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Dawn & Dark December 8th, 2016 06:12 PM

Minnie's Flower Garden
This is an Open RP! Please, just comment on my profile when you join.

My new Character Minnie, lives in a garden full of flowers.
Her twolegs and their kits tend to it a lot, but sometimes they don't.
This kittypet spends almost all of her time in the garden.

Minnie laid down under a fern.
She rolled over onto her back and soaked in some of the afternoon sun.
The she-cat's fur was long and fluffy, which was helpful in the winter.
Minnie got back up and sat down in the middle of the garden.
"What a lovely day today!" She exclaimed.
"It would be a lovely day to bathe in the sun before it turns to winter."
The she-cat rolled back over onto her back and let her fur soak in the sun once more.

Dawn & Dark December 11th, 2016 04:50 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
(If you are going to rp on this thread, this was before it started to get cold and snowy. I will do a time skip if this thread doesn't die!)

cute skeleton December 17th, 2016 07:33 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

stones ears perk as he heard a cat talk, he turned to one of the two leg dens and jumped up on the fence he was only passing by but new it wouldn't hurt to take a look.

Dawn & Dark December 17th, 2016 07:37 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 80610)

stones ears perk as he heard a cat talk, he turned to one of the two leg dens and jumped up on the fence he was only passing by but new it wouldn't hurt to take a look.

Minnie saw the cat and jumped up on the fence with him. "Hello!" She meowed cheerfully. "Isn't it a lovely day? Even if it is a bit cold, the sun is shining." The she-cat let her tail swing back and forth over the thin wooden fence. "Where are you from? Are you another house cat?" Minnie tilted her head to the side, amazed to see another cat. Not many cats pass by, this is great that someone came to visit! She thought.

cute skeleton December 17th, 2016 07:41 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
he stared at her for a bit surprised by all the questions then shook his head slightly and answered "actually no I'm not a house cat I'm a loner I live on my own, where you the one who said how what a lovely day?"

Dawn & Dark December 17th, 2016 07:47 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 80614)
he stared at her for a bit surprised by all the questions then shook his head slightly and answered "actually no I'm not a house cat I'm a loner I live on my own, where you the one who said how what a lovely day?"

"Yes I was." Minnie meowed. "Nobody ever comes by, so I just talk to myself mostly." She jumped down off the fence and rolled onto the ground. She had rolled into a fern plant, but bounded out seconds after. The she-cat shook the leaves out of her fluffy fur and looked back up at Stone. "Do you live around here?"

cute skeleton December 17th, 2016 07:54 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"that sounds lonely without other cats to talk to, and no I don't I mostly travel around and only stay around places 1 or 2 days" he sat on the fence and curled his tail around his paws amused by her questions

Dawn & Dark December 17th, 2016 08:12 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 80623)
"that sounds lonely without other cats to talk to, and no I don't I mostly travel around and only stay around places 1 or 2 days" he sat on the fence and curled his tail around his paws amused by her questions

"It sometimes gets very lonely, but I do have my house-folk. Do you have any friends? I don't, but you could be my friend!" She rolled around again on the ground. Minnie's ears pricked up as one of her house folk's kits came running out the back door. Minnie went up to it and rubbed her head on it's leg. The kit squealed excitedly and ran back inside, shutting the door. "That's one of my house folk's kits. They're all very nice."

cute skeleton December 17th, 2016 08:15 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"i don't have any friends either" he jumped down when the two legs kits came and hid then came back out when it was gone "if you say so but I don't understand how you can like two legs the pull on your fur and hold you when you want to be left alone"

Dawn & Dark December 17th, 2016 08:24 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 80638)
"i don't have any friends either" he jumped down when the two legs kits came and hid then came back out when it was gone "if you say so but I don't understand how you can like two legs the pull on your fur and hold you when you want to be left alone"

"That's just how housecats like to be." Minnie went over to the door, turned left, then sat down in front of a food and water bowl. She leaned down and began to eat some of the food, then returned back to Stone. "Want some of the food? Or do you eat wild food!" She jumped up and down playfully.

cute skeleton December 17th, 2016 08:27 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"i eat prey but house cats call it wild food and no thanks i can hunt i prefer a mouse over that anyway"

cute skeleton December 17th, 2016 08:42 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
(gtg for a bit i will try to be on later bye)

Dawn & Dark December 17th, 2016 10:05 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 80650)
"i eat prey but house cats call it wild food and no thanks i can hunt i prefer a mouse over that anyway"


Originally Posted by winter (Post 80666)
(gtg for a bit i will try to be on later bye)


