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Mauve May 11th, 2018 06:59 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
(Oh no, that's just terrible! It read perfectly fine - really good actually! ^^)

Between doubling up on his training and his recent insomnia driving him to talk moonlit walks through the moorlands, Jaypaw felt rather sluggish on his paws. His whiskers seemed rather droopy and there were slight bags under his eyes. Their usual light and bouncy yellow color were more dull and shadowed, and his usually clean fur was just slightly unkept. None of this was obvious, however, as Jaypaw wouldn't ever let anyone in WindClan catch him in a sleepy state. He needed to be on his paws, alert, and ready for whatever was thrown at him. His loyalties were beginning to not be questioned anymore the longer he stayed in WindClan, and the memories of being a carefree kit just days away from his apprentice ceremony in ThunderClan were fading away like the snow that was slowly melting into the grass. So off he was, paws bouncing along as he trotted across the territory after another successful training session with Shiningfeather.

The scent of freshly caught mice drafted underneath his nose and caused the young tom to stop. He glanced around, noticing a flash of white and ginger fur up ahead. He didn't quite recognize the warrior - there seemed to be too many to count these days - but the apprentice would take any chance he could at befriending the warriors in WindClan. He tried to recall if he'd ever met the tom as he padded closer, waving his tail to alert the warrior to his presence. Petalfoot? Petalsky... Petal... he thought, knowing it had something to do with florals. Jaypaw dismissed the train of thought with a flick of his ear as he dipped his head. "Nice catch," he mewed, nodding to the hole where Petalbloom had just dropped the three mice. It was rare to be able to catch mice on the moorland, mostly because rabbits and hares dominated it as greenleaf began to bloom, so to catch them represented not only speed but skill in hunting as well. "I'm Jaypaw, by the way. Did Buttercupbreeze send out a hunting patrol earlier? Or is it just you?" Jaypaw's tone was polite and formal, as it always was when talking to his Clanmates. He stood upright, with his tail slightly erect and ears perked forward awaiting Petalbloom's response.

wolfie May 11th, 2018 07:21 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
he thought for a moment, carrying her out of the camp. he didn't know a really good way to phrase it-- stormglare didn't know why premature kits happened. they just did. his lips form a thin line, thinking of a good way to respond without saying anything that could possibly offend his queen. yes, yes he did just call gorsebird a queen not as compliment. "well, really, its not your fault. the kits were just eager to see the world. " stormglare gave a little shrug of his shoulders, quite a bad habit of his. he wasn't a flower knowing kind of guy but he knew a few, a color that would be bring out her eyes were in his opinion a orchid. "hmm, well anything looks beautiful on you but i would go with a orchid and a color that brings out your stunning fur and dazzling eyes. " the tom slyly slip in a couple compliments, smoothing it over if he did get the answer wrong. stormglare look around the territory, he did like the open moors and the small tree part. such a great place to run but obviously, gorsebird would label that has a big fat n.o. "what do you wish to see? i'll take anywhere you would like. " he ask, wondering what crazy task she would think of.

[ its fine, i feel sluggish sometimes too @Tavvi ]

lio May 11th, 2018 07:34 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
[[ mhm ]]
[[ also petalbloom's actions may be a bit wonky until i settle down with his character, since he is a brand new character and my first one to be so prideful and stuff ;w; ]]

at first, when hearing the voice, petalbloom jumped. it caught him by surprise, hearing another feline even with the clear warning that was given. after hearing the praise, however, his chest puffed up and he grinned pridefully. "i know," the tom purred, "it was easy, really. even a kit should be able to do it!" he snorted and turned to face the other tom fully. jaypaw, is it? petalbloom thought, trying to remember the apprentice's name from when he came to windclan. wait-- he just said it. his tail curled up over his spine disdainfully as he tilted his head at jaypaw's question.
"i came here alone. i work better that way-- i don't need anyone else holding back my amazing skill," petalbloom scoffed after he spoke, rolling his eyes sarcastically. he then looked towards the small hole that was now filled with dead mice. "i don't tend to be put into patrols, anyways. many people can't handle my awesomeness." his aura oozed with a prideful sense, a silly looking smirk on his lips and his nose upturned in a snob-like fashion.
a cough-like laugh came from his throat, his body shaking with his own self-humoring actions. suddenly, he froze and turned, seeing a bird flying high up in the sky. petalbloom's icy eyes brightened and he began to chase after it, completely forgetting about jaypaw's existence in order to follow the bird, which he could obviously not get to no matter how hard he tried. with a burst of speed, albeit having his body covered in too much fur to see his muscles at work, the turkish van ran beneath the flying bird, quickly turning and spinning around whenever the creature did, mimicking its movements.
finally, he skid to a stop, ultimately tripping and falling directly onto his face. once he realized that jaypaw was still there, the tom hopped to his paws and shook out his pelt, chuckling awkwardly. "oops," he said plainly, his eyes darkening with his embarrassment. petalbloom then sat down where he was before, ears flattened and heart pounding with his former adrenaline once again.

