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|+sari+| April 21st, 2018 05:36 PM

The Dark {Private RP}

Two demons, one girl and one boy, meet one night. Although their species have been at war for years, they find peace in each other, instantly forming a strong friendship. They continue meeting secretly, as warring species are forbidden to befriend each other, and the two go to different places, talk about many things, and decide to find a way to put their species at peace, all the while falling in love along the way.


Name: Luka Champagne
Age: 16
Gender: female
Species: aahhh, it's so hard to decide! Uhhh... Werewolf
Human appearance: she has long, wavy, silky black hair that flows down her back like a river at midnight. Her eyes are a deep, stunning emerald green. She wears old, tattered black sweaters that don't really succeed in keeping her warm. She wears grey cargo pants. Her feet are usually barefoot. She is a bit on the skinny side, with slight curves. Overall, she is quite a beauty.
Wolf appearance: midnight black fur that shines in the moonlight. Dark green eyes that pierce the darkness. Strong front and hind legs. Muscular and quite large. (Not the traditional werewolf. Think of Twilight. Her wolf form looks more like wolves in real life. God no, I hate the traditional look, cause giving werewolves a human like appearance looks ugly. So, yeah, totally going with the Twilight look)
Personality: she is able to shift to wolf form any time she likes, and loves being in that form. She knows she has to limit her shifting, though, as it drains her energy. She is quite gentle, and she would never hurt anything or anyone unless she absolutely has to. She is kind and sweet, and is usually a bit too trusting. But, she can defend herself quite well. She is able to put up one hell of a fight.

(PRIVATE RP between me and @Soddenfur sorry peeps. But, you may stalk and lurk this all you wish! X3 ))

Oki Sodden. Just post your form and I'll post a starter

Soddenfur April 21st, 2018 11:56 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
AYEEE love it >:0
Such excite. Ik what you mean humanoid werewolves are just ew

Name: Drew Collins
Age: 17 (mentally)
Gender: male
Species: sPoOpY ghost (it’s a stretch but I just love ghosts oml)
Appearance: Drew has fairly short blonde hair and piercing light green eyes that seem to, despite his entire appearance being partially transparent, be as boldly colored as a living human’s. For this reason they tend to be the first thing people focus on when they see him, either in the dark or light of day. He eternally wears a white t-shirt, a yellow hoodie, and black jeans and sneakers; he presumed that was what he died in, so that’s how he is projected.
Personality: He is very chatty, despite how many believe ghosts tend to be on the quieter side. He’s pretty lighthearted and especially carefree due to having no responsibilities and seems to have not matured at all even if he’s existed longer than he appears to be, however among more serious matters he can and will assert himself. Otherwise he’s the opposite of a fighter. He is somewhat headstrong and lacks proper hindsight, which he usually relies on other people for. His past and how he died is a mystery even to himself; all he knew when he died was his name and how old he was when he died. He hasn’t really kept track of the time between his arrival as a ghost and the present nor has he bothered investigating his past.

|+sari+| April 26th, 2018 08:19 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
((I'm gonna change her personality a bit. She's going to be really shy and quiet, but she'll open up quickly once she feels comfortable around someone. And she sees her shifting as a curse, since she has to eat meat in wolf form to survive))))

It was dark in the woods, and a large, muscular form was skulking through the trees, running as fast as the wind. As fast as the form was going, it made not a single sound. Once the form came into a moonlit clearing, a large, black furred wolf with piercing green eyes was shown, on the heels of a deer. The wolf was closing in, and she leaped, her huge paws landing atop the frightened animal. She immediately finished the deer off, then dug into her meal, whilst her human mind inside was crying over this poor animal's death. She finished her meal, then stepped away, shifting to her human form, a gorgeous, dark haired, small, bird like beauty. She felt tears trail down her cheeks as she gazed at the animal, wishing she had not had to murder it just for her to live. She turned away from the animal, shivering from the chill in the air. She must get home before she catches a cold, or something worse. And she was bound to catch something, due to the fact she was in her spaghetti strap tank top and silk pajama shorts. She tucked her chin into her chest, crossed her arms, and ran towards home, all the while with tears falling down her face.

