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Fawn October 3rd, 2016 11:46 PM

SkyClan Nursery

Hexict October 5th, 2016 06:53 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Giving a their sister a small laugh at this, Mottledkit knew a bit about it, always having their big ears open. Other kits had similar conversation apparently, talking about becoming apprentices and warriors and trying to guess who would be their mentor. Mottled knew it was important inclan life due to how excited everyone else seemed the closer they got to be six moons old - when they would become apprentices. "No, we don't train ourselves," the tortoiseshell shook their head, wondering how a cat was suppose to teach themselves, but some cats have done it before, right? Unlike their sister, Mottledkit viewed the clan as a new beginning, getting another chance at life after Oak had left them. Hawkstar had been kind enough to take them in - though the kit's anti-social personality prevented them from befriending other cats... yet. They did plan on making friends and a life within the clans, perhaps have something to fight for. Mottledkit wasn't one to jump into a fight, but maybe they just needed a reason, one the clans can provide. They were suddenly determined to grow strong and become a cat that protect others, aware of how thin and weak looking they actually seemed right now. "I hope it's someone who is nice, but can still train me to be better, you know?" Mottledkit mewed to their sister.

RedHead October 6th, 2016 03:29 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
{@Fenic (and any of Hawkstar's kits and Mapleleaf's kits can join in too)}
Lemonstar walked into the nursery, Tawnybird on his tail. The leader had a bit of difficulty getting through the entrance, his large build and broad shoulders getting him slightly stuck for a moment. After he was fully in the nursery, the leader's golden eyes scanned the nursery for the kits that no longer had parents, kit's whose families were torn apart.
Glancing over his shoulder, Lemonstar looked at Tawnybird. "So, we are looking for Laurelkit, Beekit, Swiftkit, Redkit, Rowankit, and Ashenkit, right?" Lemonstar asked, hoping he had gotten all of the names right. He honestly had no idea what any of the kits looked like, and hoped Tawnybird had an idea.

Redkit was laying in her nest, bored, when she spotted Lemonwhisper walk in. She hadn't been outside the nursery for a while, as her mother had grounded her, and told her to stay here. So the young kit had no idea what had happened in the past day and a half, and she still belived her mother to be deputy, and Hawkstar to be leader. She knew Lemonwhisper as a young, not to mention handsome, warrior. At six moons old, Redkit was ready to be apprenticed, but Hawkstar hadn't performed her ceremony yet. She wondered what Lemonwhisper was doing in the nursery. I don't recall him having kits... Redkit kept her gaze on the large tom, waiting to see what he would do.

Mango October 8th, 2016 10:16 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Cucumberpickle walked in looking for the former leader, Almondstar, he called out," Almondstar?"

vos October 8th, 2016 11:19 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Almondstar's ears pick upwards, raising her head despite the exhaustion making such a simple gesture harder than it should ever be. Her kits, now growing larger week after week, curl against her stomach, partially hidden away under her alabaster coat. Just as well they're sleeping, she thinks, somewhat begrudgingly.

Pale eyes sweep over the interior, inquisitive. The large tom who had been pushed into her previous position not many moons ago catches her attention only briefly, understanding that he wasn't the one to call on her. Flexing her paws, the turns towards the den opening, the fuzzy haze of sleep dissipating when they meet each other's gazes -- so familiar, realization dawns.

"Cucumberpickle...? What brings you here? I wondered what had become of you after I stepped down."

Mango October 8th, 2016 03:44 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Cucumberpickle gave a smile trying to make things less occuward, mostly for him, and a little for her. ( Still a little selfish). he gave a smile," Your kits are getting big, and look like you," he half blushed realizing how stupid he sounded Ofcourse they look like her, they're her kits! He blinked," I umm... Was wanting to speak with you..., I am sorry that I was umm...," he wanted to run and hide, but he forced himself to stay his face getting hotter and more red per second, he gushed the rest," super obnoxious and rude as a kit apprentice, and early warriorhood. I now realized after dealing with Hawkstar that the clan was much better off with you, that it will ever be... and I wish that they didn't run away... I'm hoping for the best of Lemonstar and Grouseflurry. Though I'm concerned about not having a medicine cat, we can't live without a cat getting injured. And even if we take an apprentice in, they won't be able to get trainned...," he felt much better turning the attention towards the clan instead of shaming himself.

vos October 8th, 2016 05:29 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
The older feline catches his try at a smile, and it actually helps to sooth her some, loosen her up into the conversation. She drops her guard more than she'd anticipated, laying her head down atop her paws. A light swish of her tail signals for him to come sit with her, while she scoots back to make room, bringing the kits with her.

"Thank you," it's light, airy; she's amused by how awkward he is, but flattered still, relieved that he seems to have grown up in her absence. "I'm hoping I'll be able to leave sooner rather than later. I'm getting so antsy!" Quieting down again, allowing him to gush out at her, the dam breaking under her gaze. He apologizes, admits his faults, and the topic of Hawkstar makes her scrunch her nose in distaste.

"I thought I made the right decision." She admits, tilting her head against the top of a paw. "But it's fine, Cucumberpickle; it's in the past. We needn't dwell on it. I'm glad you've come to your senses, though. I worried you'd always be that obnoxious little kit." Uttered jokingly, her maw twitches upwards at the corners.

"The issue with the lack of ranks in the clan is no longer my issue. I understand your concerns, but I don't hold any authority in those decisions anymore. If I could do something, I would, but without a medicine cat already, we're a little lost on where to go. As you said, who would train our potential apprentice? I'm afraid I'm uncertain as to whether or not we currently have anyone with extensive knowledge on healing in our midst."

