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BEAR. May 17th, 2018 03:11 AM

May Gathering
Abstain from posting here until your respective Clan leader has arrived.

Leaders may post their entrances here, but please redirect your roleplay to this thread.

Jynx May 17th, 2018 10:09 AM

Re: May Gathering
Sweetfawn bounded into the clearing behind Passionstar, her brilliant gaze alight with obvious eagerness. She loved it when she could meet other cats from different clans at the gathering. She looked around, scanning the clearing for someone to talk to, while her tail lashed back and forth. The female twitched her ear, listening to the sounds of cats around her. Although Sweetfawn liked gatherings and meeting others, the sheer mass of felines got to her nerves and she often found it hard to just go up and introduce herself. So, the female padded off to a patch of soft brown dirt and sat down on her haunches. Maybe someone would come up and talk to her. While she waited, though, she dipped her head and began a brisk grooming.

ThunderClan, open for quoting

Mauve May 17th, 2018 11:16 AM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Deranged Llama (Post 505682)
Sweetfawn bounded into the clearing behind Passionstar, her brilliant gaze alight with obvious eagerness. She loved it when she could meet other cats from different clans at the gathering. She looked around, scanning the clearing for someone to talk to, while her tail lashed back and forth. The female twitched her ear, listening to the sounds of cats around her. Although Sweetfawn liked gatherings and meeting others, the sheer mass of felines got to her nerves and she often found it hard to just go up and introduce herself. So, the female padded off to a patch of soft brown dirt and sat down on her haunches. Maybe someone would come up and talk to her. While she waited, though, she dipped her head and began a brisk grooming.

ThunderClan, open for quoting

(Hope it's alright if I join you? ^^)

As Goldenstar led the majority of ShadowClan into the clearing by the ocean, Shadetail maneuvered his way around a rather slick looking set of pebbles. The moonlight shone on his gray tabby fur, turning it a rather pretty shade of silver. His yellow eyes were focused ahead, the strong scent of ThunderClan hitting his nose as it mixed with ShadowClan's own. He remembered the tense battle not too long ago between the two Clans, and sincerely hoped that the truce could be kept tonight. The moon was floating high in the sky, and for once it seemed that it might be possible for no quarrels to take place tonight. It was his first Gathering since he'd been here moons ago, during the Dusk Syndicate battle. There hadn't been a truce then, only bloodshed and flashing claws. The tom felt more relaxed, and decided to break away from his Clan. Not that anyone in ShadowClan would miss him. Besides, he took this as a chance to get to know the other members of the five Clans without feeling as though he had to defend himself with tooth and claw.

Off to the side, sitting by herself, he spotted what appeared to be a ThunderClan warrior. He didn't recognize her, but something about her seemed approachable and sweet, and reminded him a bit of his old apprentice Snowspark. Deciding to take this as his sought after opportunity, Shadetail turned and headed in Sweetfawn's direction, waving his tail in greeting as he got closer. "Hello," he mewed, his yellow eyes flashing with greeting. Not being around his Clanmates who constantly questioned his loyalty, and perhaps getting the chance to befriend someone who, hopefully, knew nothing of his Syndicate past, the tom was more uppity than usual. "I'm Shadetail, from ShadowClan. Who might you be?"

RedHead May 17th, 2018 03:14 PM

Re: May Gathering

Foxbound was one of the first cats into the clearing, following closely behind her uncle. Her heart was hammering in her chest as her wild orange eyes took in everything around her. Of course the young feline had been to gatherings before, but this was her first one as a warrior. Plus she hadn’t been to a gathering in a few moons anyways. Foxbound watched as her uncle bounded away, and her ears dropped a little. She’d forgotten, in the excitement of the moment, that Passionstar had to be up with the other leaders. The ginger she-cat sighed, kicking a rock with her paw. He was always very busy, and the feline missed him. She was the closest thing she had to an actual father. And one of the only family members, in Thunderclan at least, that she had left. Of course there was Springingsky, her feisty grandmother, Foxbound wouldn’t forget about her for a second. But she’d stayed behind this gathering, insisting that she stay behind to defend the camp. So it looked like the ginger molly would be on her own during the gathering. Foxbound shook out her fur, and continued, going further into the gathering space. She was hopping that maybe she would be able to socialize with a cat from another clan. She always found them interesting.

