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BEAR. October 3rd, 2016 11:42 PM

RiverClan Nursery

Raiini October 6th, 2016 02:52 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Streamkit opened her small mouth, revealing a small, sharp kit teeth. She yawned, and wished another kit would come and play. They were all sleeping.

Brunch October 6th, 2016 08:03 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Sprawled out lazily on her moss nest, Snowyfur was content and happy in her dreams; chasing trout up and down the river carelessly. She had no idea that her kits had been threatened, or even that they had gone out of the nursery with her sibling, Cloudyfoot at all.
Suddenly, a muscular paw prodded her, and Snowyfur was awake in seconds, looking frantically around for her kits once she had realized that they had disappeared. The queen had looked everywhere except to who had awoken her. Cloudyfoot loomed over her with two sopping-wet kits in his jaws. Arctickit looked like he had been scared out of his skin. Snowyfut glanced up at Cloudyfoot accusingly.
"What happened?" Snowyfur demanded in a low growl. As though Cloudyfoot had been slashed across the nose, he winced. Slowly, he set the kits down, next to their mother; Arctickit squealing as he felt the soft fur of his mother against his pelt. Every time that the young kit blinked, he was lost from sight against his mother's pelt; they were identical.
Snowyfur started brushing her tongue gently across Rainkit's head, realizing that her son looked even more deeply traumatized than Arctickit.
After a few scraped of her tongue against her kit's head, she looked at her brother, her eyes narrowed and judging, as though he had just taken the las piece of kill from the pile, when she hadn't eaten yet.
Gulping down his fears, Cloudyfoot gazed into the icy blue eyes of his sister. The warrior explained their trip down to the river, and how the tides of the shallows had become too much for his nephews. He explained how he had gotten them out of the river and then their confrontation with Bayclaw, the family's enemy. Cloudyfoot told the queen how they made their escape unharmed once Bayclaw had started threatening the kits. Arctickit squealed once Cloudyfoot had brought up the threats.
It was clear that Arctickit was scared out of his mind thanks to Bayclaw, not the river.
Snowyfur looked calmly down at her kits, her loving eyes now breaking through the flames of anger that Cloudyfoot had brought out. "Perhaps we should bring them to Geckoleaf?" she asked timidly, her eyes suddenly filled with fear.

Raiini October 6th, 2016 09:31 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Silverkit bounded over to the other kits, ans snuffled their fur. She mewed up at the Queen, and sat down, tail over paws. She was four moons old, so could talk, but was quiet sometimes.

Ivy October 7th, 2016 07:24 AM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Rainkit mewed pitifully as he pressed his now damp fur against his mother's soft one. He raised his head expecting to see his father gazing at his kits wit worry. "Snowyfur, where's Dad? We left him with you, right?" He asked trying to stand up, but was too shaken to do that. The small kit looked at his uncle. "Is he playing hide n seek?" He asked excitedly, remembering his father would do that. Rainiit looked around jovially, but saw there was no trace, nor smell of his beloved father. Once he realized Fogfur was well, not with them, he looked to his mother for answers. After all, Fogfur was her mate and mates knew everything about each other, right?! [I]She must know where he is![I]Rainkit thought, happily as he gazed up at her with hopeful eyes.

Phoenix Flames October 8th, 2016 10:16 AM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
"Streamkit, you look bored. Go and play with Snowyfur's kits.", Swiftfur said to her kit-friend.

Abstracted Dog October 8th, 2016 10:21 AM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Lilacpaw walked in with a fish. "Is their any queen who needs to eat?" She asked. Then her attention was drawn to a small grey kit, whom she watched with interest. She set the fish down, and left her eyes on the kit.

Raiini October 8th, 2016 11:32 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Streamkit saw the apprentice with the fish come in. The fish's smell wafted up to her nose, and she snuffled, and bounded over to it. The five moon kit thought she smelled something bad in it, and ripped it open with one claw. The fish's insides were a mess of maggots. "Yuck!" she explained.