"Oh. I have never caught any wild food before, but I hear other cats talking about it." Minnie jumped up on the fence again and looked out into the forest. The house was one of the nearest to the dark and spooky place, but she didn't care. "Do you ever wonder how those clan cats live out there? Having to battle, catching their food, Taking care of other cats, and leading clans! I would never want to move out there but if I had to I would." She sighed. "It would be different to see how they live like that. They know so much about how to survive."

cute skeleton December 18th, 2016 06:54 AM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"yea it would be different, but they aren't the only ones who have to survive you know rouges and loners have to survive to battling cats to stay alive, we have to hunt our own food to, but one thing we don't need to do is share with other cats unlike them we hunt for our selves and listen to no one" he raised a paw and licked it then swiped it over his ear and sat at where he was staring into the forest

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 03:03 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 82679)
"yea it would be different, but they aren't the only ones who have to survive you know rouges and loners have to survive to battling cats to stay alive, we have to hunt our own food to, but one thing we don't need to do is share with other cats unlike them we hunt for our selves and listen to no one" he raised a paw and licked it then swiped it over his ear and sat at where he was staring into the forest

"Hmm." Minnie glanced over at the tom. "My house folk would be sad if I left, but they would know I left for some reason. I could never clean my fur out there with all the dirt." Her tail was swinging back and forth, slowly. "I could never leave them, only if I really really had too."

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 07:17 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"i never said anything about leaving your house folk, and you can still clean your fur with dirt in it its simple really you just clean it till its no longer a mess dirt really does nothing" he meowed then stood up and stretched then looked at the sky "i will have to go soon"

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 07:24 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 85785)
"i never said anything about leaving your house folk, and you can still clean your fur with dirt in it its simple really you just clean it till its no longer a mess dirt really does nothing" he meowed then stood up and stretched then looked at the sky "i will have to go soon"

"Well, 1) I was mostly talking to myself, 2) My fur has to be brushed because dirt gets stuck all in it." She huffed. "And can't you just stay here? You said you don't have any friends, which means you don't need to leave!" Minnie's ears drooped down, and her tail stopped swinging.

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 07:29 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"yes but I'm not a fan about two legs I grew up being afraid of them like every single cat who was not born in a two leg place like you" he meowed staring at the two leg place then back at her

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 07:39 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 85816)
"yes but I'm not a fan about two legs I grew up being afraid of them like every single cat who was not born in a two leg place like you" he meowed staring at the two leg place then back at her

"Oh." Minnie looked down at her paws. "Well, if you have to go you can. You can visit here whenever you like." She said quietly. A female twoleg came out of the door and called Minnie's name. "Well, I have to go. Hopefully we can talk again!" She meowed, running off to her housefolk and following it inside. The catdoor wasn't locked, but the twoleg door was.

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 07:56 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
he nodded and padded off into the forest he looked over his shoulder as the two leg closed the door and stopped staring back. I think I'm about to do something mouse brained he thought and padded back to the two leg garden then jumped the fence and went to the kitty door and peaked his head inside

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 08:04 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
Minnie laid down in the kitchen. He cat bed was a light pink color with light blue flowers lining the outside. The kitchen was connected to the backyard, which meant Minnie could get in and out if she needed to. The eh-cat closed her eyes and curled up in her cat bed. She purred herself to sleep. The female twoleg cut off the lights in the house and went to bed, so did the other three. Minnie was in a deep sleep when Stone stuck his head inside the house.

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 08:34 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"huh just my luck" he said and stepped in, this isn't what I expected he thought he didn't dare move any farther not knowing where anything was he moved his head slightly his eyes adjusted and he turned his head to the pink cat bead with with blue flowers on it seeing her there sleeping he sighed and turned back to the cat door and began to go out

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 08:38 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 85995)
"huh just my luck" he said and stepped in, this isn't what I expected he thought he didn't dare move any farther not knowing where anything was he moved his head slightly his eyes adjusted and he turned his head to the pink cat bead with with blue flowers on it seeing her there sleeping he sighed and turned back to the cat door and began to go out

Minnie moved a little bit, as if she was dreaming. She pawed the cat bed, then went still again. Her eyes fluttered open, but closed a few seconds later. The she-cat was mumbling quietly in her sleep, her words couldn't be read.

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 08:40 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
he turned to Minnie confused thinking she was awake a second ago then fell back asleep he quietly padded to her and looked at her "fast asleep" he whispered

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 08:49 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 86015)
he turned to Minnie confused thinking she was awake a second ago then fell back asleep he quietly padded to her and looked at her "fast asleep" he whispered

"Huh.." Minnie woke up, a little startled. She thought one of her housefolk was awake and saw her sleeping, but when she sat up, she saw Stone. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be where you live?" She was a little frantic. What will happen if one of my housefolk comes and sees him? Oh please don't let that happen! She pleaded in her thoughts.