When she reached her house, she quietly tiptoed to the side of the house where her window was, and crouched down, gathering strength in her legs and leaping up to her window on the second floor, fluidly grabbing the window ledge in her hands, then climbing in, all in five seconds with an ability ten times better than the most professional acrobats. She brushed off her shorts, and glanced up, only to startle and clap a hand over her lips to keep from screaming. There, lounging on her bed, was a pale, somewhat transparent blonde boy with piercing green eyes. She started a moment or two, realizing she was a wreck, with her tear streaked face and wind blown locks. But, she was also terrified out of her mind, causing her to start crying all over again. She sank to the floor, gazing at the floor as she struggled to catch her breath. Asthma was another problem she seemed to suffer from. She brought a shaky hand to her chest, and then, without looking up, quietly whispered to the ghost boy, "Who... who are you...?"


Soddenfur April 27th, 2018 12:49 AM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
(Okie dokie. Poor bab I already feel so sad for her. Also I love how Drew is just chilling on her bed haha that’s clever)

Drew yawned. As a spirit, he didn’t need sleep, but he still often yawned out of boredom. It made him feel a little more human, even if he wasn’t completely. He casually strolled through multiple places, pretty much aimlessly. Under the night sky, he was able to roam to virtually wherever he wanted. He didn’t particularly like walking in the light of day, so these hours were his only source of enjoyment. Turning a corner, he spotted an open window. Curious, the ghost lifted his form into the air and slipped right into the house, no problem. There he found what looked like a bedroom. Suggesting to himself this would be a nice spot to rest, Drew found himself already on the bed, getting comfortable. His back was upright against the headboard of the bed frame. He looked out the window intently, counting the stars.

That was when the noise of a strengthy leap broke through his contemplation. Moments later, a girl was in front of him. Watching with interest, he took note of her mannerisms until he remembered it was nighttime, the hours where it was significantly easier for humans or anything else to spot him. He cocked his head. “I’m Drew, you?” he replied nonchalantly, the reaction less dramatic and terrified than what he was used to. Maybe she’s just too tired to leap backward in fear. Maybe?


|+sari+| April 27th, 2018 11:48 AM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
The girl meekly glanced up at Drew, her eyes wide with surprise. This ghost wasn't going to possess her, or try to kill her? She shook her head to herself. She shouldn't rely on stereotypes. She took a deep, shaky breath, then stood, staring at Drew. She turned away, going over to her dresser and grabbing a hair brush, running it through her dark hair. She then glanced back at Drew, glaring at him. "I'm... Luka, but you can call me Luke..." she mumbled. She wrung her hands nervously before glancing up at him, her gaze slightly less terrified, and a lot more curious. She quietly went over to her door, closing it gently before turning to Drew. "Don't want my parents walking in... so, um... what brought you here...?" she silently awaited an answer from him, all the while keeping a safe distance away. She didn't know why this ghost boy was in her bedroom, but she knew he could not stay. And she knew nothing about him, so, she didn't know if he was going to hurt her in any way or not. For now, she would stay cautious and keep talking to him until she thought of a way to get him to leave.


Soddenfur April 27th, 2018 01:25 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
“Well, hi there, Luke,” Drew greeted, studying her, “Hmm... I don’t know. Your window was open, so I thought, hey, why not? It gets a bit boring being a lost soul wandering the earth, y’know? I find ways to amuse myself.” He cocked his head slightly and pursed his lips, a bit offended. “I’m not gonna possess you or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about. You seem somewhat...” The ghost hmm’ed again. “...flustered. I mean, I sorta get it. Most people I get to talk to tend to wind up dead somehow. It’s just an unlucky trait of mine, I suppose.” This encounter was particularly interesting; this girl seemed to have her own secrets. She wants me to leave, I bet... well, if I were a living human, she’d have kicked me out already, so I can’t be too picky. Drew could cut the tension with a knife, it was obvious both could sense it. He didn’t really mind it, though. He was having fun.