[Open for interaction!]

vellichor May 17th, 2018 03:23 PM

Re: May Gathering

Robinfur prowled into the clearing, ears pricked. She didn’t like Gatherings, no, not one bit. But she came anyway. Why? She wanted to gather information about her enemies. No matter how much the molly despised Gatherings, they had their uses. Robinfur glanced up at the leaders and deputies, most notably Passionstar. She wanted to be in his place, giving announcements and being at the head of every battle. All that power, and all of the leaders were mouse-hearted cowards. What a waste. Robinfur sat down and glared around, waiting for some other cat to date approach her. She started to nonchalantly wash her paw, making sure her claws glinted in the moonlight.

[ ThunderClanner open for interaction ! ]

Leucos May 17th, 2018 03:41 PM

Re: May Gathering
Nightpath walked behind the many shadowclan cats that were in a messy line into the clearing she saw that goldenstar was way in the front she was pretty far behind them . She snorted with a huff . The black she cat folded her ears back she didn't like this many cats all in one space making her afraid and already really frustrated she can handle a group of four warriors maybe five she can't handle this . But she kinda had to go along with it is a peace gathering after all. Peace...that's a kits dream . Peace is nothing but a tale . Nothing but something to hope for . Her eyes glowed in the shadows as she looked up at the night sky she saw the stars making her feel even more ...terrible. She wasn't a good cat . None the slightest . She knew that she will be heading to the dark forest when her time has passed but she honestly didn't care. Anywhere other then this...horror underneath her paws . She was always drawn to the dark she heard it's calls when she was alone and lately it seemed that was all the time.She tore her gaze away from the stars and looked around the mass of shadowclan cats searching for her mate sliverheart who was the only thing she actually loved she felt comfortable around her but as she looked around she couldn't seem to find her making a sinking feeling in her stomach arise. Nightpath saw that the massive messy line of cats had spilled out into a rather big clearing making her growl she stalked off to the right of the clearing with her head low and body a bit low to the ground her tail was twitching every now and then she spotted a good spot that was not inhabited by unfamiliar cats so she dashed toward it and sat down wrapping her tail around her paws now gazing around the clearing and blending in with the shadows " foxhearts" she hissed under her breath . She wasn't expecting anyone to talk to her since no one really ever does and she didn't mind .She released a sigh to calm herself .

pomegranate May 17th, 2018 04:54 PM

Re: May Gathering
@The Loner Forever
(Skyclan hasn't arrived yet, so we’ll just Roleplay Water and Winter for now :3)

Watertail felt her paw pads prickling as she followed her clan onto Seastones. The night was just blossoming, hues of dark blue and navy crisscrossing across the starlit sky above her. Breathing in the scents of Shadowclan, the smells closest to her, she slowly trekked down a small hill.
The waves lopsidedly crashed and mingled along the shell beaches nearby, the foam hissing back loudly enough for even Watertail to hear. Her blue gray pelt writhed over her frame as she dove into the chattering cats nearby, and her nose twitched as the scent of her enemies flooded her senses.
Not my enemies. She reminded herself. Tonight, with the full moon hovering over all five clans, there was a truce. She remembered the bitter fighting last full moon. Remembering this, she instantly recoiled.
Shadowclan had been their enemies last moon. She turned around abruptly, her ears flattening with every step she took. As she broke back out of the jamboree of felines, she padded towards a moonlit patch of grass nearby. It was mingled with pebbles from the beach, but it was comfy enough to sit down and rest.
Blatantly, she sat down, crisscrossing her paws. She was itching for the gathering to start, then end. Perhaps Swallowshine was here. Watertail hadn’t seen her on patrol.
Nonetheless, Watertail scanned the crowd, her bluegreen eyes watching the clans around her.

Deerlie May 17th, 2018 05:41 PM

Re: May Gathering
Foxtail padded in, searching for his mate. "Breezefire?" He called. He saw a she cat race towards him, happiness in her eyes.

"Foxtail.." She said, sitting down.

The gigner tom looked around then nodded, "What is it?" His heart bursted with pride when she said the following words.
"I'm going to have your kits."
{Not open rp}

A small black she cat was sitting alone, ears flattened. It was her first gathering as an apprentice. Her purple eyes looked around and she whimpered. Why am I so scared? SHe asked herself.

Panda May 17th, 2018 05:54 PM

Re: May Gathering
Silentlightning kept her ears low as she timidly approached the gathering with her clan mates. Normally, she'd be the one eagerly sprinting in, but ever since she was attacked by one of her own clan mates, she had a difficult time trusting anyone wouldn't attack her. Her paws dragged along the ground as she quickly trudged into the meeting behind everyone. Why was I even called here? I can't actually interact with the other clans, so what's the point of me being here. Her thoughts remained unspoken as they always did, and she slipped into the crowd. Being careful not to catch the interest of anyone in the crowd, she pranced over to a bush. She crouched beneath its leaves. Her eyes and ears all went to attention, carefully surveying for any threats that may come near her during the gathering. She waited still in silence, only wanting the gathering to end already.

