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Starfall October 11th, 2022 03:38 PM

Gloaming Camp
This is the main camp of the Temporarily named Syndicate
The Syndicate has taken a section of the Swooping Cliffs on WindClan territory and claimed it as their Camp. Temporarily named the Gloaming Camp due to arriving at Dusk.

-Dens: The dens are openings within the Cliffs themselves. Dens having the easier paths down to them. There's only a total of 2 dens.

-Camp: At the top of the Cliffs, as there's no flat space beside the Dens themselves.

Starfall October 11th, 2022 04:12 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp


After a day or so of walking, he managed to make his way to a section of territory they were offered...granted he brought more than just 3 others. Give or take over 10 he would guess. He'd learn names later, once they were situated, once he knew they could properly live in this section.

The cliffs themselves were bathed in a wash of orange and pink. Pulling away from the dangers that the cliffs presented, although he himself tucked it away in the back of his mind. This would do, they could build a home off of this. It would take effort, and determination. But they could do it.

So finally, with a huff, he stopped at the top of where their home would be, looking around before he turned to look at those who followed him. He was tired, and it felt as though his paws were tingling, but their dreams were just beginning to be built. "This is where we'll reside." he announced with a grin. "This is where our plans will begin, tonight is the night all of our struggles will bloom into victories."

Eaglet October 11th, 2022 04:35 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

After a few days of walking beside the revolutionary tabby cat referred to as William. The beastly black tom followed his gaze, looking down to see a bunch of holes residing in cliffsides. Well.. it is indeed something. He scruffled something through his maw. To be hit by rays of sunlight as soon as he wakes up wasn't his cup of tea. Oh well.. He gave a deep stare towards William. Before settling down to continue to construct his vision on his new home. His eyes narrowed slightly with a burning flame being flared up like a fire. Honestly he felt a bit.. relieved.

With this many cats willing to join this place like a train of ants following closely behind their queen. Why wouldn't you have them reside in a place where you couldn't even provide for them enough? He gave a small smile. He wasn't even breaking a sweat after walking for miles and miles. This scent was a bit familiar after all - he still felt a little wary and concerned for Williams plan. It's not like he didn't want to be here. It's just that he wished they had come more prepared than ever if they wished for all of this to be arranged. Butting head in like a couple of flea-brains wasn't the way to go.

He thumped his large paws against the ground, his paws edging to quickly swoop down the cliffs and explore. But something told him that danger was lurking in these cliffs. It was like ready to jump out at a moments discretion. Surely it would be held accountable by William of all things. He had high hopes for the tabby to lead this revolution and make sure flames will follow where their paws will be set.

He did want to ask a few questions. "If we are to settle down here permanently for this revolution. Safety for the cats would be my biggest concern. As well as my own. We'll surely be going over some procedures and such William?" Perhaps his wording was so sophisticated. But oh well - that's his appearance as a gentletom. Can't change that for a thing.

[ @Starfall omg im first ]

bubble[error]. October 11th, 2022 04:39 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

{ @Eaglet hate to spoil it I was really first but I deleted the post so I'll you claim first @Starfall }

Scorpion ran after the cats. "So this is where we are calling home?" She asked, sniffing the air and catching the scent of WindClan. "This is WIndClan territory... gives me a new idea..." Twilightstar was too strong. Nope. Too dangerous. Go after another Clan. But what Clan? if getting Bluepaw was too hard, then what could they go after? "Anyway, what's next?"

Red Dawn October 12th, 2022 06:24 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Night Watcher

They have arrived at their camp, Night Watcher smelled the air, and a vicious smile took place on his face, "Wind Clan..." he thinked, he replaced his smile by a serious expression when he heard a cat named Scorpion ask: "Anyway, what's next?", he looked the cat and said "We wait.... Until the blood, the death, and the change..." he then watched William, waiting for a speech.


bubble[error]. October 12th, 2022 06:43 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by WhiteDawn (Post 1281611)
Night Watcher

They have arrived at their camp, Night Watcher smelled the air, and a vicious smile took place on his face, "Wind Clan..." he thinked, he replaced his smile by a serious expression when he heard a cat named Scorpion ask: "Anyway, what's next?", he looked the cat and said "We wait.... Until the blood, the death, and the change..." he then watched William, waiting for a speech.