|+sari+| April 27th, 2018 04:07 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Luke stared at Drew as he spoke, her eyes wide. This boy thought that just because he was a ghost, he could go into a girl's bedroom whenever he wanted? She then glanced around. Her bedroom wasn't very girly, with the walls painted black and the Fall Out Boy and Green Day posters all over the wall, as well as posters for various video games, ranging from Call Of Duty to Skyrim. There were even one or two Pokemon Diamond and Pearl posters from her childhood, which she had yet to take down. Atop her bedside table, which was also painted black, sat a 3DS, her Xbox Controller, and a Nintendo Switch controller. In the shelf beside the table were her many music CDs, mostly punk or emo or Alternative rock, and her vast collection of video games. She sighed. Maybe he came in because he didn't expect it to be a girl's room? Still, he shouldn't just be going into houses whenever he liked. It was disturbing. She then glanced up as he spoke again. "You're... you're not?" she cleared her throat. "I mean... do you have somewhere to stay?" this question surprised her, as she didn't know this boy, but her kind, compassionate side was winning over her defensive side, and she didn't like hearing that someone didn't have a place to stay. She might let him stay with her awhile, though he might already have a place. She didn't know.


Soddenfur April 27th, 2018 04:55 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Drew, taken aback, widened his eyes. "Well, I do like your room," he said, specifically staring toward her video games. He had never actually played games like that before; at least he had no memory of it. He just liked the look. This is the closest I'll ever get to being invited to a girl's place, eh? He laughed to himself, reminding him that his entire past was a mystery. Drew shoved those thoughts out of his head as always; he loathed having to think about serious matters. "I'm a bit surprised, I was sure you'd want me out as soon as you could get me to leave. Didn't know you were so caring." The dubious ghost smirked and there was a twinkle in the his green eyes. "But no worries! Truth is, my wandering isn't limited to just this world. You've probably heard of the spirit world, right? Well, for me it's where I go to be lectured about this war and whatever." He was enjoying her allowing him to ramble, whether it be out of politeness or ignorance of his nature.


|+sari+| April 27th, 2018 05:31 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Despite herself, Luke found herself smiling at his chatter. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad having him around. As long as her parents didn't find out, he could stay in her room. Not that her parents ever came in here anyway. They valued her privacy. So, as long as Drew was quiet, Luke could keep him here without him being found out.

Luke frowned, her gaze going from Drew to the covers beneath him. Now that was a problem. She sighed and went to her bookshelf in the corner, where her sketchbooks, diaries, and novels were kept. She grabbed a James Patterson novel and slowly went over to the bed, sitting on the edge. She glanced meekly at Drew. "I'm going to read awhile. You can stay there as I'm reading, but when I want to go to sleep, you are to move to over there..." she pointed to a black leather couch on the other side of the room. Then she slowly moved so she was laying atop the covers beside Drew, and she scooted a bit away from him, opening her book and beginning to read.


Soddenfur April 27th, 2018 05:53 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Drew shrugged cheekily. “If you insist.” She’s a quiet one... I think. It was difficult for him to wrap his head around Luke’s personality. They had just met, so he gave up his attempt at a deeper analysis. His analytical abilities were always fairly above average; he suspected it had been like that even before his own afterlife. Merely a suspicion, though. The apparition grimaced, a bit annoyed with himself that he let his contemplation return to the subject he had put off so long.

Beginning to whistle a tune, Drew began to levitate, still in his relaxed position. He peered over Luka’s book, growing somewhat restless with the growing silence. “You’re an odd one, Luke,” he stated flatly, although there was a fun tone to his words, “At least, from what I’ve gathered. Most people I encounter complain about this supposed ‘cold air’ I carry with me. It makes me wonder... have you ever seen a ghost?” He placed a hand on his forehead, reaching out his index finger as a sign to wait. “Wait, no... you are a spirit! Ahh, what a twist!” He laughed to himself, his hunger for amusement satisfied.


|+sari+| April 27th, 2018 06:18 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Luke threw her book to the side, turning to glare at Drew with her arms crossed. She turned up her nose in denial. "For your information, Drew, I am a werewolf." she hovered her hand over her mouth as she giggled in amusement. "Surprising, eh?" she smiled playfully. "I am known to be quite surprising..." she smirked, pumping a fist in the air. Then she grabbed her book, lightly hitting him over the head. Surprisingly, the book didn't go through him. She smiled in satisfaction. She then opened her book again, attempting to start reading again.