Mango October 8th, 2016 05:46 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Cucumberpickle nodded," I guess, I'm really concerned about our clan falling apart, and I trust you more than Lemonstar for advice, I guess," he shrugged, glad he got it over with. I wish Starclan could send us a sign, or send a warrior off in search of Stormlight..., Did any cat go through some Medicine cat trainning, but back down, I fear the worst...Maybe after your kits are grown, you can see if you can become deputy," he added hopeful

Fel October 8th, 2016 06:52 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 710)
{@Fenic (and any of Hawkstar's kits and Mapleleaf's kits can join in too)}
Lemonstar walked into the nursery, Tawnybird on his tail. The leader had a bit of difficulty getting through the entrance, his large build and broad shoulders getting him slightly stuck for a moment. After he was fully in the nursery, the leader's golden eyes scanned the nursery for the kits that no longer had parents, kit's whose families were torn apart.
Glancing over his shoulder, Lemonstar looked at Tawnybird. "So, we are looking for Laurelkit, Beekit, Swiftkit, Redkit, Rowankit, and Ashenkit, right?" Lemonstar asked, hoping he had gotten all of the names right. He honestly had no idea what any of the kits looked like, and hoped Tawnybird had an idea.

Redkit was laying in her nest, bored, when she spotted Lemonwhisper walk in. She hadn't been outside the nursery for a while, as her mother had grounded her, and told her to stay here. So the young kit had no idea what had happened in the past day and a half, and she still belived her mother to be deputy, and Hawkstar to be leader. She knew Lemonwhisper as a young, not to mention handsome, warrior. At six moons old, Redkit was ready to be apprenticed, but Hawkstar hadn't performed her ceremony yet. She wondered what Lemonwhisper was doing in the nursery. I don't recall him having kits... Redkit kept her gaze on the large tom, waiting to see what he would do.

"...What do we do now?" Tawnybird asked the leader, assuming he'd know what they had to accomplish once they had gotten into the nursery, since she wasn't really good with kittens- she was a warrior, not someone who was good at taking care of the clan's young- she respected queens, but didn't count herself as somebody who could do what they did. I don't even have a mate- Why am I distracting myself so much about this? It's just a visit to a couple of kits! "...Just in case you'd like to start off, of course- It's not like I'm waiting for you." Tawnybird smiled nervously, though she was waiting for him. The warrior wasn't scared of kits, but they made her nervous, nervous about lots of things. I can't even remember when I was this small, and I couldn't handle losing a parent so young like some of these kittens. They were abandoned, weren't they? However, being around Lemonstar evoked different feelings- ones of faith and confidence, that she was proud of both herself and the new leader. It was a connection, like they both were so ambitious, so ready to serve their clan. ...We should talk more.

vos October 8th, 2016 07:15 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
"Well, thank you, but you must try to trust Lemonstar more. He's your leader now." Canting her head, she turns to peer up at the warrior. Pinekit squirms under her elbow, bumping into the curve of the bone.

"I don't think I can regain my rank, Cucumberpickle. But thank you, regardless." Pressing her nose to the scruff of Pinekit's neck, she speaks into it briefly, before she's pushing herself up into a sit. "Don't fear so much. The stars will guide us. Our path is already laid out before us. I believe we'll be fine -- but if you continue having concerns, you can speak with me whenever you feel the need to."

Mango October 9th, 2016 03:02 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Cucumberpickle dipped his head pleased and walked out leaving Almondstar with Pinekit

Brunch October 9th, 2016 04:19 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
@fenic! @RedHead
Ashenkit looked up at the cats, her tail flicking gently behind her. The young she-cat thought that the cats had only come in to bring her family some prey, though she had no idea what was about to hit her. Ashenkit yawned softly and curled up in her nest next to Redkit, her rust-grey coat shining pleasantly in the soft sunshine peaking through the ferns. Ready to settle down for a small nap, Ashenkit suddenly realized something: they had no prey . The she-cat's amber eyes popped open suddenly, and she scrutinized the cats more clearly; Tawnybird looked somewhat ready to combust with nervousness, while Lemonstar, who she knew as Lemonwhisper looked very solemn. Ashenkit's stomach turned inside her, and she looked at her paws as she flexed her claws into the moss. Gulping down her fears of what they were about to deliver, in a frightened squeak, Ashenkit mewed, "Why are you here?" The she-cat didn't mean for it to come out so rudely, but in her mind, a little voice was saying, it’s better to ask now than wait...
Ashenkit tried to silent the voice, but it kept getting louder and louder, WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO SOMEONE? Ashenkit's amber eyes started to water as the voice grew louder to almost a shriek, repeating itself over and over. It slowly died though, into a whisper of nonsense that that the young she-cat couldn't comprehend, and quite honestly, she didn't want to in case it turned into the horrible shrieking again that silenced the whole world.
The kit's chin started quiver, and Ashenkit thought that she was going to burst into a sob when the voice said, Calm yourself, you're in front of warriors, they don't want to see you cry, do they? Ashenkit thought on the voice's answer for a second and decided that it was right. She took a deep gulp of the milky air of the nursery; she knew that nothing was going to be okay, but she also knew that she had to stay together for her siblings, who may not be able to handle the news that she somehow knew was coming. Ashenkit didn't want to ponder on what the news might be, but she knew enough on the expressions on the cats' faces that whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

Hexict October 9th, 2016 04:32 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
@fenic! & @RedHead

Mottledkit looked up as they heard two more cats enter the nursery. The kit furrowed their brows when they noticed Lemonwhisper - still unaware of Hawkstar's disappearance - and Tawnybird there. "Laurelkit, does Lemonwhisper have kits?" They asked their sister, eyeing the two curiously. Seeing the two enter the nursery together, Mottledkit for some reason instantly thought that they were a couple coming in to see their kits... but something seemed up. "Does it seem like somethings wrong with them?" Mottledkit quickly asked, now in a whisper so only Laurelkit could hear. They then decided they didn't want to both Lemonshwhiper and Tawnybird, so instead shook their head and re-focused their attention on their sister. "Never mind, it's none of our business."