Soup May 13th, 2018 12:21 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing
@Ombre Party

Cloudfire sat beside the fresh kill pile, grooming himself as thoughts raced through his mind. He felt sick to his stomach after a large amount of his clanmates congratulated him on his newborn (kit/kits?). 'Those kits should of never been born!' His mind seemed to hiss at him. Cloudfire sighed, snagging a rabbit from the pile. He didn't eat, picking at the flesh and bones instead like his mind seemed to be doing to him.

graves May 13th, 2018 07:13 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 503452)

Blazingstar let out a very long groan after a while of just laying there on the ground. It was rather dramatic to be honest. "Let's go do somethiiiinnng," he groaned like a bored kitten. Blazingstar attempted to roll over, beneath the other tom. This failed as his upper half was twisted while his stomach still faced the sky and his hind legs remained where they were, just flopping a little with his minimal effort. The leader let out another groan of complaint and boredom like a kitten would.

fireflare raised a brow,"Big bad blazingstar cant even lift me off of him, if i wouldve known you liked rolling around on you." he teased. but her shrugged his shoulders,"Theres not too much to do but hunt or run across the moor. we could try to find a watering hole if we looked hard enough, i can basically feel the sun burning into my gorgeous pelt." he snorted. there wasnt..really a lot to do, fireflare would offer for them to go outside of territory again, but with how tense things have been lately he didnt think that was a good idea. "Id treat you to a date outside of our territory but i dont want fallenstream to catch us near his border, that rodent lets everything mess with his anger, talk about issues." he refused to give him to respect of even calling him fallenstar, that rat was nothin gmore than a flea with some fat on him compared to himself.

SuspiciousMindz May 13th, 2018 07:50 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by king kaleb! (Post 504764)
fireflare raised a brow,"Big bad blazingstar cant even lift me off of him, if i wouldve known you liked rolling around on you." he teased. but her shrugged his shoulders,"Theres not too much to do but hunt or run across the moor. we could try to find a watering hole if we looked hard enough, i can basically feel the sun burning into my gorgeous pelt." he snorted. there wasnt..really a lot to do, fireflare would offer for them to go outside of territory again, but with how tense things have been lately he didnt think that was a good idea. "Id treat you to a date outside of our territory but i dont want fallenstream to catch us near his border, that rodent lets everything mess with his anger, talk about issues." he refused to give him to respect of even calling him fallenstar, that rat was nothin gmore than a flea with some fat on him compared to himself.

Blazingstar let out a purr then a chuckle of amusement upon hearing Fireflare's comment about Fallenstar. "Easy killer," he responded before actually attempting to shove the feline off of him. Blazingstar was getting rather hot beneath another warrior's fluffy pelt. "Don't go disrespecting that anger driven tom, he might throw his weight at you," he joked in return, rolling his eyes.

Pluto May 13th, 2018 09:26 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Soup (Post 504644)
@Ombre Party

Cloudfire sat beside the fresh kill pile, grooming himself as thoughts raced through his mind. He felt sick to his stomach after a large amount of his clanmates congratulated him on his newborn (kit/kits?). 'Those kits should of never been born!' His mind seemed to hiss at him. Cloudfire sighed, snagging a rabbit from the pile. He didn't eat, picking at the flesh and bones instead like his mind seemed to be doing to him.

(Its kits, you have another named Blazekit from @Tazzy: http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/...6&postcount=18)
Foxkit scampered across the clearing, mewling, his eyes opened early. He swatted the air, spotting a large nat - maybe a small fly - and chasing it, weaving through older clanmates. He spotted his sister, Blazekit, and waved with his tail, before seeing a large, powerful looking tom. His heart seemed to skip, immediately recolonizing him as his father. He hared across and put his paws on Cloudfire's side. "Hi, I'm Foxkit." He greeted him warmly.