Scorpion looked at Night Watcher. "Yup. I really meant what does William have for us right now." She scooted over to the other cat and stood next to him and waited for William to start leachuring them.

Shade. October 12th, 2022 08:54 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Falcon lived with her family, up until now, though they probably weren't too keen on seeing her right now. Viper hadn't have a fuss about her failure, but she could just be keeping the disapproval to herself. She didn't care much for what happened here, so long as she got her revenge.


Haven had been part of groups before, many groups, a few of which were likely still after his head. Hopefully it wouldn't end this way here. The cats here would probably be too distracted dying to clan cats to notice that his medical (mal)practices were less than legit.

"If you intend on doing anything dangerous I'm going to start gathering cobwebs in advance." the tom said, trying to show his usefulness.

Ian October 13th, 2022 09:55 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Ravenna immediately broke off from the group once William had declared that this was where they would reside and padded into one of the easily accessible caves. She found an optimal spot in the middle before lying down and rubbing herself on the ground, clearly marking it with her scent. First come, first serve, and if anyone wanted her sleeping spot, she would fight them for it.

The black molly then padded back out to see what the next steps were. Though tired from the walk, she had had more challenging times and was ready to hunt or help make this area safer if needed. "While I'm sure William has some riveting ideas, we need food and rest right now. Are there any borders we need to be aware of so we don't cross the Clans until we are prepared?" Ravenna said, with the question directed at William.

@Starfall [for the question to William] [Open to anyone else!]

beau October 16th, 2022 12:59 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Seth studied the cliffs with vague intrigue. Perhaps this would be a bit of a dangerous home, but any car with common sense should be able to avoid any mishaps. The bronze tom’s ears twitched as cats already began filling the cliff side with prattle, already discussing safety concerns and prey.

It was a rather melodramatic lot, the oriental mix thought as he settled to observe the group. More cats gathered - a fairly sizable group. He blinked, turning his stormy eyes upon William. For now, he had no words; he wanted to watch how things settled. In the mean time, he would wait for further official instruction.

[ open ]

pxxylo October 17th, 2022 10:40 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
The oriental felt a small amount of blossoming emotion in him as his gaze skimmed over the land, not quite curiosity, nor was it confusion. More like a wonder as to how he could assist in fixing the place up. Whether or not there were younger cats here was beyond him, but surely cliffs like this could be a danger to their wobbly legs that could cause them to slip into their own death over a cliff at any time. He himself could easily hop down and... he tried to think of what William would want them to do before he said it. Make beds in those small openings in the cliff walls, work together to clear up the scattered rocks and rubble, things like that. The tom stepped forward, putting a claw in his thoughts and moving on. He stood, tail and expression flat as he listened to the tabby's short statement which he guessed was for inspirational purposes, however it seemed that many cats let it go in one ear and out the other, because most of them were just worrying on and on, and for good reason of course, but you had to give the guy credit for trying at least, it was pretty inspiring, it brought upon some ideas in him, but those aren't to be discussed now. He shot william a quick smile, nodding towards him with approval in his eyes.

Now, he needed to get one of the better den-shaped holes of the lot for himself. He hopped on a few rocks before taking a large leap all the way down, his eyes targeting a decent den. he looked like some sort of shadow, darting from place to place with his pitch black fur, and disappearing into the shadow of the nice hole in the wall that was now his. He marked it and left promptly, tail up high. "Tsk-t-t, what now?" he muttered to himself, fiery orange eyes scanning the area. What can be improved? The tom wondered as he made his way back up from the dens and up top, where he continued to look around and walk about, getting a good feel of what would be his group's new territory. What kind of member would he be if he had no idea what the area was like?


Starfall October 18th, 2022 07:00 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp


So far they seemed...well they didn't dislike it, it was a good start. As they started to mingle he watched silently before letting out a long, dragged out, sigh. "As much as it must pain you all to hear. We wait. The Clans didn't build themselves within a night, and we cannot destroy them in a night either." a pause as amber eyes looked over the crowd. "Not like this, at least. Not yet. We ourselves need a structure first. Ants can only take down big foes due to their ability to coordinate with one another." he wasn't sure if that was a correct fact, but it sounded inspiring so he'd roll with it. "Right now, in the Clan's eyes we're nothing more than ants. So lets show them how scary we can be." a smirk.