Bram246 October 13th, 2016 09:30 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Songkit played with her white brown tabby tail. Rolling around she was practicing how to hold a mouse and killing by biting her tail. She wasn't doing any harm to herself but she didn't want to harm any of the other kits.

Ever October 30th, 2016 04:21 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
A small bundle of fluff was curled at her mother's belly. She couldn't be more content than in this moment, warm protected and all was still. Her siblings were all quietly stirring in their sleep. All of them were really too young to be playful for long, sleep dominating their day. Eat and sleep, that was what her long days consisted of. Unaware of the approaching season of toughness, a season that would most likely take two or three kits from the nursery. Though she didn't play much so she would have plenty of stored energy and be well grown when she left the nursery. Not that she was doing it on purpose. Her eyes were still dominantly blue, though they would change with time to a soft and inviting gold. They looked around, taking everything in, with a calculative calmness. Her tufted ears perked to the small and soft noises in the nursery, watching queens come and go with food, proud fathers visit their loves. It was all beyond her understanding, so young all she could do was watch for entertainment. @Jingle @mirefern

Bram246 October 31st, 2016 11:50 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Songkit ran around the den. She rolled on the ground, jumped over queens and other kits, amd played with bit of moss.

Jingle November 1st, 2016 06:14 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Peanutkit yawned, stretching his short little body as he snuggled up next to his siblings. He opened his eyes, blinking as the bright light hit him. He stood up and looked around the den, licking his short tail. The munchkin started to waddle over to his mother, looking up at her much larger body.


Jigglefoot padded into the nursery to visit both his mate and his kits. He smiles softly, opening his mouth to speak; "Hello, Almondstar." He said, German accent thick as he continued to speak. "How are you and the kits?"

@Ever @mirefern

vos November 1st, 2016 08:43 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
@Ever // @Jingle

Almondstar interrupts her duties -- slimmed down to only caring for her kits after removing herself from her original position as clan leader -- to peer up at the den opening. Chestnutkit squirms at her belly, while Peanutkit waddles towards her. He bumps against her soon enough, little body unaccustomed and watery eyes not yet fully developed. She draws a tongue over his ear, noting how small he is. A pang of worry plagues her momentarily, concerned for the wellbeing of her runt, so small and shaky compared to his siblings. His little legs only make him more diminutive, even slighter than the other runts she's seen actively romping around the den.

Pointed, conical ears flick in the direction of Jigglefoot, the smaller feline wobbling his way towards her. Sharp green eyes soften considerably, taking in the sight of the little tom who'd managed to woo her with his surprising hardiness and loyalty.

"Jigglefoot," she greets, pushing herself further to the wall of the den, exposing the kits who'd nestled into her fur. "Fine as I can be, I suppose. The kits are a little more adventurous. Chestnutkit prefers sleeping, but Peanutkit seems very curious with the sights and sounds coming and going, you know?"

"And I haven't rolled onto one yet, so I'll be considering that a sucess. How have you been? Ah, and the clan. Is Lemonstar taking good care of the place? I'd hope so. I can't imagine he'd do much worse than Hawkstar."

Grumbling slightly, the tired she-cat dips down to rest her head back against her paws, gleaming a glance up at her mate, eager to hear his response.

Snowpatch November 2nd, 2016 04:13 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Snowpatch gazed proudly at her two new kits as Squirrelcharmer licked her ears. The kitting had been hard, but once she could curl around the two she kits, it was worth it. She licked the soft fur of the pale brown one. "Can we call her Thrushkit?" she asked her mate. "Sure." he replied, pausing his grooming and brushing his tail along the smaller she kit. "And we can call this one Specklekit."

Jingle November 2nd, 2016 11:28 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by mirefern (Post 16043)
@Ever // @Jingle

Almondstar interrupts her duties -- slimmed down to only caring for her kits after removing herself from her original position as clan leader -- to peer up at the den opening. Chestnutkit squirms at her belly, while Peanutkit waddles towards her. He bumps against her soon enough, little body unaccustomed and watery eyes not yet fully developed. She draws a tongue over his ear, noting how small he is. A pang of worry plagues her momentarily, concerned for the wellbeing of her runt, so small and shaky compared to his siblings. His little legs only make him more diminutive, even slighter than the other runts she's seen actively romping around the den.

Pointed, conical ears flick in the direction of Jigglefoot, the smaller feline wobbling his way towards her. Sharp green eyes soften considerably, taking in the sight of the little tom who'd managed to woo her with his surprising hardiness and loyalty.

"Jigglefoot," she greets, pushing herself further to the wall of the den, exposing the kits who'd nestled into her fur. "Fine as I can be, I suppose. The kits are a little more adventurous. Chestnutkit prefers sleeping, but Peanutkit seems very curious with the sights and sounds coming and going, you know?"

"And I haven't rolled onto one yet, so I'll be considering that a sucess. How have you been? Ah, and the clan. Is Lemonstar taking good care of the place? I'd hope so. I can't imagine he'd do much worse than Hawkstar."

Grumbling slightly, the tired she-cat dips down to rest her head back against her paws, gleaming a glance up at her mate, eager to hear his response.

Jigglefoot nodded, his head dipping slightly while looking at his much larger mate. He nodded and purred softly as she exposed the small kits to him. Some were much larger than the others- but Peanutkit was so so small. It troubled him at Peanutkit's size- along with the upcoming winter. It would be a hard one but he had faith that Starclan that Peanutkit would survive and even thrive.

He flicked his tail and chuckled softly, "Yes I would say that was a sucess so far, as well." he mewed softly, his German accent comming through clearly now. "And Lemonstar is...alright- doing the job." The munchkin leaned forward and whispered gently into her ear; "You were still a better leader." he purred before pulling back and licking her shoulder.