(Shadowclan, open)

|+sari+| May 17th, 2018 06:36 PM

Re: May Gathering
ferretpelt wandered in, padding along through the clearing, wishing he could have walked in with Lambpaw beside him. He knew she was in the throngs of ThunderClan cats travelling with him, but he knew nothing of her state. Would she be angry? Was she hurt? Was her mental state injured in some way? Sighing, he dispersed from the group and weaved in and out of the throngs of cats in the gathering area, many scents wafted through his nose. He settled on a smooth patch of sand and sat back on his haunches, resting his tail lightly over his paws. His green gaze gaze scanned the crowds and they landed on an unmistakable, distinct curly, white ball of fluff nearby, talking with some other apprentices. Getting to his paws, he stood, sauntering slowly that direction. When he reached them, he gently nudged Lambpaw's shoulder, interrupting her conversation. "Um... Hi... How are you feeling...? he gestured with his tail around him, indicating he wanted her to follow him so they could walk around. He waited for her to join him, his tail swaying back and forth, a nervous habit. He just couldn't sit still, not right now. Not after everything that had happened. He scanned around him, his ears perked as he just listend to the going ons around him.


Ghost Galaxy May 17th, 2018 06:40 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Panda (Post 505763)
Silentlightning kept her ears low as she timidly approached the gathering with her clan mates. Normally, she'd be the one eagerly sprinting in, but ever since she was attacked by one of her own clan mates, she had a difficult time trusting anyone wouldn't attack her. Her paws dragged along the ground as she quickly trudged into the meeting behind everyone. Why was I even called here? I can't actually interact with the other clans, so what's the point of me being here. Her thoughts remained unspoken as they always did, and she slipped into the crowd. Being careful not to catch the interest of anyone in the crowd, she pranced over to a bush. She crouched beneath its leaves. Her eyes and ears all went to attention, carefully surveying for any threats that may come near her during the gathering. She waited still in silence, only wanting the gathering to end already.

(Shadowclan, open)

(Mind if I jojn?)

Hawkstorm noticed the she-cat duck behind a bush, and narrowed his eyes. Hiding from Clanmates was very suspicious. Sauntering over to the she-cat, he gave a warning growl. "Not going to try anything funny are you?"


Wishpaw trotted into the clearing, ignoring all possible hostility. who could she talk to.........


.:Virgo:. May 17th, 2018 07:00 PM

Re: May Gathering
Sparrowfeather was less jumpy than usual and more serious as she followed behind her clan. She sat at the edge of the clearing, hoping that no one would try and talk to her.

SuspiciousMindz May 17th, 2018 07:45 PM

Re: May Gathering

[WindClan, closed]
Slatesting bounded into the clearing following Blazingstar. Her ebony pelt was shimmering in the moonlight from a fresh groom. She wanted to look appealing tonight. Catch the eye of another she-cat maybe? She was interested in conversing with the other clans despite their tensions. Slatesting wanted to make friends with anyone. Once in the center of the clearing, she settled herself down and allowed her glowing green hues to dance around the area looking for someone interesting to talk to.

[ThunderClan, open]
Treetiger was much more cautious compared to everyone else around her. She stayed low to the ground, making her way through the crowd and staying within the heart of the ThunderClan group. Henry told her not to be so social with other clans tonight because what happened last time, so she decided to stay low. Anything to please Henry. The Bengal mix, once comfortable where she was, sat down beside a blooming bush at the edge of the clearing on the ThunderClan portion. Her green orbs darted around anxiously, hoping no one would come near her.

RedHead May 17th, 2018 08:51 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 505820)

[WindClan, open]
Slatesting bounded into the clearing following Blazingstar. Her ebony pelt was shimmering in the moonlight from a fresh groom. She wanted to look appealing tonight. Catch the eye of another she-cat maybe? She was interested in conversing with the other clans despite their tensions. Slatesting wanted to make friends with anyone. Once in the center of the clearing, she settled herself down and allowed her glowing green hues to dance around the area looking for someone interesting to talk to.

