living together- most of whom born and raised there- who hunt and fight for each other and protect each other. We have ranks and training and families and kits and elders, and of course our leader, deputy, and medicine cat. Prey is usually plentiful,- at least for Riverclan- and we take care of each other. Riverclan is my clan, one of four, and we are known for swimming and fishing mainly. This is our territory you are on.” Normally, if the outsider was older, Grizzlybug would have refrained from offering quite so much information. But, this little kit didn’t seem dangerous, and this seemed to be the usual interaction that came before a new addition to the clan, so he chose to give the whole spiel.

vellichor April 26th, 2020 04:17 PM

Re: Cattail Pond


Was this giant, scary looking cat... laughing at him? The kit’s mood dampened only slightly until the older feline began to talk. Bean slowly gained a more relaxed posture as he listened, the curious side of the siamese stimulated. As a reminder that he still hadn’t eaten, his stomach rumbled more fiercely at the thought of food. Ohh, how he would love to have some fish right now. Bean glanced back at the water, deep blue eyes reflecting the water, full of longing. He snapped back to attention though, unsure what the cat would do if he turned around too long.

That feeling of longing returned as the stranger described this RiverClan. The thought of so many cats scared him, but also piqued his interest. Would that mean that there’d be food? And friends? He didn’t understand some of the things the other tom said, like what a "medicine-cat" was, but that didn’t matter. He pawed the ground in anticipation, debating whether he should ask for more. But what if the cat got mad at Bean? He exhaled, nervous. "I’m sorry," he started, not wanting to offend the big cat. "Would I, um, can I be part of, joining RiverClan?" he made sure to say it right. He didn’t dare look the feline in the eyes, for fear of seeing anger or annoyance. Instead, he opted to stare at his stupid, clawless front paws.

dionysus April 26th, 2020 04:53 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
“Well, my dear, I’m so glad you asked!” Grizzlybug gushed, getting to his paws and hurrying to the small cat’s side. Grizzlybug had a hard time remembering that he was a massive cat outfitted with bundles of fluff and thus nearly knocked the poor kid into the pond by his movements, but he managed to avoid sending the little Siamese to be fish food at the last moment by drawing away from the pond. Grizzlybug also, unfortunately for the newcomer, had a tendency to forget about personal space and flashed a paw out to draw the young cat into his fluff in a friendly embrace. Beginning to walk in the direction of camp with a flick of his tail to gesture for the other cat to come along, Grizzlybug chattered, “now, I can’t let you into the clan ufortunately- cos I would, you cute little thing. Only Lionstar can let a new cat join the clan, but I can’t see why he’d turn you away. Oh, and don’t worry about meeting him. I know he can sound a bit intimidating with that big scary name but he’s a nice guy, really, and dreadfully handsome too- not that you need to worry about that.” Grizzlybug continued to chirp on and on as he walked, eventually pausing for breath long enough to remember introductions, “Oh, yeah! I’m Grizzlybug, by the way.”

vellichor April 26th, 2020 05:14 PM

Re: Cattail Pond


Bean’s heart raced when the stranger came close to him. He grasped the dirt below him, eyes wide. Until... was this cat hugging him? And, more importantly, why did he feel less afraid? Maybe he was just gullible, but the kitten snuggled into the older cat’s fur. It smelled like water and... something else, but he didn’t care. It was nice to be comforted. Bean’s eyes welled up with tears, but he blinked them back. What was wrong with him?

As they stood up and walked, the young tom had to lengthen his stride, and speed walk to keep up. It was fine, though, he guessed. Wait. Lionstar? What kind of name was that? He momentarily fell behind, but bounded forward. His hunger was temporarily forgotten, replaced by curiosity and a slight hint of fear. He was just as surprised to learn the large cat’s name. "Grizzlybug?" he repeated, trying the name out. It sounded pleasant, but seemed odd. "I’m Bean," he managed to squeak out. But... wait. He looked at the ground and saw claws poking out of their sheaths. This cat had claws... did he know Bean didn’t? Would they not let him in? He should ask... probably. "Um, uh, Grizzly...bug?" He tried his best to get his name right. "I... uh... can I... I have a question, I think..," He looked up at the feline, keeping eye contact this time.

dionysus April 26th, 2020 05:46 PM

Re: Cattail Pond
Grizzlybug, oblivious as usual, didn’t notice the smaller cat’s totally reasonable nervousness at being enfolded by a massive stranger- nor did he notice the other emotions the other cat seemed to go through. He did notice, however, and greatly enjoy the slight indent to his fur that came from the kit pushing into the hug. It took some time, of course for the big clan tom to notice his companion’s difficulty in keeping up and Grizzlybug slowed his pace ever so slightly to make it easier for him without seeming patronizing. The fluffy tom gave a cheery “mmhmm!” when Bean repeated his name and purred, “oh what an absolutely precious name! I’m happy to meet you, Bean.” Despite slowing their pace a bit, Grizzlybug plowed right ahead through the grass toward camp, not stopping while they exchanged words. He did look at Bean often while speaking, though, trusting his knowledge of the territory to keep him from tripping and tumbling into the river or a ditch or something. When he heard Bean’s emphasis of his name, Grizzlybug smiled and answered after the Siamese mentioned a question, “you can call me Grizz, if you’d like, Bean. It’s a bit easier for one used to to shorter names. Buuut, it’s also a very special honor only given to my friends, so you’d better be suitably impressed, young Bean! And of course, ask your question, feed your young mind!” He figured Bean would feel better calling him Grizz since clan names could be a bit confusing to outsiders.

vellichor April 26th, 2020 06:09 PM

Re: Cattail Pond


Through his nervousness, Bean couldn’t help but smile. He had seen few faces during his trek away from his humans, and they hadn’t exactly been friendly. Why was Grizz being so nice to him? It was a wonderful feeling to have, companionship. If only until he and Grizz arrived at this "camp". He should express his gratitude. "Grizz... thank you." he didn’t try describing the feeling he had, both due to his lack of advanced vocabulary and he was entirely unsure anyone could describe the warm feeling in his chest.

But the cold crept back in as he realized he needed to ask this question. The longer he hid it, the worse off he would be. Maybe Grizz could even tell his friends so that Bean didn’t have to. If he had to describe his predicament more than once, well... it’s definitely take a toll on his already worn out emotions. So, with a shaky exhale, he asked, "I, I don’t have..." Come on. His voice quaked. He had to say it! "I don’t have claws!“ he forced out, stopping in his tracks. He hoped his new companion didn’t leave him behind now. "Will they still, let me in...?" Bean’s voice was shakier now, dripping with emotion and very hard to understand. He wished he could just grow claws back. Walking like this hurt, he was constantly reminded of his disability. The young cat sniffed.

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