Peanutkit waved his short little tail, nearly tripping over a small rock in the nursery that he; 1) didn't see and 2) his legs werent long enough to properly avoid it. He huffed and let out a frustrated mew. He wondered why all his siblings were so much larger than him- so much stronger.
He scrambled over to his mother, curling up under her bellyfur. The runt glanced over at his father, eyes wide. He didn't remember this cat- but he knew his voice from somewhere.

SuspiciousMindz November 8th, 2016 04:19 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Coconutkit was curled up against her mother. Her tortoiseshell pelt was fluffy and her build was similar to that of her mother. In fact, with pelt color aside, the she kit resembled her mother more so than her father. Her personality was similar to her fathers at least. The kit was dozing, still aware of her surroundings, but in an unconscious sort of way. The voices around her were familiar and soothing keeping her asleep. She could feel the warmth radiating off her siblings and her mother which caused a very light purr to rise from her throat. Coconutkit wouldnt have asked this to be any other way. Unlike most young kits, she preferred to be resting in her nest, cautious of the danger outside of the nursery and even just around her. She trusted only her mother to tell her when she was safe and when she needed to worry.

lone November 9th, 2016 07:37 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
~for @Cloudy~

Pantherkit's yellow eyes skimmed the nursery, the young black furred tom's expression one of serene curiosity. He often spent his time examining other cats...at least until he found one that seemed worth his time to speak to. Pantherkit's expression faded from the serene curious one that he had had before to one of more intense curiosity. His yellow eyes seemed to almost gleam, strangely enough, and his tiny claws unsheathed and sheathed themselves, stretching against the soft ground of the nursery. If he was being honest with himself, he didn't really like the nursery at all...it made him feel more trapped then he preferred. The clearing was a place that appealed more to him, although for now he was content to wait. He wasn't going to just walk out by himself...he thought it made him look desperate, as though he couldn't wait long enough for another cat to come with him. He examined the other cats, seeing if there was one who looked either bored enough to agree to coming with him, or exciting enough to come with him.

Brunch November 11th, 2016 03:53 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
A limp thrush dangling from her jaws, the small form of Ashenpaw erupted from the entrance to the nursery. As she heaved the rest of her body into, she shook of a few brambles protruding from her rust-gray pelt. Glancing around her old den, Ashenpaw sighed, remembering the warmth of the nursery, and the scent of milk always hanging in the delicate air. Ashenpaw inhaled deeply, and though the scent if thrush mostly covered her sences, she still felt the comfort come to her as it normally did. I,guess I have to give this to someone now. Ashenpaw thought with a sigh; she had bewn carrying the prey through the territory and the clearing, and the apprentice had gotten quite attached to the scent of the thrush always against her nose. Ashenpaw looked across the den carefully again, trying to decide which family to give it to; the family had to be special, since the thrush still had its warmth, and the smell was delicious. Finally, Ashenpaw's eyes landed on Pantherkit, and she rushed over, careful not to trip over anyone, or else she would get a scolding, as though she were a small kit again. Coming across Pantherkit, Ashenpaw smiled, though the thrush his her grin, and as she placed the thrush before the small tom, it became more obvious. The small she-cat knew how the tom must have felt; her mother had always left her, and she had gone hungry, refusing to drink her foster mother's milk, since it wasn't her kin's. And every time a warrior or apprentice dropped off a piece of prey, it always made her day, even if it was a dreary one. "How's it going?" Ashenpaw asked her old denmate quietly, "Make sure to share this with your family," she pushed the thrush closer to Pantherkit, making it obvious that it was his. Ashenpaw flopped to floor, sprawled out, her amber tired and exhausted, "Be glad you're not an apprentice yet," Ashenpaw chuckled slightly, trying to coax the tom into a conversation.

lone November 11th, 2016 04:14 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 28656)
A limp thrush dangling from her jaws, the small form of Ashenpaw erupted from the entrance to the nursery. As she heaved the rest of her body into, she shook of a few brambles protruding from her rust-gray pelt. Glancing around her old den, Ashenpaw sighed, remembering the warmth of the nursery, and the scent of milk always hanging in the delicate air. Ashenpaw inhaled deeply, and though the scent if thrush mostly covered her sences, she still felt the comfort come to her as it normally did. I,guess I have to give this to someone now. Ashenpaw thought with a sigh; she had bewn carrying the prey through the territory and the clearing, and the apprentice had gotten quite attached to the scent of the thrush always against her nose. Ashenpaw looked across the den carefully again, trying to decide which family to give it to; the family had to be special, since the thrush still had its warmth, and the smell was delicious. Finally, Ashenpaw's eyes landed on Pantherkit, and she rushed over, careful not to trip over anyone, or else she would get a scolding, as though she were a small kit again. Coming across Pantherkit, Ashenpaw smiled, though the thrush his her grin, and as she placed the thrush before the small tom, it became more obvious. The small she-cat knew how the tom must have felt; her mother had always left her, and she had gone hungry, refusing to drink her foster mother's milk, since it wasn't her kin's. And every time a warrior or apprentice dropped off a piece of prey, it always made her day, even if it was a dreary one. "How's it going?" Ashenpaw asked her old denmate quietly, "Make sure to share this with your family," she pushed the thrush closer to Pantherkit, making it obvious that it was his. Ashenpaw flopped to floor, sprawled out, her amber tired and exhausted, "Be glad you're not an apprentice yet," Ashenpaw chuckled slightly, trying to coax the tom into a conversation.