Soddenfur April 27th, 2018 06:42 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
”You what?” Drew gasped, struggling to keep his voice low enough to avoid detection from her parents. He fell out of his levitating position and onto the bed, causing the sound of springs to emerge. He only blinked when the book hit him. Despite his dumbfounded state, he placed his hand on the book and gingerly lowered it. “Uhh, yeah, that’s a bit surprising. What kept you from telling me before? And I thought I was the abnormal one! You’re wild. Literally!”


|+sari+| April 27th, 2018 07:38 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}

Originally Posted by Soddenfur (Post 499235)
”You what?” Drew gasped, struggling to keep his voice low enough to avoid detection from her parents. He fell out of his levitating position and onto the bed, causing the sound of springs to emerge. He only blinked when the book hit him. Despite his dumbfounded state, he placed his hand on the book and gingerly lowered it. “Uhh, yeah, that’s a bit surprising. What kept you from telling me before? And I thought I was the abnormal one! You’re wild. Literally!”


Luke smirked, a small twinkle in her eyes. She put her hands behind her head, tilting her head back as she laughed. She then gazed at Drew, a smile of amusement on her face. "You bet I'm wild, and don't you forget it." she winked and positioned her hands into finger guns. Giggling, she set her book aside, turning to gaze at him, putting a finger to her lips in a signal to quiet him. "And I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure if it was a good idea..." she mumbled. She sighed and leaned back, resting her head atop her pillow, resting her arm over her face. Then she propped herself up on her elbows. "Do you think... the war is meaningless and stupid? I see no point in a battle, one that changed society and separated our species..." she sighed. "I would be killed if the king found out..." she bit her lower lip.

Soddenfur April 27th, 2018 08:38 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
”Hey,” Drew whispered softly, intensely locking eyes with Luke, “You can trust me. I’m not a part of that war and I never will be. I could go on a whole rant about that damn thing, but... nah. I’m not a big fan of things that aren’t amusing.” His soft tone disappeared and he began laughing again. Almost eerily; it was an issue that haunted him (couldn’t help it lol) yet he always acted so casually nonchalant about it. “Screw the king, dude! What’s the point in worrying about it? The way I see it, simply because of our existence we’re supposed to fight in this war. How is that fair? So don’t worry, let’s just do whatever we want!” The ghost expertly avoided raising his voice too loud, all while keeping a confident tone. He stood up off of the bed and posed in a triumphant way, his fists against his hips and his chin in the air. “I didn’t choose to become a ghost! It’s just part of my existence, I dunno why fate gave me a shot at the afterlife. Not everyone becomes a ghost.” Drew caught his breath. “Oh, wait... I did rant.”


|+sari+| April 28th, 2018 02:14 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
((Pfft x3))

Luke bit her lower lip as she heard him speak, and smiled at his ranting, watching him get up and stand up on the floor beside the bed. He was kind of... fun. He seemed carefree and sure of himself. But as he spoke his last words, she turned away, staring at the wall. She blinked rapidly, though she wasn't sure if she would cry or not. She whispered, "I... wish I wasn't a werewolf... it's a curse. I... she bit her lip again. "I... have to eat meat in wolf form to survive... I always have to take a life... it terrifies me..." she sighed and gazed at the ceiling above her, twirling a thick strand of midnight black hair around her finger. "But, there's nothing I can do to change it... and, the worst part is..." she shook her head. "I'm going to fight in the war next year. My parents... forced it..."