The Tabby hopped down and began to walk around the front of the crowd, pacing more like. "They have Warriors. They have Leaders and Deputies...what is it we shall have? I'm open for suggestions, after all this is us building our future together." his bobbed tail twitched as he turned on his heels once more. Another casual lap. "Maybe. Hmm. Maybe we will have a total of 3 positions. Similar to their Warriors. Those who fight, those who guard...and perhaps those who...hmmm How about those who spy." oh yes, spies. He needed to know how they worked internally. How they functioned, how their cogs turned and ultimately what would tear them apart. "Perhaps even a group of those who will tend to wounds. Yes this all sounds nice. How do we feel about these positions, and what should they be called?"

William paused his pacing to look over his sea of followers. What was it, he should be called. Something itched in the back of his brain. He wasn't a leader, no, but he did enjoy commanding. Ah yes, speaking of bossing around, than came a food question. "We do need to rest, we'll be no good on aching paws. Food is a must, as is sleep. We can claim those tunnels below as our homes. Yes?"

||Vixen|| October 18th, 2022 07:13 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Ezra huffed.

"You're leading us in bloody circles! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" They protested, licking their paw. Willliam seemed aloof. Is he out of his mind?! Ezra shook their head, glaring at William before looking down.


Faith. October 18th, 2022 07:15 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by Starfall (Post 1286664)


So far they seemed...well they didn't dislike it, it was a good start. As they started to mingle he watched silently before letting out a long, dragged out, sigh. "As much as it must pain you all to hear. We wait. The Clans didn't build themselves within a night, and we cannot destroy them in a night either." a pause as amber eyes looked over the crowd. "Not like this, at least. Not yet. We ourselves need a structure first. Ants can only take down big foes due to their ability to coordinate with one another." he wasn't sure if that was a correct fact, but it sounded inspiring so he'd roll with it. "Right now, in the Clan's eyes we're nothing more than ants. So lets show them how scary we can be." a smirk.

The Tabby hopped down and began to walk around the front of the crowd, pacing more like. "They have Warriors. They have Leaders and Deputies...what is it we shall have? I'm open for suggestions, after all this is us building our future together." his bobbed tail twitched as he turned on his heels once more. Another casual lap. "Maybe. Hmm. Maybe we will have a total of 3 positions. Similar to their Warriors. Those who fight, those who guard...and perhaps those who...hmmm How about those who spy." oh yes, spies. He needed to know how they worked internally. How they functioned, how their cogs turned and ultimately what would tear them apart. "Perhaps even a group of those who will tend to wounds. Yes this all sounds nice. How do we feel about these positions, and what should they be called?"

William paused his pacing to look over his sea of followers. What was it, he should be called. Something itched in the back of his brain. He wasn't a leader, no, but he did enjoy commanding. Ah yes, speaking of bossing around, than came a food question. "We do need to rest, we'll be no good on aching paws. Food is a must, as is sleep. We can claim those tunnels below as our homes. Yes?"

Bumblebee looked at William, his brown eyes full of pride. Those stinky clan cats would be jealous! He voiced his agreement, saying, "Yes! Healers, Hunters, and Fighters! Maybe the spies could be Infiltrators? And you could be called Commander? Yes, that's good. I like that." he bounced on his toes, ready for what was next.

Ragwort October 18th, 2022 07:16 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Killico nodded her scarred bengal head, "indeed, we should William, for these ranks could help use greatly, i myself would find this whole fighter thing very interesting, yes very interesting, for one shall get to rip their pelts right off their over sized ego inflatted heads!"

||Vixen|| October 18th, 2022 07:18 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by Littlepaw(leap) (Post 1286697)

Bumblebee looked at William, his brown eyes full of pride. Those stinky clan cats would be jealous! He voiced his agreement, saying, "Yes! Healers, Hunters, and Fighters! Maybe the spies could be Infiltrators? And you could be called Commander? Yes, that's good. I like that." he bounced on his toes, ready for what was next.

Ezra's icy blue eyes shot over to Bumblebee.

"Are you trying to get one or all of us killed, you mangy feline?!" Their fur bristled as anger flared in their eyes.

"What if one of us is found?!"

Faith. October 18th, 2022 07:43 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by ~^Nova^~ (Post 1286702)

Ezra's icy blue eyes shot over to Bumblebee.

"Are you trying to get one or all of us killed, you mangy feline?!" Their fur bristled as anger flared in their eyes.