(I’ll hop into this!)
Tawnystripe padded into the clearing, farther behind most of the other Shadowclan cats. The calico feline let her amber gaze wander around the clearing for a moment before they quickly flicked back towards the ground. The feline hadn’t wanted to go to the gathering this moon, she knew something was bound to go wrong between the clans. She didn’t want to be there for it. Keeping her ears as closely pressed to her head as she could, the she-cat gingerly picked her way through the throng of cats, trying her best to get away to a secluded corner. Some cat stepped on her tail, and she turned her head in surprise, swallowing the yelp of pain that threatened to come out of her mouth. The feline held her tail up more, to avoid it getting stepped on. When she turned back around though, she numbed right into a cat that she hadn’t realized was there. Did she just appear here? I was sure I had a clear path all the way out of this throng... Lost in thoughts, Tawnystripe just stared at the molly, before blinking her eyes a few times, realizing she’d been starting and hadn’t apologized. “Sorry, my bad, excuse me.” She meowed in her soft tone, flicking her tail uncomfortably. All she wanted was to get away.

Goldenbreeze408 May 17th, 2018 09:05 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 505860)

(I’ll hop into this!)
Tawnystripe padded into the clearing, farther behind most of the other Shadowclan cats. The calico feline let her amber gaze wander around the clearing for a moment before they quickly flicked back towards the ground. The feline hadn’t wanted to go to the gathering this moon, she knew something was bound to go wrong between the clans. She didn’t want to be there for it. Keeping her ears as closely pressed to her head as she could, the she-cat gingerly picked her way through the throng of cats, trying her best to get away to a secluded corner. Some cat stepped on her tail, and she turned her head in surprise, swallowing the yelp of pain that threatened to come out of her mouth. The feline held her tail up more, to avoid it getting stepped on. When she turned back around though, she numbed right into a cat that she hadn’t realized was there. Did she just appear here? I was sure I had a clear path all the way out of this throng... Lost in thoughts, Tawnystripe just stared at the molly, before blinking her eyes a few times, realizing she’d been starting and hadn’t apologized. “Sorry, my bad, excuse me.” She meowed in her soft tone, flicking her tail uncomfortably. All she wanted was to get away.

Goldenbreeze lifted her head to look over the backs of her Thunderclan clanmates, and spotted Tawnystripe's lowered head among the Shadowclan cats. She gingerly stepped over her clanmates' tails and padded over to Tawnystripe, bumping her flank with her golden muzzle. "Hey Tawnystripe! Long time no see! How's Shadowclan prey running?"

SuspiciousMindz May 17th, 2018 09:10 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 505860)

(I’ll hop into this!)
Tawnystripe padded into the clearing, farther behind most of the other Shadowclan cats. The calico feline let her amber gaze wander around the clearing for a moment before they quickly flicked back towards the ground. The feline hadn’t wanted to go to the gathering this moon, she knew something was bound to go wrong between the clans. She didn’t want to be there for it. Keeping her ears as closely pressed to her head as she could, the she-cat gingerly picked her way through the throng of cats, trying her best to get away to a secluded corner. Some cat stepped on her tail, and she turned her head in surprise, swallowing the yelp of pain that threatened to come out of her mouth. The feline held her tail up more, to avoid it getting stepped on. When she turned back around though, she numbed right into a cat that she hadn’t realized was there. Did she just appear here? I was sure I had a clear path all the way out of this throng... Lost in thoughts, Tawnystripe just stared at the molly, before blinking her eyes a few times, realizing she’d been starting and hadn’t apologized. “Sorry, my bad, excuse me.” She meowed in her soft tone, flicking her tail uncomfortably. All she wanted was to get away.

Slatesting had been minding her own business before she felt in intense glare boring into her fur. Turning slightly, the ebony she-cat stared back at the other she-cat, green hues showing confusion, but interest. "Er... it's no problem, it happens," she responded. Her tail tip twitched a little before the scent of ShadowClan over took her. Great news! At least this was a feline from the allied clan. "ShadowClan huh?" she quickly commented before the she-cat could get a chance to slip away from this conversation. She wanted to talk to someone new and this was her opportunity.

RedHead May 17th, 2018 09:51 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 505872)

Slatesting had been minding her own business before she felt in intense glare boring into her fur. Turning slightly, the ebony she-cat stared back at the other she-cat, green hues showing confusion, but interest. "Er... it's no problem, it happens," she responded. Her tail tip twitched a little before the scent of ShadowClan over took her. Great news! At least this was a feline from the allied clan. "ShadowClan huh?" she quickly commented before the she-cat could get a chance to slip away from this conversation. She wanted to talk to someone new and this was her opportunity.