Phoenix Flames October 9th, 2016 01:32 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Swiftfur sniffed the air. There was an acrid smell. She noticed it was coming from a fish and padded over to Streamkit. "Who gave you that fish, Streamkit? And it's a good thing you didn't eat that.", she purred, licking the top of Streamkit's head.

Snowkit October 9th, 2016 06:25 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Leopardkit glanced at the maggot-filled fish. "Gross!" She mewed.

Raiini October 9th, 2016 10:52 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Streamkit wrinkled her nose. "Yuck. Maggots. Lilacpaw brought the fish. Oooh, do you think I could be medicine cat someday?" The kit looked up at the Queen next to her with her big, green eyes.

Phoenix Flames October 10th, 2016 05:00 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
"Maybe Lilacpaw didn't smell the maggots in the fish. And yes, I do think you'll be medicine cat someday, Streamkit.", Swiftfur sighed, looking at Streamkit.

Raiini October 10th, 2016 05:45 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
"Yay!" Streamkit ran around, and jumped around a little. She sat down again, realizing this was not medicine cat behavior.

Brunch October 12th, 2016 02:04 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Ivy (Post 1701)
Rainkit mewed pitifully as he pressed his now damp fur against his mother's soft one. He raised his head expecting to see his father gazing at his kits wit worry. "Snowyfur, where's Dad? We left him with you, right?" He asked trying to stand up, but was too shaken to do that. The small kit looked at his uncle. "Is he playing hide n seek?" He asked excitedly, remembering his father would do that. Rainiit looked around jovially, but saw there was no trace, nor smell of his beloved father. Once he realized Fogfur was well, not with them, he looked to his mother for answers. After all, Fogfur was her mate and mates knew everything about each other, right?! [I]She must know where he is![I]Rainkit thought, happily as he gazed up at her with hopeful eyes.

Snowyfur blinked down gently at her young kit, "I woke up to find all of you gone, I assumed daddy was with you." The thought had never struck the queen that Fogfur never went with her other kin, and she glanced accusingly at Cloudyfoot, who she suspected had caused it. Cloudyfoot, though, glared at Snowyfur, not daring to let a growl escape his maw. "Fogfur didn't want to join us on our little expedition, so we left him behind." Cloudyfoot was obviously furious that Snowyfur had suspected him of her mate's disaperence. The senior warrior kept an even tone, though, not letting any aggression seep out of his voice, though his amber eyes were ablaze.
Arctickit, a little nervous due to his uncle's anger building up inside, spoke in a small squeak, that could barely be heard above the anger rising between the two siblings. "I thought I saw him by the river, and when we saw Bayclaw." Cloudyfoot whipped towards Arctickit, which made the young kit wince away into his mother's pelt.
Snowyfur shot a glare at her brother, who's sorrow was begining to show in his amber eyes. The queen started cleaning Arctikit, trying to convince him that everything was alright, though she never took her glare off of Cloudyfoot.
Finally, Arctickit peeked out of his mother's pelt, and glanced up at Cloudyfoot with fright, as though he expected his uncle to slash his muzzle. Cloudyfoot looked back at Snowyfur, his eyes showing nothing except remorse at the fact that he had hurt his nephew mentally. "Then I guess he'll show up sooner or later," he mewed gently, his amber eyes flickering towards his nephews' small forms.

Raiini October 12th, 2016 11:43 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Streamkit went over to her nest, and yawned. She curled up, and wrapped her tail around her nose. In a minute, she was asleep.

doghouse November 4th, 2016 04:11 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Abysslight lay on her side in a nest. The queen's head was bowed in grief. Two of her kits had died just heartbeats after they were born. Though she'd named them both. She still had two. A small black smoke molly, and a dark brown tom with a lighter chest. She curled tightly around her kits, purring happily. Abysslight watched them suckle, their paws needing her belly to help the milk flow. She realized that she had yet to name her two surviving kits. She studied the silver and black bundle of kit fluff, and was reminded of ice covered in shadows. Cold ice. "Sheerkit." She decided for the molly. "And... Nutkit." She murmured for the tom. bending down to give her kits a thorough washing with her tongue. Sheerkit let out a muffled squeak, squirming under the gentle rasp of Abysslight's tongue. Abysslight purred, resting her muzzle across the small kits' backs, closing her eyes and drinking in their milky scent. She soon fell asleep, curled protectively around the dark bundles of fur.