"What if one of us is found?!"

Bumblebee didn't bother arguing with this cat. If they didn't like what was decided, they could leave.

Sorry for any of his actions lol)))

bubble[error]. October 18th, 2022 07:58 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

{ @Starfall }

Scorpion nodded at William's words. "Yes, yes. Sounds true. What can I do?" She asked.

||Vixen|| October 18th, 2022 08:03 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by Littlepaw(leap) (Post 1286737)

Bumblebee didn't bother arguing with this cat. If they didn't like what was decided, they could leave.

Sorry for any of his actions lol)))

Ezra huffed, looking back at the crazy tom running this so-called operation.

(Ezra is very standoffish and confrontational. Don't apologize :) )

beau October 18th, 2022 08:03 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Seth sat up, intrigue sparking in his eyes as William began speaking. Yes, they would do nicely to have structure; at least he wasn’t mousebrained enough to try and charge these cats in blind. The mau’s ear twitched with annoyance as someone has already piped up in disagreement. Clearly they had a coward among them. “I am afraid I cannot concur with your sentiment.” He turned his piercing gaze upon the offending feline, ”We are establishing order; I see no circles being spun. Just sensibility.” He wouldn’t even dignify the Ezra’s snappy response to Bumblebee - he had no patience in dealing with mice.

Snapping his attention back to William. ”May I suggest Sentries for the guards and Menders for the healers.” He has no qualms about participating in this silly name game. He had found that one was much more likely to complete given tasks if they were given a position title; it endowed them with a sense of duty.

@~^Nova^~ @Starfall

||Vixen|| October 18th, 2022 08:06 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by nocturnal naiad (Post 1286757)
Seth sat up, intrigue sparking in his eyes as William began speaking. Yes, they would do nicely to have structure; at least he wasn’t mousebrained enough to try and charge these cats in blind. The mau’s ear twitched with annoyance as someone has already piped up in disagreement. Clearly they had a coward among them. “I am afraid I cannot concur with your sentiment.” He turned his piercing gaze upon the offending feline, ”We are establishing order; I see no circles being spun. Just sensibility.” He wouldn’t even dignify Ezra’s snappy response to Bumblebee - he had no patience in dealing with mice.

Snapping his attention back to William. ”May I suggest Sentries for the guards and Menders for the healers.” He has no qualms about participating in this silly name game. He had found that one was much more likely to complete given tasks if they were given a position title; it endowed them with a sense of duty.

@~^Nova^~ @Starfall

Ezra let out a fit of laughter. This new cat really urked their nerves. They bowed their head, realizing they were being a tad bit rude. "Apologies. I am open to hear some new ideas."They mewed, while looking around.

Rose October 18th, 2022 08:13 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Fablespinner was thouroughly, entirely irritated with the hand that life had dealt her. No good sky dwellers with the fate of all cats in their paws. Didn't they have better things to do than ruin her life? Seriously. She was being dead serious.

First off, that flea-bitten(not really), daft(again, not really), and useless(okay... Fable could rightfully call him useless) kittypet had promised to keep the two kittens he'd sired. But what had happened? He'd thrown both at her after only one and a half moons because of some mangy upwalker excuse about how they were going to be donated if he didn't give them away. Gah, kittypets!

Secondly, her idiot of a daughter had run away to live with those stink-brained cats who called themselves ShadowClan. Well... Fable had been the one to abandon her daughter in the forest, but she was obviously going to come back to retrieve her ... eventually. It was not Fablespinner's fault that the scoundrel hadn't been able to rough it out in the wild and had gone mewling to the nearest group who'd take her in. Disgusting little creature.

And thirdly, her son, her shining star, had completely disappeared. Fablespinner wanted to scream at something, or maybe claw someone's face off. Yeah, she'd settle for that if someone got too close and rubbed off on her the wrong way.

With an annoyed sniff, she turned her muzzle upward, green eyes focusing at the newest fiasco she'd been cast into. This circus, or whatever the heck it was called. Well, joining had been entirely her choice, because clawing out the eyes of a Clan leader sounded very pleasing. Anyways, moving on, Fablespinner let her lime gaze travel over the gathered cats with scrutiny until it landed on William [ @Starfall ]. Tuning in to the words of the makeshift 'leader', Fablespinner was made aware of what he was asking.