Tawnystripe watched as the other cat turned her head, realizing that the ebony feline hadn’t exactly noticed her right away. Usually when she bumped into others, they instantly shot her a glare or a look of confusion. Usually a glare though, was what the calico had noticed. At the she-cat’s response, Tawnystripe nodded her head a little, her eyes flicking about to try and look at anything but the intense green stare of the dark-furred feline. Tawnystripe found that it was easier for her to look at cat’s with duller colored eyes, such as pale blue or green, and brown. Bright colored eyes often scared her, like the other cat could see into her mind. And with how many thoughts constantly flitted about in Tawnystripe’s brain, she didn’t like the sound of that. She herself though, had intense amber eyes, bright in color, though they were always alight with a warm glow. As Tawnystripe lifted her paw to take a step around the she-cat, her voice entered the Shadowclan warrior’s ears again. “Shadowclan, huh?” Tawnystripe smiled, glancing quickly up at the feline. She wasn’t rude, she wouldn’t just walk away without saying anything. Although she’d rather do that. But Tawnystripe forced herself to stay, for the good of the other cat at least. “Yeah, I’m Tawnystripe. Just your typical Shadowclan warrior. And you?” She sniffed the air, registering the Windclan scent that surrounded the ebony feline.

wren May 17th, 2018 10:16 PM

Re: May Gathering

( Open )

Pumpkinpatch strode into the moonlit clearing thrusting his massive paws deeper and deeper into the damp earth as he followed the parade of Shadowclan cats who also fell up beside goldenstar's flanks. This was his first gathering, which understandably would be stressful for a rouge who'd have never dreamt of being in such a place at such a time. With so many cats. He felt many eyes boring into the back of his head, he was massive compared to other Shadowclanner's. They where sleek and stout, like their clan name implied they where like the shadows. Slender and cold perhaps. A shiver rippled down pumpkinpatchs spine and he flicked it off dismissively, Just keep your head low
And keep moving. He slide past a row of warriors making his way into a reasonably barren patch of grass left untouched. It was the prime spot for a cat his size and perhaps another feline too. Do we talk to other clan cats? Is that what we are supposed to do. confused and deflated at the underwhelming event pumpkin could only sit and allow things to move on as if he knew exactly what was going on. He sat back letting out a deep and unruly sigh, if any proceedings where to begin he hoped they would start soon.
Waiting around for cats to appear wasn't ever to exciting, and nobody seemed to wanna talk to him, he might as well trot on home.

Barnabas May 17th, 2018 10:44 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Silver Fishie (Post 505742)
@The Loner Forever
(Skyclan hasn't arrived yet, so we’ll just Roleplay Water and Winter for now :3)

Watertail felt her paw pads prickling as she followed her clan onto Seastones. The night was just blossoming, hues of dark blue and navy crisscrossing across the starlit sky above her. Breathing in the scents of Shadowclan, the smells closest to her, she slowly trekked down a small hill.
The waves lopsidedly crashed and mingled along the shell beaches nearby, the foam hissing back loudly enough for even Watertail to hear. Her blue gray pelt writhed over her frame as she dove into the chattering cats nearby, and her nose twitched as the scent of her enemies flooded her senses.
Not my enemies. She reminded herself. Tonight, with the full moon hovering over all five clans, there was a truce. She remembered the bitter fighting last full moon. Remembering this, she instantly recoiled.
Shadowclan had been their enemies last moon. She turned around abruptly, her ears flattening with every step she took. As she broke back out of the jamboree of felines, she padded towards a moonlit patch of grass nearby. It was mingled with pebbles from the beach, but it was comfy enough to sit down and rest.
Blatantly, she sat down, crisscrossing her paws. She was itching for the gathering to start, then end. Perhaps Swallowshine was here. Watertail hadn’t seen her on patrol.
Nonetheless, Watertail scanned the crowd, her bluegreen eyes watching the clans around her.

Winterblaze moved through the gathering, glancing his eyes around with a snicker. He looked around to see if he could find a cat he knew. He moved around a couple if times, not seeing Watertail. When he did see her, he walked over to her from behind. "Hey!" meowed Winterblaze over all the noise. He circled around molly until he faced her.

Barnabas May 17th, 2018 10:49 PM

Re: May Gathering

The newly made Thunderclan warrior, Jaylight walked to the gathering place, starring out in front of him at all the cats that appeared. He walked over to a place where there's no cats. The tom sat back, looking down at his paws. Jaylight looked at a few cats ahead of him as he waited for the gathering to begin.