Midnight Rain November 4th, 2016 08:00 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Nutkit made a small mewing noise, nuzzling into his mother's fur. He curled up, purring happily, although he was weak. He coughed a few times, which shook him a bit, but he went right back to cuddling. (Is it ok if he gets greencough but survives?)

doghouse November 4th, 2016 08:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midnight ._. (QUACK) (Post 19410)
Nutkit made a small mewing noise, nuzzling into his mother's fur. He curled up, purring happily, although he was weak. He coughed a few times, which shook him a bit, but he went right back to cuddling. (Is it ok if he gets greencough but survives?)

Abysslight woke up and started licking Nutkit, who seemed weak. She was very worried that he wouldn't make it. She raised her head in alarm as he coughed. Quickly, she licked him vigorously, trying to warm him up and stimulate his body to help him breathe better. She checked Sheerkit, but she gave no signs of sickness. She relaxed a little as Nutkit went back to cuddling her. She sighed, purring. (Yeah. That's fine lol).

Midnight Rain November 4th, 2016 08:19 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Nutkit laid still as she licked him, coughed once more and fell asleep. (Time skip?)

doghouse November 4th, 2016 08:38 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midnight ._. (QUACK) (Post 19443)
Nutkit laid still as she licked him, coughed once more and fell asleep. (Time skip?)

Abysslight sighed, looking around the den before resting her gaze on her kits. She watched them, kindness flooding her gaze. Along with motherly love. Now she knew exactly how Moonfang felt, picturing the black and white molly, caring for the overly enthusiastic Sapphirekit.
Sheerkit squirmed beside her brother, rolling away slightly. Somehow, she felt the urge to explore, but then Abysslight swept her back to her belly with her tail, and Sheerkit drifted into sleep.
(Sure. How long of a timeskip?)

Midnight Rain November 4th, 2016 08:51 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Until they need to awaken...)

doghouse November 4th, 2016 09:07 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midnight ._. (QUACK) (Post 19492)
Until they need to awaken...)

Abysslight smiled, nuzzling the tiny sleeping forms of her kits. She gave each a thorough grooming, a deep purr rumbling from the sleek black queen's chest. She propped her upper half up so she could look around. She realized how hungry she was, but she didn't really want to leave. But she knew that it was better that she ate, so she stood and padded out of the nursery towards the fresh-kill pile. She would just grab something then come right back and eat it in the nest.

Sheerkit stirred in the nest, noticing the sudden absence of her mother. Her ears were folded and closed, and her eyes too were closed. But she could smell. Sheerkit cuddled up to her littermate, mewling for their mother to return.

Midnight Rain November 4th, 2016 09:18 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Nutkit stirred, raising his head from his mother's movement. He heard his sister mewling for their mother, so he started mewling too.

doghouse November 4th, 2016 09:28 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midnight ._. (QUACK) (Post 19522)
But kit stirred, raising his head from his mother's movement. He heard his sister mewling for their mother, so he started mewling too.

Abysslight heard her kits mewling and grabbed a vole before plunging back into the nursery and settling in the nest. "Shhh little ones." She purred reassuringly. "I'm back." She curled around her kits and began eating the vole in neat, rapid bites. She licked her lips and fell asleep curling had tail over her kits.

Sheerkit felt her mother return and stopped her mewling. She quickly searched for a teat and found one. She latched on and started suckling, kneading her mother's belly to help the milk flow. The tiny she-kit purred the whole time.
(Should we timeskip to when they're a bit older or something?)

Midnight Rain November 4th, 2016 10:39 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Nah I like to do the opening of eyes) Nutkit started shaking with coughs, but then kneaded his mother's bellies, suckling happily.

doghouse November 4th, 2016 10:53 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midnight ._. (QUACK) (Post 19629)
Nah I like to do the opening of eyes) Nutkit started shaking with coughs, but then kneaded his mother's bellies, suckling happily.