Roles, huh? The elegant feline tipped her head to the side, gaze sharp with unleashed intelligence. Her mind processed the options before she deemed in advisable to speak. "Sentries for the guards..." Her gaze flitted around. "An upwalker I ran into once referred to his canine companions as such." Here, a sharp glare was cut in the direction of Seth [ @nocturnal naiad ] for stealing her words. How dare he offer up the same suggestion as her! Preposterous! Scoffing at the other cat, she turned back to William. "If we have a group tending to wounds, they'd best be named Herbalists, not icky Menders." Another sharp look in Seth's direction. Her expression coolled off after a moment, and Fablespinner lifted a shoulder in an elegant shrug. "The only thing for spies that I can offer you is Seekers." She finished, and then went back to inspecting her claws with a bored expression.

Ian October 18th, 2022 08:33 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Ravenna huffed as her question was mostly ignored, but she decided to stay to hear what had to be said before going out to hunt. The part about ranks was... interesting, though she had one concern. "Will we not become too much like the Clans if we copy their ranks but call them something else? Coordination is important, but we can't forget what we are fighting for."

pxxylo October 18th, 2022 10:50 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
The idea of being so similar to the clans with the same ranks and no more than different names for them revolted him to say the least. He hated the idea of these hierarchy systems, he believed everyone should be equal. he knew that oftentimes cats in high ranks grew big heads and overused their power. That was his only concern, however the rather than opposing, he remained silent, his dark stare just becoming slightly annoyed as it lurked over the cats as they chirped alive with ideas, or others with anger. Talkin' to you, little screecher. Yes, that's what he would call this cat. He didn't know his name, and when he started with his yelling, he did want to know his name so he could tell him to come off it, but now this cat's name was of no value to him. Whatever his name was, Carlisle would ignore that completely. First impressions are important, and if you screw that up you screw up the future. The future for this cat was ro deal with the dark oriental calling him "Little Screecher" rather than whatever his actual name may be. He did not participate in the suggestion giving, he simply watched silently and absorbed the information that was being thrown around by these cats words, actions and even body language. Body language can show a lot.

While he did take no interest in renaming these roles, he did keep their little group's version of a deputy at the back of his mind, for that wasn't something worthy of the front of his mind, not yet. He would cross that bridge when it came. For now, he continued to listen. This would be the first he, at the back of the pack spoke. He looked like a long shadow produced by the setting sun in the orange sky with his dark fur and tower-ish height. His deep voice crossed over, "I agree, what's to do at a time like this? It's nearly dark out. We've walked for quite some time, it's best we all get some rest," He was quite close to adding "Especially you little screecher, we don't want your throat being too sore, it'll slow you down." in a lower voice, but he knew better than to be rude to his new.. groupmates.

Shade. October 19th, 2022 07:31 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Haven's paw was halfway in a stump crevice, pawing at some cobwebs abd hoping like he'll there weren't any spiders crawling on him right now.

What does it matter what we're called? You sound like you're just playing pretend. No-one cares. The chimera tom decided not to get involved, instead focusing on his cobwebs. So long as he got fed, who cares?

Spartan-117 October 19th, 2022 07:38 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Feeling like the only one who isn't bothered by the decisions made by William, Ezekiel yawns. He scratches at one of his ears, and delivers a couple of calm licks to his chest. He'd love to claw the pelt off of one of these arguing brats, but he'd rather not be kicked out of this area before he can actually get a job done.

The black-furred tom gives out a low huff of annoyance and stands on the outskirts of the groups. He lifts a paw, licks it and runs it over his ears, pulling a few strands of his longer fur away from his eyes. He lifts his lips in a sneer, shaking his head.

'What the hell did I get myself into now.'

He cannot help but think to himself as he stretches his legs. The cat lifts his head afterward and looks at them darkly.

"William was kind enough to allow us to stay here - lets be courteous, shall we?" He inquires.