ShiningFern May 17th, 2018 10:57 PM

Re: May Gathering

(Shadowclan, open)

Ashfeather followed behind the rest of Shadowclan as they spread out to enjoy the gathering. Not that many would due to high tensions ever since the battle. His yellow eyes flickered with worry and he prayed to Starclan a fight wouldn't break out again. The grey tom stood in the middle of the gathering area, lost. He wasn't sure who to talk to. Stick with cats within his clan? Or try and actually talk to some cats from the other clans? After all the gathering was intended for all five clans to share tongues over everything that happened the past moon or so.

(Thunderclan, open)

Patchpaw silently slipped in behind a large group of his clanmates. He was roughly 10 moons old, give or take a moon. He had lost track ever since he stopped talking to his siblings quite a few moons back. He even lost motivation to train. And his mother wasn't around much either so he was used to being alone. The apprentice craned his head to look towards where Shadowclan was settling down at. He had kin way over there...kin he had never met or seen. Kin whose names he'd only heard in nursery tales and bits of conversation at gatherings.

He moved halfway in the direction of the Shadowclan cats feeling curious.
All Patchpaw knew for certain was that he was somehow part of the Fuzz family which is predominantly in Shadowclan. Perhaps he'd talk to one of the cats he heard of? Perhaps.

Barnabas May 17th, 2018 11:12 PM

Re: May Gathering

Brokenpaw stepped into the clearing where there were cats every where. This had been his first gathering, since his accident and so he was a bit nervous to be back. Brokenpaw walked over to a spot where there were no other cats.

GyreHaze May 17th, 2018 11:15 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by The Loner Forever (Post 505901)

Brokenpaw stepped into the clearing where there were cats every where. This had been his first gathering, since his accident and so he was a bit nervous to be back. Brokenpaw walked over to a spot where there were no other cats.

A she-cat trailed behind him, her fluffy tail drooping "Hey don't be nervous it'll be fine Brokenpaw I'm here with you!" GyrePaw spoke up and lightly cuffed her brothers ear

Barnabas May 17th, 2018 11:19 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by GyreHaze (Post 505902)
A she-cat trailed behind him, her fluffy tail drooping "Hey don't be nervous it'll be fine Brokenpaw I'm here with you!" GyrePaw spoke up and lightly cuffed her brothers ear

Brokenpaw let out a smirk, playfully pinning his twin sister down. "W-Who said I-I was Ner-Nervous." replied Brikenpaw with a purr. He got off of Gyrepaw, placing his eyes on her.

GyreHaze May 17th, 2018 11:22 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by The Loner Forever (Post 505903)

Brokenpaw let out a smirk, playfully pinning his twin sister down. "W-Who said I-I was Ner-Nervous." replied Brikenpaw with a purr. He got off of Gyrepaw, placing his eyes on her.

GyrePaw let out a slight squeal when her twin brother pinned her down " It's obvious BrokenPaw, You have no reason to." She licked her brothers ear "Besides we are sitting away from everyone just..don't start play fights when the leaders talk alright??"

Barnabas May 17th, 2018 11:25 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by GyreHaze (Post 505904)
GyrePaw let out a slight squeal when her twin brother pinned her down " It's obvious BrokenPaw, You have no reason to." She licked her brothers ear "Besides we are sitting away from everyone just..don't start play fights when the leaders talk alright??"

Brokenpaw dipped his head. "H-How can yo-you tell. I-I know it-it's not the st-studder in my vo-voice, because th-this is h-how im going to t-talk from now o-on." meowed the tom, "I wo-wouldn't wa-want to g-get in tro-trouble, so now play-play fi-fighting."

GyreHaze May 17th, 2018 11:29 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by The Loner Forever (Post 505907)

Brokenpaw dipped his head. "H-How can yo-you tell. I-I know it-it's not the st-studder in my vo-voice, because th-this is h-how im going to t-talk from now o-on." meowed the tom, "I wo-wouldn't wa-want to g-get in tro-trouble, so now play-play fi-fighting."

Gyrepaw sat beside her brother, her pelt against his, She was keeping an eye out for any apprentices or warriors who would try to make comments about her brother. She was very protective of him and wanted to keep him safe more than anything " Your my twin brother i jsut can tell..Other apprentices better keep quiet!" she hissed under her breath

Barnabas May 17th, 2018 11:32 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by GyreHaze (Post 505909)
Gyrepaw sat beside her brother, her pelt against his, She was keeping an eye out for any apprentices or warriors who would try to make comments about her brother. She was very protective of him and wanted to keep him safe more than anything " Your my twin brother i jsut can tell..Other apprentices better keep quiet!" she hissed under her breath

Brokenpaw listened to her words, letting out a small laugh. "Cats c-can say any-anything about m-me, because I-I know I-I will al-always have y-you." meowed the apprentice. He let out a purr.