((DUN DUN DUUNNN. Plot twist :3 ))


Soddenfur April 28th, 2018 03:32 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}

Although Luke seemed fairly quiet, he could see the emotion in her eyes. He liked it; she told him a lot without words and even then it was enough she was allowing him to rant and ramble. Drew blinked. “How about raw meat from the store? When you’re a spirit, everything’s free,” he suggested, shrugging, his cheeky attitude returning. The ghost didn’t want to see her in any pain; that admission alone hurt to watch. “You don’t have to kill it live... do you?” His voice trembled a bit, out of sheer pity for her. “That... sucks!” He avoided Luke’s gaze for a moment, then instantly looked back at the second admission. “That’s so... uncool! We have to do something about it. I can’t let that happen, dude. No way.” In a flurry of emotion, the sense of self-assurance deeper into his expression. “Instead of feeling sorry and helpless, let’s change fate... or something!”


|+sari+| April 28th, 2018 04:26 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
((The drama unfolds :3))

Luke smiled at Drew, her eyes sad. "Well... I thought of running away, but Mother would just tell the king, and then everyone will be looking for me... and, if I was found, I would be thrown into the war right then and there." she gazed into his eyes a moment. They were beautiful eyes, a lovely, light green. Like a gemstone. She shook the thoughts away, focusing on their conversation. "I start training in three weeks. I also thought maybe I could fake death, but that wouldn't work." she sighed, her lip trembling. "I recently thought maybe I should just attempt to run away, anyway. Surely..." she wiped her face with the back of her hand as a tear escaped her eye and trailed down her cheek. "Surely, I wasn't destined for bloody battling in a war, when I already suffer enough..." she gave him a shaky smile. "You know how everyone is supposed to have a destiny in life? Before the war, I always thought my destiny was to live peacefully at home, growing up with a loving family, eventually falling in love and marrying my true love, growing up with him, and having children, raise a family, own our own home, work a job, watch my kids grow up, and grow old with my lover. But..." she curled her hand in a shaky fist. "That won't happen now, cause when I go to war, I will surely be killed, because..." she choked on her words. "I would not try to take a single life, as I know I already take too many, so I'll just be killed all because of my stupid compassion... I was not made for war. I don't want to go."

Soddenfur April 28th, 2018 05:01 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
(ooOoOoOOohhh so much drama to work with I already have big future plot ideas >:0)

Drew wiped Luke’s single tear away slowly, holding her shoulder. “Come on, it’s not that simple.” She seemed so weary, so fragile at that moment. All she seemed to want was to be happy; not have to hurt anyone. The ghost kept his toothy smile up, although he was quite anxious for her. “Just running away won’t solve your problems, it seems. I think if you want to be happy, you’ll have to take risk. Like that cheesy rain and rainbow analogy!” He placed his fingers on his temples, concentrating hard. “Let’s plan something! We’ll get out of here, but we won’t just be running away. We’re gonna, um... end the war! Or, well, at least get you off the list for training. We’ll make it work.” Drew’s impulsive lack of foresight was frightening so some, however he already had a few ideas in mind. He would do whatever he could in his powers to get this girl out of the war. His glowy form glew a little brighter as his resolve strengthened.


|+sari+| April 28th, 2018 07:35 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
((Yeah, so do I :3))

Luke's eyes widened as he brushed her tear away with his thumb. It sent a sensation through her, and something went through her mind. He actually... cared. She never had anybody care about her before. She smiled shakily. Maybe running away with him to find a way to end the war wouldn't be so bad. At least... She would have someone with her. It brought her comfort. She motioned for him to lay beside her, as she was not ready to go to bed yet, and she quite enjoyed his company.

Suddenly shouts were heard, followed by crashing. Luke's eyes widened with sheer terror, and she went pale. She knew her father had been out again, and he was home, unhappy with something. He must have struck her mother, and she had been thrown into a table, which explained the crashing sound. No doubt he would yell at Luke to come downstairs, where she would surely face her father's wrath. And his human form was just as strong as his wolf form. And both forms were twice as strong as Luke's own forms. She was terrified, and she scooted over to where Drew was laying on the bed, and when she was against his chest, she started to shake. But what could he do? She hung her head as her father's words were shouted from downstairs. "Luka!!! Come down now!!!" Luke turned pleading, terrified eyes to Drew.