Abysslight looked at Nutkit, worried. She wasn't sure what to do. She just kept licking him, fear of loosing him deep in her mind. She curled protectively around them, not wanting to lose her kits. Not for anything. She'd lost enough. Her mother and father and littermates were gone. And her kits' father and littermates were gone. She only had them, and they only had her. She wouldn't let them know any more loss. Abysslight continued licking them with strong, rhythmic strokes of her tongue.

Sheerkit wriggled as her mother licked her. She squirmed away, but soon found herself back at her mother's belly. Giving in to the warmth, she lay down, her short kit tail stuck out behind her as she suckled beside her brother.

goddess of ducks November 4th, 2016 11:48 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Sealkit lay stretched out in his nest. He rolled over and tossed and turned, mildly aware of what was going on around him. Of course, he really didn't care too much anyways. The gray and white splotched kit blink open his dark emerald orbs and slowly scanned the den. It didn't look like Fadedkit and Doekit were in there. He rolled over onto his back and stared up at the roof of the nursery wondering what the day might have in store for him.

FadedShadow November 8th, 2016 11:02 AM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Thunderkit flicked his tail impatiently, his fur bushy and badly groomed. He then stood, pacing around the nursery his ears twitching.

Midnight Rain November 9th, 2016 07:21 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
@Spirited Darkness Nutkit squirmed as she licked him, and he mewwed loudly. He cracked his eyes open a bit, starring tentatively ahead, his eyes barely open.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 08:17 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midnight ._. (QUACK) (Post 26420)
@Spirited Darkness Nutkit squirmed as she licked him, and he mewwed loudly. He cracked his eyes open a bit, starring tentatively ahead, his eyes barely open.

Abysslight pulled her head away, studying both kits thoughtfully, her pale eyes intent. Then she noticed that Nutkit squirmed away from her, and a few heartbeats later she saw him start to open his eyes. Pure joy lit her gaze, and she nudged him encouragingly with the tip of her nose. "Good job Nutkit." She murmured to him, her voice quiet, gentle and proud. She licked him once more, then turned to Sheerkit. "You can do it." The black queen purred, waiting to see if Sheerkit would open her eyes like Nutkit just had.

Sheerkit heard the gentle, soothing voice of her mother and started to move towards it, her legs flailing, as they were not yet strong enough to properly support her. She suddenly felt the urge to try something different, and she started tocrack open her eyes. Quickly, she closed them, startled by the bright light that hit them, but after a moment, she tried again, squinting slightly.

Midnight Rain November 9th, 2016 08:25 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Nutkit opened his eyes a bit more, then snapped them SHUT and wailed a bit from the bright light. "Ma.. Ma!" He blabbered, trying to speak instead.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 08:38 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midnight Rain (Post 26526)
Nutkit opened his eyes a bit more, then snapped them SHUT and wailed a bit from the bright light. "Ma.. Ma!" He blabbered, trying to speak instead.

Abysslight raised her head, pricking her ears, hearing words mixed in with some wailing blabbering sounds. "That's right." She purred. "I'm Mama, and you're Nutkit, and that's Sheerkit." She pointed to each of them in turn, but she saw that Nutkit had closed his eyes again. A deep rumbling purr echoed from her chest, motherly love shown in her eyes as she gazed at her two kits. She'd never dreamed for so much, and she would give her kits everything she could, give them the best possible start in life.

Sheerkit heard an unfamiliar sound and moved towards it, sniffing the source deeply. It smelled a bit like her, strong and milky. She pawed at it curiously. "Nu... Nut...." She mewed, though her words were slurred and jumbly. She sniffed it again, deciding that it was her littermate, she squirmed away, but didn't open her eyes again, scared that it might hurt.

Midnight Rain November 9th, 2016 08:46 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 26540)

Abysslight raised her head, pricking her ears, hearing words mixed in with some wailing blabbering sounds. "That's right." She purred. "I'm Mama, and you're Nutkit, and that's Sheerkit." She pointed to each of them in turn, but she saw that Nutkit had closed his eyes again. A deep rumbling purr echoed from her chest, motherly love shown in her eyes as she gazed at her two kits. She'd never dreamed for so much, and she would give her kits everything she could, give them the best possible start in life.