Red Dawn October 21st, 2022 04:51 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Night Watcher listened all of the propositions, weighing them, William's proposition was pretty good, but he didn't liked the names, he spoke up "Your idea is pretty good, but I personnaly don't like the name, aren't we here to change everything? To destroy the clans and take what is ours? I think the names spies, fighters and guards aren't that good for us, I think maybe, he smiled, almost imperceptibly, the "Great Changer" for you William, "The Change claws" for our fighters, "The Change eyes" for our spies and " The Change sentinels" for our guards" he then sat down and suddenly heard a question "William was kind enough to allow us to stay here - lets be courteous, shall we?", he watched toward the cat, a black-furred tom, and said "We have to, we are here to change everything and we will do it, if you are not agree, try to find an other place where there is no Wind Clan cats, this place, even if it is one of the most used place by the Wind Clan, this camp is difficult to access and easily defendable, I know this territory like my pocket, because I was..., he spitted and said the words with a voice full of hate, one of them, he calmed himself, his hate was visible for all, and he hid it in the dephts of his soul, when he finally continued to speak, he was calm, trust me, there is no better place to establish our camp than here..." he then watched William, waiting his reaction.

@Gunnar @Starfall

Spartan-117 October 21st, 2022 07:36 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
@Starfall @WhiteDawn

The large black tom almost coughs. This cat was born into one of the Clans? Why does he hate them like one of the ones who wasn't born? Well, Ezekiel's answer to his own hatred is simple and easy. The group called RiverClan stole his son, making the tom believe that he was 'one of them'. Yeah, right. He was born a loner - and he left his life behind with his father. Ezekiel - pissed off as always - wants to shred the fur off of every RiverClan cat to get his son back. If Wolf is still alive.

What do they call him? Wolfsomethingorother, right? What if he's changed his name into something unrecognizable?

"Recons for our spies, maybe." The black tomcat says with a raised eyebrow.

Ragwort October 21st, 2022 08:24 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
the she-cat killico sat and scratched her ear, she really didn't care what they called themselves,

Ian October 23rd, 2022 01:10 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Fallownose had been taking a walk on the territory to clear his mind when the scent of Outsider hit his nose, and it was overwhelming. More than one, for sure. He carefully padded towards Swooping Cliffs, his fur standing on end and ears pricked for any sounds. As the deputy got closer to the cliff's edge, the sound of conversation wafted toward him. What the hell was going on?

Finally, he saw a large group of Outsiders on the territory, too many to drive off by himself. He counted at least ten, maybe fifteen in the group total, and it was clearly organized, making Fallownose very uncomfortable. What was a group of organized Outsiders doing on WindClan territory?

The dark gray tom pegged the cat at the front as the leader and stepped forward to make his presence known. His fur was still slightly bristled, though he kept his claws sheathed and voice calm in the hopes of avoiding signs of hostility. If it came down to it, he was sure he could outrun them, but he'd rather not instigate a fight with this many cats.

"What exactly is going on here, and why are you wall on WindClan territory?"


dino. October 23rd, 2022 08:16 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

He'd fallen behind. Oh, well, he'd caught up to the rest eventually. He was sure they hadn't missed him, there were more than enough... characters to go around. Eel cast a look across the location William had claimed. It was unfortunate that it was within Clan territory, but he supposed it wouldn't matter in the end. The Clans would fall and it wouldn't be theirs anymore.

They were having a discussion when he arrived, and with a flick of an ear and a shrug, he added, "I doubt it matters what we're named as long as we get things done. Could we not simply call ourselves soldiers, guards and spies? Simple enough."

There was another voice, and Eel slid his attention over to its source and then stiffened, bristled. A Clan cat, by the smell of it. Rats.

Red Dawn October 24th, 2022 12:33 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Night Watcher

His nose catched a familiar scent, too familiar for him, Wind Clan, screamed his brain, and the rage and the fury started to take him, he turned the head to see the cat and the surprise passed briefly over his face, he recognized the actual deputy of the Wind Clan, Fallownose, his bloodthirst howled his thirst and his revenge whispered dark words to his soul, he resisted the urge to jump on the cat and to shread him to pieces, he barely contained himself and his shoulder twitched with suppressed fury, he decided to move to the other side of the camp where he could let his fury out without wounds to others, he got up and noticed Scorpion who was sitting near him, he moved slowly to try to not catch any attention, once back there, he letted his fury out on an old tree stump, leaving deep gashes in the wood, he finally calmed himself and sat there, tired....


Estelle October 24th, 2022 11:52 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Oh icky icky icky, such stoney grounds that Sweets... Did not like. Her lip curled in disdain as she tested the rocky grounds of the cliffside, promptly turning her back to it as her expression turned to that of careful neutrality. Sharp eyes scanned the otherwise... Doable surrounding area, pacing back to the much more comfortable grassy lands - if a bit annoying for their length. But it would have to do, just one of the many sacrifices she would have to make for this little game she'd like to play. Deftly sitting down, not uttering a word, the feline began to clean their paws.