((The plot thickens :3))


Soddenfur April 28th, 2018 10:00 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Drew grunted, their moment thoroughly disturbed. The calm in his mind shattered at the sound of her father’s yelling. “We can plan this later, let’s go,” he ordered, staring intensely into Luka’s eyes, “Get whatever you need. We’re not coming back.” The apparition hesitated. “If you’re ready. It doesn’t sound exactly pleasant down there, so these are your options.” He darted toward the window, the moonlight making his figure glow bright as a star as he stood with his arms crossed, ready to leave and never look back. “If you need more time to think, I can go down there and stall. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of, uh... messing with mortals.” He blushed after admitting he performed such immature acts regularly, smiling foolishly. What can I say, it’s hard to stay serious for long.


|+sari+| April 29th, 2018 03:09 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Luke stared at the door a moment, still shaking, but after a few seconds Drew's words seemed to register and she leaped off the bed, grabbing her black leather backpack. She hurried around her room, grabbing her wallet, some clothes, her favorite sketchbook, her two diaries, two of her favorite CDs, some snacks, a couple bottles of water, her old flip phone that couldn't be traced, a pair of shoes, a hair brush, and her only stuffed animal, a fuzzy tiger with a missing eye button. She shoved everything into her bag as she grabbed each thing, slung the backpack over her shoulder, then ran towards her window, grabbing Drew's hand and pulling him along with her. She climbed up onto the ledge, gazing down at the ground below her. She then leaped, landing on the ground with a thud. Luke heard Drew float down behind her, and she grabbed his hand again, and they started running through the grass.

Suddenly a shout was heard behind them, and she glanced back to see a huge, brown wolf chasing them. Her father. She glanced at Drew and she suddenly shifted into a large, black wolf with piercing green eyes. She lowered her head so Drew could jump onto her back, and she started to run very fast. Her only advantage against her father was that her wolf form was faster, and it was their only hope now. She grunted and sped up more, finally dashing into the trees of the woods beside their subdivision. She continued running with Drew on her back, her large paws making not a sound, her tail streaming behind her.


Soddenfur April 29th, 2018 04:39 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
“At this rate we’ll tire out,” Drew breathed, gathering his ghostly strength and lifting Luke into the air. The two shot through the streets, leaves scattering to and fro in the beautiful light of the moon. Concentrating hard, he picked up speed, their hair flapping wildly in the wind, until an ethereal flash of light enveloped the two. Out of thin air, the two had left that realm for an unmistakably grand, intricate setting. They were only in it moments, so it was likely too confusing to inspect all at once, but the odd setting disappeared as well, until the duo appeared in an alley miles away from the forest they were just in.

“Sorry if you couldn’t breathe for a few seconds,” Drew apologized, exhausted and sitting against a rough, brick wall, “I figured it’d be a safer bet.” Closing his eyes for a moment and looking upward, he exhaled, then looked back at Luke, who had presumably taken a light fall a few feet away. “Oh, and, uh... sorry for the rough landing. I’ve never taken anyone through the spirit world before.”

(Back to the future vibes amirite :p)


|+sari+| April 29th, 2018 05:12 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
((Yep XP))

Luke stayed on the ground beside Drew a moment, panting, trying to catch her breath. She glanced at him as he spoke, and she got to her paws, padding over to him. She rested her large, furry head in his lap, gazing up at him with her green eyes, her gaze gentle. She licked his hand, indicating that she was okay. She curled up around him, resting her tail over his back. She was exhausted, and they were perfectly safe in the alleyway, as long as they started moving before dawn broke, as that was when people would start waking up. So they had several hours to rest and regain their energy. Luke closed her eyes, tucking her muzzle against Drew's stomach, and she let out a sigh as she fell asleep, her large, pointed ears lying flat on her head to keep out the cold winds.


Soddenfur April 29th, 2018 05:48 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
(awh that’s cute)

Drew smiled affectionately, his face extremely red. Maybe things won’t be so bad after all... Without the need for sleep, the apparition remained still and utterly silent, along with the rest of the environment. A small rat skittered down the alley. He watched it fondly as it slipped through a hole in the fence. He spent the next few hours in deep thought, watching over Luke with a kindness in his eyes he rarely felt the presence of. It was a risk to cut through the spirit world. They likely know where I am now. They’ll find me soon, but... it was worth it. I’ll make sure she’s out of this war before they expel me from existence. Drew relaxed, uncharacteristically internally content. It seemed he was finally at peace with his fate. The truth was, he was supposed to be eliminated a long time ago.