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 08:56 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"i got curious and usually I stay at a place for 1 or 2 days I never stay long" he said regretting this already

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 09:05 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 86049)
"i got curious and usually I stay at a place for 1 or 2 days I never stay long" he said regretting this already

"But you said you didn't like any housefolk places." Minnie's face had a surprised, questioning, look on her face. "Why would you come into a house you know has-" She stopped mid sentence and jumped out of the cat bed. "I suggest we talk outside, so my housefolk won't hear us." Minnie went through the cat door and waited for Stone to join her outside.

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 09:06 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
he padded outside and looked at her "i never said I don't like two leg places I'm just afraid of two legs that's all" he meowed looking at her

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 09:14 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 86071)
he padded outside and looked at her "i never said I don't like two leg places I'm just afraid of two legs that's all" he meowed looking at her

Minnie was silent for a couple of seconds, then looked up at the sky. The stars shimmered and shined, the moon was hung brightly in the sky. "My housefolk would take care of you if you wanted, but since your a loner I don't think you would like any care from any housefolk." She sighed. "I know this is off topic, but It would be nice to have some company around here." Gazing at the stars, her blue eyes shined brightly. The moon's reflection made even the smallest drop of water shine brighter than the sun. "I would love it if you would stay here for a while and keep me company." The she-cat purred, her voice was sweet like honey. Even if he doesn't want to stay, I know he won't leave this place forever. She thought.

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 09:17 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"i might but it would take a while to get used to it" he murmured softly looking at her then at the sky

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 09:22 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 86099)
"i might but it would take a while to get used to it" he murmured softly looking at her then at the sky

"My housefolk love cats, so they would love you very much. You don't have to live in the house, but that's where it's warm and cozy." Minnie meowed. She was happy that somecat was willing to stay. "If you want to sleep out here, I suggest sleeping under the big fern over there." She pointed with her tail to a huge fern, twice the size of a regular fern. "and it you want, you can sleep in the house. Just think about it for a moment, I'll be inside." Minnie padded back into the house and settled back down on the cat bed.

(do you want to do a timeskip soon?)

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 09:25 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
he looked at the sky and thought a bit "maybe it wont be so bad and at least I could always sleep under the fern" he turned to the cat door and went in

(yea we can do a time skip soon)

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 09:32 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 86121)
he looked at the sky and thought a bit "maybe it wont be so bad and at least I could always sleep under the fern" he turned to the cat door and went in

(yea we can do a time skip soon)

"You decided on sleeping in here?" She watched the tom come in through the cat door. "In any case, you can sleep over here with me or pick somewhere in the kitchen to sleep." Minnie laid down and curled her tail around herself. The kitchen was pretty dark, but a little nightlight next to Minnie's bed lit up most of the room.

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 09:36 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"ok I think I'm gonna sleep with you just till I get to know the place a bit" he said and padded up to her then laid down next to her moving his head around the place then looked at her

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 09:39 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 86151)
"ok I think I'm gonna sleep with you just till I get to know the place a bit" he said and padded up to her then laid down next to her moving his head around the place then looked at her

"What's wrong?" She cocked her head to the side. "If you don't feel like staying here, you don't have to. Minnie tried not to get the feeling that her only friend might want to leave.

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 09:41 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
"no no its not that I'm just new to this place that's all" he meowed looking at her the light shining off his eyes

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 09:47 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 86163)
"no no its not that I'm just new to this place that's all" he meowed looking at her the lighting shining off his eyes

"Oh, ok." Minnie's breathing was steading again. "I'm going to go to sleep." She said softly, closing her eyes and resting her head on Stone's paws. It's nice to have someone around, even when things are bad.

(when you post, we could do a time skip to morning or time skip to 3 moons/months later)

cute skeleton December 19th, 2016 09:52 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
(ok and I gtg I have to go to bed night)

stone sighed and looked down at her a light shown in his eyes like he had just found someone special

Dawn & Dark December 19th, 2016 09:53 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden

Originally Posted by winter (Post 86198)
(ok and I gtg I have to go to bed night)

stone sighed and looked down at her a light shown in his eyes like he had just found someone special

(night! we can rp whenever you come back on!)

cute skeleton December 20th, 2016 07:48 PM

Re: Minnie's Flower Garden
(how far do we time skip to? and hi)

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