Until, of course, word caught their ear. Pausing mid clean, a grin forming upon their maw. Sweets sweetly looked over her shoulder, paw returning to the ground, and watched as the little few idly discussed names. Sentries, what a peculiar word. She liked it. Gracefully rising to their paws, the lanky feline approached with her head held high and a sweet look on their face.
"But doesn't menders sound so much more... Interesting, hm?"
She quirked a brow and a shoulder in direction of this- well, actually the name escaped her, but for simplicity- Fablespinner [ @Katulaura ].

Not offering the entitled feline much longer of a glance, her eyes slipped from some black tomcat [ @Gunnar ]-
"We're not raccoons, are we?"
-To another feline speaking his mind [ @dino. ]. From a grin to a smile, Sweets was amused by all the silly suggestions, namely for spies. But even more so by the one who judged these names pointless - my, my. Approaching with and elegant step, circling around the eel to come stand beside him, briefly eyeing the feline.
"Darling, have you no sense of fun? Those names would be so very plain."
Seating herself, she spoke whilst carefully inspecting a paw, eyes only lifting upon a new arrival making their presence known. Intrigued, they dropped their paw and watched, only taking a brief moment to slide away from the eel. but, my, was that a fabled clan cat?


Meanwhile, from the very sides, one particular cat watched them, only the occasional twitching of her whiskers betrayed her interest. Silently Viper watched on, muted eyes switching from one cat to another as each spoke their turn, gaze finally settling on a new figure, a figure that exuded authority. She wouldn't move, neutrality sticking her in place, but with round eyes she watched every detail, truthfully intrigued by all this.

wolfie October 25th, 2022 12:45 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
== > @NinjaBloss ||
The mainecoon entered into the camp, his long feathery tail lashing back and forth behind him. "Some cats truly have no character to them. No sense of flavor, if you will. Simply, you would believe if someone was talking to you, you would respond! No, no. They only .. ugh, who knows. I return, I know, you must have all missed me, " Spirit rambles, his amber eyes flickering across the clearing with simple interest.

Yes, they were arriving rather late to the party. Again. In their defense, it was for the fashion. All eyes on them. Just as it really should be! They were the holiest, it was sinful to ignore their presence. Oh wow, a smirk grew across their face. Everyone was staring at them! Wonderful, he lifted his chin in pride. Spirit did take quite good care of his coat, after all.

It was only then the outsider realized there was a very grumpy individual standing right in front of him - directing whatever foolish words he had to say to William. "Wha..?" They frowned, expression forming into a pout. "Uhm, rude? Do you have no manners? What about an introduction? Like, hii, I'm Spirit. Now, your name! Really, you must work on your social skills, deary. No one likes a bossy rodent, " Spirit teased, eyes crinkling up in amusement. He stepped to the side, peering curiously at Fallownose.

Spartan-117 October 25th, 2022 07:27 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Ezekiel raises an eyebrow at the cat who said something about raccoons. He didn't bring them up. He said Recons. A Recon is like a scouting mission. The tom lets out a huffing breath as he continues to look around for a cat that doesn't seem too bad.

None of them fit the agenda.

Already having caused trouble in RiverClan by killing a she-cat warrior, Ezekiel is very proud of himself.

Starfall October 25th, 2022 07:34 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by NinjaBloss (Post 1290831)
Fallownose had been taking a walk on the territory to clear his mind when the scent of Outsider hit his nose, and it was overwhelming. More than one, for sure. He carefully padded towards Swooping Cliffs, his fur standing on end and ears pricked for any sounds. As the deputy got closer to the cliff's edge, the sound of conversation wafted toward him. What the hell was going on?

Finally, he saw a large group of Outsiders on the territory, too many to drive off by himself. He counted at least ten, maybe fifteen in the group total, and it was clearly organized, making Fallownose very uncomfortable. What was a group of organized Outsiders doing on WindClan territory?

The dark gray tom pegged the cat at the front as the leader and stepped forward to make his presence known. His fur was still slightly bristled, though he kept his claws sheathed and voice calm in the hopes of avoiding signs of hostility. If it came down to it, he was sure he could outrun them, but he'd rather not instigate a fight with this many cats.