He watched as sunrise creeped up on them, lazily scratching his head. People will be out soon... the sun will shine over us just as fast. I can’t be seen in broad daylight; that and I can barely last in it. He didn’t want to wake the poor tired girl, but it was imperative they get moving soon.


|+sari+| April 29th, 2018 06:08 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
((Yeah, I know. I thought it'd be a cute idea))

As the sun began to rise, Luke blinked her eyes open, yawning and stretching out her legs, curling and uncurling her paws. She stood, shaking out her black pelt, then blinked sleepily at Drew. She nosed his shoulder in greeting. She had decided to stay in wolf form for now, in case they need to make a quick escape. She gazed at him, her tail wagging. She hoped he had a destination in mind.


Soddenfur April 29th, 2018 06:47 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
”Let’s go, uh... this way!” Drew suggested, really suggesting aimless wandering. He pointed past the fence, a verdant park with a small lake in that direction. “It has a lot of shade. It’s really convenient for me, considering the sunlight is somewhat of an enemy for me.” What the ghost was really doing was just avoiding the whole “running away and violence” and all that situation. He was already tired of it and wanted a short break.


|+sari+| May 2nd, 2018 08:43 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Luke wagged her tail again in acknowledgement, and she padded towards the park, then glanced back to see if Drew was following.

((Ack! Sorry it's so short, I'm dead tired and my mind is having trouble thinking of a good reply))

Soddenfur May 2nd, 2018 10:06 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
(Nw! It’ll probably happen to me sooner or later too •~•)

Drew smiled and began slinking through the shadows, carefully avoiding contact with the sunlight. He tried to stay as close as he could to Luke, but it was difficult with the decrease in cover. Unfortunately, they reached a point where he couldn’t advance without stepping into the light. It was a short run, but enough to strain him a lot. After a few moments of stretching and other preparations, he broke into a full sprint through the light, nearly invisible as he went until he finally reached the shade of a tree in the park. His form returned and he looked back, smiling. “I’m personally not a big fan of the sun.”


|+sari+| May 3rd, 2018 07:10 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Luke ran beside Drew, loving the feeling of the wind blowing through her fur. She watched him get ready to sprint through the patch of sunlight, then ran beside him, her tongue lolling out the side of her jaws, her tail wagging happily. She was enjoying this. When he spoke to her, she licked his hand in acknowledgement. She then gazed at him, her emerald green eyes full of question. Where would they go now?


Soddenfur May 3rd, 2018 09:14 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Drew dropped down to the ground and went into a crisscross position. He picked a spot under a tree in close proximity to the lake. The park was sparsely filled; he didn’t really mind people spotting him out in the open like that, he wasn’t really the type to be reclusive, even if it saved his life. I’m so bored of all that running and war and stuff... I just wanna chill right now. “I hope you know I have no idea where I’m going,” he stated, laughing a little, done darting place to place with Luke as aimless as he was.


|+sari+| May 5th, 2018 06:39 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Luke padded over to him, settling down beside him and resting her head in his lap. She let out a sigh, then gazed up at him as he spoke. Her tail thumped the ground as it wagged with happiness. She licked his hand. Sighing, she shifted to human form, suddenly beside him, leaning back against the tree. She smiled. "Well, that'll just make it more of an adventure." she twirled a thick strand of midnight black hair around her finger, tilting her head back as she laughed. She leaned back against Drew's chest, drumming her fingers on her knee. She grinned. "Where do we go next? Who knows??" she giggled.