Pantherkit looked curiously up at her, and then back to the thrush that was on the ground. His black tail twitched slightly and he met her gaze with his own yellow one, before smiling a little. "Thank you." He mewed politely- he had been taught to be polite at all times, no matter whether how he felt, or if he required whatever it was he was being offered. "Really? I'm super excited to be an apprentice, don't you like it?" He asked, his expression turning from one of polite interest to one of surprise. His yellow hues seemed to gleam once more and he had almost forgotten about the thrush that was now at his paws. As he shifted his weight, one of his paws brushed against it, re-alerting him of it's presence, and he took a small bite, enjoying it. He was glad for once that his siblings were not clambering around him, over him, and all in all trying to outdo him. Pantherkit's eyes fixed back on the apprentice and he studied her, as he did with all cats...he would often try and memorize what they looked like, how their past interactions had gone, and what their temperments had been like the previous times, mainly just because he wanted to see what things they did and did not like. The black tom rose to his paws after taking another small bite of the thrush, making sure that he was leaving quite a bit for his siblings whenever they wanted it. "So how has it been going for you, then?" He asked with a small lopsided grin, which didn't quite reach his eyes...although he did truly mean it to be friendly, he wasn't the most approachable kit, and often appeared to be rude or offstandish when he was simply unable to force himself to look much friendlier. Pantherkit kept his yellow gaze fixed on the apprentice, and he waited for her reply. His thoughts went to the clearing outside, and he wondered if perhaps this apprentice would accompany him. She had just come from there, after all, but maybe she would want to go back.

Brunch November 11th, 2016 04:38 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 28691)
Pantherkit looked curiously up at her, and then back to the thrush that was on the ground. His black tail twitched slightly and he met her gaze with his own yellow one, before smiling a little. "Thank you." He mewed politely- he had been taught to be polite at all times, no matter whether how he felt, or if he required whatever it was he was being offered. "Really? I'm super excited to be an apprentice, don't you like it?" He asked, his expression turning from one of polite interest to one of surprise. His yellow hues seemed to gleam once more and he had almost forgotten about the thrush that was now at his paws. As he shifted his weight, one of his paws brushed against it, re-alerting him of it's presence, and he took a small bite, enjoying it. He was glad for once that his siblings were not clambering around him, over him, and all in all trying to outdo him. Pantherkit's eyes fixed back on the apprentice and he studied her, as he did with all cats...he would often try and memorize what they looked like, how their past interactions had gone, and what their temperments had been like the previous times, mainly just because he wanted to see what things they did and did not like. The black tom rose to his paws after taking another small bite of the thrush, making sure that he was leaving quite a bit for his siblings whenever they wanted it. "So how has it been going for you, then?" He asked with a small lopsided grin, which didn't quite reach his eyes...although he did truly mean it to be friendly, he wasn't the most approachable kit, and often appeared to be rude or offstandish when he was simply unable to force himself to look much friendlier. Pantherkit kept his yellow gaze fixed on the apprentice, and he waited for her reply. His thoughts went to the clearing outside, and he wondered if perhaps this apprentice would accompany him. She had just come from there, after all, but maybe she would want to go back.

As Ashenpaw stretched, her claws unsheathed, and her eyes flickered closed a few times, though her determined spirit kept them open. As Pantherkit asked his question of surpised, the apprentice found it quite odd that he would ask such a question. "Of course I like it," she said in a snappish tone, though her amber eyes were filled with amusement, "It's just extremely exhausting, so I recommend enjoying the time that you are a kit." Ashenpaw saw that the kit was excited to become a apprentice, and she felt as though she had to spread her advise around as much as she could, since she knew that growing up too quickly always caused a cat problems, even though they weren't big. Ashenpaw's ears twitched as the answer was quite sudden, and the quierry that the kit had come up with was slightly touchy. Though the apprentice brushed off her emotions, and- with heistion- answered the Pantherkit's question. "I'm doing as fine as an apprentice who lost her mother would." Again, her tone was snappish, though looking into her eyes, pain was stricken against them, and tears brimmed them, threatening to come out. Though Ashenpaw's mother had always been out of the nursery, she still loved Mapleleaf, and it hit her the hardest of her siblings when the news had come. The subject was one that she never liked talking about, and when it came up, she tried to avoid it. With Pantherkit, though, Ashenpaw felt as though she had to be truthful with him, even if it hurt her. "How about you?" The question was quite abrupt, and Ashenpaw's voice was quite sniffly, though the quierry was valid and the apprentice wanted it answered.

lone November 11th, 2016 06:29 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 28730)
As Ashenpaw stretched, her claws unsheathed, and her eyes flickered closed a few times, though her determined spirit kept them open. As Pantherkit asked his question of surpised, the apprentice found it quite odd that he would ask such a question. "Of course I like it," she said in a snappish tone, though her amber eyes were filled with amusement, "It's just extremely exhausting, so I recommend enjoying the time that you are a kit." Ashenpaw saw that the kit was excited to become a apprentice, and she felt as though she had to spread her advise around as much as she could, since she knew that growing up too quickly always caused a cat problems, even though they weren't big. Ashenpaw's ears twitched as the answer was quite sudden, and the quierry that the kit had come up with was slightly touchy. Though the apprentice brushed off her emotions, and- with heistion- answered the Pantherkit's question. "I'm doing as fine as an apprentice who lost her mother would." Again, her tone was snappish, though looking into her eyes, pain was stricken against them, and tears brimmed them, threatening to come out. Though Ashenpaw's mother had always been out of the nursery, she still loved Mapleleaf, and it hit her the hardest of her siblings when the news had come. The subject was one that she never liked talking about, and when it came up, she tried to avoid it. With Pantherkit, though, Ashenpaw felt as though she had to be truthful with him, even if it hurt her. "How about you?" The question was quite abrupt, and Ashenpaw's voice was quite sniffly, though the quierry was valid and the apprentice wanted it answered.