GyreHaze May 17th, 2018 11:35 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by The Loner Forever (Post 505910)

Brokenpaw listened to her words, letting out a small laugh. "Cats c-can say any-anything about m-me, because I-I know I-I will al-always have y-you." meowed the apprentice. He let out a purr.

Gyrepaw nuzzled her brother "I'll always be here for you..No matter what Brokenpaw. I promise.." she purred "Nobody talks bad about my brother, unless they want their fur shredded!"

Barnabas May 17th, 2018 11:45 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by GyreHaze (Post 505914)
Gyrepaw nuzzled her brother "I'll always be here for you..No matter what Brokenpaw. I promise.." she purred "Nobody talks bad about my brother, unless they want their fur shredded!"

Brokenpaw let out a purr, pressing cheek to his sisters. "You-You're sounding li-like a warrior al-already and we near-nearly started a cou-couple o-of moons a-ago." he teased.

GyreHaze May 17th, 2018 11:55 PM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by The Loner Forever (Post 505920)

Brokenpaw let out a purr, pressing cheek to his sisters. "You-You're sounding li-like a warrior al-already and we near-nearly started a cou-couple o-of moons a-ago." he teased.

"8 moons only and yet i know i sound like a warrior already...Honestly i can't wait for us to become warriors" Gyrepaw glanced up at him "I'm kind of nervous..."

Caligo Everton May 18th, 2018 12:19 AM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by GyreHaze (Post 505922)
"8 moons only and yet i know i sound like a warrior already...Honestly i can't wait for us to become warriors" Gyrepaw glanced up at him "I'm kind of nervous..."

blackpaw crept up on them she glanced sharply at broken paw then Gyrepaw "nervous bout what?" she growled, in a foul mood after almost being left behind.

ponyapan May 18th, 2018 12:27 AM

Re: May Gathering
Nightwhisker led the way to the seastones for Rainpaw.
"This is your first gathering," Nightwhisker reminded. "Making friends is good, but remember that these might be your enemies one day, too." he advised.
Rainpaws black, fluffy pelt with white parts blended in next to Nightwhisker who had the same pelt-color. With Nightwhiskers green eyes at the front, and Rainpaws blue eyes behind, they made their way through the night.

"Here, is the seastones." declared Nightwhisker at last.
(Two Riverclan cats, open for roleplay/mentions!)

ponyapan May 18th, 2018 12:33 AM

Re: May Gathering
Moorfoot tasted the fresh air. He loved the freedom of Windclan territory.
Seastones were in Riverclan territory, but at least that was better than feeling trapped by the trees and undergrowth. His paws itched to run towards the gathering, but he knew he had to remain calm. He had only been a warrior for a few moons, and he didn't want to lose respect- if he kept his cool, he might get an apprentice soon. Moorfoot padded inside slowly instead, with his head raised up high with confidence.

(Windclan, open for Roleplay/Mentions)

ponyapan May 18th, 2018 12:40 AM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Fern (Post 505896)

(Shadowclan, open)

Ashfeather followed behind the rest of Shadowclan as they spread out to enjoy the gathering. Not that many would due to high tensions ever since the battle. His yellow eyes flickered with worry and he prayed to Starclan a fight wouldn't break out again. The grey tom stood in the middle of the gathering area, lost. He wasn't sure who to talk to. Stick with cats within his clan? Or try and actually talk to some cats from the other clans? After all the gathering was intended for all five clans to share tongues over everything that happened the past moon or so.

(Thunderclan, open)

Patchpaw silently slipped in behind a large group of his clanmates. He was roughly 10 moons old, give or take a moon. He had lost track ever since he stopped talking to his siblings quite a few moons back. He even lost motivation to train. And his mother wasn't around much either so he was used to being alone. The apprentice craned his head to look towards where Shadowclan was settling down at. He had kin way over there...kin he had never met or seen. Kin whose names he'd only heard in nursery tales and bits of conversation at gatherings.

He moved halfway in the direction of the Shadowclan cats feeling curious.
All Patchpaw knew for certain was that he was somehow part of the Fuzz family which is predominantly in Shadowclan. Perhaps he'd talk to one of the cats he heard of? Perhaps.

Rainpaw looked around, and thought that he schould interact with someone.
I don't have to make friends, but I can try. He saw another cat, who looked like was an apprentice too- if he judged by the size.
He padded forward nervously, and approached the cat.
"Hello there, I'm Rainpaw from Riverclan. Who are you?" he tried to say, but the voice came out as a whisper.