Soddenfur May 5th, 2018 07:12 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Drew grinned and shook his head coyly. “How about you lead for a change,” he suggested, tapping Luke on the nose, “We can go wherever you want. Just let me know.” The Park was peaceful. Ducks floated in a row on the pond and the various flowers and grasses on the ground swayed in unison. A man in the distance was videotaping the two, very engrossed in his work. He smiled to the guy, although Drew knew his form wouldn’t show up on a camera anyway. “It’s hard to escape when you’re as popular as me.” I even have my own paparazzi! The spirit chuckled to himself, then turned back and gazed fondly at the girl in his lap.


|+sari+| May 5th, 2018 07:27 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Luke's eyes widened a bit as Drew tapped her nose, and she smiled, tilting her head back to gaze up at him. "Anywhere... I want?" She playfully put on a thoughtful expression. "What about... the amusement park...? I've never been to one..." she giggled and then glanced down at her clothes, seeing they were quite dirty. "Um... and a laundromat. I really need to wash my clothes." she smiled and rested her head back against Drew's shoulder, gazing up at the sky. Then she sat up a bit, glancing around. She waved shyly at the cameraman, then settled back against Drew's chest.


Soddenfur May 5th, 2018 09:25 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
”I can’t tell if he’s a ghost hunter, a nature photographer, or just a creep.” Drew didn’t really mind it either way, as stuff like this entertained him a lot. “We’ll go there in a sec, just one more thing.” Drew smiled, an idea popping into his mind. “Hyah!” Quickly, the ghost lifted Luke up and stood tall, her body being supported by his arms, which were stuck in the air. The girl looked like an oddly levitating Superman through the camera. The cameraman’s eyes widened out of immense shock as he frantically tried to capture the scene. Drew giggled, then said, “Alright, hold your breath!”

Still holding Luke, he warped through the spirit world, speeding through like he had done less than a day ago. He didn’t hesitate to use this way through, despite it giving the other spirits a chance to locate him. In truth, Drew was really a runaway soldier. But there was really no purpose in telling Luke; it would only cause more turmoil to know how wanted he truly was. The two, once again, fell through the air. This time, they were behind the building of a laundromat. “Ngh... we’re here,” he groaned, exhausted once again from the use of his abilities, “The laundromat.”


|+sari+| May 7th, 2018 08:37 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Luke's eyes widened a bit as Drew lifted her into the air, and she laughed at the cameraman who was scrambling to record it. When Drew gathered her to his chest, she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes as Drew carried her through the spirit world. Her eyes popped open as they landed, and she gazed around, lightly hopping from his arms to the ground. She smiled at Drew. "Well, let's go on in..." she started walking towards the front of the laundromat, digging into her bag for some warmer clothes, as her dirty spaghetti strap tank top and short shorts would do her no good.


Soddenfur May 7th, 2018 11:50 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
”Hope you brought money.” Drew smiled and looked to Luke, who was right next to him. “Ghosts don’t carry money.” He turned his pockets inside-out as proof and shrugged, leaning against the wall. He’d probably end up stealing from someone if she didn’t have money either; he’d done it so much, the act of theft wasn’t even that sinister to him anymore. Always just petty theft, though, stuff he figured people “wouldn’t need”.


|+sari+| May 13th, 2018 08:34 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
Luke glanced at Drew, then grinned, pulling out her wallet. "Yeah, I've got some right here..." she unsnapped the button and opened the wallet, leafing through her money to count it. She frowned slightly. "Hmm... It looks like I have about six hundred here... Not sure how long that'll last us, but..." she giggled. "I don't really care right now. " she laughed and took Drew's hand, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. She felt him slip his own over hers, and they walked towards the door.
((Thought this would be kinda cute :3)

Soddenfur May 13th, 2018 09:45 PM

Re: The Dark {Private RP}
”Huh? Where’d you get that kind of money?” Drew queried, a bit surprised a girl so young had amassed six hundred bucks, “You got a job?” He smiled, thinking about if he had a job before he died. I wonder what kind of person I was... all I have to go on is that... task I remembered I had to complete when I got here. No context, just that I knew I had to do it. Once more, Drew removed the thought from his mind. He looked to Luke, realizing his gaze had drifted into nothing for a moment. “How do laundromats even work...?” That was mostly to himself. Oddly enough, the establishment was cute to him... in a bewildering way.


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