Pantherkit recoiled slightly at Ashenpaw's harsh tone and his ears tilted backwards in the way that they always did when he was displeased. His expression turned a little uneasy until he noticed the amusement in her amber hues- surely if she were upset with him, the emotion would reach her eyes, correct? Certainly she was not genuinely frustrated. Slowly Pantherkit resumed his original position, although the movement was slow and his ears still remained back until he was convinced that she was not frustrated with him. "Oh, I see," he mewed, with a nod as though he understood what she meant. In all honesty he had not...he had been puzzled as to why you should want to stay a kit! He personally could not wait for the day when he could become an apprentice, although not wanting to appear stupid in front of the older she cat, he had taken on an understanding position. At her comment about her Mother, Pantherkit instantly felt bad. He had brought the subject up, it was his fault that Ashenpaw was now in tears or very close to being in tears, although he swore he could see the glaze of tears forming in her amber hues. "Oh...I'm so sorry...uh..." He mewed a little awkwardly, avoiding her gaze. I don't know what to say, I'm really bad with these situations, he thought with a sigh. Although he didn't want to confess this aloud, it was probably pretty obvious to the she cat that he was not good at all in these situations. "Oh, I'm, um...good, y'know I do all that basic kit stuff, and I...have fun..." His voice trailed off. The subject change had been an awkward transition for him, and he felt bad about leaving the subject just like that. "I'm sorry, like really, really sorry about your Mom...that's...terrible, and you seem like a really nice cat, and you didn't deserve to have this happen to you," He mewed with a sigh.
(Does Ashenpaw have a charrie page or can I get more info on her...?)

Brunch November 11th, 2016 07:32 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Ad the tom recoiled at Ashenpaw's sharpness, she suddenly felt guilty, as though the tom's skittishness was her fault. Getting slightly anxious, the apprentice slid out her claws, soon bringing them back into their original place, only to repeat the process over again, until her claws hurt. As the tomkit's next words reached her ear, Ashenpaw became angry with herself. She had shown the tom her utter foolishness, in wanting to be a kit again, and being angry with herself was the only way to settle it. Ashenpaw didn't let the anger reach her amber eye, determined not to show her emotions, since she knew that it would only upset her new kit-friend. Instead, Ashenpaw wiped away the tears that surrounded her eyes, and etched a smile across her maw, a real, genuine smile, or do she hoped Pantherkit would think. "Please don't be sorry, I should be appolagizing to you for wigging out on you.. Sorry." Blushing secretly under her rust-grey pelt, Ashenpaw tried to not let her embarrassment show, for it would make her feel worse about herself. Ashenpaw pawed at the ground, shielding her eagerness to leave. Then, you'll have to do your duties again! Ashenpaw yowled at herself mentally, trying to decipher whether she would stay with Pantherkit, or leave to the frustrating duties that she was avoiding. "Do you want me to take you to the clearing, so you can see it?"
(Sort of... It's in the 'Biographies' section, though her personality is more developed than it says on it.)

lone November 11th, 2016 08:46 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 29035)
Ad the tom recoiled at Ashenpaw's sharpness, she suddenly felt guilty, as though the tom's skittishness was her fault. Getting slightly anxious, the apprentice slid out her claws, soon bringing them back into their original place, only to repeat the process over again, until her claws hurt. As the tomkit's next words reached her ear, Ashenpaw became angry with herself. She had shown the tom her utter foolishness, in wanting to be a kit again, and being angry with herself was the only way to settle it. Ashenpaw didn't let the anger reach her amber eye, determined not to show her emotions, since she knew that it would only upset her new kit-friend. Instead, Ashenpaw wiped away the tears that surrounded her eyes, and etched a smile across her maw, a real, genuine smile, or do she hoped Pantherkit would think. "Please don't be sorry, I should be appolagizing to you for wigging out on you.. Sorry." Blushing secretly under her rust-grey pelt, Ashenpaw tried to not let her embarrassment show, for it would make her feel worse about herself. Ashenpaw pawed at the ground, shielding her eagerness to leave. Then, you'll have to do your duties again! Ashenpaw yowled at herself mentally, trying to decipher whether she would stay with Pantherkit, or leave to the frustrating duties that she was avoiding. "Do you want me to take you to the clearing, so you can see it?"


Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 29035)
(Sort of... It's in the 'Biographies' section, though her personality is more developed than it says on it.)

Pantherkit's expression was still slightly embarrassed, and he looked as though he were mentally scolding himself, although his yellow hues remained almost glazed over in their silence. "No- no, you have every right to be frustrated and 'wig out' on me...when I asked you that question, I had not been anticipating that answer. I apologize sincerely," The tom mewed, dipping his head in apology. His expression was unreadable, and his yellow hues searched Ashenpaw's face as though he were looking for something that he was unable to find. Pantherkit's hues lost their glaze again a moment later, although this time instead of being filled with anxiety, they were filled with excitement. "Yes!" He mewed excitedly, before regaining his more dignified composure. "I mean...yes, I believe that would be enjoyable," He mewed in his most solemn tone. It was almost humerous the way he appeared to be trying to impress the she cat, making himself appear more mature and older than he was. Respect was something that Pantherkit craved, and although he respected older cats, he generally did not get much respect in return. His tail twitched a little irritably, although it appeared to be more of an involuntary movement rather than one that the tom had done himself. Pantherkit glanced towards the exit from the nursery where he had been before, a few times as a matter of fact, though never alone. "Shall we go?" He asked, straining to keep the eagerness out of his voice, although showing his trait of impatience.
(Sorry for the short replies- I'm on mobile, so my replies might be a little shorter...again, sorry!!)

Phoenix Flames November 12th, 2016 12:45 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Whisperheart looked at her kits. The light brown and white tabby smiled, as she gazed at her kits. "Cloudkit, Branchkit, Nettlekit, you three are wonderful kits...", she whispered. Cloudkit squirmed and mewed loudly. She was uncomfortable. Whisperheart moved her closer to her belly with her tail. Cloudkit mewed in protest and then suckled. She soon fell asleep.