Caligo Everton May 18th, 2018 12:41 AM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by ponyapan (Post 505936)
Rainpaw looked around, and thought that he schould interact with someone.
I don't have to make friends, but I can try. He saw another cat, who looked like was an apprentice too- if he judged by the size.
He padded forward nervously and approached the cat.
"Hello there, I'm Rainpaw from Riverclan. Who are you?" he tried to say, but the voice came out as a whisper.

shadepaw glanced at him. "Speak up! what are you, a kit?" she growled

(lol sorry if i accidentally shoved myself into the rp. tell me if you wanna rp with me XD)

GyreHaze May 18th, 2018 07:49 AM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Caligo Everton (Post 505932)
blackpaw crept up on them she glanced sharply at broken paw then Gyrepaw "nervous bout what?" she growled, in a foul mood after almost being left behind.

"Back Off Blackpaw.. I don't want you around us if your going to be grouchy! Brokenpaw doesn't need to deal with you!" Gyrepaw Hissed getting to her paws and standing infront of Brokenpaw, glaring at Blackpaw

|+sari+| May 18th, 2018 08:47 AM

Re: May Gathering
WindClan ~OPEN~

A young warrior padded into the gathering behind the other WindClanners, his black and white pelt silky smooth from a fresh wash. This was the young cat's first gathering as a warrior, and his pelt prickled with excitement. Milkshade paused a moment to glance around, his tail tip twitching excitedly. The Turkish Angora let out a happy mrrow before bounding into the clearing, weaving through the throngs of cats all around him, glancing around for somebody, anybody, to talk to. He held his head up proudly, then paused, gazing around again, a smile on his maw. He guessed he'd have to wait til some cat decided to speak to him, preferably a big, handsome tom. Milkshade wasn't embarrassed by his homosexuality. In fact, he thought that taking a female as his mate one day would not work for him. He just didn't find an attraction towards she-cats. Not that he had anything against them, though. Still, he would take anybody to talk to right about now, considering he seemed to be the only one without a friend talking to them.

ShadowClan ~OPEN~

A grey form travelled behind the other ShadowClanners, using his sense of smell to get around. The blind tom slipped into the gathering, head hung low, and padded over to a smooth patch of sand, settling back on his haunches, resting his tail lightly over his paws. Wolfeye wasn't exactly sure why he had been chosen to go the gathering, considering he was blind and all, yet he had to admit, he was pretty excited. After all, he had never been to a gathering, which may sound strange, since he was getting up in age. He was almost thirty moons. Sighing, Wolfeye groomed a front paw, then drew it over his ears before setting it back down. He settled onto the sand, tucking his forepaws neatly underneath his chest, wrapping his tail around himself.

ShadowClan ~OPEN~

A black coloured tom padded into the gathering, his ears perked with caution. Ever since the big battle that had disbanded the dusk syndicate, Twistedfang was cautious about any gathering. Yet, he had been chosen for this one, although he would have much rather stayed at camp, so he had gotten no choice but to obey and go. He sighed, a bit self conscious about his distorted jaw, as he had been bullied about it all his life. He had been born with it, and it was a curse to him; it even made it hard to eat. The black tom slipped through the crowds, hoping he wouldn't attract attention, and sat alone on a smooth rock in a corner, settling down and resting his head atop his front paws, tail tip twitching irritably.

Barnabas May 18th, 2018 09:37 AM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by GyreHaze (Post 505969)
"Back Off Blackpaw.. I don't want you around us if your going to be grouchy! Brokenpaw doesn't need to deal with you!" Gyrepaw Hissed getting to her paws and standing infront of Brokenpaw, glaring at Blackpaw


Originally Posted by Caligo Everton (Post 505932)
blackpaw crept up on them she glanced sharply at broken paw then Gyrepaw "nervous bout what?" she growled, in a foul mood after almost being left behind.

Brokenpaw looked at Blackpaw with a growl. "Yo-You're not th-the one that go-got in a acc-accident." growled Brokenpaw. He looked at his twin sister, keeping close to her.

Caligo Everton May 18th, 2018 09:54 AM

Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by The Loner Forever (Post 505973)

Brokenpaw looked at Blackpaw with a growl. "Yo-You're not th-the one that go-got in a acc-accident." growled Brokenpaw. He looked at his twin sister, keeping close to her.

"sister dear." blackpaw growled her voice barely a whisper. "hes not only your brother, just because your twins doesn't mean you must be so overbearing all the time," she said flicking her tail, her yellow eyes gleaming with jealousy.

(so im going to make it where shes jealous of yalls friendship cause i guess she never clicked with yall)

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