Mauve May 13th, 2018 10:55 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by hiraeth (Post 504067)
[[ mhm ]]
[[ also petalbloom's actions may be a bit wonky until i settle down with his character, since he is a brand new character and my first one to be so prideful and stuff ;w; ]]

at first, when hearing the voice, petalbloom jumped. it caught him by surprise, hearing another feline even with the clear warning that was given. after hearing the praise, however, his chest puffed up and he grinned pridefully. "i know," the tom purred, "it was easy, really. even a kit should be able to do it!" he snorted and turned to face the other tom fully. jaypaw, is it? petalbloom thought, trying to remember the apprentice's name from when he came to windclan. wait-- he just said it. his tail curled up over his spine disdainfully as he tilted his head at jaypaw's question.
"i came here alone. i work better that way-- i don't need anyone else holding back my amazing skill," petalbloom scoffed after he spoke, rolling his eyes sarcastically. he then looked towards the small hole that was now filled with dead mice. "i don't tend to be put into patrols, anyways. many people can't handle my awesomeness." his aura oozed with a prideful sense, a silly looking smirk on his lips and his nose upturned in a snob-like fashion.
a cough-like laugh came from his throat, his body shaking with his own self-humoring actions. suddenly, he froze and turned, seeing a bird flying high up in the sky. petalbloom's icy eyes brightened and he began to chase after it, completely forgetting about jaypaw's existence in order to follow the bird, which he could obviously not get to no matter how hard he tried. with a burst of speed, albeit having his body covered in too much fur to see his muscles at work, the turkish van ran beneath the flying bird, quickly turning and spinning around whenever the creature did, mimicking its movements.
finally, he skid to a stop, ultimately tripping and falling directly onto his face. once he realized that jaypaw was still there, the tom hopped to his paws and shook out his pelt, chuckling awkwardly. "oops," he said plainly, his eyes darkening with his embarrassment. petalbloom then sat down where he was before, ears flattened and heart pounding with his former adrenaline once again.

(Ah, alright! He certainly is quite an entertaining character! A good balance for the always-polite Jaypaw! ^^)

As he sensed the waves of confidence that rolled off Petalbloom like wind across the moorland, Jaypaw couldn't help but blink in surprise. He knew most of his Clanmates were prideful when it came to hunting - it was a pretty popular past time to display the speed and skill with which one could hunt with in WindClan - but this seemed different. Not that he was in a place to ever judge one of his Clanmates. He already had enough warriors and apprentices who distrusted him; the gray apprentice didn't need to add to that list by scoffing or speaking a rebuttal towards Petalbloom's words. Instead, the tom simply smiled, offering a small but polite chuckle of his own. "Ah, yes, I was actually just thinking of how much skill it does take to catch mice out here," he replied, which was true. "With rabbits darting about everywhere, mice are the smaller ones that are able to dive into holes before chasing paws can catch them." His yellow eyes gleamed in slight admiration as he spoke to the warrior.

Jaypaw opened his mouth to speak about the fact that Petalbloom not feeling the need to be put in patrols when the white and ginger tom took off, his eyes trained upwards to the sky. He tilted his own head back and noticed a rather large bird soaring overhead. A hawk, or perhaps a rather large crow, had its wings outstretched and was gliding on the wind wisps that blew higher up in the sky. He couldn't help it as his whiskers twitched in amusement, bringing his gaze back down to see Petalboom darting this way and that, mimicking the birds motions as if he had wings himself. Though, as fast and agile on his paws as the tom was, Jaypaw knew that he couldn't match the birds energy for long. Away the bird flew, just as Jaypaw had expected, and crashing into the dirt came Petalbloom, sending bits of melted snow up in every direction. "That was quite an excellent try!" the gray tom called as he watched the embarrassed tom trot back over, taking a seat where he had originally been standing. "I don't think even a SkyClan cat could've done better - and they're named after the sky!"

Soup May 14th, 2018 02:30 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Ombre Party (Post 504820)

(Its kits, you have another named Blazekit from @Tazzy: http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/...6&postcount=18)
Foxkit scampered across the clearing, mewling, his eyes opened early. He swatted the air, spotting a large nat - maybe a small fly - and chasing it, weaving through older clanmates. He spotted his sister, Blazekit, and waved with his tail, before seeing a large, powerful looking tom. His heart seemed to skip, immediately recolonizing him as his father. He hared across and put his paws on Cloudfire's side. "Hi, I'm Foxkit." He greeted him warmly.

Queasiness took over Cloudfire’s stomach as he gazed down at the kit who looked so much like him. He bent his head until he was eye level with his son, his ears flattened back in anger. “I don’t care what your name is. You shouldn’t of happened!” He hissed quietly, his tail lashing.

Pluto May 14th, 2018 06:23 PM

Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Soup (Post 505000)
Queasiness took over Cloudfire’s stomach as he gazed down at the kit who looked so much like him. He bent his head until he was eye level with his son, his ears flattened back in anger. “I don’t care what your name is. You shouldn’t of happened!” He hissed quietly, his tail lashing.

Foxkit leaped back by the fierceness of his fathers anger with a cry of alarm and dismay. His ears perked up, swiveling at all the sounds in camp, hoping nobody was going to snap at him too. "What did I do?" He asked quietly, his eyes wide with fright and sadness.

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