Brunch November 12th, 2016 02:07 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 (Post 29174)
Pantherkit's expression was still slightly embarrassed, and he looked as though he were mentally scolding himself, although his yellow hues remained almost glazed over in their silence. "No- no, you have every right to be frustrated and 'wig out' on me...when I asked you that question, I had not been anticipating that answer. I apologize sincerely," The tom mewed, dipping his head in apology. His expression was unreadable, and his yellow hues searched Ashenpaw's face as though he were looking for something that he was unable to find. Pantherkit's hues lost their glaze again a moment later, although this time instead of being filled with anxiety, they were filled with excitement. "Yes!" He mewed excitedly, before regaining his more dignified composure. "I mean...yes, I believe that would be enjoyable," He mewed in his most solemn tone. It was almost humerous the way he appeared to be trying to impress the she cat, making himself appear more mature and older than he was. Respect was something that Pantherkit craved, and although he respected older cats, he generally did not get much respect in return. His tail twitched a little irritably, although it appeared to be more of an involuntary movement rather than one that the tom had done himself. Pantherkit glanced towards the exit from the nursery where he had been before, a few times as a matter of fact, though never alone. "Shall we go?" He asked, straining to keep the eagerness out of his voice, although showing his trait of impatience.
(Sorry for the short replies- I'm on mobile, so my replies might be a little shorter...again, sorry!!)

Ashenpaw's amber eyes fell to her paws, ashamed that she made the kit feel the way he did. When Pantherkit's eagerness surfaced, though, a small smile came across her maw. Though it had only been two moons ago, As he now remembered it quietly as though she were an elder, looking back on their kit moons. When Pantherkit his his eagerness, with a solemn attitude that- if he were a warrior- would be respected, Ashenpaw felt the obligation to mirror his actions, and responded with a slight nod, gesturing for Panther kit too exit before herself. Her ears flicked as cries came from neighboring nestw; though Ashenpaw had always enjoyed the nursery, she hated when the kits would cry, though she knew that they couldn't help it.
(I'm on mobile as well, so sorry if my posts are relatively short, or there are grammar or spelling mistakes. Should we go to the clraring, then?)

XxechokitxX November 14th, 2016 06:10 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Echokit woke in the nursery, her blueish green eyes fluttering open. she yawned and stood up,stretching and shaking her fluffy fur out.

vos November 15th, 2016 07:02 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
“Oh, thank StarClan,” the she utters, a breath of relief escaping her. She’d assumed leaving the position would usher in a chance to relax, but she’d only been on edge since Hawkstar’s failure to maintain her clan -- their clan. She’s at least pleased to hear Jigglefoot’s opinion on Lemondstar, as underwhelming as it is.

“Doing the job, is he?” She sighs her words out, finding comfort in the way Jigglefoot dips forward to whisper into her ear. Her tail lashes in amusement, falling over Coconutkit’s face. The dozing kit’s nose only twitches, and Almondstar brings her closer towards herself, nestling the larger kit into her fur. Peanutkit bumbles around, tripping and falling -- Almondstar neglects to tell him to watch out, finding importance in allowing him to accurately map out his surroundings without her interference. She recalls, as a kit, that she wasn’t very fond of being told what to do. She raises a paw as he scampers over, using thick pads to pull him alongside his sister. She touches her nose to his ear, informs him that he’d done well to find her again, and then repeats the action to Coconutkit, who’s more content to sit with her mother and sleep.

Her form seems to bounce when Jigglefoot rasps his tongue over her shoulder, still finding humor in his comment.

“Thank you, I did my best. Especially during the flood, though I couldn't have done it without your and Sesamegorse's aid.” Tilting her head, she allows her skull to bump against his own. “I question whether you’re only saying that to make me feel better. Either way, I appreciate it.”

@Suspiciousmindz // @Jingle

Jingle November 15th, 2016 10:03 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by mirefern (Post 35218)
“Oh, thank StarClan,” the she utters, a breath of relief escaping her. She’d assumed leaving the position would usher in a chance to relax, but she’d only been on edge since Hawkstar’s failure to maintain her clan -- their clan. She’s at least pleased to hear Jigglefoot’s opinion on Lemondstar, as underwhelming as it is.

“Doing the job, is he?” She sighs her words out, finding comfort in the way Jigglefoot dips forward to whisper into her ear. Her tail lashes in amusement, falling over Coconutkit’s face. The dozing kit’s nose only twitches, and Almondstar brings her closer towards herself, nestling the larger kit into her fur. Peanutkit bumbles around, tripping and falling -- Almondstar neglects to tell him to watch out, finding importance in allowing him to accurately map out his surroundings without her interference. She recalls, as a kit, that she wasn’t very fond of being told what to do. She raises a paw as he scampers over, using thick pads to pull him alongside his sister. She touches her nose to his ear, informs him that he’d done well to find her again, and then repeats the action to Coconutkit, who’s more content to sit with her mother and sleep.

Her form seems to bounce when Jigglefoot rasps his tongue over her shoulder, still finding humor in his comment.

“Thank you, I did my best. Especially during the flood, though I couldn't have done it without your and Sesamegorse's aid.” Tilting her head, she allows her skull to bump against his own. “I question whether you’re only saying that to make me feel better. Either way, I appreciate it.”

@Suspiciousmindz // @Jingle

Peanutkit curled up against his mother, warming himself in her fluffy pelt. He was always the smallest and he knew he would forever be- but this was a big world and he didn't think he could be like the other cats. Maybe he couldn't hunt like all his siblings could. He sniffled at the thought of being a useless cat forever.