Sheerkit heard an unfamiliar sound and moved towards it, sniffing the source deeply. It smelled a bit like her, strong and milky. She pawed at it curiously. "Nu... Nut...." She mewed, though her words were slurred and jumbly. She sniffed it again, deciding that it was her littermate, she squirmed away, but didn't open her eyes again, scared that it might hurt.

Nutkit tilted his head, confused. "Sh... Ser?" He mewwed, sniffing a clump of moss. He batted at it, falling on his chest as he was unbalanced. He squirmed a bit, before managing to flip over onto his paws again. He heard a sound, and scrambled towards it, tumbling over Sheerkit. "Ahbuu!" Nutkit made a happy sound, laughing a bit as he rolled over.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 09:00 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Midnight Rain (Post 26555)
Nutkit tilted his head, confused. "Sh... Ser?" He mewwed, sniffing a clump of moss. He batted at it, falling on his chest as he was unbalanced. He squirmed a bit, before managing to flip over onto his paws again. He heard a sound, and scrambled towards it, tumbling over Sheerkit. "Ahbuu!" Nutkit made a happy sound, laughing a bit as he rolled over.

Abysslight laughed, happily watching her kits. She saw Nutkit fall over and smiled. "Oh, do be careful please." She laughed gently. Her fur was fluffed up with amusement as she watched them play, tumbling around with the moss.

Sheerkit let out an excited squeal, rolling on to her back and kicking moss everywhere. She tentatively opened her eyes again, squealing in delight, her eyes a bright blue, like all kits' eyes were when they're younger. She rolled over, onto her belly. "Nut!" She squealed, a hint of a challenge in it, and she kicked moss towards him.

Midnight Rain November 9th, 2016 09:06 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Nutkit squealed as the moss hit his face, and his eyes flew open. His eyes were also blue. He looked around, then saw his littermate. "Ser!" He kicked the moss back. He laughed, sliding onto his belly.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 09:21 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Abysslight laughed, but her eyes were half closed. She was exhausted. She yawned then rested her head on her paws. Maybe I'll close my eyes.... Just for a moment.... she closed her eyes, drifting into a deep sleep.

Sheerkit laughed as the moss exploded in her face. She blinked, shaking her head to get the moss out of her face. She let out a yowl and scrambled on top of her Mama's shoulders, her fur fluffed up excitedly.

Midnight Rain November 9th, 2016 09:28 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Nutkit watched, then crawled up next to Sheerkit and yowled. He bounced up an down, moss falling off his fur. "Nut! Ser! Nut! Ser!" He chanted in rhythm with his bouncing.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 09:34 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Abysslight blinked, sitting up in the nest. She watched, seeing that Nutkit and Sheerkit had been bouncing around on her. "Nutkit, Sheerkit." She scolded gently, picking them up and setting them down in the nest. She licked them between the ears.

Sheerkit tilted her head. "Serkit!" She declared, puffing out her chest proudly. She marched back and forth, then toppled over, burrowing herself deep into the moss of her nest, curling up and laughing, believing that she was now invisible and no one could ever find her.

Midnight Rain November 9th, 2016 09:39 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Nutkit giggled. Yelling, he hopped on Sheerkit and dug her up. "Fow ou!" He said, throwing moss everywhere.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 09:50 PM

Re: RiverClan Nursery
Abysslight sighed, seeing that there was hardly any nest left. "Would you like to hear a story?" She asked, sweeping her kits up with her long black tail. Abysslight tilted her head, not waiting for a reply, she asked, "What about?" She studied her kits happily, both seemed strong and brave. Just like Oyster.... she thought. Sheerkit looked most like Oyster, while Nutkit looked like Abysslight's mother.

Sheerkit sat upright, but she wasn't sure what she wanted to hear about, so she said nothing, though she fidgeted with her paws, thinking carefully, her blue eyes thoughtful.

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