"What exactly is going on here, and why are you wall on WindClan territory?"



Well, there were a lot of questions, but even more comments. Rude. Truly they were rude. No wonder the Clans didn't want them, but he'd take them in, he'd help them feel alive rather than garbage tossed to the side. He was wonderful like that, he would be wonderful like that. But for right now, the tabby had half a mind to swat them and shoo them off into their cave like homes. Instead, however, his smile just widened, although his brow twitched with irritation. "These are all plausable concerns, don't think I didn't hear the mention about food. First we need to figure out a structure than we can have a batch of cats go hunting." a pause as he attempted to look at who mentioned it, but they were lost in the crowd.

With a huff, William moved on. "No. How the Clans have structured themselves isn't any feat to belittle. It's how they act, and how they shove their beliefs down other's throats, expecting them to just go along with it. How they push their standards on others. That's what we're fighting against. It takes a strong individual to admit a foe's structure and stability is good." a pause as golden eyes raked over the crowd with a flicker of determination. "That being said, our victory will feel even better when it's torn down. If we loose, no one will remember us...but if they loose, no one will forget it." his smile bloomed into a grin.

As he attempted to speak he spotted an unfamilar face in his crowd as they stepped forwards, and he reeked of one of the Clans. Than the stranger spoke, and oh he was definitely a member of one of those Clans, he smelled the same as that Molly he stumbled across. So, he straightened his posture and did his best to look polite. "Oh! Make way everybody, we have a visitor! Walk up this way please, everyone make a path I'd like to see them if you would." cheery chirps coming from his maw. He had to seem as sweet as possible, for now until he figured out what made this idiot tick, than he'd meld, change and conform. "Last I checked, a Warrior of yours said they'd ask your Leader, I figured us staying here wouldn't be too much trouble, at least until we got an answer." he said, a purr rolling off his words.

sock October 25th, 2022 08:58 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Lesly noticed a Clan cat enter the camp. She watched him, green eyes glaring with complete hatred at Fallownose. The brown she-cat observed how William was treating the cat, and she quickly caught on. Smart... she let a small smile cross her face. Lesly sat down, and lightly drummed the ground with her tail. She couldn't wait to see what happened next.

poppy October 25th, 2022 09:34 PM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Eureka watched from the corner, black and white dappled fur fluffed out with unconcern at the Clan Tom approaching.

Red Dawn October 26th, 2022 01:17 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
After letting his fury out, he came, to notice that he was not the only to look with hate on the clan cat, he stayed a bit away from the group, but he could still hear William speak....

Eaglet October 26th, 2022 06:36 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp

The black mainecoon found the crowd of cats actually being able to come together and incorporate ideas under the guidance of William. He found that this was very rare, but he liked things that were rare. That was the reason he joined this group of rebelling cats that was to fortify and use the clans throughly. It was like playing a game of chess. Each piece has a significant role on the board. Even if they were a lowly pawn. He snickered quietly. Before he raised his brow to see a Windclan cat enter. Do they not feel a sense of fear creep up on them when being faced with this many cats? But he could smell the fear-scent just radiating off this cat. To be quite bold to enter this group of vicious battle-hungry cats. Looking for something to tear their claws into.

William welcome the clan cat in with a simple wave. Forcing the cats to make a shape.. as if they were welcoming the clan cat on a red carpet to march on. He followed in sync with the rest of the crowd. He could sense the hostility from each and ever corner. The whole reason we cats are even here was because of these clan cats. He narrowed his eyes. If this clan cat was brave enough to face them directly, then they must be someone high-ranking in the ranking system of the clans. Partially he could remember some of it. Knowledge was what he craved after all. What was it again? Ah yes. Warriors die an honorable death blah blah blah. He could make a deduction that this simpleton would take on a noble and honorable death if anything violent were to break out right now. He sneered, his large figure was visible in the light. The shade meshing in with his fur.

Faith. October 26th, 2022 07:42 AM

Re: Gloaming Camp
Bumblebee stared at William, truly inspired. Now this was a smart cat... At his last words, Bumblebee turned to look behind the group. Oh, look! A Clan cat! Come to spoil our fun, I suppose- but he's all alone! He chuckled then smiled 'welcomingly'.

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