The tiny munchkin mewed softly in frustration as he tried to get Almondstar's attention- maybe if he were to stand on his back legs...uh no. The small kit fell over in a pile of fluff and mewed some more- expressing his anger at his short legs.


Jigglefoot looked at his mate and smiled gently, tilting his head slightly to the side as he spoke- accent thick but soft as his words rolled off his tongue. "I meant every word. You were a great leader, Almondstar." The warrior said.

He licked her shoulder and sat next to her, looking down at their kits. "Hopefully they become big and strong." he commented, his different color eyes shining as he looked down at them.

ArcherTippani November 17th, 2016 04:11 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Maplekit pushed her muzzle out through the thick protective barrier of the nursery, trying to get a clear look at the camp. After a few moments, she pulled herself back, only to let out a sharp mew when she felt the brambles tug at her whiskers, which had gotten stuck.

vos November 18th, 2016 04:10 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 35472)

Peanutkit curled up against his mother, warming himself in her fluffy pelt. He was always the smallest and he knew he would forever be- but this was a big world and he didn't think he could be like the other cats. Maybe he couldn't hunt like all his siblings could. He sniffled at the thought of being a useless cat forever.

The tiny munchkin mewed softly in frustration as he tried to get Almondstar's attention- maybe if he were to stand on his back legs...uh no. The small kit fell over in a pile of fluff and mewed some more- expressing his anger at his short legs.


Jigglefoot looked at his mate and smiled gently, tilting his head slightly to the side as he spoke- accent thick but soft as his words rolled off his tongue. "I meant every word. You were a great leader, Almondstar." The warrior said.

He licked her shoulder and sat next to her, looking down at their kits. "Hopefully they become big and strong." he commented, his different color eyes shining as he looked down at them.

Almondstar's attention drops down to the kit squirming against her. He certainly doesn't seem pleased. She can only imagine what's going through his little head - seeing him kick his feet out and fall over saddens her, but she tries to steel herself against it. Pity from a mother won't do a kit any good, not when it's directed at something he'll never grow out of. In comparison to his siblings, he'll always be the runt. She doesn't want to teach him he's to be pitied -- no child of hers should be.

She almost cackles when Jigglefoot seats himself with such stubby little legs. She holds herself, at least, figuring Jigglefoot wouldn't appreciate it very well. She realizes how tired she actually is, nearly tipping over the edge into hysterics over something as simple as the way her mate wobbles when he settles down.

"Yes, yes; let's hope they do. I feel Sunflowerkit may be the strongest in physcial power -- look at her. Chestnutkit, perhaps she'll be admired for her intelligence. Peanutkit...," she cants her head, thoughtful, "I think his loyalty. What do you think? Ah, but I suppose we shouldn't be expecting things just yet."

Jingle November 18th, 2016 06:02 PM

Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by mirefern (Post 38223)
Almondstar's attention drops down to the kit squirming against her. He certainly doesn't seem pleased. She can only imagine what's going through his little head - seeing him kick his feet out and fall over saddens her, but she tries to steel herself against it. Pity from a mother won't do a kit any good, not when it's directed at something he'll never grow out of. In comparison to his siblings, he'll always be the runt. She doesn't want to teach him he's to be pitied -- no child of hers should be.

She almost cackles when Jigglefoot seats himself with such stubby little legs. She holds herself, at least, figuring Jigglefoot wouldn't appreciate it very well. She realizes how tired she actually is, nearly tipping over the edge into hysterics over something as simple as the way her mate wobbles when he settles down.

"Yes, yes; let's hope they do. I feel Sunflowerkit may be the strongest in physcial power -- look at her. Chestnutkit, perhaps she'll be admired for her intelligence. Peanutkit...," she cants her head, thoughtful, "I think his loyalty. What do you think? Ah, but I suppose we shouldn't be expecting things just yet."

Peanutkit sighed and crawled over to Almondstar's face, his small but floofy body jiggling and wobbling as he walked. He looked at her nose for a moment before sticking out his tongue and licking it. He let out a little giggle before racing off and jumping over a small twig, "Look! I did it!" he mewed, voice high and young- full of excitement.

The young tom had been working for many sunrises on conquering that twig, and he had finally been able to do it! He had never been more proud of himself. He poked the stick with his paw before pouncing on it, chewing on the rough wood.


Jigglefoot nodded at his mates words, "I have hopes for Peanutkit and all the others." he said with a small smile and accent thick, his eyes squinting as he watched his kits in the nursery.

"They will all be wunderbar (wonderful) no matter what, after all their mother was quite honorable and successful in her clan. They have high expectations to grow- but will be wunderbar (wonderful) warriors in the future." The short tom explained, looking up at his mate with a small smile. He licked her shoulder quickly before yawning and resting his head on her side.

Thunder November 24th, 2016 11:14 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
@S A G I E
Stormykit snuggled up against Gingerwish as he began to snore softly.

Sage November 24th, 2016 11:25 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
(It might be a while before I can reply again, especially since I'm having to duplicate Gorsefeather.)

Gingerwish curled her tail around Stormykit. The ginger molly began to lick at his ears. She purred and her eyes widened with love for her precious adopted kit.

Serendipity November 24th, 2016 11:25 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Fluffkit ran at Almondstar like, "Oh my gosh its the leader"

Phoenix Flames November 25th, 2016 09:01 AM

Re: SkyClan Nursery
Cloudkit, Branchkit, and Nettlekit mewed loudly. Their mother, Whisperheart, had went to go and get a mouse from the freshkill pile and the three kits were getting cold. They huddled together on the moss bedding and waited until Whisperheart came back. Whisperheart padded into the nursery with the mouse in her mouth. She walked over to her kits and the moss and laid down on the moss so that her kits could suckle and so that she could eat the mouse. After awhile, Cloudkit, Branchkit, and Nettlekit fell asleep.

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